The Origin of the Kashmiri Language Title: C8LKM05 Tracking ID


The Origin of the Kashmiri Language

Title: C8LKM05

Tracking ID: C8LKM05

Language: Kashmiri

Skill: Listening

Proficiency Level: 2+/3

Functional Objective: Demonstrate your comprehension

Topic: Culture/Society

Items Explanations

رُگٓا Origin, Base ،داینُب

ۨنُسب ۨنُسل نرۡاذُگ یگدنز To live one's life, Living life

ن ۨورس Very Deep , ۢدایز ہایرۡاو ، ۢرہگ

رین ۢب Difference, Being ,نُسٓا فِلتخُم ای ن ۨویب ،یگدحیلع


لُسلست Continuum,in a series .راو بیترت ، ز ۨنم سلسلس

ِہشۡاب language, language variet y ل ۨووب ،نۡابز

ھِت ِزپ ۨوو After growth,After evolving ،ھتیھژگ رایت ،ھتِڈ ۢب

ژ ۢمٓا سَسراب Born,Created,Emerged ،ژمۡاز ،ژم ۨیگ ۢد ۡیپ

ِہل ۨۄھٹ ِہل ۨوھٹ Consequentially, ھکا ۨیب ہۨتپ ِسکۡا ،ر ۨول ۢرَل following each other

ےا ۨرت .

Similarity,Bent ۔رشۢہ ،وۡاکھُج

شار ۢظفل

نُلھپ ۨناھپ ہۢت نُبھپ


ِہجنل گنل

نُڈک ِدب

ۢہنِد ہِۨییی ن ۨوو




ۨنُسب ۨنُسل

ن ۨورس

رین ۢب



دنۢہ ڜنۡابز ہ ۨنُک ،نازخ دنُہ نظفل

Lexicon,Vocabulary ظافلا

Growth and ن ۢرک یقرت۔نھُڈب ۢہت نھ ُژگ ۢدیپ development

Basic Structure لکَش ای تخاس یدۡاینُب

Branches,Offsprings ۢہچب ، ۢہصح فلتخُم

Reveal,Find out ن ُوانزۢیرپ ،نُڈک نون

If Looked Carefully ہ ۨیی ہنھچ ُو نۡاس ۢروغ

Bad,ill , Improper ۨکیھٹان ،بارخ


"Origin," "base"

"To live one's life," "living life"

"Very deep"

"Difference," being different"

"Continuum," "in a series"

"Language," "language variety"

ھِت ِزپ ۨوو "After growth," "after evolving"

ژ ۢمٓا سَسراب "Born," "created," "emerged"

ِہل ۨۄھٹ ِہل ۨوھٹ

ےا ۨرت

"Consequentially," "following each other"

"Similarity, "bent"

شار ۢظفل "Lexicon," "vocabulary"

نُلھپ ۨناھپ ہۢت نُبھپ "Growth and development"

ترگ "Basic structure"

ِہجنل گنل "Branches," "offspring"

نُڈک ِدب "Reveal, "find out"

ۢہنِد ہِۨییی ن ۨوو "If looked carefully"

رۡاکان "Bad," "ill," "improper"

Content: This article is about the origin of Kashmiri language.


1. Kashmiri (कॉशुर, کٲشُر, “Koshur”) is spoken primarily in the valley of Kashmir and has about 4,391,000 speakers. Different views have been proposed regarding its origin or genealogical classification. Some scholars have placed Kashmiri under the Dardic group of languages, which are a sub-family of the Aryan languages neither of Indian nor Iranian origin, but forming a third branch of Aryan stock. Others have placed Kashmiri under the Dardic Group of Indo-Aryan languages. Yet others believe Kashmiri has developed like other Indo-

Aryan languages out of the Indo-European family of languages and is to be considered as a branch of Indo-

Aryan like Hindi, Punjabi, etc.

Prompts Model responses Hints

What is the speaker's purpose?

The speaker discusses some views on determining the origin of language in general and challenges in identifying the origin of the Kashmiri language, in particular.

What subgroup, group and family of languages does Kashmiri belong to? Read the Notes for background information.

What claims are made about the origin of the Kashmiri language and what is the speaker's position? it is claimed that Kashmiri is derived from Sanskrit, because the vocabulary of Kashmiri is very similar to Sanskrit.The speaker argues that it is a common misconception to think that one language derives from another language on the basis of lexical similarity. He views any language is a continuum, and so the issue is not from which language

Kashmiri was derived but to which language Kashmiri is or is not closely related.

What common misconception about the origin of any language exists?

What is the speaker's main argument ?

The speaker argues that since the basic skelton and the structure of a language is preserved throughout its lifetime, it is essential to examine its structure before making conclusions about its origin. The structure of

Kashmiri is uniquely different from all other languages of Indo-Aryan group of languages, but is similar to Dardic languages spoken in the

North-West of India, and may date back to the time of Pisacha kingdom.

Listen to what the speaker says about the views expressed by Sir

George Grierson in his book,

“Linguistic Survey of India.” Visit the Learn More for additional information.

What is the speaker's message?

To avoid incorrect conclusions in identifying the origin of the

Kashmiri language , it is essential that all aspects of the language be examined carefully.

Listen to the speaker's concluding remarks.

Prompts Model responses Hints

What is the speaker's purpose?

The speaker discusses views about determining the origin of language, in general, and challenges in identifying the origin of the Kashmiri language, in particular.

To what subgroup, group, and family of languages does

Kashmiri belong? Read the Notes for background information.

What claims are made about the origin of Kashmiri and what is the speaker's position?

It is claimed that Kashmiri derived from Sanskrit because their vocabulary is so similar. But the speaker argues that observing lexical similarities is a common misconception about how one language derives from another.

He views any language as a continuum; linguists should focus on which languages Kashmiri is or is not related to, not which one it was derived.

According to the speaker, what common misconception exists about the origin of a given language?

What is the speaker's main argument ?

The speaker argues that, since the basic skeleton and structure of a language is preserved throughout its lifetime, it is essential to examine its structure before making conclusions about its origin. The structure of

Kashmiri is unique among the

Indo-Aryan group of languages but similar to Dardic languages spoken in northwestern India, and may date back to the time of the

Pisacha kingdom.

Listen to what the speaker says about the views expressed by Sir

George Grierson in his _Linguistic

Survey of India_. Visit the Learn

More section for additional information.

What is the speaker's message?

To avoid incorrect conclusions in identifying the origin of the

Kashmiri language, it is essential that all aspects of the language be examined carefully.

Listen to the speaker's concluding remarks.

Category: Background Information

1. In the _Rajatarangini_, a history of Kashmir written by Kalhana in the 12th century, it is stated that the valley of Kashmir was formerly a lake. This was drained by the great rishi or sage

—Kashyapa, son of Marichi, son of

Brahma —by cutting the gap in the hills at Baramulla (Varaha-mula). When Kashmir had been drained,

Kashyapa asked Brahmans to settle there. This is still the local tradition, and in the existing physical condition of the country, we may see some ground for the story which has taken this form. The name of Kashyapa is, by history and tradition, connected with the draining of the lake, and the chief town or collection of dwellings in the valley was called Kashyapa-pura.

“Cashmere” is an archaic spelling of Kashmir.

2. Burzuhama, located about fifteen kilometers northeast of Srinagar in the Kashmir Valley, is one of the oldest places in the region. A carving found there has been interpreted to chronicle a supernova event, circa 8,000



Style Sheet

Pisacha kingdom
