Students in Classrooms - University of Bradford

Information for Applicants
The University of Leeds is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for women, ethnic minority groups and disabled
people. Applications from people in these groups are encouraged and they must ensure that they meet the essential
criteria contained in the Job Description and Personal Specification. Selection will be made solely on the basis of merit
and ability to do the job.
Completing the Application Form
Please complete the application form in BLUE OR BLACK INK, or typescript as it will be photocopied. Please ensure that
all the pages are returned together.
To assist the short-listing process and to ensure consistency of information is received from all applicants, the
University has decided that CV's will only be accepted in support of a fully completed application form. Applicants
are however encouraged to provide supplementary information in support of their application, where appropriate.
You are advised that while all information held by the University is regarded as confidential, by signing this form you are
consenting to The University of Leeds using the information provided on this form for the purposes stated in the
University's data protection notification. The terms of the University's current data production notification can be viewed
on the data protection commissioner's website at
Disabled Applicants
If you experience any difficulties in completing or returning your application, or you have any special requirements which
the University should be aware of in relation to your application, please contact Human Resources. Disabled applicants
who meet the essential criteria for a position will be guaranteed an interview. For us to honour this commitment, it is
important, therefore that you complete and return the Equal Opportunities Information Page.
Acknowledgement of Applications
Candidates for interview are normally contacted within 28 days of the published closing date for applications. If you
have not been contacted within that time, please assume that on this occasion your application was unsuccessful.
Equal Opportunities Mission Statement
The University of Leeds aims to foster a community with an atmosphere of trust, harmony and respect. It is committed to
the elimination of both direct and indirect discrimination, and will take appropriate action wherever possible to enforce its
Equal Opportunities Policy.
The University will actively implement positive policies to promote equality of opportunity for all present and potential
students and staff, regardless of race, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, political or religious beliefs,
membership of professional associations or trade unions, disability, marital status, family responsibility and social class.
This commitment applies to all individuals and all aspects of the University's life. All staff, students and visitors will be
informed of the Equal Opportunities Policy, and its operation will be subject to regular monitoring and review.
Please Return Your Completed Application Form To:
Naeem Imran Asghar
University of Bradford
Units 30 - 33
Science Park
Campus Road
Student Associates Scheme 2011– Important Information
The Student Associates Scheme is a 15-day placement for Higher Education students funded by the Training and
Development Agency for Schools (TDA). Its aims are:
To increase the numbers of students entering onto Postgraduate teaching courses and Initial Teacher Training
(ITT) in ‘shortage’ subject areas
To increase participation in HE by raising levels of attainment and aspiration in young people in local schools
Student Associates are placed in subject areas that have been identified as under-recruiting in both HE and ITT level.
For the academic year 2010/11 these subjects are:
Priority 1(96 placements are available in these areas)
Priority 2 (12 placements are available in these areas)
Design and Technology
Student Associates are paid a tax- and NI-free training bursary of £600 on completion of the scheme.
What can I be expected to do in school?
Student Associates are placed in a local High School, working primarily within their specialist subject area - assisting the
teachers and pupils, preparing lesson episodes and resources, and helping to develop practical sessions. Whilst on the
placement you will work towards achieving 14 Core Goals; these are areas of focus that ensure that all students on the
scheme gain the same skills, no matter what school or subject they are placed in.
These Core Goals are linked to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) standards, thereby enabling students considering an
application to ITT to obtain strong supporting evidence of their experience and skills.
You can download the Core Programme for 2010/11 at .
Some (25%) of your time on the scheme will be spent on a ‘Special Project’ with a focus on Widening Participation and
raising awareness of Higher Education in the placement school. This can include delivering awareness talks on
University Access to Higher Education schemes, presentations on 'A Day In The Life of a Typical Student', follow-up
activities after faculty Widening Participation events, presentations and worksheets on student finance etc.
What happens next?
1. Application forms are marked using the Person Specification (attached); high-scoring applicants will then be
invited to complete a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check and attend a group interview session in March.
Successful interviewees will then be matched to a local school.
2. Before placements commence all students must attend SAS training – for the academic year 2010/11 this
training is scheduled to take place over 4 days between 6th-9th June 2011. This training is compulsory, so
please ensure you are available should your application be successful!
3. Placements for the scheme will take place over 15 days between 13th June and 22nd July 2010. Please mark on
the attached form when you will be available during that time – this will help us match you to a school should
your application be successful.
Student Associates Scheme Application Form 2010/11
Other (please state)
First Name:
Middle Names:
Previous Names: e.g.
maiden name
1. Scheme Details
Please indicate the subject(s) in which you wish to apply (if more than one, please rank in order of preference, e.g. 1-3):
PLEASE NOTE you must have a minimum of a grade B at A2-level (or equivalent) in your chosen subject to be eligible to take
part in the Scheme
Design and
2. About You
Student ID
Date of Birth:
Did either of your parents undertake a Higher
Education Qualification (excluding as a
mature student)?
