The Lead Pathway Recommendation Form Thank you for taking the time to write a recommendation for this Lead Pathway applicant. As part of the Lead Pathway application process, each candidate is asked to submit recommendation letters from two professional references. To complete your recommendation, please write a letter incorporating the candid and specific responses to the questions below. The deadline for submission is Friday, April 24, 2015 before midnight. Applicants will be evaluated based on evidence they provide of exhibiting the four “Lead Traits.” Please consider the following questions related to each trait as you write your recommendation: Trait Leadership Collaboration Questions What is the applicant’s capacity to lead change? What is the most constructive feedback you have given the candidate? How did the candidate respond? In what ways have you observed the applicant build strong teams and support collaboration? In what ways has the applicant demonstrated strong communication skills? Innovation What has the applicant done that you consider innovative and entrepreneurial? How has the applicant helped push the thinking of colleagues? Role Interest & Experience What are the applicant’s major strengths? Please relate an occasion on which these strengths were demonstrated. Instructions for Submission For the applicant to be considered for the Lead Pathway, you must submit your recommendation letter by sending it to by Friday April 24, 2015 before midnight. The subject line of the email and the file name of the letter should both be “APPLICANT’S LASTNAME FIRSTINITIAL Recommendation Letter”