CSTPs –Essential Standards Evidence Ideas Ideas created by

CSTPs –Essential Standards Evidence Ideas
Ideas created by Support Providers
Connecting learning to students’ prior knowledge, backgrounds, life experiences, interests.
Teacher uses terms/questions such as “How
bring back out at end of unit to check our
do we know…?”
KWL chart
 Creative hooks
Students sharing backgrounds
 Use of “teachable” moments
 Affect inventory
Thinking Maps
 ELL identify/set strategies/goals
Teacher sharing experience
 Interdisciplinary teaching
Questioning strategies
 50 Strategies for Active Teaching (Yopps,
Invite a guest speaker – could be a student
o Mystery box
from an advanced grade
 Questions the teacher asks (as well as
Let students “share-time” have time to share
student questions)
“content” in native language at times to
 Real word connections
access prior/personal knowledge
 Teacher shares info regarding other cultures
Solicit students’ background knowledge
 Evaluate prior knowledge to guide
(schema) and list on butcher paper of
upcoming unit (i.e.) butterflies. Save and
Using a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet students’ diverse
learning need
Books on tape
 Flexible grouping
Utilize a variety of sensory strategies that
 Skits
help with students that might have
 Jigsaw
challenging or difficult behaviors (i.e. carry
 Popcorn
item to office, way to ask for help, etc.)
 True/False and Yes/No cards
Discovery lessons
 White board (individual)
Groups: differentiated instruction
 Use of technology – computers, iPads
ELD strategies
 Critiques (self) using LAN school
Thinking Maps
 Did the activities in class address multiple
Student-driven activities
Nook/Kindle/iPad under document camera
 Balance of student and teacher use of
Group work
Teach-show model
 Open ended projects that show mastery of
Differentiate self-evaluation
material in a creative way
Give one, get one
 Authentic learning – Edmodo
PowerPoint/video recording
Promoting critical thinking through inquiry, problem solving, and reflection
Student groups or work with a partner to
 What if? Or making connections
share personal experiences relating to the
recognizing widely to others
Student work displayed; example: creative
 Literature circles
writing pieces with corresponding art
 Culture panel (diverse perspectives)
Have students reflect on how they solved a
 Teaching internet credibility
problem after it is complete and write it in a
 Open ended science labs/investigation
journal or share with others
 Project based learning
Propose idea and test it out
 Provide choices/menus
Student directed learning – group
 Provide higher level language models (I
discussions, reflections, both individual and
 What types (Bloom’s Taxonomy) of
Save samples of problem solving activities
questions is the teacher asking?
or assignments that students have been
 Socratic discussions
engaged in
 Follow-up questions – evidence, reasons
Student written reflections (about own
 Open ended questions
 Evaluate point of view & perspective on
Students making connections (prior
primary sources
 Debates
Questioning (informal, oral)
 Analyzing
Establishing and maintaining learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and
emotionally safe
100% participation activities
 Peer share
Avoids negative responses to student
 Emergency rules/directions posted
incorrect answers
 Safe space posters
“May I suggest, may I recommend” instead
 Students sharing opinions
of “you need, you should be…”
 Think – pair – share
Review classroom/school core values – i.e.
 Name/number sticks to randomly call on
“integrity” - then students explain what
integrity looks like in a classroom setting,
 Flow pattern for teacher movement noted on
i.e. doing your own work
seating chart
 Student inventories to encourage teachers
Be open to and embrace PBIS strategies that
get to know students better
are being implemented (common core
 Using sticks to call on students
language for positive behaviors throughout
 Call on multiple students for different
school really does work)
Ask for student ideas
 Positive reward system, especially for
Time to think/respond
student participation
Positive reinforcement
 Sharing student work under doc camera
Class discussions
 Students in charge of class discussions
Impromptu reviews
 Rick Morris “Who’s Next” app on iPhone
Are classroom norms established with
student feedback?
