1 Leadership Middle Tennessee--SESSION III Montgomery County- November 18-19, 2015 Fort Campbell and the Impact of the Military in Middle Tennessee Agenda Planning Team & Alumni: Mark Kelly, (931) 320-4837; Charlie Koon, (931) 801-8642; Elizabeth Black, (931) 206-3302; Diane Berty, (931) 216-1985; Sherryl Byrd, (931) 624-8698 Frazier Allen, Daniel Binkley, Valerie Hunter-Kelly, Tommy Bates, Candy Johnson, James Halford, Tommy Vallejos, Katie Gambill, Karen Stanley, Phil Harpel, Melinda Shepard, Jeff Bibb, Gregory Stallworth, Jill Bartee Ayers Carol Clark, Khandra Smalley, Carolyn Bowers, 216-1389; Marla Rye, 206-3783; Doug Barber, 245-4344; Fred Landiss, Mayor Jim Durrett, Ed Davis; Servella Terry, Christy Batts, Judge Ross Hicks, Bill Sites, Jim Mann, David Smith, Johnny Piper, Rudy Johnson, Mary Kohler, Mayor Kim McMillan, Rosalind Kurita, Don Trotter, Doug Weiland, Dr. Anil Patel, Jack Turner, Neisha Wolfe, and Theresa Harrington. (Patti James, (615) 566-9531) Session Narrative: This session introduces the class to an important component of the ClarksvilleMontgomery County community…the U.S. Army. During this session, the class will interact with military members and gain an appreciation of military life. Additionally, the class will gain an appreciation of the impact the military has on the economy of Clarksville-Montgomery County and the Middle TN Region. Session Learning Objectives: 1. To introduce the class to two of America’s most historic combat units…the 101 st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. 2. To introduce the class to some of the training techniques the military uses to prepare for deployment and employment. 3. To gain an appreciation of the economic impact the military has in Clarksville-Montgomery County and the Middle TN Region. 4. To gain an appreciation for community programs designed to assist military members and their families. 5. To gain an appreciation for economic expansion in Montgomery County and the regionally coordinated effort required to support expansion. 6. To identify action items class members can take to foster greater awareness of the military and the community programs that support our military and their families. Hotel check in (Tuesday 11/17/15 or Weds 11/18/15): Hilton Garden Inn - 931-647-1096 290 Alfred Thun Road Clarksville, TN Note: For those arriving on Tuesday night, Jeff Truitt is planning our informal class dinner at 6:30 p.m. 11/5/2015 3:19 PM 2 Wednesday, 18 November 2015: Fort Campbell Day 7:00 AM Class Members Staying at the Hilton Garden Inn – Leave for Fort Campbell by carpool. Recommendation: If you are not staying at the hotel on Tuesday night, please meet us at the hotel on Wednesday morning at 7:00 am in order to carpool to Fort Campbell. If you elect to drive yourself to Fort Campbell, here are the directions from Hilton Garden Inn to Fort Campbell’s Gate 4. Once you arrive please proceed to the parking lot for the Ft. Campbell Public Affairs Office for Fort Campbell bus pickup. DIRECTIONS - Departing the Hilton Garden Inn: Proceed to Wilma Rudolph Blvd/US79 South. Turn left on Wilma Rudolph Blvd. and take the I-24 entrance ramp before the I24 overpass. Head West on I-24 toward Kentucky to Exit #1. Left on Trenton Road/TN Hwy 48. To first traffic signal and right on Tiny Town Road/TN Hwy 236. Tiny Town Road to Ft. Campbell Blvd/TN Hwy 41A. Right on to Ft. Campbell Blvd. Proceed on Ft. Campbell Blvd. for three traffic signals. Left into the Ft. Campbell, KY main gate #4. Have photo ID ready and proceed through Gate #4 Check Point. After clearing/proceeding through Gate #4, drive two traffic signals to Indiana Ave. Turn left onto Indiana Ave. Proceed through first traffic signal for one (1) block and turn right on 24th Street. Parking lot immediately on right. Public Affairs Office Building# 2574. 7:30 AM Arrive Ft. Campbell Public Affairs Office Parking Lot. Note, you must have a photo ID to enter certain secure areas. 