1313 Park Blvd. Room A-115 San Diego, CA 92101-4787
Tel: (619) 388-3513 TTY: (619) 388-3313 Fax: (619) 388-3801
It is the responsibility of an instructor to collaborate with DSPS and a student to provide Test Proctoring services to students who are eligible and have Test Proctoring as an Authorized Accommodation. The following information is provided by DSPS to assist you with the Test Proctoring process.
By law (Section 504 Rehabilitation Act and ADAA), students with verified disabilities have the right to receive
academic adjustments and auxiliary aides (including test proctoring) to ensure equal access to college programs.
In order for a student to be approved for the accommodation of test proctoring they must complete the DSPS enrollment process and be updated every semester. This includes an orientation, providing verification of disability, and identifying specific educational limitations as well as an individual meeting with a DSPS Counselor
Specialist. Based on this information, a student may (or may not) be approved for test proctoring as an accommodation.
Notification to Instructors
When a student is approved for an accommodation of test proctoring, the student will present you with a letter entitled “Authorized Academic Accommodations”. This form alerts you that the student is approved for specific testing accommodations for a specific semester
It is the responsibility of the student to share this information with you.
If you have questions or concerns regarding any approved accommodations, contact the DSPS offices immediately.
The DSPS Test Proctoring Process at City College
For each exam, it is the student’s responsibility to request Test Proctoring through the DSPS office at least one week in advance (two week notice for final exams).
When DSPS receives a student’s Test Proctoring Request form, the test proctor sends the instructor a (pink)
“DSPS Test Request” form. (If you do not receive this form, it means the student did not request to take the test.) In some cases, a student may make arrangements with an instructor for testing. In this case the instructor will need to provide the listed accommodations.
The instructor needs to completely fill out the pink “Test Request” form so that all other test criteria are met as it is in the classroom setting.
Return the form and the test to A-115 or to the DSPS Test mailbox or email both documents to citydspsproctor@sdccd.edu at least one day prior to the exam.
Security cameras or a test proctor will monitor the testing process.
An Incomplete or missing “Test Request” form may cause a delay or no testing services.
Test Return
After the student completes a test with DSPS, the test is returned to the instructor’s faculty mailbox unless otherwise indicated. This is done at the end of each testing day.
If a student is suspected of violating the integrity of the testing process, the exam will be stopped immediately.
The Test Proctor will record the incident in writing, and return the unfinished exam and report to the instructor.
If a student misses their test proctoring appointment, the test will be returned to the instructor on that day. It is the
responsibility to arrange any make-up with the instructor’s approval.
Please Remember:
Test proctoring is an academic accommodation to ensure that the evaluation process is accessible to students with disabilities. Accommodations may affect how a test is taken, but not what it measures.
If you have any questions about these Test Proctoring Procedures, please call DSPS at (619) 388-3513.