Founder of Georgia, provided a

New England:
Important People- Know who these people are and why they are important!
Roger Williams- Founder of Rhode Island because of disagreements with Puritan leadership in Massachusetts
Anne Hutchinson- Disagreed with the Puritan leadership in Massachusetts, left for Rhode Island
John Winthrop- Puritan governor in Massachusetts, wanted to create a “City Upon a Hill” as a model for other
Thomas Hooker- Founder of Connecticut, helped write the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Events- Know what each of the following events are!
King Philips War- Last stand made by Native Americans against European colonists in New England
The Fundamental Orders Of Connecticut- (first written Constitution in British America which extended
voting rights to most white males)
The founding of Rhode Island and Connecticut (purpose?)
Middle Colonies:
Important People- Know who these people are and why they are important!
William Penn- Founder of Pennsylvania, founded as a safe haven for Quakers, tolerant towards most
Peter Stuyvesant- Last Dutch governor of New Amsterdam, enforced strict laws and erected a large wall
protecting the city on what was later named Wall Street.
George Carteret and Lord John Berkley- Founders of New Jersey, given the charter by the King of England
Events- Know what each of the following events are!
The purchase of Manhattan
The founding of Pennsylvania (purpose)
Southern Colonies:
Important People- Know who these people are and why they are important!
James Oglethorpe- Founder of Georgia, provided a safe haven for debtors (people who owe money)
Lord Baltimore- Leader of the Maryland Colony
Events- Know what each of the following events are!
Bacon’s Rebellion- led by Nathanial Bacon in Virginia against the governor; primarily for lack of protection
against Native American attacks
The founding of Maryland- Safe haven for Catholics
The founding of Georgia- A buffer colony against Spanish Florida and a safe haven for debtors
General for all the colonies
What types of Charters existed in the colonies?
What is Mercantilism and how did it impact the colonies?
How did religions and religious toleration differ in the colonies?
What races lived in these colonies? Which were diverse and were not?
How was each region’s economy defined? Agriculture? Industry?
What was the impact of slavery?
Terms- Mercantilism, Enlightenment, Great Awakening, Glorious Revolution, Importance of Slavery,
Import, Export, Indentured Servant, Navigation Acts, Salutary Neglect, “City Upon a Hill”