7:30 AM A Day at Ft. Campbell A more detailed agenda for Fort Campbell will be issued prior to the session. Please note, the Fort Campbell Bus will leave promptly and we run on a military schedule for this part of the session! Ft. Campbell Coordinator: Denise Shelton, Community Relations Officer, Fort Campbell Public Affairs 11:40 AM Three-Minute Moment: Stacey Pennington 4:15 PM Return via car pool or personal vehicles to Hilton Garden Inn 4:45 PM Arrive Hilton Garden Inn At Exit #4---Check In and/or Freshen Up. Clarksville/Montgomery County Welcome Gift Distributed. SPONSORED BY: Office of the Montgomery County Mayor; Office of the City of Clarksville Mayor; the Clarksville Convention & Visitors Bureau, and the Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce 11/5/2015 3:19 PM 3 5:30 PM Meet in Lobby---Hilton Garden Inn 5:45 PM Depart To F&M Bank (50 Franklin St, Clarksville, TN 37040) Car Pool with Montgomery County Alumni 6:15 PM Reception at F&M Bank 6:45 PM Seated For Dinner 6:45 PM Welcome, Introductions & Map Overview of City/County Mr. Fred Landiss (LMT 2002), Sr. Vice President & Director of Marketing, F&M Bank Mayor Kim McMillan (LMT 2001), City of Clarksville Mayor Pro-Tem John M. Gannon, Montgomery County Government & County Commissioner, District #1 Mr. Mark A. Kelly (LMT 2015), Chairman, Planning Team Mr. Cal Wray, Executive Director, Clarksville-Montgomery County Economic Development Council 7:15 PM Invocation: Tommy Vallejos (LMT 2013) Montgomery County Commissioner, District #14 & Associate Pastor, Faith Outreach Church 7:15 PM Dinner SPONSORED BY: F&M Bank, 50 Franklin St., Clarksville, TN 8:45 PM Depart F&M Bank to Hilton Garden Inn: Car Pool with Montgomery County Alumni 9:00 PM Class Socializing Thursday - 19 November 2015: Clarksville-Montgomery County Day 6:45 AM Breakfast on your own at Hotel and Hotel Checkout 7:15 AM Class Co-Presidents (Blaine Strock and Kee Bryant-McCormack) ALL CLASS MEMBERS: This is our opportunity to hear from your class copresidents (hotel lobby) 7:30 AM Travel to Clarksville Regional Airport via Anchor Tour Bus (200 Airport Rd, Clarksville, TN 37042) 8:00 AM Three-Minute Moments: Chaz Molder & Anne Davis 11/5/2015 3:19 PM 4 8:15 AM Welcome to Clarksville-Montgomery County Mr. Charlie Koon (LMT 2012), Regional Workforce Development Coordinator, Workforce Essentials 8:30 AM Panel Discussion: Community Response to Sequestration Moderator: Elizabeth L. Black (LMT 2015), Communications Director, Montgomery County Government Panelists: COL. James R. Salome, Garrison Commander, Fort Campbell, KY Mayor Kim McMillan (LMT 2001), City of Clarksville Mr. Jeff Truitt (LMT 2016), Chief of Staff, Montgomery County Government Mr. Cal Wray, Executive Director, Clarksville-Montgomery County Economic Development Council 9:30 AM Break & Refreshments SPONSORED BY: Gingham Café’, Neisha Wolfe (LMT 2003) 9:45 AM Depart to Brigadier General Wendell H. Gilbert Tennessee State Veteran’s Community Living Center, 250 Arrowood Drive, Clarksville, TN, 37042 10:15 AM Welcome & Overview: Mr. Warren Jasper, Administrator 10:30 AM Tour---TN State Veteran’s Community Living Center 11:00 AM Depart to Austin Peay State University (APSU) Stadium Club (601 College Street Clarksville, TN 37044) 11:30 AM Welcome & Lunch: Dr. Sherryl Byrd (LMT 2015), Vice President for Student Affairs, APSU SPONSORED BY: Austin Peay State University & Workforce Essentials 12:00 PM Panel Discussion: Community Resources-Supporting the Military & Their Families Moderator: Ms. Carol Clark (LMT 2011), APSU Executive Assistant to the President and Director of Community & Business Development; Chair APSU Military Education Task Force Panelists: Rev. Jodi McCullough, Executive Director, Soldiers and Families Embraced (SAFE) Dr. Steve Estep, Pastor, Grace Church of the Nazarene & Founder, Restore the Warriors Heart Mr. Tim Schoonover, VA Counselor, Veterans Administration Dr. B. J. Worthington, Director of Schools, Clarksville-Montgomery County School System 1:00 PM Bus Tour of Clarksville and Montgomery County Industrial Park Ms. Elizabeth Black (LMT 2015) Mr. Charlie Koon (LMT 2012) Mr. Michael J. Evans, Executive Director, Industrial Development Board 11/5/2015 3:19 PM 5 2:00 PM Arrive Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) (3789 Guthrie Hwy, Clarksville, TN 37040) Welcome: Dr. Arrita W. Summers (LMT 2016), Director, TCAT Refreshments SPONSORED BY: TCAT, Dr. Arrita Summers (LMT 2016) 2:10 PM Three-Minute Moments: Veronica Terrell & Donna Yurdin 2:20 PM Panel Discussion: Regional Economic Successes & Challenges Moderator: Panelists: Mr. Mike Evans, Executive Director, Industrial Development Board Mr. Reggie Mudd (LMT 2013), Regional Director, North Middle TN, TN Department of Economic & Community Development Ms. Jessica Breaux, TVA Regional Development Specialist---Middle TN 3:15 PM Three Minute Moment: Patricia Smith 3:20 PM Caucus & Wrap-Up: Daisy Casey & Doug Small Announcements: Jill Ayers (LMT 2010), Circuit Court Judge, Montgomery and Robertson County 3:50 PM Return to Hilton Garden Inn 11/5/2015 3:19 PM