On web page – http://www.sph.umn.edu/programs/degrees/ add Public Health Pharmacy Create a link to the new web site and list it here (link 1) *** Link I – new web site Photo of a student in a pharmacy setting. Left of the photo Complement your Pharmacy degree with a Masters of Public Health. The dual degree provides you with training in health education, health promotion and disease prevention interventions. > How to apply (create link to http://www.sph.umn.edu/prospective/admissions/) > Apply Now via SOPHAS (create a link to http://www.sophas.org) Paragraph under the photo: Public Health Pharmacy There is a need to expand the team-based health care approach to protect the health of our population. The role of the Pharmacist is evolving into an active participate in managing chronic disease. The role of public health complements the Pharmacist with providing education on policy, patient education and population management. With approval, you may use up to 14 credits of Pharmacy courses toward the MPH. This allows you to save time and money while earning both degrees. A large majority of the MPH courses are offered online which allows you the freedom to complete both degrees with flexibility and in a timely fashion. The MPH charges resident tuition since it is an online program. Browse the links at the right to learn more about our program. For specific questions, please contact Katy Korchik or Kate Hanson at php@umn.edu. About the Program Director Katherine Waters’s photo. Copy the photo and text from http://www.sph.umn.edu/programs/phpexec/ 1 In the maroon box in the right column: Public Health Pharmacy About the field (link 2) Admissions (link 3) Curriculum (link 4) Master’s Culminating Experience and Field experience (link 5) FQA (link 6) In the white box below the maroon box in the right column: Questions? Request Info (link to http://www.ahc.umn.edu/sphInquiry/form.cfm) Meet Our Faculty (link to http://www.sph.umn.edu/programs/phpexec/faculty/) About Online Courses (link to http://www.oit.umn.edu/moodle/) Contact Information Executive Program in Public Health Practice Director Katherine Waters DVM, MPH, Dipl. ACVPM water144@umn.edu Major Coordinators Kate Hanson hanso041@umn.edu Katy Korchik korc0004@umn.ed **** New web page: About the field (link 2) Students in the public health area will gain in-depth knowledge to become leaders, practitioners, researchers, and educators which complements the PharmD as it relates to population based 2 health care and pharmacy issues of drug related problems, health promotion, and disease prevention. Public Health Pharmacist can be involved in advanced pharmacy practice, health policy development, emergency and humanitarian response, public health leadership, global health and much more. Public Health Pharmacy students will benefit from education that prepares them for impacting policies, providing education to patients in order to manage certain diseases, conduct research on drug interactions/therapies and alternative herbal medications at all levels – from the local, regional and state to the national and international levels – at the intersection of government, non-profit and private sectors. Pharmacy seeks to inspire, education, and support innovative leaders to advance the common good in a diverse world, while the School of Public Health advances excellence in research, education and outreach for the protection, restoration and promotion of health, well-being, security and safety. The dual degree option is an exciting opportunity for both schools and students to improve public administration, policy, and planning by bridging the knowledge, skills and professional training of these two important fields. PharmD/MPH can influence prevention activities as well as prevention service delivery. For example, providing vaccinations to thousands of people over a large geographic area in a very short period of time is a complex undertaking requiring many well trained individuals including Public Health Pharmacists. Also PharmD/MPH can work with screening programs to increase early therapeutic interventions in numerous chronic diseases states such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity and hypertension. The relationship between pharmacy and public health can create direct patient specific interventions for improving community health status and preventive services. PharmD/MPH at the state level can influence the delivery of preventive services through traditional public health agencies and expand pharmacy in preventing health services with our communities. Public Health Pharmacists work in a variety of organizations including, the Public Health Service Corp, Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Services, Homeland Security, Centers for Disease Control and the Environmental Protection Agency. References 3 1. Vivan EM. Improving Blood Pressure control in a Pharmacist-managed Hypertension Clinic. Pharmacotherapy. 2002;12:1533-1540. 2. Capper SA, Sands CD. The Vital Relationship between Public Health and Pharmacy. The International Journal of Pharmacy Education. Fall 2006, Issue 2. **** New web page Admissions (link 3) Admissions PharmD/MPH Qualifications for Admission Applicants must be currently admitted to a School of Pharmacy. Students must have a baccalaureate degree before beginning M.P.H. coursework. Preferred performance levels: GPA of 3.00 All applications are reviewed holistically All Application Materials are Submitted Directly to SOPHAS: Completed application and application fee. Statement of purpose and objectives describing your past education, experience, and current professional career objectives. You are encouraged to comment on any or all of the following: plans you have to use your education and training; the needs and/or challenges you perceive as important in your field of study; and any personal qualities, characteristics, and