unit guide and assessments

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Introduction to Light
Integrated Science
Grade 5
In this 6-week unit, students investigate light and its interactions with matter. Students create models to explain the phenomena they witness and
practice analyzing data to find answers. Students begin the unit by identifying the essential components necessary for sight and describe how light
travels from a source. “Light boxes” are used repeatedly to illustrate the different interactions of light and matter. Starting with lesson 9, students
explore specific light-matter interactions, including diffuse and normal reflection, transmission, and absorption.
Throughout the unit, students create and revise models to explain their experiences with light. Each 5E learning sequence includes both traditional
and performance based assessments. In ensuing units, modeling and data analysis will be practiced and refined.
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Table of Contents
Unit Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Learning Sequence 1, Lessons 1-8 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………….……………………………………… 11
Learning Sequence 2, Lessons 9-15 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….……….….………………………. 20
Learning Sequence 3, Lessons 16-20 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………… 27
Learning Sequence 4, Lessons 21-25 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………… 32
Sample Unit Calendar …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………… 37
Unit Materials …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………. 38
Unit Assessment 1 (Traditional) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………. 39
Unit Assessment 1 Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 48
Unit Assessment 2 (Performance Task) ……………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 55
Unit Assessment 2 Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 56
Assumed Prior Knowledge
Things move in different ways.
Light travels.
Objects can be described based on their physical properties and/or their
composite materials.
Energy makes things happen.
Eyes are involved in seeing objects.
Different forms of measurement have different units.
Instruments provide data for measurements.
A reflection is when we see the image of an object in another surface/object.
Rocks do not emit light.
Patterns of change can be used to make predictions. (NGSS 3-PS2-2)
Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified, tested, and used to
explain change. ( NGSS 3-PS2-3)
Objects can be seen if light is available to illuminate them or they give off
their own light. ( NGSS 1-PS4-2)
Potential Misconceptions
The pupil is a black spot on the eye.
Light needed to see comes from our eyes. (The eye is active in sight.)
When there is no light, objects can still be seen (faint shadows, outlines).
Light reaches and an object and I “see” it (without recognition that light from
the object must enter the eye).
Light reaches my eyes and the object so that I can see it.
Light does not travel continuously from one point to another; it fills space or
attaches to barriers.
A model must look like the thing it represents.
A shadow is a location that emits darkness.
A shadow is a place where light is darker.
A shadow always exists (a la Peter Pan).
Light only reflects off of shiny objects.
Surfaces that are smooth to the touch are equally smooth on a micro-level
(i.e.: paper and mirror).
It is not how light interacts with an object but the way the object “is” that
determines the way an object looks (ex: seeing through a transparent object
vs. light traveling through a transparent object to our eyes – highlights the
need to stress the eye as a passive receptor)
The moon is a light source.
Stage 1 Desired Results
performance expectation(s) and alignment to
appropriate AP Framework
4-PS4-2 Develop a model to describe that light
reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows
objects to be seen.[Assessment Boundary:
Assessment does not include knowledge of specific
colors reflected and seen, the cellular mechanisms
of vision, or how the retina works.]
Learning Goal: Light must travel from an object to
the eye to be seen.
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
Create and explain models to illustrate a scientific concept
Collect and analyze data to identify patterns, make predictions, and draw conclusions
Use data patterns to infer logical cause-effect relationships
Use models and data as evidence to support a scientific argument
Unit Big Idea or Understanding
Unit Essential Question
What we see depends on how light interacts with matter
and reaches our eyes.
Can I believe my eyes?
MS-PS4-2 Develop and use a model to describe
that waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted
through various materials.[Clarification Statement:
Emphasis is on both light and mechanical waves.
Examples of models could include drawings,
simulations, and written descriptions.] [Assessment
Boundary: Assessment is limited to qualitative
applications pertaining to light and mechanical
Learning Goal: Matter reflects, absorbs, and/or
transmits light.
Students will understand that…
AP Physics Big Idea 6 Waves can transfer energy
and momentum from one location to another
without the permanent transfer of mass and serve
as a mathematical model for the description of
other phenomena.
3. Models can be used to communicate what and how we
AP Physics EU 6E The direction of propagation of a
wave such as light may be changed when the wave
encounters an interface between two media.
How can I show what I see?
1. There are 4 components necessary for sight:
- source
- path
- object
- eye
How can I show what I can’t see?
How is the interaction of light and matter
important to what I can or cannot see?
2. Light spreads outward from a source in straight paths in
all directions and is conserved.
4. The properties of matter determine how light interacts
with that matter via:
- reflection
- transmission
- absorption
Students will know…
1. Light must travel from a source to an object
through a clear path, reflect off of that object,
travel a second clear path, and enter our eyes in
order for us to perceive that object.
a. All four components must be present in
order for an object to be seen.
