Department Policy Three

Headquarters, Department of Colorado & Wyoming
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
5715 Eldora Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Department Policy 2013 - 3
6 November 2013
PURPOSE: To establish procedures to administer the A. V. Bohn Award for the Outstanding
Camp in the Department. This policy applies to all Officers, Camps and Brothers of the
Department of Colorado & Wyoming.
1. The award period runs from 1 April to 31 March of each year. The recommendation must be
submitted to the Department Commander by 30 April. The award will be presented at the
Department Encampment the following June.
2. The award criteria consists of categories representing various activities, programs and
administrative functions. Each category has an associated point value.
3. Each Camp will fill out an A. V. Bohn Award Recommendation Form (see below), computing
the points for each category completed according to the form instructions. (Note: some categories
require supporting documentation). The Camp compiling the highest score will receive the A. V.
Bohn Award.
4. To be considered, the recommendation form and supporting documents must be received by
the Department Commander by 30 April.
5. The award will consist of streamer for the Camp flag and a certificate.
Department of Colorado & Wyoming
A. V. Bohn Award Recommendation
(See Instructions for Completing Form)
_____________________________Camp No. __________ is recommended for the A. V. Bohn
Award for ________(year). The following data is submitted to support this recommendation:
Program Participation:
1. Graves Registered (5 Points each)
2. GAR/Civil War Memorials Documented (10 Points each)
3. Last Soldier Project (15 Points each)
4. Eagle Scout Awards Presented (5 Points each)
5. ROTC Awards Presented (5 Points each)
Community Participation:
6. Participate in Gravesite, Memorial, Historic Site, or
Patriotic Observances (25 Points each)
7. Participate in Community Functions (25 Points each)
8. Organize a National SUV Approved Sesquicentennial Event
(50 Points each)
Public Information Activities:
9. Maintain a Website or Social Networking Page (50 Points)
10. Articles about Camp in Newspapers or on TV (25 points each)
11. Camp Newsletters Published (25 Points)
12. Items Submitted and Published in the Western Tribune
(25 Points each)
13. Items Submitted and Published in The Banner (25 Points each)
Camp Operations:
14. Form 22, Election Report Submitted on Time (20 Points)
15. Forms 27, Annual Report & Per Capita Submitted on Time
(20 Points)
16. Camp Patriotic Instructor Report Submitted on Time (20 Points)
17. Camp Meetings Held per Year (10 Points each)
18. Net Gain in Membership (20 Points)
19. Life Members in Camp (10 Points each)
Involvement with Department & National Organizations:
20. Camp Represented at Department Encampment (20 Points)
21. Camp Represented at National Encampment (20 Points)
22. Camp Represented at the Gettysburg Remembrance Day and/or
Lincoln Tomb Ceremonies (10 Points each)
23. Graduates of the SUVCW Memorial University (10 Points each)
24. Camp has Own Auxiliary (25 Points)
25. Camp has Members in the SVR (5 Points each up to 25 Total)
Historical Program Participation:
26. GAR Post Documented (15 Points each)
27. SUV Camp Documented (15 Points each)
28. Annual Camp Historical Report Submitted (15 Points each)
Total Points:
Camp Commander
Instructions for Completing the A. V. Bohn Award Recommendation Form
The award period runs from 1 April to 31 March of each year. The recommendation must be
submitted to the Department Commander by 30 April. The award will be presented at the
Department Encampment the following June.
Instructions for each award category:
1. Graves Registered (5 Points each): See National website for an explanation of the program Points are awarded for each new grave registered on the
National Graves Registration Database or new information added to an existing registered grave.
To count, the grave registration must be sent to the Dept. Graves Registration Officer (this may be
done as an email attachment). Graves may be registered in two ways; either by filling out the form
and mailing it in or registering it online by setting up an account on the Graves Registration
Database. If using the latter method, make of copy of the form before hitting submit.
2. GAR/Civil War Memorials Documented (10 Points each) : See National website for an
explanation of the program Points are awarded for each
monument/memorial documented. To count as documented, a CWM Form 61 (downloaded
from the National website) with at least one photograph must be submitted to the Dept. Civil War
Memorials Officer. Use of GPS Coordinates is encouraged but not mandatory. Monuments
whose primary purpose is as an individual grave marker will not count.
3. Last Soldier Project (15 Points each): See National website for an explanation of the program Points are awarded for recording information on the Last
Union Civil War Soldier, Sailor, or Marine buried in each county of CO, ID, MT, UT or WY.
To count, provide the following information on each Last Soldier found: County, Name of
veteran, service info, date of death, cemetery info, sources used to verify his status as a Last
Soldier. This information should be listed on a separate sheet and attached to this form. If the
Camp provides a suitable marker and conducts a ceremony, count those activities under category
6 below.
4. Eagle Scout Awards Presented (5 Points each): See National website for an explanation of the
program Points are awarded for each Eagle Scout Certificate awarded.
Attach a separate sheet with the name of the Eagle Scout, Troop Number and location, date
awarded. In lieu of the separate sheet you may attach a copy of the Eagle Scout Certificate
Application Form (downloaded from the National Website).
5. ROTC Awards Presented (5 Points each): See National website for an explanation of the
program Points are awarded for each ROTC Award presented.
