Wednesday 22nd April - RSCDS East Angus Branch

Dates for your diary
Saturday 11th April – Heather’s class, which has been running in Showcase the
Street in Arbroath, will finish for the summer on this date. She
has organised a small dance to be held on the morning of the 11th
from 9:30am – 11am. This will be followed by coffee, scones, etc
in the Colliston Inn. Perhaps you have already received an
invitation to this event. Please contact Heather if you would like
to attend the dance and/or the coffee.
Wednesday 22nd April – This is the date for the Montrose Scottish Country
Dance Club’s Annual Dance. Please note the change of date from that
advertised in the last newsletter. The dance will be held in the Old and St
Andrews Church Hall from 7:30pm – 11:00pm, with music being provided by
Frank Thomson. The cost will be £6 which includes supper.
Tuesday 28th April – The summer class will resume in the Scott Jubilee Hall
from 7:30pm – 9:00pm. The class will run until around the
middle of August, when we will finish up with a dance on a
Friday evening after the last Tuesday class. All will be made
welcome, whether experienced or less confident.
Wednesdays 29th April, 6th and 13th May – Practices for the East Angus
Annual Dance will be held in the Old and St Andrews Church Hall from 7:30pm
– 9:00pm.
Thursday 7th May – The AGM of the East Angus Branch will be held in the
Kennedy Room of the Old and St Andrews Church Hall at 7:30pm. Tea and
biscuits will be served after the meeting, so please bring a cup.
Friday 15th May – The East Angus Annual dance will be held in the Old and St
Andrews Church Hall from 7:30pm – 11:pm. Music will be by Nicol McLaren.
The cost will be £7 including supper.
Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th July – The Angus Accordion and Fiddle Festival
will be held from 3rd – 5th July. Again, Heather would like some
dancers to go to Arbroath to dance at the Visitors’ Centre at the
harbour. This has been done in previous years and always
attracts attention from passers- by. Sometimes, members of the public decide
they would like to join in some of the dances which makes for a really
enjoyable time. If this is something that you would like to take part in, even for
only one of the times, please contact Heather to let her know. It is not a done
as a demonstration – it is done to entertain and to make people
aware of the enjoyment we all get from dancing. The programme
of dances will be made up nearer the date and this will be
advertised on the website, details of which can be found at the
end of this newsletter.
Thursday 31st December – Looking well ahead, the Hogmanay Dance/Ceilidh
will be held again in the Old and St Andrews Church Hall from 8pm to just after
midnight. This year, music will be by Deirdre Adamson. Further details will be
in future newsletters.
Past/Current Events
The Montrose Scottish Country Dance Club Christmas Dance was again a
success. A good programme and good music always makes for an enjoyable
evening. Thanks to Irene and Mark for organising this event, and teaching the
dances on Monday afternoons and Wednesday evenings.
The Hogmanay Dance was again quite successful with around 40 people
attending. Dancing was to CDs, so we had the best of all the bands! Jennifer
Girdwood’s stovies were very much appreciated again, with lots of seconds
being enjoyed.
The Beginner’s Class has now finished. It was not a great success. There were
a few beginners to begin with but only one continued to attend. Whether this
class runs again next January and where it is held, is something which needs to
be discussed. It has been suggested that perhaps it should return to the Old
and St Andrews Church Hall to be held on Wednesday evenings before the
Montrose Class as used to happen in the past.
We were approached some time ago by a Guide Leader in Arbroath, asking for
help in enabling Guides to take the Scottish Country Dancing Challenge. This is
something that was set up to help celebrate 90 years of the RSCDS. Brownies,
Guides and Rangers can take this challenge and on this occasion Guides and
Rangers were the participants. Lorna Valentine kindly offered to take on this
task and was successful as all managed to achieve their badges. Well done
An Appeal
The committee is currently quite small, being only 7 people, some of these
members doing 2 or 3 jobs. One committee member is due to come off this
year, so we will be down to 6. We have a policy of people only being on the
committee for a set time, so there is no danger of coming on to the committee
and never being able to leave! The more people there are, the less everyone
has to do therefore making life easier for everyone. Please give some thought
as to whether you would be able and willing to give up a little of your time to
help on the committee. Meetings are held two or three times a year only. If
you feel you can help in any way, please contact any of the committee
members (contact details on the last page). Thank you.
Another Appeal
Heather’s Class, as already said, runs on Saturday mornings in Showcase the
Street in Arbroath. Heather is a very good, patient teacher, making this an
excellent class for beginners, or those who wish to perfect, as far as possible,
steps, formations and dances. Numbers fell at one point during the past
winter, raising the question as to whether the class could continue. Thankfully,
numbers increased again but it would be a shame if this class was no longer to
exist for the reasons given above. We are aware that everyone has other
interests or things that need to be done at the weekends due to other
commitments through the week, but, if you feel that you can support this class
next winter, you will be made most welcome.
Thank You
Despite having left the committee last year, Bob Harcus keeps the website and
Facebook page up to date. Thank you Bob.
Your Committee
Chair/Secretary/: Elizabeth Neill, Avondale, Ecclesgreig Road, St Cyrus,
Newsletter Ed
Tel: 01674 850484
Lorna Valentine, 23 Newbigging Drive, Arbroath, DD112HZ
M’ship Secy:
Tel: 01241 879736
Russell Smith, 2 Lunan Avenue, Montrose
Tel: 01674 675269
Maureen Smith, 2 Lunan Avenue, Montrose
Tel: 01674 675269
Karen Anderson, Boysack Farm Cottage, Leysmill, DD114RP
Tel: 01241 828023
Sheila Hosie, 54 Bellevue Gardens, Arbroath
Tel: 01241 876686
Gladys Lumgair, South Balmakelly, Laurencekirk.
Tel: 01561 377203
Branch Website: