Sample Test Questions 2

1. In class, we discussed two rules of a scientist that E.O. Wilson wrote about in your text. What was
the main idea behind those rules?
A. Question everything and don’t assume what you hear is correct
B. We can let species go extinct and not much will happen
C. Everyone should experience what it feels like to be stung by a lot of fire ants in order to
keep their sense of wonder
D. Be ready for people to tear your ideas down and if it is good, it will survive the hard tits
but will probably be altered
2. In class we discussed what the format for scientific papers is. Which section contains a summary
of all the ideas contained in a scientific paper?
A. Abstract
B. Introduction
C. Results
D. Discussion
E. None of the above
3. Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 macromolecules of life?
A. Phosphates
B. Lipids
C. Carbohydrates
D. Nucleic acids
E. Proteins
4. By showing the optical illusion All is Vanity by Charles Gilbert, we can learn:
A. We should wear more anti-aging cream.
B. We always see the skull first.
C. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
D. We don’t and can’t know it all.
5. Which of the following is NOT a guideline for the required nature experience in this course?
A. must be living
B. has to do with bugs
C. must not be directly related to humans
D. must be started outside
6. What are three ways to collect data for a scientific report?
A. Controlled experiments, natural experiments, compilations of fortuitous information
B. Experiments in a lab, experiments in nature, controlled experiments
C. Compilations of fortuitous information, experiments in nature, experiments in a lab
D. Natural experiments, controlled experiments, experiments in nature
7. Are different types of dogs considered to be of different species?
A. No, because all dogs can interbreed freely.
B. Yes, because there is no way a St. Bernard can breed with a Chihuahua.
C. Yes, because their structures are so completely different that there is no way they can be
of the same species.
D. No, because if you follow a line of breeding you can interbreed all types of dogs.
8. As discussed in class, the idea that science and religion cannot coexist is called a(n)
A. Archaic Thought
B. Dissonant Hypothesis
C. False Dichotomy
D. Absurd Reasoning
9. According to the Lord of the Ants video clip about E. O. Wilson we watched I class, what does the
term biophilia mean?
A. A disorder of an organism’s biological processes
B. A scientist or other human who has a deep love of biology
C. A natural observation that living things are attracted to other living things
D. The affinity of ants for abiotic environmental factors.
10. In A River Runs Through It, Norman Maclean said “I am haunted by _______?”
A. Bugs
B. Waters
C. Rocks
D. Fish
Answers: 1-D, 2-A, 3-A, 4-D, 5-B, 6-A, 7-D, 8-C, 9-C, 10-B