Camp Creek Middle School Annual Title I Parent Meeting Minutes September 10, 2015 5:30 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Principal Keynun Campbell at 5:30 p.m. The PowerPoint presentation was given by Mr. Keynun Campbell. There were only 35 parents in attendance for the meeting. However, Mr. Campbell thanked the parents for coming and commented that all parents were invited to attend our annual title I parent meeting. District’s Strategic Plan Goals: High School Graduation – 90% graduation rate; College Readiness – 85% of Fulton’s seniors will be eligible for admission to a University System of Georgia college or university; and Career Readiness – 100% of Fulton student should be ready for the workforce. About South Learning Community The south learning community is made up of 27 schools: 18 elementary schools, 5 middle schools, and 4 high schools. Title I Annual Meeting Information: Mr. Campbell stated that we are a school wide Title I school and that we receive additional funding from our government for salaries. He also stated Camp Creek Middle School is a Title I School because we receive funds from the federal government to provide additional resources to assist with the education of our disadvantaged students. We quality for these additional funds because a large percentage of our students receive free or reduced meals at our school. The goal of our Title I program is to ensure that every child is able to learn and perform at levels that meet or exceed the state academic standards. The Title I federal funds we receive help to achieve this goal. Title I Parent Committee Meeting The Title I Committee meetings will meet twice per year In January and May. During this meeting, the administrators, parents, teachers, and parents will work to review and revise our Schoolwide program Plan and Title I budget based specifically on our school’s current Needs Assessment. Needs Assessment – Each summer, school faculty meet to review and discuss school data to help inform the School Improvement Plan. This data includes: Georgia Milestone Assessment, District Benchmark assessments, 5th and 8th grade writing assessments, school common assessment in reading, science, social studies, language arts, and math, and class performance summaries. Camp Creek Middle School Annual Title I Meeting Minutes September 10, 2015 5:30 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. How are Title I Funds spent? Budget: Expenditures aligned to Needs Assessment Allocations of $250,000.00 (75% of students on Free and reduced lunch students) Parent Involvement Set Aside: Every Title I school must have a written parent involvement policy, developed with and approved by parents. It should spell out how parents will be involved in a meaningful way. The schools will have to set aside money for parental involvement activities: CCMS Title I teachers, one fulltime Parent Liaison, workshops every month and additional support or parents. The parents can help decide what to do with the money set aside for parental support. CCMS has a parent center located on the main hall. The center offers parent workshops/training sessions for parents throughout the school year. Title I School Parent Compact is an agreement made together as administrators, teachers, parents, and students. The School parent compact is revised every year. The School Compact is currently at the Title I office for approval. Once approved, the parent liaison will sent home for the teachers, parent, and student to sign. Title I Parent Involvement packet: District parental involvement policy, CCMS Parental involvement policy, School newsletter, parent involvement policy, school/parent compact, parent workshop dates, Home Access center, Community Resource information and Job Information. Mr. Campbell opened the floor for questions and remarks. No parents had questions or comments at this time. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.