2. Light sources emit light as a form of energy.
(Energy is the cause for change - see absorption.)
3. Light travels outward from a source in straight
lines and all directions.
4. Light interacts with matter in four ways:
a. Normal Reflection
b. Diffuse (scattered) Reflection
c. Transmission
d. Absorption
e. Normal Reflection - when light bounces
off of an object in an organized pattern/in
one direction.
f. Normal reflection occurs off of smooth,
shiny, polished surfaces.
g. Normal reflection follows the law of
1. The law of reflection states that
the angle of incidence equals the
angle of reflection.
h. When light is reflected normally to our
eyes, we see an image.
5. Diffuse (Scattered) Reflection - when light bounces
off of an object in all directions
a. Occurs off of rough or uneven surfaces
b. When light is diffusely reflected, we do
not see a clear image in the reflection.
6. Absorption is when light stays in/ is taken into an
a. When an object absorbs light energy, the
thermal energy of that object increases.
Students will be skilled at…
 Collecting Data
o light sensors
o observations of light/matter
 Analysis & Communication of data
o Creating data tables for data
o Interpreting graphs for analysis
o Answering synthesis questions
based on data.
 Identifying patterns in data to elicit the
mechanism(s) for cause-effect
 Application of 4 components necessary
for sight in a model of how we see.
 Scientific Argumentation
o Application of new learning to
revise models to account for
developing knowledge of
light/matter interactions
throughout the unit.
o Vetting a model based on
evidence (collected data) and
transferring those critiques to my
own model.
 Draw and identify lines, angles, and rays
o “ray of light”
o angles in reflection (normal &
Transmission is when light moves through an
a. Transparent objects allow most light to
pass through.
1. The light passes through in an
organized fashion allowing us to
see an object through the
transparent object.
b. Translucent objects allow some light to
pass through.
1. The light passing through a
translucent object exits the
object with less organization
than it entered (note: students
do not need to understand
refraction at this point)
2. More light is absorbed or
reflected by translucent objects
than transparent objects.
c. Opaque objects allow little light to pass
1. Absorb or reflect more light than
transparent or translucent
a. A shadow is the absence of light.
b. A shadow is formed when one path of
light is blocked by an object between the
source and a screen.
c. A shadow is visible because of the light
that reflects from the screen around the
d. The size of a shadow depends upon the
distance between the object, light source,
and the screen.
e. When multiple light sources are present a
shadow will appear blurry.
Light is conserved - All energy is conserved. This
can be observed through the different interactions
of light and matter. Energy is never lost; it simply
changes form (ie: light energy into thermal energy
at absorption).
10. A model is a representation of a phenomenon
used to explain or investigate that phenomenon.
a. I can teach someone with my model.
b. I can learn more/test ideas with my
Evaluative Criteria
See lesson summaries 8, 15, 21
See Performance Task Key
Stage 2 – Evidence
Assessment Evidence
Include Unit Performance Assessment and other major (checkpoint) assessments
Performance Task 1: Shadow Investigation (lesson 8)
Students design and conduct experiment to test if and how the appearance of a shadow changes over the course
of a day.
Performance Task 2: Comparing the reflectivity of light(lesson 15)
Students design and conduct experiments to see how smoothness of a surface affects reflection.
Performance Task 3: BSCS Light Unit Explore Activity (stations 1, 3, & 4 only) (lesson 21)
PDF shared on Google, pages 15-25.
Students apply their knowledge of light-matter interactions to novel situations and explain the phenomena they
experience at each station.
Unit Performance Task – Secret Message
See lesson summaries 8, 15, & 21.
See Unit Assessment Key
Quiz 1 – Sight & Shadows (lesson 8)
Quiz 2 – Reflection (lesson 15)
Quiz 3 – Transmission (lesson 21)
Unit Assessment
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
Lesson Title
Lesson #
Main Lesson Resource
Can I see in the dark?
SWBAT justify the statement
that “nothing can be seen
without light” using data.
IQWST 2 – 2.1
What do I need to see?
SWBAT explain the visibility
of an object based on
interactions of light (student
SWBAT explain that light
must reach an object and
your eye in order to see that
object (teacher aim).
How can I show what I need to see?
SWBAT develop and explain a
model for how we see an
object that includes the four
components necessary for
Are eyes like light sensors?
SWBAT explain the structures
in the eye that allow it to
detect and interpret light.
IQWST 4: eye as light sensor
How does light move?
SWBAT analyze data to infer
the directionality of light.
Partially from IQWST 2.1 and
partially from IQWST 4
What are shadows?
SWBAT explain how the
interaction of light and
matter forms shadows.
IQWST 5: shadows formation
How can I use my light model to
explain shadows?
SWBAT model and explain
the formation of a shadow.
