Nationalism & Revolution Notes

Case Studies: China, Ireland, Mexico, Palestine, and Turkey
(1899 – 1939)
I. China
A. Boxer Rebellion – In 1899, a group of Chinese formed a secret society.
1. Righteous Harmonious Fists – aka Boxers
2. They were trained in martial arts
3. Their goal was to drive the “foreign devils” from China
4. The rebellion was crushed by the western powers and Japan.
B. Sun Yixian – “Father of the Chinese Revolution”
1. He was educated in the west
2. He wanted to rebuild China using the “Three Principles of the People”
(Nationalism, Democracy, and Livelihood)
C. Revolution of 1911 – Empress Ci Xi dies in 1908.
1. China slips into chaos after a 2 year old inherits the throne.
2. Peasants, students, and local warlords helped to topple the Manchu
(Qing, Ching) Dynasty
3. Sun Yixian is named the president of the new Chinese republic. He
formed the Guomindang or Nationalists party in 1912.
D. China after Sun Yixian
1. Period of chaos follows after Yixian steps down in 1912
2. Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-Shek) takes over the Guomindang after
Sun’s death in 1925
3. He fights against the communists who he believes are a threat to
II. Ireland – “Irish Question”
A. Struggle for self-rule
1. Easter Rebellion – On April 24, 1916 a group of about 1,000 Irish
militants revolted against British rule.
B. Religious Struggle
1. Catholics demanded civil rights and reunification of Ireland.
-VS2. Protestants wanted to remain part of Britain
C. Organizations and Leadership
1. IRA – Irish Republican Army
2. Michael Collins - leader of the IRA, pushed for an independent
D. In 1922 an agreement was reached making an Irish free state while putting
some northern counties under British rule. This was never fully accepted by
the IRA and other nationalists.
III. Mexico
A. The Mexican Revolution of 1911
1. Porfirio Diaz – Mexican dictator for 35 years.
2. He brought railroads, industry, and wealth to Mexico, but only to the
upper class.
3. Citizens were left uneducated, poor, and landless which led to a
revolution that ended Diaz’s rule in 1911 when he was forced to resign.
B. Key People
1. Francisco Madero – led a call for free elections in 1910. He
ultimately forces Diaz to resign and is elected president in 1911.
2. Victoriano Huerta – a general under Modero. He had him
assassinated and he became the president in 1913.
3. Emiliano Zapata – An Indian farmer. He led the peasant revolt
against Huerta in southern Mexico. He called for reforms to make the
lives of the peasant better.
4. Francisco “Pancho” Villa – A rebel leader in northern Mexico who
had peasant support. He helped Modero become president and then
worked against Huerta. He invaded the United States after they
supported Carranza’s presidency. He was later defeated and ultimately
assassinated in 1923.
5. Venustiano Carranza – He was elected president of Mexico in 1917
and under his rule a new constitution was approved. Reforms began to
materialize during the 1920’s and 1930’s.
IV. Palestine
A. Historical homeland to most Jews
1. Balfour Declaration – Issued by the British in 1917 to gain support
of European Jews.
2. Britain supported the idea of setting up “a national home for the
Jewish people” in Palestine.
3. The declaration noted that “nothing shall be done which may
prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish
communities in Palestine.
4. These non-Jewish communities were Arab.
5. The Balfour Declaration set the state for conflict between Jews and
Arabs in the Middle East.
V. Turkey
A. Mustafa Kemal – Ataturk – “Father of the Turks”
1. He overthrew the sultan and drove out western forces
2. Declared Turkey a republic in 1923
3. He modernized and westernized Turkey through many reforms.
a. new law codes
b. adopted western calendar
c. adopted western clothing
d. established state run schools
e. banned polygamy
B. Effects of Ataturk
1. Women received freedom to work outside the home
2. Industry grew
3. Ataturk’s reforms were rejected by many who felt his secular rule
disregarded Islamic customs.
