University of California, Santa Cruz – August 8, 2011 50% increase in population by 2050 70% increase in food demand by 2050 40% increase in energy demand by 2030 The challenge is not simply meeting increased demand, but doing so sustainably. Slide 5 (EPA, 2010) (EIA, 2010) Emerging policy innovations Synergies with poverty alleviation Perhaps better to ask “How?” 1. 2. 3. How much land is available? What are the life-cycle impacts? What is bioenergy precarious role in the climate-energy nexus? 1700 1710 1720 1) Abandoned agriculture areas from historical land use data (HYDE, SAGE) 2) Exclude agriculture-toforest and agriculture-to-urban (MODIS12C1) 3) High estimate of potential yields from ecosystem model (CASA) 4) Regional bioenergy potential on abandoned agriculture lands. 12 13 (Campbell et al., ES&T, 2008) 14 (Trent, 2010) Algae bioenergy sustainability (Wiley, Campbell, McKuin, WER, 2011) Wastewater co-benefits Efficient harvesting with electrocoagulation and electrofloculation Electrocoagulation / Electroflocculation Surface charge analysis of algae (Wiley, Campbell, McKuin, WER, 2011) A global resource… Abandoned Agriculture Regional opportunities… Mountaintop Mining No land use… Offshore Algae Not commercially viable yet Electrochemical approach is emerging Slide 20 (Campbell et al., Science, 2009) 30,000 20 20,000 10 10,000 0 0 Net Output 30 Vehicle Cycle Ga soline Input 40,000 Vehicle Cycle Electric Input 40 Fuel Cycle Gasoline Input 50,000 Fuel Cycle Electric Input 50 Gross Electricity Output Net Output Vehicle Cycle Ga soline Input Vehicle Cycle Electric Input Fuel Cycle Gasoline Input Fuel Cycle Electric Input Gross Ethanol Output Transportation Mileage (10 3 mi ha -1 y -1 ) a) Ethanol b) Bioelectricity (Campbell, Lobell, & Field, Science, 2009) 23 Future Historical Yield Anomaly (%) 40% 20% 0% -20% -40% -60% 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year Volatility = 15% 2000 2005 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 Year Volatility = 30% (Campbell, Sloan, Snyder, et al., In Prep) (DOE, 2009) Converting Brazilian residue to electricity has greater GHG benefits than conversion to ethanol Residue-based ethanol has small impact on US energy security but electricity would have massive impact on Brazilian energy security (Campbell & Block, ES&T, 2010) (Campbell et al., In Prep) (McKinsey, 2007) (Casillas and Kammen, Science, 2010) (McKuin & Campbell, In Prep) (Pacala and Socolow, Science, 2004) Role in stratosphere (Crutzen, 1976) A novel tracer of carbon sequestration? CO2 COS (Campbell et al., Science, 2008) COS 450 400 350 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Year 1980 1990 2000 550 550 a) GPP Growth b) GPP Fixed 500 COS (ppt) 450 350 1930 450 400 400 1940 1950 1960 1970 Year 1980 1990 2000 350 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Year 1980 1990 2000 550 500 pt) COS (ppt) 500 (Campbell et al., In Prep) Rapid growth with or without sustainability basis. Resources available for a multi-disciplinary approach to bioenergy research and education. Many opportunities for engaging with industry, policy, and mass media. NSF/CAREER (Env’l Sustainability Program #0955141) DOE/Institute for Climatic Change (#050516Z30) Stanford/Carnegie: Chris Field, Joe Berry, David Lobell Iowa: Jerry Schnoor, Greg Carmichael NASA: Stephanie Vay, Randy Kawa Wonderful Students! Andrew Mckuin, Brandi McKuin, Chi-Chung Tsao, Patrick Wiley, Xianyu Yang Question: What are the life-cycle GHG emissions of ethanol (g CO2e MJ-1)? Objective: Team presentations in 30 min (~4 slides) Materials: Approach: Modify a widely referenced LCA model (Farrell et al., Science, 2006) with updated information Team 1: Crutzen et al. (N2O) Team 2: Plevin et al. (Feedstock location) Team 3: Searchinger et al. (Indirect land-use) Team 4: Fargione et al. (Direct land-use) 209.631.9312 | (Tilman , 2009) (Tilman, 2009) (Raupach et al., PNAS, 2007) (Raupach et al., PNAS, 2007) (RAEL) Impact (Death/yr) MORTALITY MORTALITY HOSPITAL ADMISSION HOSPITAL ADMISSION 250 1200 200 1000 800 150 600 100 400 50 200 0 0 Pope et al. Woodruff et al. Laden et al. Moolgavkar, 2000 (Age 18-64) Moolgavkar, 2003 (Age 65-99) (Campbell, et al., In Preparation) (Campbell et al., In Preparation) (Fox & Campbell, ES&T, 2010)