Angling Road Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Handbook and Volunteer Guide Angling Road Needs You! Table of Contents INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS BACKGROUND CHECK PTO VOLUNTEER BOARD POSITIONS PRESIDENT JOB DESCRIPTION VICE-PRESIDENT JOB DESCRIPTION SECRETARY JOB DESCRIPTION TREASURER JOB DESCRIPTION CO-TREASURER PRINCIPAL OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE CHAIR POSITIONS/ VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTIONS 5TH GRADE CD BATTLE OF THE BOOKS BIRTHDAY BOARD BOO BASH BOOK FAIR BOX TOPS CARNIVAL FIELD DAY GIRLS ON THE RUN HEALTHY KIDS, HEALTHY MINDS HOLIDAY SHOP JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT LABELS FOR EDUCATION LIBRARY HELPERS LUNCHBOX MATH PUBLIC RELATIONS ROAD RALLY ROADRUNNER 5K ROOM PARENTS SOCIAL COMMITTEE STAFF APPRECIATION WEBMASTER YEARBOOK THE ABC’S OF ANGLING ROAD PTO BY-LAWS VOLUNTEER BACKGROUND CHECK FORM SCHOOL CALENDAR INTRODUCTION On behalf of the Angling Road PTO, we are inviting you to become involved as a volunteer in your child’s school programs and activities, many of which would not be available without the help of our wonderful Angling Road parents. This handbook will explain the many opportunities for volunteering. Investing ourselves in Angling Road Elementary will continue to make visible differences in our children’s education. If you have any questions regarding the committees do not hesitate to call the PTO Board members or committee Chairpersons. You may also send an email to OBJECTIVE The objective of this handbook is to help you understand the PTO Organization at Angling Road as well the volunteer opportunities that are available to you as a parent and how you can make a difference in your child’s education. VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS To be in compliance with the Safe Environment Policy you must complete • Volunteer Background Check Form • Have a current background check on file BACKGROUND CHECK All volunteers need to complete and submit to the school office a volunteer Background Check form. The school will have the forms reviewed by the Administrative Office of the Courts. The principal will screen the results and will have absolute discretion in determining whether an individual is eligible to participate as a volunteer. The Background Check form can be obtained in the school office, in the back of this handbook, online at or provided to you from a committee Chairperson or PTO Board member. PTO BOARD VOLUNTEER POSITIONS Members Pam Wesley Rachel Kaiser Rachelle Bartz Rick Green Anne Ehrmann Board Appointment President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Co- Treasurer Email Address Overview: PTO Organization ensures our parents and teachers are working together to improve our children’s education. Key Metrics: • Initiate, organize and support school fundraisers • Initiate, organize and support teacher/parent/child appreciation activities. • Ensure PTO Budget Goals are met – Measured for each event or fundraiser. Actual project costs measured against Project Planned budget. Report will be generated at each meeting with updated values. • Ensure Programs are enhanced/developed – Review a plan each year to determine what the following year priorities are based on prior year activities, economy, school needs, etc. Key Deliverables: • Monthly PTO Meeting Schedule • Monthly PTO Meeting Agenda • Monthly PTO Minutes • Monthly balanced PTO Budget • Annual Calendar of Events/Fundraisers • Ensure Funds Allocated accurately I. President • • • • • • • • • • • • • Schedule and coordinate monthly PTO board and PTO meetings. Prepare agendas for the PTO board and PTO meetings. Facilitate the PTO board and PTO meetings. Follow up on any concerns or outstanding issues raised during the PTO meeting unless otherwise delegated. Present ideas for events requiring PTO sponsorship and/or funding to the board for consideration. Attend PTO Luncheons Act as liaison and main point of contact between the PTO board, PTO members and school staff. Ensure PTO information including upcoming events is included in the weekly PTO newsletter as appropriate. This may include writing articles or coordinating with other board members, PTO members, or committee chairs. Assist in the recruitment of committee chairs and other volunteers as needed. Recruit and train new officers. Monitor budget reports. Ensure the by-laws and other policy/procedure documents are being followed and initiate any revisions if required. Ensure the PTO is operating in accordance with the 501(c) (3) guidelines. II. Vice President • Assist with monthly PTO board and PTO meetings. • Facilitate the PTO board and PTO meetings in the event the President is unable to attend. • Assist in following up on any concerns or outstanding issues raised during the PTO meeting. • Monitor the PTO e-mail box and coordinate any follow up with the President. • Maintain a binder or electronic files of PTO related documentation. • Assist in the recruitment of committee chairs and other volunteers as needed. • Recruit and train new officers. • • Support committee chairpersons and serve on PTO sponsored event. Manage, support, and recruit Room Parents and Chairpersons III. Secretary • Attend monthly PTO board and PTO meetings. • Prepare the attendance sheets for the monthly PTO board and PTO meetings. • Record and transcribe PTO board and PTO meeting minutes. • Distribute the minutes to the PTO board for approval within a week. • Review and send any e-blast request to the office. • Create policy or procedure documents as needed to record PTO processes or guidelines. • Maintain a binder or electronic files of all PTO board and PTO meeting agendas, attendance sheets, meeting minutes, and other relevant documents. • Assist in following up on any concerns or outstanding issues raised during the PTO meeting. • Assist