Body language of teacher towards students
Small group activities
Evaluating “the process” during group work
Set up of the classroom – does it encourage
students’ sharing ideas
Modeling behavior
Employing classroom routines, procedures, norms, and supports positive behavior to ensure a
climate in which all students can learn
Transitions - for example: noise signals,
 Classroom expectations posted
 Assigned roles to help kids with special
Be aware of which students you’re calling
on; develop a system that easily documents
 Transitional songs/routines
who you have called upon
 Class constitution
Agenda/schedule/changes posted
 Morning meeting
Rewards – both class wide and individual
 Multiple activities available to students to
Beginning of class procedure established:
minimize down time
always have instructions on board – hand in
 Plan lesson to reduce transitions
homework, take out notebook, response to
 Procedures established for activities, i.e.:
journal entry, etc. Students begin at the bell.
setting up a lab/get supplies etc.
PBIS strategies: incentive cards, acronyms
 Behavioral expectations are posted
Classroom success plan posted
 Enforces behavior expectations
Using and adapting resources, technologies, and standards-aligned instructional materials,
including adopted materials, to make subject matter accessible to all students
Books on tape
 Brain pop
 Online resources
Student computer access
 Rick Morris class cards
Electronic response technology
 Call dojo
United streaming
 Kids using interactive resources
Photo stories
 Student teaching other students/shared
 Freedom to propose own learning method to
teacher and fellow students (video/art etc.)
Class websites
 Language labs
 Student – generated culture learning
(holiday reports, etc.)
 LCD projector, doc camera
Document camera
 SMART board
Response clickers (Quizdom)
 Supplementary and/or auxiliary materials
CD Player/MP3
provided in adoption of texts
United streaming
Addressing the needs of English learners and students with special needs to provide equitable
access to the content
Give them more time
 Use of picture cards
Provide hard copy of PowerPoint or lesson
 Acting out vocabulary
for student to use & follow along
 Using EL support books provided with
Make sure you have materials & teacher
manuals for your SPEC ED grade level so
 Review 504 plan to guarantee
that you can spend time “modifying” and
implementation of all requirements
making accommodations rather than time &
 Look at student cumulative folders and
energy finding materials for instruction
discuss/gather facts from previous teachers
(equal access)
 Discussion with case carrier
Vocabulary lists on walls
 Internet “virtual” field trips
 Picture walk through book as preview
“cloze” copy of notes
IEPs – review and be knowledgeable
 Vocabulary “box”
Hands-on activities
 Student activities to preview vocabulary
SDAIE strategies digital translators
 Preview/review of content
Using knowledge of students’ academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background, and
individual development to plan instruction
KWL charts
 Graphic organizers
 Check profile on ABI
PPE Assessments
 Ask open-ended questions at beginning of
Parent info surveys (Google Docs) – family,
lesson to learn about student experiences
background, educational history, languages
 Listen to your students
Kids surveys
 Pre-assessments based on prior classes
Multiple intelligence inventory
 Use strategies for all types of learners –
CELDT/CST scores
visual, auditory, etc.
 Use developmental knowledge, example:
Students introduce self/selves through letter
“change it up” every 15 minutes for K,
of introduction (directed/narrative essay)
attention span limited
Students interview each other – create
 Allow for movement.
wordlist – shows family, background,
 Use examples from the neighborhood
interests, strengths, etc.
 Anticipation Activities
Culture Day
 Differentiate instructions
Parent/grandparent interview
Adapting instructional plans and curricular materials to meet the assessed learning needs of all
Review IEP goals before planning lessons &
 Check for understanding
 Small groups
Use visuals
 Peer tutoring (i.e. math all stars)
 Pair sharing
“Ask Three Before Me”
Differentiated instruction
Group activities (small)
Launchpoint strategies: wait-time, equity
strategies, etc.
Use the resources for EL learners and get
materials that are at instructional level
Gen. Ed. teacher reviews all student IEPs
Use ELP standards
Informal assessments made during learning:
thumps up, show your white board, etc.
RTI/PLC planning (elementary/secondary)
Reflective – formal, informal assessment to
guide instruction
Using assessment data to establish learning goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction
Department PLC’s → formative assessment
 Post-its
Item analysis from multiple choice questions
 Class discussion/evaluate assessment or
on a test
activity and suggestions for
Schoolnet assessment information
improvements/what to keep/what did not
Include SPEC ED staff in planning (e.g.
