ASHLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, May 18, 2015 5:30 p.m. The Ashland Board of Education met in regular session on May 18, 2015, at the board office of 1820 Hickman Street, Ashland, KY 41101. Chairperson Frank DeMartino called the meeting to order. Present: Frank DeMartino, Chris Clarke, Carol Jackson, David Latherow Absent: Charlie Chatfield Also attending: Stephen E. Gilmore, Superintendent; Tim Walters, Treasurer; Amy Wessel, Board Assistant; Chuck Trimble, Murphy-Graves-Trimble; Maria Gillette, Murphy-Graves-Trimble; Taylor Coates, Codell; Tony Kershner, Olympic Construction; Anthony Wright, Harshaw Trane; Sri Iyer, Harshaw Trane; Mark Begle, Harshaw Trane; Dr. Patsy Lindsey; Jacqui Thornburg; Cary Williams; Lisa Henson; Linda Calhoun; Derek Runyon, Mark Swift,Tonia Parker AMS Teacher, Payton Scott, Spencer Wills, Courtney Jones. Order # 317 Minutes Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 27, 2015. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Harshaw Trane representative, Anthony Wright introduced KY Power’s David Richard, who along with Larry Metcalf, of KY Power’s incentive program was in attendance to “congratulate the district for energy savings achieved by undergoing an energy upgrade through a performance contract and applying for Kentucky Power commercial rebates. As part of the project process, Harshaw Trane’s energy engineers not only identified and implemented energy savings, but potential rebates as well. After consultation with Larry Metcalf of the Kentucky Power Commercial Incentive Program, the resulting rebate to the district was $71,033”. Mr. Gilmore acknowledged Tonia Parker, Ashland Middle School’s Future Problem Solving Coach, as well as a few of the members from the team. Ms. Parker informed the board that the FPS team was going to compete in Iowa at the International level in June. She noted how proud she was of the team and their commitment to practicing after school 2 days per week without fail. Members who were present at the meeting were: Payton Scott, Spencer Wills, and Courtney Jones. Those members unable to attend the meeting were: Hayleigh Buckler, Madison Graham, and Caitlin Harvey. Mr. Gilmore and the board commended Ms. Parker and all the members on such a great accomplishment and wished them luck in Iowa. Chuck Trimble, Murphy Graves Trimble updated the Board on various projects. The Alumni Gym tuck pointing bid opening occurred earlier in the day, with Olympic Construction submitting the lowest bid at $230,100.00. After some discussion, the board decided to have Mr. Trimble prepare a comparison of what the cost would be to bring Alumni Gym completely up to date inside and out, vs. putting in a Quonset hut type gym at Blazer. Ashland Middle School’s 29 th Street parking lots are scheduled to be paved Wednesday, the 20th, just in time for use at Friday’s graduation. The Putnam Stadium locker room punch list is complete. Taylor Coates, Codell, discussed the Ashland Middle School renovation project. 50% of the floor tiles are complete in Phase II (old gym). The casework in the Science classrooms will be started this week, along with ceiling tile installation. Bathrooms are 95% complete. Mr. Coates stated there shouldn’t be any reason the entire project would not be done by July 10th, if not sooner. Linda Calhoun, Instructional Supervisor, reported on the district’s STEM initiatives: Construction Technology program, Bio-Medical program, and Medicaid Nurse Aide program. For the 2015-2016 school year, they would like to add an additional Health Sciences/Nursing Position and two new Health Programs (Medical Laboratory Aide-Phlebotomist and Emergency Medical Technician). We would also like to find a partner for Phlebotomy and EMT instructor/clinical experience, and add support courses as electives: Medical Math and Special Topics in Health Care. Cary Williams, Director of Instructional Technology informed the board that the district just received a Project Lead the Way grant for $50,000.00 and this would be used to help cover training and supplies for the 2nd year of the MNA program. We also received a $15,000.00 grant for the middle school robotics program. The money would be used for training, and equipment such as laptops, etc. Jacqui Thornburg, Head Start Director presented the following to the board: USDA Report PIR Report Community Assessment Improvement Plan T/TA Plan ERSEA Final Ruling Proposed Head Start Budget 2015-2016 Order # 318 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to amend the Agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 319 Alumni Gym Bid & BG-1 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to accept the bid and approve the amended addition of BG-1 for the Alumni Gym restoration project. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 320 Change Orders Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve change orders for the Ashland (Verity) Middle School Renovation Project that were tabled at the April 27, 2015 meeting: Change Change Change Change Change Order Order Order Order Order 18-10: 22-37: 22-38: 22-39: 22-40: $845.00 casework sinks for rooms 127 & 146 $940.00 corridor work $10,846.57 furring walls in 155, 157 & 158 $38,528.88 storm sewer modifications $3,511.88 repair walls in Boys’ 175 Ayes: Clarke, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 321 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to amend the agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 322 Olympic Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to accept the amended agenda with the additional item of approving payment to Olympic Construction in the amount of $58,488. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson, Latherow, DeMartino Order # 323 Change Orders Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by David Latherow to approve change orders for the Ashland (Verity) Middle School Renovation Project: Change Order 12-11:$2,154.90 band practice rooms 003-008 Change Order 22-41:$15,723.49 band practice rooms 003-008 Change Order 20-06:$2,313.95 duct smoke detectors Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 324 Pay Estimate 22 Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Carol Jackson and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve Pay Estimate 22 to Codell/Contractors/Suppliers in the amount of $404,063.37 for the Ashland (Verity) Middle School Renovation Project. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 325 Fidelity Bond Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by David Latherow to approve the Fidelity Bond for the Business Manager/Treasurer for the 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 326 Auditor Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve Kelley, Galloway and Company as the auditor for the 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 327 Budget Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the 20152016 tentative budget. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 328 Salary Schedules Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to combine and approve the following salary schedules for the 2015-2016 school year: Certified salary schedules for the 2015-2016 school year. Classified salary schedules for the 2015-2016 school year. Classified salary schedule for those positions not on the 2015-2016 classified salary schedule. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 329 KETS Offer Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the third KETS offer of assistance in the amount of $19,537.00. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 330 Consent Items Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to combine and approve The following consent items: Bills for May, 2015 as presented by the Board Treasurer. Head Start bills for May, 2015 as presented by the Board Treasurer. Salaries for May, 2015 in accordance with the 2014-2015 salary schedule. Head Start salaries for May, 2015 in accordance with the 20142015 salary schedule. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 331 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to amend the agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 332 East Kentucky Psychological Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the contract with East Kentucky Psychological Resources to provide integrated evaluations to be used in determining eligibility for special education or 504 services for the 2015-2016 school year, and to accept the amended addition to require verification of liability insurance. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 333 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to amend the agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 334 Grayson Speech Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the contract with Grayson Speech Therapy Services, PSC, to provide physical and occupational therapy services for the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, and to accept the amended addition to require verification of liability insurance. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 335 Amend Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to amend the agenda. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 336 Orientation & Mobility Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the Orientation and Mobility contract, and to accept the amended addition to require verification of liability insurance. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 337 Health Science Program Teacher Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by David Latherow to approve adding a Health Science Program Teacher at Blazer High School. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 338 KEDC Cooperative Agreement Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Chris Clarke to approve the KEDC 2015-2016 Cooperative Membership Agreement at a cost of $2747.92. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 339 Head Start Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by David Latherow to approve the following Head Start documents: Improvement Plan, T/TA Plan, ERSEA Final Ruling. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 340 Bookkeeper Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve changes to the classified job description: Bookkeeper – Blazer High School to School Bookkeeper. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 341 ADIDAS Team Agreement Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the automatic renewal of the ADIDAS Team Agreement on June 30, 2015. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Order # 342 Head Start Budget Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to approve the AISD Application for Head Start including the proposed budget for 20152016 in the amount of $824,488.00. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino The following recommendation died due to lack of a motion to approve: Recommend the Ashland Board of Education approve the adjustments for three classified positions at Ashland Independent Child Care (AICC) tabled at the April 27, 2015 board meeting. Order # 343 Consent Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, it was moved by Chris Clarke and seconded by Carol Jackson to combine and approve the following consent items: Application and agreement for use of district property by the Tomcat Boys’ Varsity Basketball Team to conduct the Tomcat Basketball Camp June 1-4, 2015 in Anderson Gym with Site Based approval and insurance documentation on file. Application and agreement for use of district property by the Kittens Girls’ Basketball Team to conduct Summer Camp June 8 & 9, 2015 in Anderson Gym with Site Based approval and insurance documentation on file. Application and agreement for use of district property by the Blazer Cheerleaders to conduct Cheer Camp July 27, 28, and 29, 2015 in Anderson Gym with Site Based approval and insurance documentation on file. Application and agreement for use of district property by the Ashland Middle School Basketball Team to conduct a one day Basketball Clinic with Huntington Prep Boys Basketball players (with site base approval and insurance documentation on file). Proceeds will be split between Huntington Prep and AMS. Fundraiser requests as listed: AMS Student Council fundraiser requests to raise money to support school-wide events: T-Shirt sales, Spirit Week, Food Feud, Spirit Items during lunch, Glow Dance, AMS Cheerleading fundraiser requests to raise money for uniforms and equipment: Wal-Mart, Texas Roadhouse, car wash, Lock-in, Moe’s, flower sale, World’s Finest Chocolate sale, T-Shirt sale, cookie dough, cups, candle sale; Blazer Varsity Cheerleading fundraiser to raise money for uniforms: car washes, DQ night, Moes night, cheer clinic, pancake breakfast, magical night of giving, bagging groceries; Sports Medicine Club fundraiser to raise money for banquet, awards, club activities and Burt Dailey sports medicine scholarship: Scentsy sale; Volleyball Team fundraiser to assist volleyball team with costs: Youth Volleyball Camp; Academic Team car wash fundraiser to raise funds for academic camp scholarships; Crabbe Safety Patrol fundraisers to raise money for Safety Patrol trip in 2016: Back to School dance and Valentine’s Day dance, Popcorn Palace popcorn sales, team apparel and merchandise sale. Surplus equipment listed in accordance with KRS 45.425: ITEM SERIAL NUMBER 1968 Ford Tractor/Bush Hog 1996 Ford Van (Maint.) 1960 CAT Fork Lift (Walker) 1996 Chevy Van (Maint.) 1996 Chevy Van (Maint.) Toro Z Mower 1992 GMC Van 1FTEE14N1THA40208 4N2521 1GBFG15M9T1001092 1GCHG35KOTF107657 N65257 2GDHG31JON4515982 CONTROL NUMBER FROM ASSET STICKER 103 113 119 127 128 201 013 DISPOSAL/LOCATION DATE 5/19/15 5/19/15 5/19/15 5/19/15 5/19/15 5/19/15 5/19/15 Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino Personnel for Board Information Only in accordance with KRS 160.390 Employed Name Jon Blankenship Laidler, Robert Mahoney, Daniel Mota Guerrero, Amaury Terry, Danny Thornbury, Shawn Position Custodian Substitute Maintenance Worker Substitute Bus Monitor Substitute Bus Driver Head Custodian (Athletic Venues) Principal Site/School AMS District-wide District-wide District-Wide Blazer CRS Effective Date 4/20/15 5/26/15 4/23/15 4/27/15 4/13/15 7/1/15 Retirements: Name Brown, Sharon Crump, Sandy Fowler, Hershel Gregory, Alice Simpson, Judy Thompson, Cheryl Position Instructional Assistant Special Education Teacher Custodian Teacher Instructional Assistant Secretary, Student Services/RTC School/Site Poage Hager Oakview AMS Oakview Central Office Effective Date 6/30/15 10/1/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 8/31/15 School/Site Poage Blazer District-Wide SAFRC District-Wide Effective Date 6/30/15 6/30/15 5/6/15 5/22/15 4/28/15 Resignations/Terminations: Name Position Arnold, Sandi School Technician Biggs, James Teacher Kazee, Dallas Bus Driver Latour, Dana Custodian Sharp, Rebecca Bus Driver Transfers: Name Spicer, Lesa Position Special Education Teacher School/Site AMS to Head Start Effective Date 8/10/15 FMLA: Name Daniels, Chris Halterman, Patty Farrow, Tasha Position Custodian Instructional Assistant Childcare Worker School/Site Blazer Crabbe SAFRC Effective Date 04/21/15 4/22/15 4/29/15 Classified Non-Renewals: Baker, Al Bonner, Ryan Campbell, Shane Caudill, Phillip Davis, Matt Floyd, Scott Hall, Rebekah Ingram, Scott Justus, Mark Manning, Lakin Moore, Drew Murphy, Don Asst. Track Coach Asst. 8th Grade Football Coach Asst. Softball Coach Track Coach Asst. Baseball Coach Asst. Basketball Coach Robotics Coach Head Softball Coach Asst. Baseball Coach Asst. Softball Coach Asst. Football Coach Asst. Softball Coach Ream, Braun Royalty, Samantha Runyon, Brandy Sellars, Jamey Sizemore, Eddie Smith, Jordan Wells, Heather Walter, Dwight Wilcox, Jeff Order # 344 Adjourn Subject Level Academic Coach Subject Level Academic Coach Safety Patrol Co-Sponsor Kitten Tennis Coach Tomcat Tennis Coach Asst. Softball Coach Subject Level Academic Coach Asst. Baseball Coach Head Baseball Coach There being no further action to bring before the Board, it was moved by David Latherow and seconded by Carol Jackson to adjourn. Ayes: Clarke, Jackson Latherow, DeMartino ________________________________ Frank DeMartino Chairperson ________________________________ Stephen E. Gilmore Secretary