Case Studies: China, Ireland, Mexico, Palestine, and Turkey
(1899 – 1939)
Partner’s Name:
1. How did the failed Boxer Rebellion help bring an end to the Manchu dynasty?
2. Who was the last emperor of China?
3. Who was Sun Yat-Sen?
4. What did he do in 1911?
5. Who succeeded Sun upon his death in 1925?
6. What happened to China after 1925?
7. What two religions were involved in a "struggle" for Ireland?
8. What is Sinn Fein?
9. What happened at the Easter Rebellion 1916?
10. What was the Irish Republican Army?
11. Who was Michael Collins? What did he do for Ireland?
12. How is Ireland divided today? Who controls the two Irelands?
13. What are some of the Problems in Ireland today regarding the division of Ireland?
14. Who lead Mexico prior to the 1911 Revolution?
15. What were the problems in Mexico (1911), which necessitated a Revolution?
16. Who was Francisco Madero?
17. What did Emliano Zapata want for Mexico? What ultimately happened to him?
18. Who was Victoriano Heurta and what was his role in the Mexican Revolution?
19. Who led the new government of Mexico after the Revolution?
20. What was the Balfour Declaration?
21. When was it made?
22. What was the major problem with the Declaration?
23. Who is Mustafa Kemal?
24. When was the Republic of Turkey created?
25. The new Turkey replaced what long standing Empire?
26. What were three of Ataturk's reforms for the new Turkey?
27. What does the name Ataturk mean? Why was he given this?
Case Studies: China, Ireland, Mexico, Palestine, and Turkey
(1899 – 1939)
I. China
A. ________________ – In 1899, a group of Chinese formed a secret society.
1. Righteous Harmonious Fists – aka ____________
2. They were trained in martial arts
3. Their goal was to drive the “__________________” from China
4. The rebellion was crushed by the western powers and Japan.
B. ________________ – “Father of the Chinese Revolution”
1. He was educated in the west
2. He wanted to rebuild China using the “Three Principles of the People”
(Nationalism, Democracy, and Livelihood)
C. ________________ – Empress Ci Xi dies in 1908.
1. China slips into chaos after a 2 year old inherits the throne.
2. Peasants, students, and local warlords helped to topple the Manchu
(Qing, Ching) Dynasty
3. Sun Yixian is named the president of the new Chinese republic. He
formed the ________________ or Nationalists party in 1912.
D. China after Sun Yixian
1. Period of chaos follows after Yixian steps down in 1912
2. ________________ (Chiang Kai-Shek) takes over the Guomindang
after Sun’s death in 1925
3. He fights against the communists who he believes are a threat to
II. Ireland – “Irish Question”
A. Struggle for self-rule
1. ________________ – On April 24, 1916 a group of about 1,000 Irish
militants revolted against British rule.
B. Religious Struggle
1. _______________ demanded civil rights and reunification of Ireland.
-VS2. _______________ wanted to remain part of Britain
C. Organizations and Leadership
1. IRA – ______________________
2. ________________ - leader of the IRA, pushed for an independent
D. In 1922 an agreement was reached making an Irish free state while putting
some northern counties under British rule. This was never fully accepted by
the IRA and other nationalists.
III. Mexico
A. The ________________ of 1911
1. ________________ – Mexican dictator for 35 years.
2. He brought railroads, industry, and wealth to Mexico, but only to the
upper class.
3. Citizens were left ________________, ________________, and
________________ which led to a revolution that ended Diaz’s rule in
1911 when he was forced to resign.
B. Key People
1. ________________ – led a call for free elections in 1910. He
ultimately forces Diaz to resign and is elected president in 1911.
2. ________________ – a general under Modero. He had him
assassinated and he became the president in 1913.
3. ________________ – An Indian farmer. He led the peasant revolt
against Huerta in southern Mexico. He called for reforms to make the
lives of the peasant better.
4. ________________ – A rebel leader in northern Mexico who had
peasant support. He helped Modero become president and then worked
against Huerta. He invaded the United States after they supported
Carranza’s presidency. He was later defeated and ultimately
assassinated in 1923.
5. ________________ – He was elected president of Mexico in 1917
and under his rule a new constitution was approved. Reforms began to
materialize during the 1920’s and 1930’s.
IV. Palestine
A. Historical homeland to most Jews
1. ________________ – Issued by the British in 1917 to gain support of
European Jews.
2. Britain supported the idea of setting up “_______________________
__________________” in Palestine.
3. The declaration noted that “nothing shall be done which may
prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish
communities in Palestine.
4. These non-Jewish communities were Arab.
5. The Balfour Declaration set the state for conflict between
________________ and ________________ in the Middle East.
V. Turkey
A. ____________________________ – “Father of the Turks”
1. He overthrew the sultan and drove out western forces
2. Declared Turkey a republic in 1923
3. He ________________ and ________________ Turkey through
many reforms.
a. ______________________
b. ______________________
c. ______________________
d. ______________________
e. ______________________
B. Effects of Ataturk
1. Women received freedom to work outside the home
2. Industry grew
3. Ataturk’s reforms were rejected by many who felt his secular rule
disregarded Islamic customs.