SPEC ED teacher, resource teacher,
o Butcher paper group discussion, list
speech/language, O.T., P.T., etc.)
& share out
Review LPA scores at the instructional level
 RTI – grouping/homogenous
Use of Exit Cards
 Pre, ongoing, post, and summative
Teacher-made check list
assessment to guide instruction
Use of hands-on assessment
 Interpret data/scores
Anecdotal notes
Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to support teacher and
student learning
PLC meetings
 Grade level meetings: planning, new ideas,
Professional development
align to common core, PLC
Vertical teams & grade-level teams for
 Goal setting meetings
sharing and articulating
 IEPs and SSTs for concerns, mainstreaming
Informal conversations with IAs and
and implementation of goals
Support Staff (SAI)
 Professional develops: teach & implement
Eat lunch together
new teaching strategies, share ideas, gain
Attend committee meetings
Attend different department or grade level
 Talk/email IA’s to explain lesson plans,
meeting to learn new goals
classroom management, modeling
Conversations w/BTSA Support Provider
 Meet and collaborate with anyone that is
Staff meeting “share out”
knowledgeable about my subject matter
Teacher conventions
 Meet daily to give progress reports to
S.I.P days
appropriate staff members
Staff development
 Go back to previous teachers to learn about
Peer observation
my students
Seek professional assistance
 Constant collaboration with colleagues
Talking with colleagues
 Get students involved with culture of the
Staff meetings: collaborate & share
Compare assessment data with fellow staff
New teachers interact with veteran teachers
RTI teacher drops in on staff meetings and
inquires about students with homeroom
Communicate by email with administrator
Approach your administrator to help
solve/resolve concerns and issues
Member of PBIS team
PLC meetings with ELD teachers
Collaborate with co-teachers, speech
therapists, and psychologists to enhance
student learning
6.6 Managing professional responsibilities to maintain motivation and commitment to all students.
 Teacher collaboration (PLC)
 Teaching magazines
 Utilizing personal necessity days
 Professional development – furthering your
 Workshops continuing education,
knowledge & toolbox
 PLC with teaching teams – share ideas
 Read books on content or teaching strategies
 Pinterest/online searches/Ted Talks – help
 Exercise/pedometer
with specific content area – Get
 Upbeat attitude
 Setting limits for yourself
 Goal setting – sets direction
 Prioritizing → focus on 1-2 important things
 Collaborating w/other schools teaching
 Letting go of “old” curriculum
 Visiting other classrooms to observe best
 City programs – interact with community
 Technology – CUE conference (implement
 Looking for new ways to teach the lesson
new strategies , creative)
(Google, other internet, Pinterest)
 Adjunct duties – get involved, interact with
 Edmodo – professional learning
students outside schools (PTA) –
 Attending concerts/conferences
 Grants, Donors Choose – bring new things
 Teaching Channel
into classroom enhance teaching
 Sharing a favorite part of the week
 Explore resources like Scholastic –
 Getting to know your colleagues
Common Core materials (non-fiction texts,
 Taking risks
 Trying new things → technology (Skype)
 Constantly seeking information – PD,
and storing the experience
pictures using idea
 CGI Training
 Seek out best practice & adapt to student
 Common Core
 Primary Literacy Project
 Set goal, progress notes
 Weekly collaboration sessions – notes
 Differential instruction
 Consult with veteran teachers
 Teachers Pay Teachers
 Developing inquiry question
 Technology
 Professional reading – describe how it was
 Real life examples
applied, journaling, summary
 Mentor
 Technology – photos
 Observing other teachers
Bring you and your interests into the
Getting involved in software opportunities:
Edmodo, Raz Kids, First in Math, Lexi,
Prezi, English in a Flash
Create a 3-year Science Curriculum for SAI
– Moderate/Severe Students
Using Reading A-Z software to enhance HM
curriculum in nonfiction texts to be
implemented in RTI
Became school site TAC in order to
facilitate my own learning and challenge my
knowledge of technology