in the recruitment of committee chairs and other volunteers as needed. • Recruit and train new officers. • Support committee chairpersons and serve on PTO sponsored event committees as needed during the planning and execution of an event. IV. Treasurer • Attend monthly PTO board and PTO meetings. Prepare the treasurer’s budget report for the PTO board and PTO meetings. • Prepare and maintain the PTO budget. • Reconcile the PTO checkbook monthly. • Write checks for reimbursement or other expenses as required. • Maintain a binder or electronic files of all receipts, reimbursement requests, invoices, bank statements, and other relevant documents. • Organize and distribute change boxes as needed at events. • File the appropriate 990 form annually. • Assist in following up on any concerns or outstanding issues raised during the PTO meeting. • Assist in the recruitment of committee chairs and other volunteers as needed. • Recruit and train new officers. • Support committee chairpersons and serve on PTO sponsored event committees as needed during the planning and execution of an event. Co- Treasurer • Attend monthly PTO board and PTO meetings. • Facilitate any tasks for the Treasurer when the Treasurer is unable to do so. • Collect money at the end of all events/fundraisers, prepare deposits for the bank, and deposit funds in the bank following standard procedures. • Assist in the recruitment of committee chairs and other volunteers as needed. • Recruit and train new officers. • Support committee chairpersons and serve on PTO sponsored event committees as needed during the planning and execution of an event Principal of the school The Principal will ensure the needs of the parents, teachers, children and the school are met in each session. The Principal will provide an administrative update in each meeting to communicate timing and resource needs by the PTO. The Principal will also serve as a liaison to the between the parents, teachers, children and school as observed in the day-today activities of the Principal. VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE CHAIR POSITIONS/VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTIONS If you are interested in volunteering for a Committee Chair position or as a Room Parent please contact the PTO. If you are interested in volunteering as a Subcommittee Chair, please contact the Committee Chair for that event. Anyone wishing to volunteer in any other capacity please contact the PTO. 5th Grade CD COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Vacant Role Description: Collects pictures from 5th grade parents, teachers, and Yearbook Chairperson to review and organize. Compiles pictures, set to music, onto a CD. A CD is made for each 5th grade student. Battle of the Books COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Rachel Kaiser Role Description: Find subcommittee volunteers (snacks, awards), choose six books for the 4th and 5th graders to read, distribute paperwork and information to participants, maintain bulletin board, compose Battle questions, and facilitate the Book Battle. Held on the last Friday in March during school. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Battle Coaches, Subcommittee Birthday Board Chairperson COMMITTTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Traci Bammert Role Description: Work with the office to gather student birthday information. Every two months the bulletin board in the front hall is decorated and each student with a birthday in those months is represented. (in September birthdays in September and October are recognized) Book Fair The school librarian acts as committee chair for Book Fair events. PTO volunteers are needed to help set-up and work the Book Fair. Book fair is normally held during the Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences. Box Tops for Education COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Angela Bowers Traci Bammert Role Description: We receive 10 cents for every Box Top. Box Tops need to be collected from each classroom and recorded for the class contest. Distribute Box Tops to clipping volunteers, mail Box Tops in to redeem. Follow up with PTO Treasurer on check deposits, bring fund disbursement ideas to PTO meeting to be voted on, maintain Box Top bulletin board, and Box Tops master binder. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Box Top clippers to get monthly Box Tops from Box Top Committee Chairs, clip them, bag them, and return them to school. This is a great volunteer opportunity for parents who cannot volunteer during school hours. Carnival COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Amy Koffler Role Description: Manages and plans Carnival, recruits subcommittee chairs (food, games, basket raffle, prizes), makes sure all subcommittee chairs have supplies needed for their job, works with PTO Board members on any requests, manages marketing for carnival (posters, bulletin board, flyers), attends and floats at carnival to assist where needed, keeps and maintains the Carnival Master Binder, reports event status and submits a funds disbursement report to PTO after event. SUBCOMMITTEE ROLE DESCPRITION: (Games, Prizes, Food, and Basket Raffle) Subcommittee Chairs work closely with Committee Chair to help run their specific part of the event, work with volunteers that have signed up under their subcommittee, and help in any way the Committee Chair may need. