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Recommendations for India on Article 370 Revocation

Recommendations for India on revocation of article 370 and 35(a):
Since India’s attempts to smother Kashmiri Freedom Movement have failed so it’s time for India
to review it’s policies. Following are some the recommendations:
1. For starters, India must end the curfew situation and allow the Kashmiri’s in the IOK to
assemble and express themselves, as it is a fundamental human right of “freedom of
2. The detained Muslim political leaders must be freed because they were not involved in any
illegal activities instead they were apprehended by New Delhi just because playing a role
of ambassadors for the Kashmiri people in IOK, which by all means is not a crime in itself.
3. Attempts to change the Kashmir’s demography should be put to an end because these
practices are giving fuel to hatred based on ethnocentrism which is not a good sign for
national as well as regional stability.
4. New Delhi must open channels with the genuine Kashmiri leadership along with Pakistan
in order to put an end to this decades old dispute in a satisfactory manner for all the involved
parties as well as in a proper democratic and judicious fashion to promote the essence of