July 29, 2013 BoD Meeting Minutes

The July 29, 2013, meeting of the BOLPF Board of Directors was called to order by
President Bob Barnum at 10:00 am, in the home of Bob Barnum, at 5596 Highway B,
Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin.
Present: Vice President John Annin, President Bob Barnum, John Clarke, Treasurer
Jean Cuttell, Bill Duff, Jim Fleming, and Cheryl Mitchell.
Absent: Mary Dan Bina, Secretary Cathy Hesselman, Monty Hunt, and Past
President Cherry Loman.
The Board approved Jim Fleming’s serving as acting secretary for the meeting.
The Board approved the minutes of its June 29, 2013 meeting. The Board will
consider the minutes of the June 29, 2013 Annual Meeting at the Board’s next
regular meeting.
The Board heard from guest Jim Surpless on three matters. First, Jim explained the
need to purchase 50 additional 50-year pins at a total cost of approximately $350.
The Board approved that purchase. Second, Jim discussed the annual Survivors’
Dinner, scheduled for September 16, 2013, at Bent’s Camp, beginning at 5:30. Jim
anticipates that Bent’s Camp will be slightly less expensive than the Bear Trap, and
in the range of $20 to $21 per person. Third, Jim discussed the Nominating
Committee’s work for next year. With the current Board members who plan to
continue their Board membership, Jim anticipates the need to fill only Bob Barnum’s
spot next year.
Committee Reports:
Jean Cuttell presented the Treasurer’s report for the year, through July 24, 2013
(copy attached). Jean explained that BOLPF has received about $2300 in dues to
date, which is about half way toward the anticipated membership for the year. Jean
reported that BOLPF is current in payment of its expenses, including a recent
payment of the quarterly insurance premium of $560. Jean will investigate whether
paying the insurance premiums annually in the future, rather than quarterly, might
save money. Bank Certificate of Deposits (“CDs”) currently total $54,428.57 (none
expire in the near term). In addition, bank deposits on hand total $41,346,82.
Together, cash in CDs and bank deposits total $95,775.39. In the future, Jean offered
to provide the Board members with monthly lists of expenses paid. Also, In future
meetings, Jean will present for consideration the possibility of investing more of the
organization’s cash (currently held in checking accounts) in CDs or other long-term
investments (dependent on the need for available cash to cover expenses).
In connection with the Treasurer’s report, Jean explained that while BOLPF’s older
CDs have provided an interest rate in the 2% range, current interest rates for CDs
are much lower. The Board discussed the possibility of investing some of the
organization’s cash assets in alternative investments (within appropriate risk
levels). The Board discussed considering such alternative investments in future
meetings, after having an opportunity to consider Jean’s further analysis of cash
flow needs and other factors.
The Board approved the Treasurer’s report as presented.
Also in connection with the Treasurer’s report, Bob reported that the Board had
requested Bern Fleming to audit the financial records for the period of June 30,
2011, through June 30, 2013. This period included the merger of the previous two
lake organizations into BOLPF and the consequent combining of financial accounts.
Bob had previously circulated Mr. Fleming’s clean audit report to the Board
Members, and he reviewed that report for the members at the meeting. Mr.
Fleming’s audit concluded that all accounts were found to have balanced over the
period of time audited and that the financial numbers had been well presented in
the financial statements. The Board discussed possibly having an audit performed
annually, but, consistent with the By Law’s bi-annual requirement, did not
recommend changing to annual audits.
Clean Boats Clean Waters:
Cheryl Mitchell reported, as she had previously notified the Board members by
email, that BOLPF has hired a second lake inspector, Bob Clem, from Phelps. Mr.
Clem is scheduled to work Thursdays through Sundays from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm, at
$10 per hour, beginning Thursday, August 1. Mr. Clem is a fisherman and is familiar
with the area lakes and invasive species. Marsha and Cheryl are meeting with Mr.
Clem to help him understand the requirements for boat inspections. The Board
expressed its thanks to Cheryl for finding and engaging a second inspector.
Cheryl further reported that BOLPF has already logged approximately 521 and ½
hours of inspection time this summer, either through our hired boat inspector or
lake volunteers.
Finally, Cheryl reported on the experimental growth of milfoil in buckets containing
water only, no soil. Cheryl reported that, so far, it does appear that milfoil can grow
while simply floating in water. She will continue the experiment, and the Board
discussed asking Susan Knight to view Cheryl’s experiment. Cheryl is conducting
the experiment in her back yard, away from the lake.
John Annin reported that Phase 5 has been concluded; negotiations are underway
with the DNR over certain aspects of Phase 4; and Phase 6 is underway.
Bill Duff reported that he would be pleased to send reminder notices to those
individuals who have been members in the past but have yet to pay dues for 2013.
Jean will work on assembling a list for Bill, so that he can do that. Membership dues
will also be solicited at the annual picnic on August 10.
Old Business:
Bob reported that the lake auction team is on track for the August 10 picnic and has
no requests of the Board. The auction team did suggest considering scheduling the
picnic slightly earlier next year, in July. The Board agreed that a date in mid- to late
July would be a good target, dependent on the Conserve School’s availability.
New Business:
The September insurance premium has been paid, and, as mentioned previously, the
Treasurer will investigate any advantage of possibly paying the premiums annually.
Bob raised for consideration the possibility of installing underwater fish cribs in the
lake. There are numerous remains of such cribs. The Board discussed some of the
positives and negatives of fish cribs, and agreed to take-up the subject in the future.
John Annin will try to speak with Steve Gilbert, the DNR fisheries person for this
area, about the pros and cons, and report to the Board at a future meeting.
Jean continues to look into the possibility of using PayPal or VISA for members to
pay dues, make contributions, and for other financial transactions with BOLPF.
Bob asked the Board to consider and discuss at a future meeting the possibility of a
BOLPF “mission statement.” John Annin reminded the members that the By Laws do
include a brief mission statement. The Board agreed to consider and discuss further
a more detailed, goal-oriented statement at a future meeting.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for August 24, 2013, at the President’s house.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am.
Jim Fleming
Acting Secretary