skills you believe will enable you to be successful in your chosen field of study. Three completed recommendation forms with attached letters of recommendation from persons qualified to assess your academic work; clinical, public health or professional experiences; or leadership potential in public health. Official transcripts from each college/university attended. This includes previous study at the University of Minnesota. Copy of Pharmacy Admission Letter, if a newly admitted pharmacy student. Resume or C.V. PCAT scores (Use the University of Minnesota SPH Institution code 6891. Through our arrangement with ETS, your scores will be electronically forwarded directly to SOPHAS – ask Guy_) TOEFL or IELTS test scores (international applicants only – see application information for specifics) NOTE: Students applying before beginning a School of Pharmacy, please submit a copy of your acceptance letter directly to: Student Services Center 4 School of Public Health MMC 819 420 Delaware St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 Applications deadlines: * March 15 to start May/Summer terms July 15 to start Fall term October 15 to start Spring term * It is encouraged to complete the application by March 15 and start the MPH in May/Summer terms. On the right side of the admission information, make the gold/yellow template box: Applying to our school You may apply online via SOPHAS to our MPH, MHA, MS, PhD and Certificate in Core Concepts programs. SOPHAS is the centralized Schools of Public Health Application Service. Remember to designate the University of Minnesota School of Public Health as one of your school choices along with your desired program. We'll let you know by e-mail once we receive your application from SOPHAS. Information you'll need for your application (link to http://www.sph.umn.edu/prospective/admissions/) Application Deadline (link to http://www.sph.umn.edu/prospective/admissions/deadlines/) ***** New web page: Curriculum (link 4) Pharmacy seeks to inspire, educate, and support innovative leaders to advance the common good in a diverse world, while SPH advances excellence in research, education, and outreach for the protection, restoration and promotion of health, well-being, security and safety. Each school has nationally recognized faculty in the areas of management and administration, education, policy, and population with leadership roles at the local, state and national levels. 5 A key feature of the PharmD/MPH is that up to 14 credits from each program may be doublecounted, which saves you valuable tuition cost and time. The MPH degree requires 42 credits. The PharmD requires a minimum of 140 credits. It is expected that the double-counting of up to 14 credits could reduce the amount of time required for the PharmD/MPH by a year (from a total of six years to five years). You will be assigned a faculty advisor from both program and also have the resources of the programs’ advisors and coordinators. Many of the MPH elective courses are offered at the Public Health Institute (PHI) offered during the University of Minnesota’s three week May session in the last week in May and first weeks in June. The PHI offers course topics that are timely and current to public health and are taught in a non-traditional concentrated format, allowing students to complete up to 7 cr in 3 weeks. Examples of PHI course topics include Public Health Law, Risk Communication, Introduction to GIS, and Social Epidemiology. PharmD/MPH students also have the option to add an interdisciplinary concentration area in Health Disparities, Global Health, or Public Policy. Completion of SPH concentration areas is officially documented on the student’s transcript. ________________________________________________________ PharmD/MPH Dual Degree Sample Study Plan Year one - Fall Semester – Register full time in College of Pharmacy Year one - Spring Semester -- Register full time in College of Pharmacy Year one -Summer Session -- Register in School of Public Health PubH 6299 Public Health is a Team Sport, 1.5 cr (R) Public Health Institute - Focus Area, 4.5 cr (E) Online - PubH 6414 Biostatistical Methods, 3 cr (R) Online - PubH 6320 Fundamentals of Epidemiology, 3 cr (R) Year two - Fall Semester – Register full time in College of Pharmacy Year two - Spring Semester -- Register full time in College of Pharmacy Year Two - Summer Session -- Register in School of Public Health Public Health Institute - Focus Area, 4 cr (E) Online - PubH 6741 Ethics in PH: Prof Practice & Policy, 1 cr (R) Online - PubH 6751 Prin of Mgmt in Health Services Org, 2 cr (R) 6 Online - PubH 6020 Fundamentals of Social & Behavioral Sci, 3 cr (R) Online - PubH 6102 Issues in Envir & Occu Health, 2 cr (R) Year three - Fall Semester – Register full time in College of Pharmacy - including 4 credits of public health courses that count as electives for both degrees Year three - Spring Semester -- Register full time in College of Pharmacy - including 6 credits of public health courses that count as electives for both degrees Year Three – Summer Session – Register full time in the College of Pharmacy (transfer Phar7XXX to MPH to meet the MPH PubH 7296 field experience requirement 4 cr) Year Four - Fall Semester – Register full time in College of Pharmacy Year Four - Spring Semester – Register full time in College of Pharmacy Year Four - Spring or Summer terms – Register with the SPH for PubH 7294 MPH project, 4 cr which was completed with Pharm 6181, 6182, 6183. The College of Pharmacy Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and the School of Public Health is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). New web page: Master’s Culminating Experience and Field experience (link 5) Master’s Culminating Experience The Master’s Culminating Experience is a planned undertaking involving studious inquiry or examination. The