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Logan Village Riding Club Members Show Jumping
Sunday, 11th October 2015
SET-UP: 7.30am Sunday 11th October, all riders ENQUIRIES:
to attend – no help, no ride
9:30am Start
Dress: Collared shirt. Appropriate boots, gloves
and helmet.
One horse, one rider. Second horse allowed.
Only 2 consecutive heights per combinations with
a maximum of 4 classes. One entry per class for
each combination.
Ring 1 AM7
Class 1: juniors 50cm and under
Class 2: seniors 50cm and under
Class 3: juniors 65cm
Class 4: seniors 65cm
Class 5: 80cm
$5 per Round
Class 6: 1m
Entries close: Wednesday, 7th October
Ring 2 Top Score
5pm. Nominations through website. (no late entries
Class 7: seniors 65cm
accepted. No email, text or phone entries).
Class 8: juniors 65cm
Draw on Facebook, Website and will be emailed. NOTE
Class order may change depending on numbers for draw –
check draw for final order.
Class 9: 80cm
No placings, points or ribbons will be awarded to
riders who do not stay for pack-up and presentation
Class 12: juniors 50cm and under
Class 10: 1m
Class 13: seniors 50cm and under
Ring 1 - 6 Bar Feature
Class 14: Clear round cross rail (cannot compete in classes 15-17)
Class 15: 60cm and under
Class 16: 80cm and under
Class 17: 1m and under
PLEASE NOTE: incremental jumping such as six bar and free course jumping such as Top Score offers challenges to
horse and rider combinations. Please nominate and jump according to YOU AND YOUR HORSE’S ABILITY. The judges
(and committee) reserve the right to ask a horse and rider combination to retire if they are jumping beyond their
ability and appear a safety risk. Please read the attached rules for each event.
JOBS: pole steward, canteen, penciller,
SET-UP: 7.30am Sunday 11th October, all riders to attend – no help, no ride. All riders to assist with 6 Bar
Set-up during day
1. First round is judged against an optimum time.
2. A competitor who incurs any jumping or time penalties in the first round must leave the arena immediately
on completion of the first round.
3. A competitor with a clear round must remain in the arena and immediately proceed to jump the jump-off
course (provided when walking the course for the first round) against the clock.
4. The judge will ring the bell to indicate that they are ready for the competitor to start the jump off.
5. A competitor who fails to pass through the start line of the jump off within 45 seconds of the bell will be
6. In the case of equality of faults in the jump off the time taken will be used to decide places.
Top Score:
1. In this event the jumps are given a value number with the easiest jump having the lowest number and the
hardest jump the highest number. Jump number 1 will be worth 10 points if jumped clear, jump 2 will be
worth 20 points and so on. One jump at max height and difficulty, known as the Joker, is worth 200 points.
However, failure to jump this jump clear (ie refusal OR rail down) will result in 200 points being subtracted
from your score.
2. Jumps do not have to be jumped in number order and not all jumps need be jumped.
3. Start and finish flags are placed together so they can be passed through from either direction.
4. The idea of this event is to get the highest score in the time allowed. Riders make up their own course
keeping in mind the ability of their horse.
5. You must pass through the flags to start your round. A jump can be scored twice only and any additional
times it is jumped will not count towards your final total.
6. Jumps can be jumped from either direction or the same direction.
7. Any jump knocked down will not get a score and will not be put up again until the round is finished. Normal
penalties for knock downs and refusals do not apply. Once a jump is knocked it should not be jumped again.
There is no elimination for refusals.
8. The judge will ring the bell to signal the end of your round, ride through the flags - the time between when
the bell rings and you pass through the flags will count if there are riders on equal scores.
Six Bar:
1. In this event, six vertical obstacles are placed in a straight line about 11 m apart from each other. The
number of obstacles may be reduced depending on the size of the arena.
2. All the obstacles may be kept at the same height, for example 1.20m or at progressive heights, for example
1.10 m, 1.20 m, 1.30 m, 1.40 m, 1.50 m, 1.60 m, OR the first two at 1.20 m, the next two at 1.30 m and so
3. In the event of a refusal or a run-out, the competitor is eliminated and should leave the course immediately.
4. After the first jump-off, the number of obstacles may be reduced to four but the distance between them
must be kept at about 11 m as required initially (the lower obstacles should be withdrawn).
5. Only riders who have jumped the first round should progress to the second round and so on. Before each
round, the jumps (all or some) will be raised in height.
6. The rounds will progress until only one rider is left clear OR all riders competing in that round have gained
faults (in which case the rider with the lowest amount of penalties will be awarded first place and so on) OR
until all jumps are at the max height for the class and those riders that have jumped clear at this max round
will be awarded equal first place.