IQWST 5: shadows modeling
Quiz 1 – Sight & Shadows
SWBAT apply the light model
to novel situations to explain
why something can or cannot
be seen.
SWBAT compare light
interactions using data from
two different surfaces.
SWBAT compare and
contrast reflection using data
from two different surfaces.
Please see lesson 8 summary
for assessment suggestions
Engage and explore
How does light interact with a mirror
and cardboard?
What does my data mean?
How does the type of surface affect
the way light interacts with the
SWBAT explain the difference
between surfaces that
produce normal reflection
and diffuse reflection.
IQWST reading 6.3 (polishing
objects) - pages 1 & 2 only
Can I predict reflections?
IQWST for modeling
How can I use my light model to
explain reflection?
How can we see the moon at night?
Quiz 2 – Reflection
Engage and explore
Can light move through an object?
SWBAT explain and model
the law of reflection on
smooth surfaces.
SWBAT differentiate
situations in which a
reflected image can and
cannot be seen using models
and explanations.
SWBAT apply their
knowledge of reflection to
explain why the moon is
visible from earth.
SWBAT apply the light model
and their knowledge of
reflection to novel situations
to explain why a clear image
can or cannot be seen.
SWBAT explain that light can
be transmitted through an
IQWST precursor, 6.1, and
6.2 data collection
IQWST 6.2: discussion
IQWST 6.3: modeling
IQWST reading 6.4 (page 2 of
reading only)
Please see lesson 15
summary for assessment
Precursor, 7.1, and 7.2 data
How does the surface of an object
affect how light interacts with the
How can I use my models to explain
the different ways light interacts with
Can light interact with a surface in
more than one way at one time?
Quiz 3 – Transmission
Engage and explore
Can light become “stuck” in an
What happens when objects absorb
How can I use my model to explain
absorption of light?
What are all the ways that light can
interact with an object?
Unit Test – Light
SWBAT identify how light will
interact with a surface based
on its properties (opaque,
transparent, translucent).
SWBAT model and explain
how light will interact with a
surface based on its
properties (opaque,
transparent, translucent).
SWBAT to explain how a
surface can interact with light
in more than one way.
SWBAT to apply the model of
light to novel situations to
explain how light interacts
with matter and how those
interactions in turn affect
what we see.
SWBAT compare the effects
of light energy on two
SWBAT explain how
absorption of light affects
change in an object.
SWBAT model and explain
the absorption of light.
IQWST 7.2: discussion
SWBAT to explain how a
surface can interact with light
in more than one way.
SWBAT apply their
knowledge and models of
light to novel situations to
explain how we see, how
shadows are created, and
how light interacts with
matter and thereby affects
IQWST 8.4: reading
IQWST + additional outside
information on periscopes
7.4 Optical fibers reading
Please see lesson 20
summary for assessment
Solar powered calculators &
IQWST 8.3: conservation
IQWST 8.3: modeling
Provided end of unit exam
Lesson #: 1
Phase: Engage
Lesson Title: Can I see in the dark?
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 2 – 2.1
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars have their first experiences in a room with very little light (windows and door ways should be blocked out). Scholars will note that they can still
see some objects in room. Teacher will introduce the light sensors. Scholars will measure and note that there is still some (though very little) light in the room. Then scholars will
be presented with a light box. Scholars will note that they cannot see anything inside the light box. Upon taking measurements inside of the light box, scholars will see that the
light box contains 0 lux or no light. Scholars should be led in discussion to conclude that light is necessary to see and that without light we cannot see.
Additional activity optional: eye spy game – Students search for certain objects in the room from their seats. Sets students up to draw conclusion that our eyes must have a
straight path to an object in order to see it.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Demonstrate correct use of light sensors.
Teacher: Prompt students to state that without light
nothing can be seen.
Student: Observe and note when objects can and cannot
be seen based on the presence of light.
Teacher: Encourage students to identify the repeated
patterns in how conditions related to light are affecting if
they are able to see. (Question probes should focus on
changing conditions.)
Student: State that without light nothing can be seen.
Student: Articulate the cause and effect relationship
between conditions necessary for sight and the observed
Aim: SWBAT justify the statement that “nothing can be seen without light” using data.
Assessment: Tanya’s little brother asks her why he can’t see his teddy bear in his room late at night when his lights are off. Tanya explains that since his room has no windows,
when the lights are turned off, the room is completely dark. She tells him that nothing can be seen without light, not even his favorite teddy bear.
Did Tanya correctly explain why her brother cannot see his teddy bear late at night? Use evidence from class to support your answer.
CFS: Yes, Tanya did correctly explain why her brother cannot see his teddy bear late at night. In class, we could only see the object in the box when we let light into the box.
Without light nothing was visible. Due to the fact that there are no windows in his room to let light in, Tanya’s brother cannot see his teddy bear late at night when his bedroom
lights are off.