Do you have use
of a car?
Term Time Address:
Home Address:
Telephone No
(incl. STD):
Telephone No
(incl. STD):
University Email Address :
Alternative Email Address :
Year of Study:
Course of study:
Current Higher Education
How did you hear about the Student Associates
Scheme? (TDA, poster, flyer, lecture presentation,
Access Academy website, word of mouth, email, other
– please state)
Are you legally permitted to work in the UK?
Note: the Access Academy will check at the interview stage that each potential appointee is entitled to live and work in the UK.
3. Education and Qualifications
Please provide details of all qualifications obtained, ensuring all dates are entered in full e.g. month/year, starting with the most
recent first.
A-levels (A2 or equivalent)
Date Obtained
Name of Establishment
GCSE (or equivalent) Maths grade
GCSE (or equivalent) English grade
Other relevant qualifications
Date Obtained
Name of Establishment
4. Previous Employment and Work Experience
Please provide details of any previous employment and/or relevant unpaid experience (e.g. volunteering) that you have
undertaken, starting with the most recent first.
Date From
Date To
Name of Organisation
Main Duties
Reason for Leaving
5. Knowledge and Skills
This part of the application form asks questions to establish whether you have the relevant skills and qualities that we
recognise as essential to take part in the Student Associates Scheme. You should draw upon your own knowledge,
previous employment, personal experiences and provide examples wherever possible.
Knowledge of issues facing young people
Please give details of the kinds of issues which you believe face young people inside and outside of school. Where possible, include
evidence of any knowledge you possess or experiences you have encountered that allows you to appreciate these issues.
Communication skills
Describe a situation where you have demonstrated excellent communication skills in order to achieve a successful outcome. Where
possible, include information about any considerations which helped to shape your approach.
Please describe a situation where you have demonstrated excellent teamwork skills in order to achieve a successful outcome. Where
possible, include information about any considerations which helped to shape your approach.
Ability to work alone and demonstrate initiative
Please describe a situation where you have worked alone and demonstrated initiative in order to achieve a successful outcome.
Where possible, include information about any considerations which helped to shape your approach.
Reliability & Commitment
Please describe a situation where you have demonstrated reliability and/or commitment beyond what was expected of you.
6. Further Information
Please use this section to tell us why you are applying to the Scheme. Please also describe any relevant skills and experiences that
have not already been covered previously.
7. Referees
Please give details of two referees (not friends or relatives) who can provide information about your attributes and skills and have
known you for at least 12 months.
Referee 1
Referee 2
Telephone Number:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Fax Number:
Email (if available):
Email (if available):
If you are shortlisted, references may be taken up before interview. If you do not wish your present employer to be contacted at this
stage, please tick the box below:
I confirm that the information contained in this application is correct
Please return your completed application form by 31st January 2011 to:
Naeem Imran Asghar, University of Bradford, Units 30 – 33, Science Park, Campus Road, BD7 1HR
Or by e-mail to
Student Associates Scheme Availability June / July 2011
Please complete the following chart with your availability for school placements during this time (tick the full weeks you
are able to take up a placement, and state which days you are not available for the others)
Please note your availability will not be taken into consideration for short-listing purposes but may affect your placement
options should you be successful in your application as most schools request students to take part over a 3 week ‘block’.
All students must be available for the training week as this is a compulsory part of the scheme.
If your availability changes at any point between application and training then please contact with your updated information.
Please tick below if you are
available for the whole week
If not, which days are you unavailable?
6th June
training week)
13th June
20th June
27th June
4th July
11th July
18th July
Is there anything else you would like to be taken into consideration?
8. Equal Opportunities Information
The University of Leeds is committed to promoting equality and valuing diversity. All applications are considered on merit only and no
application will be treated less favourably on any grounds other than ability to perform the role. We monitor all applications that we
receive, in order to measure progress against diversity and equality objectives. The information you provide will be used for statistical
purposes to enable us to gain a clear picture of the impact of our policy.
The information you provide will be used only for equal opportunities monitoring. It will not be taken into consideration for short-listing or
interviewing purposes.
Disability Status
A disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and longterm adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
Disabilities can be hidden and include long-term conditions which can be controlled through medication, for example epilepsy, asthma,
heart conditions, diabetes.
Do you have
a disability?
If you stated yes above and would like us to be aware of your disability, or require special arrangements if shortlisted for interview,
please provide additional information below:
Please choose the categories which you feel most closely describes your origin.
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
Any other White background*
White and Asian
Any other mixed background*
Asian or Asian British
Black or Black British
Any other Black Background
Any other mixed background*
*Please State Below
Other Ethnicity: