Developing Excellence in Offender learning delivered by sector experts You told us you would like us to offer work shops in order to develop excellence on a range of hot topics for leaders and managers. Developing excellence in … data collection, analysis & evidencing learners’ softer skills and wider outcomes data collection and analysis in shaping and informing the curriculum offer a whole organisational approach to the induction and assessment process a whole organisational approach to quality improvement – from strategy to classroom Views from an Ofsted secondment reinforcing the value and impact of the selfassessment process in the improvement agenda improving outcomes by taking a whole organisational approach to problem solving quality improvement plans that are developed and owned by the whole organisation creating a rigorous and reliable and selfassessment report data management to inform decision making and improve and enhance future performance creating an ‘inspection ready’ organisation performance management, lesson observations and selfassessment reports maximising the use of the virtual campus improving attendance and allocations in prisons everything you need to know about learning & skills, but were too afraid to ask creating an ambitious organisation Looking up and broadening horizons: Innovation, Evolution and Adaptation Title data collection, analysis & evidencing learners’ softer skills and wider outcomes Description Delivered by : Who is this workshop for? Kerry Boffey, A4E & Manchester college, improvement advisor All prison managers and curriculum leads This workshop will help you to: Identify and appreciate the importance of partnership working across the prison Consider the range of priorities and look at opportunities for collaboration Discuss data collection and analysis focusing on how to identify the value added benefits of learning and skills both in prison industries and within OLASS Take away some practical tips and ideas for implementation data collection Who is this workshop for? and analysis in All prison managers and curriculum leads shaping and informing the curriculum This workshop will help you to: offer Work with delivery teams to understand and make use of data to raise standards Work with teams to better understand delivery variables and how these impact on learner progress Shape and inform the curriculum offer by having an improved understanding of how to make the best use of data Daniel Kane, Manchester college , senior MI lead data management to inform decision making and improve and enhance future performance improving attendance and allocations in prisons Who is this workshop for? Curriculum managers, heads of reducing reoffending, learning and skills managers, activities hub managers, curriculum administrators, teaching teams, industries managers/workshop supervisors and resettlement managers Alastair Phelpstead, Weston college, project director operations business planning & performance This workshop will help you to: Evaluate your current practice and share ideas to improve and enhance future practice Develop your skills in curriculum planning; data collection & analysis Use data to inform decision making & performance monitoring Who is this workshop for? The workshop will be aimed at everyone who is involved in the allocation and attendance process. This will include: learning and skills managers, heads of reducing & reoffending, education managers and residential managers This workshop will help you to: To gain a better understanding of the complexities of allocation and attendance To appreciate the pressures and priorities for each individual role involved with allocation and attendance Understand why it is so important to foster better partnership collaboration Pete Nash, head of learning and skills cluster lead Who is this workshop for? Danny Branley, head of learning & a whole skills Dartmoor prison organisational The workshop will be aimed at those that are involved in the induction approach to and assessment process. This will include: learning and skills the induction managers, heads of reducing reoffending, education managers, and activity managers, offender management unit managers and residential managers assessment process This workshop will help you to: Develop the sequencing of the offender journey whilst at establishment through the effective use of skills action plans and OASIS sentence planning Identify areas within your own establishment that would profit from more effective partnership working such as improved attendance, success rates and retention Who is this workshop for? improving outcomes by Prison SMT, education managers and NCS managers taking a whole organisational This workshop will help you to: approach to Understand the benefits of a whole organisation approach problem solving Develop and apply a joint approach to increasing attendance in education Understand how to use this to demonstrate effective leadership and management at inspection Sue Saxton, head of learning & skills, cluster 2 east of England creating an ‘inspection ready’ organisation Who is this workshop for? Curriculum managers, heads of reducing reoffending, learning and skills managers, activities hub managers, allocations, curriculum administrators, teaching teams, industries managers/workshop supervisors and resettlement managers Andy Coxon , Weston college, assistant director compliance & standards This workshop will help you to: Everything you need to know about learning & skills, but were too afraid to ask Evaluate your current practice and provoke new ideas to improve and enhance future practice Prepare your staff for inspection Present accurate evidence during inspection