Student states that Tanya’s explanation is correct
Provides evidence from class experience.
Lesson #: 2
Phase: Explore
Lesson Title: What do I need to see?
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 2.2
Brief Lesson Summary: Students explore how light is involved in sight through light boxes. Students’ first look in a closed light box to reiterate yesterday’s finding that objects
cannot be seen without light. Scholars then place their hand on the flap of the box and see that light has entered the box and they can now see the figurine in the box. Scholars
then place a divider in the box and see that they cannot see the object even though there is light in the box. Through discussion students should conclude that a path of light is
needed – one that reaches both the object and the eyes in order for an object to be seen.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Provide guidelines as to how to change
conditions within light boxes.
Teacher: Ask questions aimed at eliciting conditions
needed to see an object.
Student: Observe and record effects of changing
conditions (light box).
Draw conclusions using observations as evidence - revise
based on evidence.
Teacher: Probe with questions focused on changed
conditions - encourage students to identify the repeated
patterns in how conditions related to light are affecting if
they are able to see.
Student: Articulate the cause and effect relationship
between conditions necessary for sight and the observed
Aim: SWBAT explain the visibility of an object based on interactions of light (student aim).
SWBAT explain that light must reach an object and your eye in order to see that object (teacher aim).
Assessment: 3 options provided with the opportunity for differentiation
A. When you used the light box, why could you see the object with the flap open, but not see it with the flap closed?
B. 3 models of girl, light, and flower:
● blocked path between source and eye OR no blocked path (no arrows yet)
● blocked path between object and eye
● blocked path between source and object
1. In which illustration will the girl be able to see the flower? Why?
2. Why isn’t the girl able to see the flower in the other illustrations?
C. Josie is in her bedroom with the light on. She is looking out her window on a sunny day and sees a bird. She closes the curtain and cannot longer see the bird. Explain why she
cannot see the bird even though the sun is still shining on the bird.
CFS: CFS correspond to lettered assessment
A. This is the first experience of applying certain requirements for light. The most important element is that students use their experience with the light box to explain what
happened in that experience. Without light, they could not see what was inside and when the path was blocked, they could not see the object. We are also assessing their
application of this to new situations, but those may not be at mastery yet since they may need more experiences and examples.
B. The girl can see the flower in the first illustration. In this picture, there are clear paths between the light source, the girl’s eyes, and the flower. This allows light to reach the
object and the girl’s eyes, enabling her to see the object. In class, we saw that if the light was blocked from the object, or the object from our eyes, we could not see the object.
We had to have clear paths between each of those parts in order to see the object.
identifies correct illustration
explains need for light to reach the object AND the eyes
explains that the object could not be seen if paths were blocked
gives evidence from class experience
NOTE: at this point, students do not need to have full understanding of directionality of light rays (will be clarified in L3) and are not required to recognize the
irrelevance of a blocked path between the source and the eye - though this could be used as a challenge extension for fast learners.
2. The girl cannot see the object in the other two illustrations because light’s path is blocked in each picture. In illustration 2, there is a blocked path between the eye and the
object. In class, every time we blocked the path between the eye and the object, we were unable to view the object. Similarly in illustration 3, there is a blocked path between
the light source and the object. Using our light boxes, every time we blocked the light from the object, we could no longer see the object. Therefore, the blocked paths in these
two illustrations make it impossible for the girl to see the flower.
identifies correct illustrations
explains blocked paths are the “problem” in each illustration
defends statements with evidence from class
C. Josie cannot see the bird even though the sun is shining on it because the light shining on the bird is not coming to her eyes. There is light shining on the bird and there is light
in her room. However, in order to see the bird, the light from the bird would need to come to her eyes. The curtain is blocking the light between the bird and Josie’s eyes so she
cannot see it.
Student says that the light from the bird must come to the eyes to see the bird.
Student says that the curtain is stopping the light from coming to the eyes.
Student connects the blocking of light to inability to see the bird.
Lesson #: 3
Phase: Explain
Lesson Title: How can I show what I
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 3
need to see?
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars establish four components necessary for sight. Scholars create initial models and come to one class consensus model that should include all four
components necessary for sight.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Define models
Provide examples of different types of models.
Explain that different representations of models
serve different purposes (selectivity)
Teacher: Ask how conditions are met in models.
Probing questions as to similarities and differences
in met conditions amongst student models.
Teacher: Address scale changes in model making.
Student: Apply four components necessary for sight into
Student: Construct an initial model of how they think
initial model for seeing.
they are able to see an object.
Evidence-based argument to create a consensus
Aim: SWBAT develop and explain a model for how we see an object that include the four components necessary for sight.
Assessment: One complete assessment includes all three numbered components.
