Name__________________ Date__________ Period___ Character Mandala Part One: The Mandala A mandala is a visual display of symbols that represents a person’s view of the world. It is traditionally organized using patterns and symbols. You will create your own version of a mandala to represent the protagonist from your novel. Remember, the mandala should illustrate who the character is and what is most important to him/her. The Inner Circle—the center of your mandala represents the “heart and soul” of the character. The inner circle of your mandala should contain one symbol that represents one of the following: Your character’s greatest inspiration Your character’s values or beliefs Your character’s most important quality or personality trait The Middle Circle—this is the largest part of your mandala. This middle circle should contain at least three symbols. These symbols can represent: Challenges your character faced in the story Important events your character experienced in the story An emotion your character experienced in the story A life lesson your character learned in the story A goal or dream your character has A triumph or victory your character experienced in the story Something that helped “shape” your character, or make your character the person he/she is The Outer Circle—this is the one and only part of your mandala that will contain any words. The outer circle consists of a quote or passage from the story or from another author that connects to your character. It could reflect his/her beliefs, actions, or attitude in some way. This quote should be written around the perimeter of your mandala. The words should encircle the perimeter completely. You may repeat the quote as many times as needed to fill up the perimeter of your madala. Designing Your Mandala—Once you have brainstormed your four (or more) symbols and your quotation, you must organize your ideas into a mandala design. Your design should include the following elements: Be circular in shape Show a symmetrical pattern Be arranged according to the three layers described above Be neat, colorful, and visually expressive (symbols should clearly represent ideas) Have minimal white space—your designs should fill your entire circle Show attention to detail Some things to Remember: A symbol is not simply a drawing! It is a single object or design that represents an idea. Colors, animals and objects have global meanings that have been used for thousands of years. For example, a chopped down tree could represent the fact that life is short. A dove is traditionally used as a symbol of peace. Red is a passionate color. Your symbols should not be drawings of things that happened in the story; however, your symbols can be either objects that already exist in the story or objects that commonly represent the idea you are trying to convey. Name__________________ Date__________ Period___ Character Mandala Planning Sheet Character________________________ Inner Circle: Character’s personality trait_________________________ Symbol representing that trait: Object____________ Color________________ Explanation of how the object AND color represents the character trait ____________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Middle Circle: (challenge, important event, emotion, lesson, goal, or victory) Symbol 1: Object____________ Color________________ Explanation of how you are using the object and color__________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Symbol 2: Object____________ Color________________ Explanation of how you are using the object and color__________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Symbol 3: Object____________ Color________________ Explanation of how you are using the object and color__________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Outer Circle: quote from the story that reflects his beliefs, actions, attitude_______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Explanation of how the quote reflects his beliefs, actions, attitude_______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Name__________________ Date__________ Period___ Character________________________________________ Name__________________ Date__________ Period___ Standards: State both the literal and/or inferred main ideas in literary/narrative text and provide supporting text-based details. State the theme/message and supporting details Identify literary devices and explain how they make the story more interesting or convey a message Identify and explain author’s purpose Infer and explain the author’s beliefs and assumptions, citing text-based evidence for choice Identify implied themes in text and support with evidence from the text 4 Significant colors, animals and/or objects from the story used to symbolize character trait and experiences &/or emotions, thoughtful and accurate choice of symbolic meaning for the character Explanations for the choice of colors, symbols, and the quote enhance understanding of the character’s personality. Consistent use of evidence from the text cited to explain the choice of symbols used in the mandala 3 Four significant animals and/or objects used to symbolize character. Reasonable choice of symbolic meaning for each color, animal, and/or object for the character. Attempt to use symbols from the story to represent character. Explanations for the choice of colors, symbols, and the quote relate to the story and represent the character. Some use of evidence from the text cited to explain the choice of symbols used in the mandala 2 Some significant colors and animals identified from the story, choice of symbolic meaning for each color and animal may relate to the meaning of the story 1 Few significant colors and animals identified from the story, choice of symbolic meaning for each color and animal inaccurate Partial explanations of the different choices of colors and symbols, implied relationship between symbols and character. Little use of evidence from the text cited to explain the choice of symbols used in the mandala Incomplete/inaccurate explanations of the choice of colors and symbols, may not relate to the character No evidence from the text cited to explain the choice of symbols, or symbols do not match the character. Score____/4 Comments_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Name__________________ Date__________ Period___ Introduction—Outline for essay portion of book report. Interest Catcher (include title of book, author and brief summary) Complex Sentence stating the main idea of your essay (occasion/position, however, conjuctive) Thesis explaing symbols used to represent protagonist 1st symbol 2nd symbol 3rd symbol 4th symbol Body Paragraphs 1 Symbol that represent protagonist’s personality_____________________________________ Detail that proves/explains why _____________________________________ Example of your detail from the book ______________________________ Another detail that proves/explains why _____________________________________ Example of your detail from the book__________________________________ Concluding sentence___________________________ 2 Symbol that represent protagonist’s experience etc. ___________________________________ Detail that proves/explains why _____________________________________ Example of your detail from the book ______________________________ Another detail that proves/explains why _____________________________________ Example of your detail from the book__________________________________ Concluding sentence___________________________ 3 Symbol that represent protagonist’s experience etc. ___________________________________ Detail that proves/explains why _____________________________________ Example of your detail from the book ______________________________ Another detail that proves/explains why _____________________________________ Example of your detail from the book__________________________________ Concluding sentence___________________________ 4 Symbol that represent protagonist’s experience etc. ___________________________________ Detail that proves/explains why _____________________________________ Example of your detail from the book ______________________________ Another detail that proves/explains why _____________________________________ Example of your detail from the book__________________________________ Concluding sentence___________________________ 5 Quote that reveals an important aspect of the protagonist’s personality, etc._______________________ Detail that proves/explains why _____________________________________ Example of your detail from the book ______________________________ Another detail that proves/explains why _____________________________________ Example of your detail from the book__________________________________ Concluding sentence___________________________ Name__________________ Date__________ Period___ Conclusion Restate thesis explaing symbols used to represent protagonist____________________________ 1st symbol 2nd symbol 3rd symbol 4th symbol Different Complex Sentence____________________________________________________ Concluding statement (leaves the reader feeling satisfied/ tells the reader what to do with your ideas.) ___________________________________________________________________