product of that undertaking is a formal, written, scholarly report that demonstrates writing proficiency; and the ability to critically approach a topic, synthesize, interpret, and successfully convey information to the appropriate audience. The Master’s Culminating experience provides a culminating experience that allows students to demonstrate the use of public health principles and competencies. This is an opportunity for students to learn firsthand about the organization, operations, and special activities of selected agencies, institutions, and industries concerned with public health practice. Students are expected to demonstrate familiarity with the tools of applied research or scholarship in public health practice, the ability to work independently, and the ability to apply skills learned in coursework by completing a Research Paper, or Systematic Literature Review, or Consultative Report, or Grant Proposal or complete the Certification in Public Health exam. Once you have identified a MPH topic, you are required to complete a MPH proposal form. For complete information on the MPH, please print out this pdf. 7 PharmD/MPH students may customize their PharmD paper requirement to meet the needs of the SPH Master Culminating Experience. Students are required to complete the MPH culminating proposal form and receive approval from their SPH and PharmD advisors. Students will register with the School of Public Health for PubH 7294 MPH Culminating Experience and the paper written and present in Pharm 6181, 6182 and 6183 which will fulfill the MPH Culminating Experience requirement. Field Experience The public health practice field experience provides students with a means of gaining additional insight into public programs, personnel management, governmental relations, public relations, legislative support and, knowledge of special investigations conducted by these organizations. Participation in the activities of public health practice programs external to the University adds a dimension of experience to the curriculum that enriches the student’s training and may be beneficial in seeking employment. Once you have identified a field experience, you are required to complete a field experience contract located on http://www.sph.umn.edu/current/fe/ PharmD/MPH students may customize their PharmD 7XXX APPE to meet the requirements of the SPH field experience. Pharm 7XXX APPE credits can be transferred to the MPH to fulfill the MPH Field experience 4 credits requirement. A completed SPH field experience contract is required prior to starting the internship experience. New web page: FQA (link 5) Frequently Asked Questions 1) Why choose a Pharm/MPH dual degree with School of Public Health? The PharmD/MPH dual degree students will benefit from education that prepares them for dealing with policy, providing education to patients in order to manage certain diseases, conduct research on drug interventions/therapies, and alternative herbal medications at all levels – from the local, regional, and state to the national and international levels – and at the intersection of government, nonprofit, and private sectors. Many students will use their public health knowledge and skills to enhance effectiveness and opportunities in their current work or career path. Population science is an increasingly valued area of expertise in many public, private and human service organizations. 2) Who is eligible for the program? 8 Applicants must be accepted or enrolled a Pharmacy School and complete a SOPHAS application. 3) How long does the program take? The MPH can be completed within the same four years as pharmacy school, by taking public health courses in the summers after year one and two. If needed, you have up to seven years to complete the MPH. 4) What is unique about the dual degree program? You may transfer up to 14 credits of your pharmacy courses, with approval into the MPH program, saving you valuable time and tuition dollars. You may elect to focus the elective credits on one topic or several topics. The goal is explore your interest and design the dual degree to complement your pharmacy practice. The SPH offers courses of the following topics: Cultural competency Food protection Global health Health disparities Preparedness, response, and recovery Public health leadership Public health policy Public health systems Self-designed It is a flexible program. The curriculum builds on your work and educational experience and allows you to choice your elective courses based on your career goals and interest. You will meet new colleagues. The Public Health Institute is a unique opportunity for professionals from multiple disciplines to connect and immerse themselves in emerging public health issues. It provides the perfect environment to network and establish life-long relationships. You will be in class with practicing MD, DDS, DVM, PharmD, Public Health Professionals and MD, DDS, DVM, MPP and MURP students. 6) What makes the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota the right choice? The University of Minnesota School of Public Health is a nationally ranked school whose faculty are internationally recognized for their innovative research and teaching effectiveness. The 9 faculty has a strong commitment to educating a new generation of public health leaders and practitioners. 7) What do the Public Health Practice alumni say about the program? “The program I very flexible and the staff is so supportive” 2013, Alumna MD/MPH “Convenient, relevant and affordable” 2012, Alumna, DVM/MPH “Take as much advantage as possible of the wide variety of summer school session classes.” 2012, Alumnus, MD/MPH “My MPH program was a mind-expanding, career enhancing, life-transforming experience!” 2012, Alumnus, MD/MPH “Enjoy the program and try to get as much as you can out of the field experience.” 2012, Alumna, PharmD/MPH 10