Instructor Diploma Program Application for Equivalency Part

Instructor Diploma Program Application for Equivalency
Part B. Application
Institution Operating Name
Institution Number
Section 26.4 of the PCTIA Bylaws states, in parts:
“All registered and accredited institutions must provide evidence that there is
adequate administrative capacity to effectively deliver the programs offered by
the institution including an appropriately qualified Senior Educational
Administrator who shall have completed an instructor diploma program or its
equivalent and who is responsible for maintaining programs and evaluating
For the purposes of the Bylaws, “instructor diploma program” means the BC Provincial
Instructor Diploma offered by Vancouver Community College and sanctioned by the BC
Ministry of Advanced Education.
Name of Senior Educational Administrator
Email Address
Telephone Number
Name of Credential
Name of Issuing Institution
Please complete each section below by indicating the name and code for the course that you believe is
equivalent to the Provincial Instructor Diploma course and listing the course’s stated learning outcomes.
Please provide a copy of your current resume, a copy of the course outlines from the Issuing Institution for
the courses you have completed and a copy of the transcript issued to you showing courses completed. If
you completed an entire program, please include a copy of your credential as an attachment.
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Instructor Diploma Program Application for Equivalency
Part B. Application
PIDP 3100 – Foundations of Adult Education
 Describe the benefits of positive learning
 Apply various philosophies, theories,
principles and practices of adult teaching
and learning.
 Apply research from cognitive sciences to
help adults learn
 Search, find and critique adult education
 Develop lesson, workshop and presentation
 Align curriculum, instruction, and evaluation
when developing lesson or workshop plans
 Use professional and respectful
communication skills
 Discern necessary instructional roles related
to classroom and workplace learning
 Use reflective practice skills
PIDP 3210 – Curriculum Development
 Discern and articulate the needs(s) driving
the development or revision of a course
workshop or learning event
 Select, use and justify appropriate strategies
and methodologies for developing a course
 Develop or modify a course or workshop
 Determine, select and use adult learning
activities and experiences
 Develop course curriculum documents
 Align curriculum, instruction and evaluation
 Analyze curriculum design processes and
 Use professional and respectful
communication skills
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Instructor Diploma Program Application for Equivalency
Part B. Application
PIDP 3220 – Delivery of Instruction
 Write and state appropriate
lesson/workshop objectives or outcomes
 Prepare and deliver clear, positive and
interactive lessons or workshops
 Use a variety of instructional techniques and
educational media to enhance learning
 Use simple methods to assess learning
during a lesson or workshop
 Give and receive appropriate feedback
 Use professional and respectful
communication skills
 Analyze lesson design and delivery process
PIDP 3230 – Evaluation of Learning
 Develop and analyze evaluation strategies
and techniques
 Align evaluation strategies with learning out
comes/objectives and instructional activities
 Create assessment instruments
 Develop marking and grading schemes
 Use informal assessment strategies and
 Discuss the ethical implications in the
evaluation of learning
PIDP 3240 – Media Enhanced Learning
 Adhere to creative common guidelines and
copyright laws when selecting and creating
 Determine the impact of current trends and
issues on the teaching and learning
 Apply conceptual frameworks (theories,
principles, perspectives) to the selection of
media/technology tools
 Select, justify and use appropriate
instructional media to enable learning
 Select, justify and use appropriate
instructional technology to enable learning
 Select, justify and use appropriate tools to
create and develop instructional media
 Use respectful and professional
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Instructor Diploma Program Application for Equivalency
Part B. Application
communication skills
PIDP 3250 – Instructional Strategies
 Analyze a variety of strategies and
techniques that support learning
 Enable adult learning by applying
motivational models and approaches
 Apply techniques to help adults learn how
to learn
 Use strategies to help adults learn to think
critically , creatively and metacognitively
 Use professional and respectful
communication skills
 Apply classroom management skills
PIDP 3260 – Professional Practice
 Self-assess professional competencies,
based on trends in one’s field of practice
and in adult education.
 Create and develop strategies, techniques
and instruments to get feedback on
instructional effectiveness at the workshop
or the course level
 Maintain a career management strategy
that includes a professional growth plan
 Develop appropriate resolutions to
classroom and workplace ethical dilemmas
 Contribute to a course or program
evaluation project
 Conduct oneself in a professional manner in
the classroom and in the workplace.
PIDP 3270 – Capstone Project
 Design, deliver and evaluate learning and
teaching on a continuum of instructional
 Create positive and engaging environments
that promote respect for the diversity of the
 Use instructional strategies and educational
technologies appropriately to support and
enhance teaching and learning
 Communicate effectively and work
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Instructor Diploma Program Application for Equivalency
Part B. Application
collaboratively in the workplace and in the
Act in an ethical and professional manner
when working in an adult setting
Develop professionally in response to trends
and issues in one’s field of practice and in
adult learning
Become a reflective practitioner
Signature of Applicant
Date Signed
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Instructor Diploma Program Application for Equivalency
Part B. Application
Institution Operating Name
Institution Number
Completed Application Form
Copy of Credential(s)
Copy of Transcript(s) for completed courses
Course Outlines for each course completed showing course objectives. These outlines
must be from the institution where the courses were completed.
Current Resume of applicant
Translations of all documents into English
Not applicable
Date and Initial
Application is complete
Resume attached
Course outlines attached
Credential and Transcript attached
Manager, Accreditation Standards and Processes Recommendation:
Application Approved:
Registrar’s Decision:
Date of Decision Letter
Equivalency decision letter sent
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