KERBSIDE COLLECTION Checklist One: Taking Stock When

Checklist One: Taking Stock
When formalising a new approach, the first step is to take stock of the current services, infrastructure, contractual obligations and the communication
approach of each pre-existing Local Government.
Starting Point for Discussion
What type of infrastructure is currently provided?
Considerations include:
- Size, colour and number of kerbside Mobile Garbage Bins (per dwelling and overall –
check rates database, against operational information)
- Skip bins for multiple / grouped dwellings (per dwelling and overall – check rates
database, against operational information)
- Compost bins, bokashi containers
- Number and type (e.g. capacity, collection mechanism) of collection vehicles required
to service the Local Government area
Local Government 1
Local Government 2
Points of difference
What types of services are currently provided?
Considerations include:
- Situations where kerbside collection is provided
- Alternatives where kerbside collection is not provided (e.g. allowing strata managed
multiple / grouped dwelling developments to hire external contractors)
- Frequency, type and timing of kerbside collections
- Materials collected through kerbside waste, recycling, organics or other collections
(detail all materials collected, for comparison purposes)
- Disposal and resource recovery arrangements for collected materials:
- Consider the processing capacity of current waste processors, re-processors,
and recyclers (includes treatment by internal and external parties)
- Determine what contingency plans are in place to manage unforeseen
circumstances (e.g. closure of a processing facility)
- Enforcement activities undertaken to address non-compliant households (e.g.
bin inspections, followed up by enforcement actions)
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- Tailored servicing options:
- Collection after 10am for noise sensitive premises
- Assistance for the aged / disabled
- Provision of two recycling bins for large families
- Provision of tip passes for residents living outside of kerbside collection zones
-OH&S policies / programs
What type of software or data management system is used to capture the
information associated with infrastructure / service provision?
Local Governments must fulfil legislated reporting requirements, undertake financial
planning and customer service activities. Examples of approaches include:
- Run sheets; and
- Log of tonnes collected.
What resources are available / allocated to these activities?
Considerations include:
- Staff resources
- Financial resources
- External funding for specific programs (e.g. Regional Investment Plans)
Who provides the infrastructure / services internally?
- Which business unit/s manage the physical collection of materials (this includes
organising collection routes, responding to requests for new MGB’s, general enquiries
- Which business unit/s organises where waste and resources are sent for processing?
- Which business unit/s manages contracts with external parties?
Which external parties have contracts to deliver Local Government infrastructure
/ services?
Consider all services, and the degree of external party involvement, e.g.:
- Regional Council
- Contractors
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Who owns the infrastructure?
This includes skip bins, collection fleet etc. Potential owners include:
- Individual residents
- Local Government
- Regional Council
- Contractor
Aside from households, who does your Local Government provide kerbside
collection services to?
Examples include:
- Small businesses
What is the current approach to providing kerbside collection services (waste,
recycling, organics and other)?
Considerations include:
- Is kerbside collection managed in-house, or contracted out to external parties?
- Contractual arrangements, in particular the conclusion date for each contract
Is the effectiveness of kerbside collection services measured?
- Customer feedback
- Contamination rates
- Contractor feedback
- Yields
- Compliance with OH&S
- Annual surveys of Local Government services
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