SEO CAREER PROGRAM ALUMNI REFERRAL FORM We invite alumni to recommend applicant(s) who you believe to be strong candidates for the Career Program. The Career Program greatly appreciates your interest in this student’s candidacy and requests that you fill out this form and submit a letter of recommendation addressing the items below. Completed recommendations should be emailed to The deadline for all alumni recommendation submissions is January 15. However, we accept applicants on a continual basis. You should submit your recommendation as soon as possible so that we may use it to evaluate the applicant’s candidacy before we reach a decision. Thank you for your assistance in helping us to identify strong candidates for the class. Alumnus Information Recommender’s Name: SEO Program: Year: Relationship to candidate: Length of Time Known: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Candidate Information Candidate’s Name Undergraduate School: Candidate Program Preference: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Please address the following items in your letter of recommendation: 1. Why have you taken an interest in this student’s candidacy? 2. Are you knowledgeable about the applicant’s academic achievements or extracurricular activities? If yes, comment on specific accomplishments. 3. Provide a candid assessment of the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses. 4. Identify some of the applicant’s qualities that make him/her an outstanding SEO Career Program candidate.