1. Identify the four components necessary for sight.
2. Using the image of a girl, a light source, and a tree, create a model explaining how we are able to see. Be sure to label the components necessary for sight.
3. Explain how light is interacting with the components of your model allowing the girl to see the tree.
1. The four components necessary for sight are light, an eye, clear paths, and an object.
● Student identifies all 4 components
2. Student creates a model that incorporates all 4 components with
all parts labeled
2 clear paths drawn as rays (straight lines with arrows)
○ from sun to tree
○ from tree to eye
3. Student explains that light is traveling from the sun to the tree. Student explains that once the light reaches the tree, the same light moves (bounces, travels) and then
reaches the eye. Student explains that in order to see, the light must travel a clear path.
Lesson #: 4
Phase: Elaborate
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 4 eye as
light sensor
Brief Lesson Summary: Students are introduced to the anatomy of the eye (iris, lens, pupil, retina, optic nerve). Scholars make comparisons between anatomy of eye and a light
sensor. By the end of the lesson, scholars should be able to articulate that the eye senses light that travels to it.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Provide procedure and questions.
Teacher guides through with questions to unpack
meaning of data.
Student: collects and analyzes data.
Lesson Title: Are eyes like light sensors?
Teacher: Define key terms such as iris, retina, lens, pupil,
and optic nerve.
Articulate the similarities between the eye and
other light sensors (camera, light sensor, etc.) in
that light can be sensed when it enters the
Student: Explain how eye detects light including
similarities to other light detectors (articulate the path of
light to eye in order to see - students should distinguish
between emitted light and reflected light, use of terms
emitted and reflected not necessary)
Aim: SWBAT explain that the structures in the eye allow it to detect and interpret light.
Assessment: A. How are the functions (jobs) of light probes and our eyes similar?
Teacher: State patterns for students.
Producing images requires light collection.
Specific application of light sensing.
Student: identify structure-function relationships
Comparison between the function of specific
portions of eye/sensor and their role in sight/light
Producing images requires light collection.
Connecting technology to the eye - connection
between science and engineering
B. Tyler is standing in a dark room. Over time he notices that the room seems to get a bit brighter and he can just barely see the objects in the room. Explain why over time Tyler
was able to see the objects in the room better?
A. The light probes and our eyes collect and detect light.
-identified collection of light
B. Tyler was able to see the room better over time because his eyes were detecting light. Light is necessary to see objects. The pupil is a hole in the eye that allows light to enter
the eye. The size of the pupil is controlled by a muscle called the iris. Over time in the room, Tyler’s irises made the pupils larger to let in more light - this allowed him to see
more clearly the objects in the room off of which the light reflected.
Students explain that light detected by eye allowed the objects to be seen.
Students state that there is a structure (iris) which functions to make the pupil larger so that more light may enter the eye.
Lesson #: 5
Phase: Elaborate
Main Lesson Resource: partially from
IQWST 2.1 and partially from IQWST 4
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars will be observing and noting two key points regarding light’s movement. First, that light travels in straight continuous paths and second, that
light travels in all directions from a source. This can be done with a flashlight and a flood light/light bulb. The first portion with the flashlight serves to prove that light travels in
straight continuous paths. The teacher holds the flashlight and points it in a direction. Students are asked to predict when the flashlight is turned on where the light will be.
Repeat several times. Scholars should note each time that the light travels straight out from the flashlight. The second portion with the floodlight/light bulb has scholars
measuring and observing light traveling in all directions out from the light source using light sensors.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Facilitate experiences with flashlight and flood
lamp/light bulb.
Lesson Title: How does light move?
Student: Explain that light travels in straight continuous
paths. Light emits from a light source in all directions.
Student: Record observations about each experience
and the movement of light.
Teacher: State patterns for students;
Light moves in a predictable pattern.
Light moves out (emits) from a source.
Light travels in straight continuous paths.
Student: Apply patterns of light’s movement to different
situations to show how pattern exists in multiple
Aim: SWBAT analyze data to infer the directionality of light.
1. True or False: Light travels outward from a source in one direction.
Defend your t/f choice for the statement using evidence from today’s lab.
2. Students are given the previous model, students revise model to include directionality of light.
1. False - In class, we had a light bulb in the center of the table and all other lights were off. No matter where we stood, as long as there was a clear path between the light and
the sensor (probe or eyes), light was detected.
identifies statement as false
defends choice using appropriate evidence from class
○ personal evidence “I could see it” OR
○ data evidence “probe detected lumens”
2. Revised models should now show:
 only straight lines (no curving) to illustrate light traveling
 multiple rays of light leaving the source in many directions (up, down, left, right is sufficient)
Lesson #: 6
Phase: Elaborate
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 5 shadows
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars investigate what shadows are through the use of an object, screen, and flashlight. Scholars should measure the amount of light in a shadow in
order to come to the conclusion that shadows are the absence of light and contain 0 lux or no light. Scholars should also come to the conclusion that shadows need an additional
component – shadows require a screen to be formed in which the object blocks the path of light from reaching the screen.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Student: Conduct an investigation to determine how to
form a shadow and alter the shape/size of a shadow.
