Genetic material and Reproduction

Name: _________________________
Genetic Material and Reproduction Q and A
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in the box to access the glossary that says page number (top right hand corner) and write the definitions of each word.
1. What is a gene?
2. What is DNA?
3. What is chromosome?
4. The above three genetic materials (gene, DNA, chromosomes) are found in which organelle of the cell? (185)
5. Look at the diagram below and explain how gene, DNA, chromosome, nucleus and cell are related to each
6. Write the following structures from smallest to biggest.
Chromosome, DNA, Cell, Nucleus, Gene
7. How many chromosomes are found in each of the somatic cells (all cells except egg and sperm) of us?
(194) ____________.
8. How many chromosomes are found in sex cells such as egg and sperm? (194) ___________.
9. Go to page 194 in the textbook and answer question 6: Draw a sex cell for the same organism.
Read page 199 about Down syndrome and answer the following questions
10. What is Down syndrome? (199) ______________________________________________
11. How many chromosomes are found of chromosome number 21 in person with Down syndrome _____.
12. What are advantages of asexual reproduction? (pg. 210)
a. __________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________
13. What are advantages of sexual reproduction? (pg. 211)
a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________
14. The offspring of asexual reproduction are genetically _____________ (identical/similar) to the parent
15. A benefit of asexual reproduction is that it is __________ (fast/slow).
16. Explain each type of asexual reproduction (pg. 207)
a. Binary fission:
Example of binary fission: _______________
b. Budding:
Example of budding: ________________
c. Spores:
d. Vegetative reproduction:
Example of Vegetative reproduction: ________________
Draw example of binary fission
Draw example of budding
Draw example of Spores
Draw example of Vegetative Reproduction