1 Supplemental information: 2 3 Correlation across intra-individual’s differences. 4 5 Navigating ants rely on both memorized views and motor routine in order to 6 recapitulate a route. The use of such memories is not totally rigid as ants do not reproduce 7 perfectly the same route over trials. The ants thus tolerate some extant of mismatch 8 between what is memorized and what is currently perceived and display and might also 9 possess a mismatch tolerance threshold (MTT) to distinguish between being on the 10 familiar route or not (Wystrach 2009). The “intra-individual” path variability across 11 successful trials measured here is an indirect measure of the ant’s tolerance to mismatch 12 in the view perceived and motor routine displayed. The higher the individual’s tolerance 13 to mismatch is, the higher her path variability across trials should be. A high tolerance to 14 mismatch should result in a high propensity of displaying errors. Accordingly to this 15 prediction, the “Intra-individual” path variability (measured from the non-error trials 16 only) is significantly positively correlated with the frequencies of corner choice errors 17 (r=0.342; p=0.039)(Figure S1A). 18 19 The intra-individual path variability tends to be smaller when calculated between 20 successive trials rather than between random trials. This could be explained by two 21 hypotheses. The ants could have displayed either sudden switches or a progressive 22 evolution in their path layout. We observed a significant positive correlation between 23 sequential and random variability across individuals (r = 0.895 ; p < 0.001 ) (Figure S1B). 1 24 This correlation supports the second hypothesis (i.e., progressive evolution of the path) 25 but not the first one (i.e., sudden switches at particular trials). Indeed, if an ant would 26 display sudden switches at particular trials only, the extent of their random path 27 variability would be strongly increased while the sequential variability would stay lower. 28 In contrast, if an ant displays a progressive evolution in her path layout, the extent of her 29 random path variability would reflect directly the extent of its sequential variability, 30 causing a strong correlation between the two variables. Such a progressive evolution of 31 the path layout indicates that ants updated their memory from trial to trial. 32 33 Interestingly, the best-fit slope of this correlation (Figure S1B) is less than 1 34 (slope = 0.763). This indicates that it is the individuals having a high sequential 35 variability that displayed a more apparent path evolution. This makes sense with the idea 36 that individuals where constrained by a constant MTT and were updating their memory 37 on each trial. Indeed, the higher the individual’s MTT, the more its paths should vary 38 from trial to trial (high sequential variability), and thus the more its memory is altered, 39 and therefore, the quicker its path layout should evolve (lower ratio sequential/random 40 variability). 41 42 The actual linear regression slope of this correlation (Figure S1B) depends on the 43 extent to which the memory of the last trial overrides the previous memory. As shown by 44 the simulations, a “memory override” value of 0 (no updating of the memory) leads 45 roughly to a slope of 1 (simulated slope = 0.9379), which means no path evolution. A 46 “memory override” value of 1 (only the last trial is used), however, leads to a smaller 2 47 slope (simulated slope = 0.2060) than the one observed in ants (observed slope = 0.7630). 48 Therefore, the ants might refresh only partially their memory at each trial. The simulated 49 slope that matches best the observed slope was obtained for a “memory override” value 50 of 0.25 (simulated slope = 0.7315). 51 52 The range of MTT values attributed to the population of simulated ants is directly 53 reflected by the distribution of the individual’s sequential variability. The best matching 54 simulated distribution of individuals’ sequential variability (Gaussian distribution: mean 55 = 7.96, SD = 2.92), compared with the observed distribution (Gaussian distribution: mean 56 = 8.02, std = 2.78), has individuals’ MTT values ranging from 5 cm to 30 cm (uniform 57 distribution). The MTT value corresponds here to the maximum variation tolerated by the 58 individual between its memorized path and the path it actually takes (See Figure S2), 59 encompassing both visual and motor mismatch tolerance. 