Lesson Title: What are shadows?
Teacher: Articulate conditions necessary for shadows.
Articulate that shadows are the absence of light.
Student: State the conditions necessary for shadows one blocked path of light and the presence of a screen.
Explain what forms a shadow.
Explain why the shadow is visible.
Teacher: Guide discussion/student questions around the
differences between one and two light sources and
Student: explain how additional light sources affect the
clarity of a shadow (cause & effect).
Systems: Connection in the reading to the solar
1. emission vs. reflection of light.
2. obstruction of light
Aim: SWBAT explain how the interaction of light and matter forms shadows.
Assessment: Students are given an image of a shadow.
Students explain how light is interacting to form the shadow.
CFS: Light is traveling from the source to the object. The object is blocking some of the rays of light from the screen (name the screen). The area where light does not reach is
where the shadow forms. A shadow is the absence of light. Due to the fact that light travels outward from a source in all directions, some light is reaching parts of the screen not
blocked by the object. The shadow can be seen because the light that reaches the screen reflects to our eyes.
Lesson #: 7
Phase: Elaborate
Lesson Title: How can I use my model to
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 5 shadows
explain shadows?
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars revise consensus model to include shadows. Scholars will need to add fifth component – a screen to the model. Scholars’ paths should then
show light interacting with the screen where the light is not being blocked in its path to the screen by the object. Light should not be shown entering the space on the screen
that is blocked by the object. Scholars at this point would also need to show how the shadow is perceived by our eyes (light reflecting off of the screen where the object does
not block).
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Student: Model based on observations and evidence of
shadows - inclusion of a screen and explain how a
shadow is visible.
Teacher: Articulate conditions necessary for shadows.
Articulate that shadows are the absence of light.
Student: State the conditions necessary for shadows one blocked path of light and the presence of a screen.
Explain what forms a shadow.
Explain why the shadow is visible.
Teacher: Guide discussion/student questions around the
differences between one and two light sources and
Student: Model and explain how additional light sources
affect the clarity of a shadow. (Cause & effect)
Systems: Connection in the reading to the solar
1. emission vs. reflection of light.
2. obstruction of light
Aim: SWBAT model and explain the formation of a shadow.
Assessment: Students revise their current consensus model to include the formation of a shadow and how we perceive a shadow. Students label and explain their model.
CFS: Model - Students draw rays of light.
Traveling outward from source.
Traveling in all directions.
Traveling in straight lines.
Students draw rays of light interacting with object (not necessary to show how we are able to see object in this model).
Students’ label “blocked” path of light created between the object and the screen.
Students draw rays of light interacting with screen and traveling to the eye to show perception of shadow.
Explanation (reiteration of Day 6 explanation): Light is traveling from the source to the object. The object is blocking some of the rays of light from the screen (name the screen).
The area where light does not reach is where the shadow forms. A shadow is the absence of light. Due to the fact that light travels outward from a source in all directions, some
light is reaching parts of the screen not blocked by the object. The shadow can be seen because the light that reaches the screen reflects to our eyes.
Lesson #: 8
Phase: Evaluate
Lesson Title: Quiz 1 – Sight & Shadows
Main Lesson Resource: Teacher created
Brief Lesson Summary:
Scholars are evaluated on key concepts and skills from learning goal 1 and two embedded learning goals.
Learning Goal 1: There are 4 conditions to see:
1. source
2. path
3. object
4. eye
Embedded Learning Goals
Light spreads outward from a source in straight paths in all directions and is conserved.
Models can be used to communicate what and how we see.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Aim: SWBAT apply the light model to novel situations to explain why something can or cannot be seen.
Assessment: quiz 1 (Teacher Created) – question type suggestions below.
1. State the components necessary for sight/shadow formation
2. Explain the 4 conditions from a given example or model.
3. Given puzzling scenarios, apply the light model to determine if an object can be seen.
4. Given a scenario, apply the light model and knowledge of shadows to determine if the scenario is possible.
5. In a dark room, why can you still see objects in the room? Why can’t you see them as clearly as when the lights are turned on? Use data from light sensors (collected or
given) to support your answer.
6. Using the light boxes, how will the lux detected by the light sensor change when the light box is closed/open? What will happen if the box is only opened a little bit/all
the way? Where do shadows form in the box? Why?
Performance Task 1 – Shadow Investigation
Students design and conduct experiment to test if and how the appearance of a shadow changes over the course of a day.
CFS: (Teacher created)
Lesson #: 9
Phase: Engage and Explore
Lesson Title: How does light interact with
a mirror and cardboard?
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST precursor,
6.1, and 6.2 data collection
Brief Lesson Summary:
Scholars first observe cardboard and mirror. Teacher prompts scholar discussion with the following questions;
○ In which object can you see your reflection?
○ How does light interact with each object? Similarly? Differently? Why? What is your evidence?
Collect data on the cardboard and the mirror. Scholars set up the cardboard and mirror so that the flashlight and sensor can measure multiple points of reflection. (Suggestion:
use the same angle/protractor template that will later be used for law of reflection L12.) Scholars record data on the amount of light reflecting to each position. By the end of
class scholars should note two key ideas;
The light did not interact with the cardboard and the mirror in the same manner.
Light tended to move to more positions with less intensity off of the cardboard and to one position with more intensity from the mirror.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Provide procedure and question.
Teacher guides through initial questions to unpack
meaning of data.
Student: Articulate that light interacts differently
depending on the type of surface it interacts with.
Teacher: Facilitate beginning of discussion about the
similarities and differences in data to assist in identifying
Student: Complete investigation, collects data, and
Student: Analyze data to determine when/if any pattern
makes surface level conclusions.
is present. (Patterns)
Aim: SWBAT compare light interactions using data from two different surfaces.
Assessment: Did light interact with the two objects in the same way? Explain using evidence from your data.
CFS: No, light did not interact with the two surfaces in the same way. This is accurate because the lux recorded by the probe were not the same for the two surfaces.
Students need to say that light interacts differently with each surface.
Students need to reference patterns in their data that support their claim.
Lesson #: 10
Phase: Explore
Lesson Title: How can we interpret data
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 6.2
to make meaning?
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars engage in a discussion to make meaning of the data they collected the day prior. Scholars are prompted to notice key differences in the way
light interacted with the two surfaces. To reinforce this idea, teachers could also supplement with a piece of aluminum foil, balled up aluminum foil, and a piece of paper to
make comparisons between the ways light interacts with each surface.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Provide guided procedures and question to be answered.
Asking questions to facilitate student
understanding of data.
Teacher: Define terms for reflection and diffuse
Student: Collect and analyze data to identify the law of
Teacher: Facilitate discussion to address types of
surfaces and their effect on reflected images.
Student: Explain the conservation of light - what appears
to be a change in the amount of light is actually due to
the diffuse reflection/spreading of light versus reflection
where the light remains concentrated.
Aim: SWBAT compare and contrast reflection using data from two different surfaces.
1. How is light interacting with both surfaces? Include data to support your claim.
2. Using data from your experiment, does light reflect off of cardboard and a mirror the same way?
CFS: Light reflected off of the cardboard and mirror. Reflection is when light “bounces” off of a surface. Light reflects off of a mirror because we measured __________ lux at
_________ position (or a general statement about all positions). Light reflects off of cardboard because (same rationale as mirror).
2. Light does not reflect off of a mirror and cardboard the same way. When light reflects off of a mirror, most of the light is concentrated in one location. For example, at position
3.... (includes specific indicator of lux). When light reflects off of a piece of cardboard the light is moving in many locations. For example, at positions 1,2,3... (includes specific
indicators of light).
Lesson #: 11
Phase: Explain
Lesson Title: How does the type of
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST reading
surface affect the way light interacts
6.3 (polishing objects) - pages 1 & 2 only
with the surface?
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars will engage in a reading with teacher that demonstrates key differences between surfaces that have normal reflection and surfaces that have
diffuse reflection (even surfaces produce normal reflection, uneven surfaces result in diffuse reflection). Scholars should then be able to apply this knowledge to types of
surfaces when given.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Student: Explain the law of reflection.
Explain that light interacts differently with matter based
on the properties of the surface (reflecting and diffuse
Teacher: Identify cause & effect relationships and name
them during discussion.
Explain why a reflection can be seen in a smooth surface
and not a rough surface (diffuse reflection and reflection
of light).
Student: Articulate that the type of surface affects how
light interacts with it which in turn alters the images we
see. (patterns/cause & effect)
Aim: SWBAT explain the difference between surfaces that produce normal reflection and diffuse reflection.
Assessment: Identify interaction between light and given surfaces. (opaque only)
bumpy surface
smooth surface
sidewalk - why?
(visual) new iPod vs. scratched iPod - why?
1. diffuse reflection
2. reflection
3.diffuse reflection because a sidewalk is bumpy. Bumpy surfaces diffusely reflect light.
4. new iPod - reflection, scratched iPod – diffuse reflection. The new iPod is a smooth surface. smooth surfaces reflect light. The scratched iPod is a bumpy (uneven) surface
which diffusely reflects light.
