Change of Institution Representative Part A. Guidelines INS.170.021

Change of Institution Representative
Part A. Guidelines
Is this the right form?
Use this form if you need to notify the Agency of a change to any of the institution’s
Primary Contact
Alternate Contact
Web User
On-Site Administrator
Senior Educational Administrator
What are these positions?
Primary Contact:
The Primary Contact is the person to whom the Agency will direct most correspondence.
This is also the person the PCTIA will contact with questions or concerns that arise regarding
the institution. Therefore, it is important that you choose the appropriate person who can
effectively handle all the correspondence to meet deadlines and/or ensure the
correspondence gets to the relevant person in your institution. Please note that PCTIA
correspondence will at times include financial or other information you may consider
sensitive, so choose your primary contact accordingly.
Alternate Contact (optional):
The Alternate Contact is the person to whom the Agency will direct most notices and
reminders sent by email. This contact is in addition to the Primary Contact and may be
added by the institution to ensure that important correspondence is not missed by the
Primary Contact. The cautions noted above regarding the choice of the Primary Contact
apply here as well.
Web User:
The Web User is the person authorized to access the institution’s PCTIA online accounts.
These accounts are used to calculate monthly payments of fees and STCF contributions and
are also used for completing the institution’s Enrollment Report and accessing the
institution’s annual renewal of registration documents. The Web User should be familiar
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Change of Institution Representative
Part A. Guidelines
with using online tools and entering information into online forms. This position is password
protected and the password will be sent directly to the Web User.
On-Site Administrator:
Each institution must have an appropriately qualified On-Site Administrator at each main
and branch location who has decision making authority about the operation of the campus.
This person would be on-site day-to-day at the campus and be available in case a decision
needs to be made regarding the operation of the campus or to assist with the resolution of
a student complaint. Please provide a copy of this person’s resume to demonstrate the onsite administrator is appropriately qualified to be in a management position at your
Senior Educational Administrator:
Each institution must provide evidence that there is adequate administrative capacity to
effectively deliver the programs offered by the institution including an appropriately
qualified Senior Educational Administrator (SEA) who is responsible for maintaining
programs and evaluating instructors. Please provide documentation (qualifications, resume)
to demonstrate that the SEA is appropriately qualified. Effective October 1, 2013, this
person must have completed an Instructor Diploma Program or a program deemed to be
the equivalent for the purposes of the Bylaws. The Agency uses the BC Provincial Instructor
Diploma as the standard against which it measures equivalency. As at the date of these
guidelines, the programs in the table below have been deemed either fully or partially
equivalent to the Provincial Instructor Diploma.
If the SEA has received training that is not on the equivalency list, you may submit an
Instructor Diploma Program Application for Equivalency Package, downloadable from the
PCTIA website.
Instructor Development Program
(IDP Foundations & IDP Advanced)
New Instructor Development
Program Advanced (Starting
January 2016)
Certificate in Adult and Continuing
Master of Education
Issuing Institution
Canadian College of Educators
Deemed Equivalent To
Provincial Instructor Diploma
National Association of Career
Provincial Instructor Diploma
University of Victoria and
University of Manitoba
Various providers
Provincial Instructor Diploma
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Provincial Instructor Diploma
Change of Institution Representative
Part A. Guidelines
Flight Instructor Certification
Transport Canada
Course Director Certification
E-RYT200 or E-RYT500
Professional Association of
Diving Instructors (PADI)
Yoga Alliance
Instructor Development Certificate
Justice Institute of BC
Certificate in English Language
Teaching to Adults (CELTA)
Cambridge University
Teaching English as a Second
Language Certificate (TESL)
Various providers
Provincial Instructor Diploma for
flight instructors only
Provincial Instructor Diploma for
diving instructors only
Provincial Instructor Diploma for
yoga teachers only
Provincial Instructor Diploma for
institutions delivering programs
on-site. Additional courses may
be required if your institution
engages in online/distance
 PIDP 3210
 PIDP 3220
 PIDP 3230
for institutions delivering
language instruction only
 PIDP 3210
 PIDP 3220
 PIDP 3230
for institutions delivering
language instruction only
Can the same person be appointed for all of the above positions?
Yes. The institution owner can appoint one person to be the sole representative for all PCTIA
purposes. It is important to note that when one person is authorized for all positions, the Agency
will not use any other person at the institution as a contact and only one password will be issued
for the online accounts.
Who is authorized to sign this form?
If the primary contact is changing, the Agency would prefer that the primary contact currently on
file with the PCTIA sign and validate this change, prior to the new contact person taking over the
position. If the primary contact on file with the Agency no longer works for the institution, then the
new primary contact can complete and sign this form.
For all other changes, this form must be signed by the current primary contact.
What if I still have questions?
You can contact the Agency at (604) 569-0033.
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