60 61 Memory override computer simulation methods 62 We used the software Matlab to run simulations and find out to what extent the last trial 63 overrides the memory. We ran twenty simulations with different “memory override” 64 values: from 0 (no override or memory fixed) to 1 (complete override of the memory, 65 with only the previous trial used) by steps of 0.05. 66 In order to get precise best-fit lines, each simulation processed 1000 model ants. 67 A MTT value was randomly chosen within a particular range for each simulated ant (best 68 fit simulation obtained for MTT values uniformly distributed between 5 and 30 cm) 69 (Figure S2). Each simulated ants displayed 40 trials (as the real ants on average did). The 3 70 path taken on a trial was represented by a simple value. The variability between two paths 71 was simply calculated as the difference between the two paths’ values. We thus obtained 72 one inter-path comparison value for each pair of paths compared (as we did with the real 73 ants’ data). 74 All the simulated ants started with a “memorized path” of 0. The first path taken 75 was equal to the “memorized path” plus or minus a random “variation”. This “variation” 76 value was randomly chosen within the range given by the MTT value of the individual 77 (uniform distribution). Thus, 78 path takenn = memorized pathn–1 + variationn 79 Then the “memorized path” value is updated as a function of the “memory override” 80 value of the simulation: 81 memorized pathn = memorized pathn–1 + (variationn memory override) 82 If memory override = 1 then memorized pathn = path takenn–1. The next trial (n+1) started 83 with memorized pathn. As a result, the path taken by an individual drifts from trial to 84 trial; the extent of this drifting depends of both the individual’s MTT value and the 85 memory override value (fixed across all individuals for a given simulation). In the arena 86 (80 cm 40 cm), the real ants’ paths were constrained by the walls. The biggest inter- 87 path values theoretically possible to obtain from a pair of successful paths (i.e., ending in 88 the same corner and shorter than 250 cm) reach approximately 80 cm. To simulate the 89 presence of the walls of the arena, the “paths taken” values were thus constrained 90 between –40 to +40, setting the biggest inter-path value possible at 80. 91 4 92 Supplemental Figures 93 94 Figure S1. 95 96 Figure S1. Plots of the individual ants according to their intra-individual path variability 97 calculated across random trials (x axis) and two other variables (y axis). The random 5 98 inter-trial path variability measures the non-constancy of the path layouts across the 99 successful (i.e., non-error) trials within individuals. It is an indirect measure of the ant’s 100 tolerance to mismatch. Each dot represents an individual ant; the lines represent the linear 101 best-fit trends. A) Results obtained with real ants. The percentage of errors (y axis) refers 102 to the frequency of choice for other corners than the preferred one. B) The sequential 103 variability (y axis) results from the comparison of paths from successive trials. The 104 results obtained in real ants (top left) show that ants having a high sequential inter-trial 105 variability have an even higher random inter-trial variability (i.e., the path layout tends to 106 evolve from trial to trial). Simulations of 1000 ants show that the extent to which the 107 memory of the last trial overrides the previous memory modifies the slope of the 108 correlation. The results of the simulations are shown for 3 possible memory updating 109 extent: no updating of the memory at all, with only the first trial used (bottom-left: 110 memory override value = 0); complete replacement of the memory, with only the 111 previous trial used (bottom-right: memory override value = 1); the slope that best 112 matches the real ants’ data has been obtained for a partial updating of the memory (top- 113 right: memory override value = 0.25). 114 115 116 Figure S2. 117 6 118 Figure S2. Examples of the inaccuracy (gray areas) to which a path memory (black paths) 119 can lead to as a function of the individual’s MTT (Mismatch Tolerance Threshold). The 120 MTT is not expressed here in terms of visual mismatch tolerated but in terms of distance 121 away from the memorized path tolerated. It thus encompasses both visual and motor 122 routine mismatches. The simulations’ results that matched the best the real ants’ data 123 were obtained for MTT values ranging from 5 cm (left panel) to 30 cm (right panel) in 124 the population of simulated ants. 125 126 127 7