Registration of Interest Form Name of Research Centre / Group / Cluster: Associated HEI(s) / IoTs: Name & email of attendees for event invitation: Research Centre / Group / Cluster Profile (Maximum 250 Words): Please indicate the keywords which describe your centre / group’s research area (tick): Health & Medical Energy Manufacturing & Materials ICT Connected Health Data Analytics Medical Devices Drug Deliv ery Food for Health Other Keywords: Please list any industry partners of your research centre / group / cluster who you would like to attend this event: Please tick your networking preferences: Informal networking: Facilitated networking sessions based on research area: The provision of a booking system for 1:1 meeting areas for your own networking needs: Research centres / groups / clusters invited to the event* will include: * Please note this list is not exhaustive ADAPT - The Global Centre of Excellence for Digital Content & Media Innovation APC - Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre AMBER - Advanced Materials & Bioengineering Research CONNECT - Centre for Future Networks & Communications CÚRAM - Centre for Research in Medical Devices iCRAG - Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences INFANT - Irish Centre for Fetal & Neonatal Translational Research INSIGHT - Big Data Analytics IPIC - Irish Photonic Integration Centre LERO - The Irish Software Research Centre MaREI - Marine Renewable Energy Ireland SSPC - Synthesis & Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre CASE - Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy NIACE - Northern Ireland Advanced Composites & Engineering Centre CSIT - Centre for Secure Information Technologies ECIT - Institute of Electronics, Communications & Information Technology KDE - Knowledge & Data Engineering NICRF - Wellcome Trust-Wolfson Northern Ireland Clinical Research Facility NICTC - NI Cancer Trials Centre NITC - Northern Ireland Technology Centre (aerospace & manufacturing) PPRC - Polymer Processing Research Centre QUESTOR - An International Partnership for Environmental Research & Innovation QUILL - Queen’s University Ionic Liquid Laboratory AMFOR - Advanced Metal Forming Research CHIC - Connected Health Innovation Centre CST - Centre for Sustainable Technologies ECRC - Engineering Composites Research Centre ISRC - Intelligent Systems Research Centre NIBEC - Nanotechnology & Integrated Bio-Engineering Centre NICHE - Northern Ireland Centre for Food & Health Northern Ireland Centre for Stratified Medicine SFI Research Centres NI Competence Centre Led from: Queen’s University Belfast Led from: University of Ulster Please indicate any other research centre(s) / group(s) / cluster(s) you would like invited (venue space permitting): To register your interest in this event, please email this completed form to