Attach a separate sheet with the name of the Cadet, School and location, date awarded. In lieu of
the separate sheet you may attach a copy of the ROTC Award Application Form (downloaded
from the National Website).
6. Participate in Gravesite, Memorial, Historic Site, or Patriotic Observances (25 Points each):
Examples of events awarded points in this category are: headstone dedications; memorial
dedications/rededications; Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and other patriotic holiday observances;
Remembrance Day & Lincoln Day observances (other than those sponsored by the National
Organization at Gettysburg & Springfield); Last Soldier dedication ceremonies; and the like. List
each event, date & location on a separate sheet.
7. Participate in Community Functions (25 Points each): Points are awarded for event at which at
least two camp members participated to promote and educate the public about the SUVCW or
the Civil War. Reenacting only at an event does not count. Do not duplicate events counted under
category 6 above. List each event, date & location on a separate sheet.
8. Organize a National SUV Approved Sesquicentennial Event (50 Points each): Attach a
description of the event and an impression of the event rubber stamp.
9. Maintain a Website or Social Networking Page (50 Points): Points are awarded if the camp
maintains a website or social networking page on the internet that is open for public viewing. Site
or page must be current during the award period. Points are awarded only once during the award
period regardless of how many sites or pages are maintained by the camp. Provide the link to the
site or page.
10. Articles about Camp in Newspapers or on TV (25 points each): Points are awarded for each
article in local newspapers educating the public about the SUVCW by showcasing our activities.
Can be any newspaper. The same story printed in more than one paper count only once. Attach
a copy of the article as printed.
11. Camp Newsletters Published (25 Points): Self-explanatory. Attach a copy of at least one issue
or email if electronic.
12. Items Submitted and Published in the Western Tribune (25 Points each): Items will only count
for the award period when published. The Department Commander’s Column and articles written
by the Editor will not count. Provide a list of each item by title and the issue in which it appeared.
13. Items Submitted and Published in The Banner (25 Points each): Items will only count for the
award period when published. Provide a list of each item by title and the issue in which it
14. Form 22, Election Report Submitted on Time (20 Points): These points are awarded if the
Camp Election Report is received by the Department on or before 15 Feb and verified by the
15. Forms 27, Annual Report & Per Capita Submitted on Time (20 Points): These points are
awarded if the Camp Annual Report & per capita are received by the Department on or before 30
Apr and verified by the Secretary.
16. Camp Patriotic Instructor Report Submitted on Time (20 Points): These points are awarded if
the Camp Patriotic Instructor Report is received by the Department on or before 1 Feb and
verified by the Dept. Patriotic Instructor. Report forms can be downloaded from the National
17. Camp Meetings Held per Year (10 Points each): Self-explanatory.
18. Net Gain in Membership (20 Points): If the Camp Annual Report shows a net increase in
membership, you may claim these points.
19. Life Members in Camp (10 Points each): Self Explanatory.
20. Camp Represented at Department Encampment (20 Points): At least one member of the
Camp must be present at the Department Encampment.
21. Camp Represented at National Encampment (20 Points): At least one member of the Camp
must be present at the National Encampment.
22. Camp Represented at the Gettysburg Remembrance Day and/or Lincoln Tomb Ceremonies
(10 Points each): At least one member of the Camp must be present.
23. Graduates of the SUVCW Memorial University (10 Points each): Points are awarded for each
Brother that completes a course offered by the SUVCW Memorial University on the National
website ( during the award period. Attach a list of
each graduate.
24. Camp has Own Auxiliary (25 Points): Claim these points if an Auxiliary of the ASUVCW is
affiliated with your Camp during the award period.
25. Camp has Members in the SVR (5 Points each up to 25 Total): You may count up to five
Brothers who are members in good standing of the SVR during the award period. It is not
necessary to have an SVR Unit affiliated with your camp as it is possible to join the SVR as an atlarge member.
26. GAR Post Documented (15 Points each): Points are earned by sending documentation of a
GAR Post to the Dept. Historian. Documentation can include: dates organized & disbanded, no.
of Charter Members, Post Officers, names of members of the Post, location of Post Hall or
meeting place (with photo if it still exists), location & description of extant records & artifacts such
as Post Charter & Flag, and historical information about the Post. Documentation should not
duplicate what is already known (check National Website GAR Database Eventually this info will be posted to the Dept. website.
27. SUV Camp Documented (15 Points each): Points are earned by sending documentation of a
SV/SUVCW Camp to the Dept. Historian. Documentation can include: dates organized &
disbanded, no. of Charter Members, Camp Officers, names of members of the Camp, location of
Camp Hall or meeting place (with photo if it still exists), location & description of extant records &
artifacts such as Camp Charter & Flag, and historical information about the Camp. Documentation
should not duplicate what is already known. Eventually this info will be posted to the Dept.
28. Annual Camp Historical Report Submitted (15 Points each): Points are earned if the Camp
submits to the Dept. Historian a narrative history of their camp covering the period 1 Jan – 31
Dec. Items covered by the report may include description of Camp activities, membership
growth/decline, activities to promote the formation of new camps, auxiliaries or SVR units,
interaction with schools or veterans groups, etc. Basically, anything that documents the history of
the camp during the year. Photos, copies of newspaper articles, etc. are encouraged but not