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: game monitors, cake walk baked goods, concession workers, set-up help, and clean-up help. Great volunteer opportunity for parents who cannot volunteer during regular school hours. Held on a Saturday in February. CIC COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT- VACANT Role Description- Attend the monthly Curriculum Instruction Council meetings and report back to the monthly PTO general meetings about what was discussed. DAC COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT- Heather Kakabeeke Role Description- Attend the monthly District Advisory Council Meetings and report back any information the PTO monthly general meetings. Field Day Ran by PE teacher. Assist our PE teacher with set up, running games, cleaning up, and help move children from classroom to event and back. This event is held at the end of the May. Girls on the Run ANGLING ROAD SITE LIASON: VACANT Role Description: Work with GOTR office to get information out to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls. Recruit coaches, create teams, gather registrations and fees, manage and support coaches. Training and paperwork provided by GOTR. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: coaches for after school from March- May. Healthy Kids, Healthy Minds COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Rachel Kaiser Role Description: Ensure all programs that fall under Healthy Kids, Healthy Minds (run club, Mileage club) are being run properly. Keep within the budget generated by the Roadrunner 5k. Bring in new programs that promote health and wellness. Holiday Shop COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Karen Bale Role Description: Facilitate, organize and manage the Holiday Shop in December. Order supplies- if needed, get information out to parents and teachers, work with Volunteer Coordinator to get volunteers for day of. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: set-up, clean up, helping students shop, check out, and help with gift wrapping. Junior Achievement COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Room Parent Role Description: Ensure all classrooms have planned Junior Achievement programs, teach the programs to class, work with teacher in completing the JA program. Labels for Education COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Cori Sanchez Role Description: Gathers labels, organizes and interacts with company for refunds. Keeps PTO updated on progress throughout the year, brings ideas on funding use to PTO for vote, and promotes the program throughout the school. Library Helpers Ran by the librarian. Helping with check-outs, set-ups, and putting checked-in books away. Lunchbox Math COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: VACANT Role Description: Promote and manage the Lunchbox math games to second and third graders. Work with volunteers to teach the games and monitor them, distribute any paperwork to school and parents. Program takes place during lunch and lunch recess in winter for six weeks. Popcorn Friday COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: VACANT Role Description: Work with volunteers to set up popcorn to sell to students on Fridays from Oct- May. Work with PTO and bring ideas for fund usage to meeting to be voted on. Monitor supplies and work with Co-Treasurer on supply needs. Public Relations COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: VACANT Role Description: Work with PTO Board, Chairpersons, and room parents, as well as school office to get events and good works out to the public and the media, help maintain bulletin boards, attend monthly PTO meetings. Road Rally COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Amy Koffler Rick Green Role Description: Manage and promote the Road Rally. Work with volunteer coordinator to get volunteers, bring funding ideas to PTO for voting, distribute all paperwork to students and office, run the event on day of, maintain billboard. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: set up, clean up, passing out arm bands, counting laps, recording laps, sno cone makers, and cheerleaders for the course. Roadrunner 5k COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Rachel Kaiser Megan James Role Description: Manage and promote Roadrunner 5k, establish subcommittees, work with the City of Portage, Angling Road School, and PTO to ensure a successful event, distribute flyers and paperwork to students and public. SUBCOMMITTEES NEEDED: This event needs many volunteers and is great for those who cannot help during school hours. Room Parents COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: PTO Vice President Room Parent Role Description: Liaison between teachers and parents to help put them in touch with the right people and/or to facilitate questions. Helps teachers with day to day tasks, plans class parties, gets class volunteers, helps to get volunteers for PTO events, makes copies, attends PTO meetings when teacher is unable to facilitate any teacher requests, helps teacher in any way the teacher needs. Social Committee COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Jodi Hoag Role Description: Run and manage programs that fall under Social Committee such as Movie Night, Pizza Night, Ice Cream social, etc. Find and organize volunteers. Ensure all supplies are ready and allergy free. Staff Appreciation COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: VACANT Role Description: Coordinating teacher conference dinners in Fall and Spring, coordinate and publicize Teacher Appreciation week, work with Volunteer Chairperson to gat volunteers for different events throughout the year. Volunteers Needed: help with decorations, set ups, clean ups, potluck, a great volunteer opportunity for those who cannot volunteer during school hours. Web Master COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: VACANT Role Description: works with PTO Board Members to update and maintain the PTO website. Computer knowledge is a must, but Chairperson will be trained on how to use website Yearbook COMMITTEE CHAIR CONTACT: Rachel Kaiser Role Description: Collect pictures for the yearbook and put everything together at the end of the year. Coordinate team effort to make the yearbook happen. Volunteers from each grade needed to help take pictures.