Anticipate and respond to challenges Network with colleagues and share effective practice Who is this workshop for? Curriculum managers, heads of reducing reoffending, learning and skills managers, activities hub managers, allocations, curriculum administrators, teaching teams, industries managers/workshop supervisors and resettlement managers. This workshop will help you to: Develop the knowledge of prison staff in terms of learning & skills Support staff that are new to learning & skills to work more effectively in the sector John Platt, Stephen Oliver-Watts & Janet Long, The regional & cluster Holse in the NW Develop your knowledge in the three critical zones. The training will cover key elements of the OLASS contract: curriculum / funding / assurance & governance Who is this workshop for? a whole organisational Curriculum managers, heads of reducing reoffending, learning and approach to skills managers, activities hub managers, allocations, curriculum quality administrators, teaching teams, industries managers/workshop improvement supervisors and resettlement managers – from strategy to This workshop will help you to: classroom quality improvement plans that are developed and owned by the whole organisation Develop your skills so that you can contribute to raising standards across the regime with a focus on integrated curriculum design and planning Support the skills development within prison industries Respond to national priorities at a regional and local level Who is this workshop for? Curriculum managers, heads of reducing reoffending, learning and skills managers, activities hub managers, allocations. This workshop will help you to: o Work with your staff team to build and deliver improvement plans with a focus on; - Responding to local priorities - Staff involvement and engagement Mark Shovlin, Manchester college Mairi Anne McLeaod, Manchester college performance management, lesson observations and selfassessment reports Develop best practice in quality improvement Work with and within the regime- challenging preconceptions of what can be done Who is this workshop for? Curriculum managers, heads of reducing reoffending, learning and skills managers, activities hub managers, allocations, curriculum administrators, teaching teams, industries managers/workshop supervisors and resettlement managers. Alan Brockbank quality manager, Weston college This workshop will help you to: Evaluate current practice and develop new ideas to improve and enhance future practice in : o SAR & QIP; Lesson Observations; Performance Management & IQA creating an ambitious organisation Who is this workshop for? Leaders and managers from the prison, OLASS and NCS providers including prison SMT, education manager and NCS lead This workshop will help you to: Work together to raise ambition Prepare for inspection, including recognition of shortcomings and good practice Improve leadership and management practice Sue Saxton head of learning & skills, cluster 2 east of England Views from an Ofsted secondment reinforcing the value and impact of the selfassessment process in the improvement agenda creating a rigorous and reliable and selfassessment report Raise awareness of the role of Governors and the senior management team Who is this workshop for? Band 6 learning & skills managers, heads of reducing reoffending OLASS education managers Anyone with responsibility for producing an establishment SAR Darryl Jones, west midlands cluster lead head of learning & skills This workshop will help you to: Apply this learning to your own planning and leave with a series of actions to take forward Reflect on your prison’s self-assessment process and improvement action plans Understand how valuable self-assessment is Recognise the appropriate strengths and areas for development Use robust evidence to make evaluations and formulate judgements Who is this workshop for? Learning & skills managers, heads of reducing reoffending OLASS education managers Anyone with responsibility for producing an establishment SAR This workshop will help you to: Develop a rigorous and reliable Self-Assessment process to ensure an integrated approach in raising standards Malcolm Bruce, Manchester college Understand the key considerations when developing a SAR Unpick the complexity of prisons and prison interventions/ activity Who is this workshop for? maximising the use of the Curriculum managers, heads of reducing reoffending, learning and virtual campus skills managers, curriculum administrators, teaching teams, partner organisations and resettlement managers. This workshop will help you to: Undertake an evaluation of current practice and ideas to improve and enhance future practice Develop your knowledge of enabling access to VC and supporting qualification delivery Networking with colleagues and sharing effective practice Weston college Looking up and broadening horizons: Innovation, Evolution and Adaptation Who is this workshop for? Heads of reducing re-offending, learning, skills & employment managers, OLASS cluster, prison and curriculum managers, NCS and NOMS managers The workshop will help you to : Identify key external organisations with which you'd like to build new or improve existing relationships (e.g. Local Enterprise Partnerships, employers and the wider FE sector) Identify potential opportunities and threats Confirm up to 3 priorities on which to focus, all aimed at innovation which is ultimately aimed at benefiting offender learners Identify risks and how these can potentially be managed Incorporate innovation into your prison wide self assessment process and report. Sheena Maberly, Southern cluster head of learning, skills & employment north east prisons