Lesson #: 12
Phase: Explain
Main Lesson Resource: Independent
resource + IQWST for modeling
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars will be introduced to law of reflection (angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection). Scholars will then accurately model normal reflection
to include an equal angle of incidence and reflection to a perpendicular line. Scholars will pull upon data from mirror and cardboard lesson to establish law of reflection (largest
amount of light found at vertex – language of vertex, angle of incidence not necessary by students).
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Provide guided procedures and question to be
Asking questions to facilitate student
understanding of data.
Lesson Title: Can I predict reflections?
Student: Explain the law of reflection.
Explain that light interacts differently with matter based
on the properties of the surface (reflecting and diffusely
Student: Collect and analyze data to identify the law of
Modeling the different light paths between
reflection and diffuse reflection.
Aim: SWBAT explain and model the law of reflection on smooth surfaces.
Teacher: Name conservation and defining the key idea.
Student: Explain the conservation of light - what appears
to be a change in the amount of light is actually due to
the diffuse reflection/spreading of light versus reflection
where the light is less spread from the source.
Assessment: Students are provided with a partial model of the law of reflection for each scenario.
1. Given an angle of incidence, predict and explain the angle of reflection. Draw your prediction in the model.
2. Given an angle of reflection, infer and explain the angle of incidence. Draw your inference in the model.
1. Student identifies angle of reflection (equal and opposite of perpendicular line to angle of incidence) and explains that light reflects off of a smooth surface in an
organized fashion. Student draws reflected light ray on correct outgoing angle choice.
2. Student identifies angle of incidence (equal and opposite of perpendicular line to angle of reflection) and explains that light reflects off of a smooth surface in an
organized fashion. Student draws incidental light ray on correct in-coming angle choice.
Lesson #: 13
Phase: Explain
Lesson Title: How can I use my light
model to explain reflection?
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 6.3
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars will be incorporating their knowledge of normal and diffuse reflection into their models. Scholars should be revising their current consensus
models to include this new information and evidence.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Student: Explain why a reflection can be seen in a
smooth surface and not a rough surface (diffuse
reflection and reflection of light).
Student: Explain the conservation of light (through
modeling) - what appears to be a change in the amount
of light is actually due to the diffuse reflection/spreading
of light versus reflection where the light is less spread
from the source.
Aim: SWBAT explain and model the law of reflection on smooth surfaces.
Assessment: Model and explain why you can see your backpack’s reflection in the side of a clean car, but not in the side of a car covered in dirt.
CFS: Model
1. Students should show light reflecting off of the backpack to the car.
2. In the clean car students should show light reflecting off of the car and to their eyes.
3. In the dirty car students should show light diffusely reflecting and traveling in many directions (some to their eyes and others not).
4. Ensure that scholars do not “add” light rays in the diffuse reflection process.
Explanation: I can see my backpack’s reflection in the car because light is reflecting off of my backpack to the car, and off of the car to my eyes. I cannot see my backpack’s
reflection in the dirty car because light is diffusely reflecting off of the car and then to many locations (including my eyes). Light is reflecting off of the clean car because it is a
smooth surface. When light reaches a smooth surface the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Light diffusely reflects off of a dirty car because the surface is
uneven due to all of the dirt and dust on the car. When light reaches an uneven surface, the angle of incidence is not able to be equal to the angle of reflection.
Note: scholars do not need to use language of angle of incidence and angle of reflection. Scholars can also describe this as the angle that the light rays travel to the object and
the angle that the light rays reflect from the object. Appropriate terminology should be used and encouraged by teacher.
Lesson #: 14
Phase: Elaborate
Lesson Title: How can we see the moon
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST reading
at night?
6.4 (page 2 of reading only)
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars are engaging in a reading with their teacher regarding how the moon is visible from earth. Students’ misconceptions play an important role in
this lesson. Many scholars will enter class believing that the moon is a light source and that we see the moon because of the light that it emits. This reading will establish that the
moon is seen because of diffusely reflected sunlight off of the moon’s surface. Scholars should be able to incorporate knowledge from the previous lesson about surfaces and
modeling into this lesson (i.e. the moon is an uneven surface so it diffusely reflects light, I can model this by showing light moving in many directions off of the surface). It may
be useful to model the moon using a rock, explaining to students that the moon is made of rock.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Reinforce concept of light source and provides
examples of objects that are and are not light sources
(i.e. sun is a light source; moon is not a light source).
Student: explain that we are able to see the moon
because it reflects sunlight to our eyes (Systems: Moon
Student: articulate that objects are seen when light
(from a source) reflects from the surface and travels to
our eyes.
The properties of a surface determine how light interacts
with the surface.
Aim: SWBAT apply their knowledge of reflection to explain why the moon is visible from earth.
Assessment: Four friends are star gazing up at a clear night’s sky. They see the moon and each wonders why we are able to see the moon. Look at the four statements below
and determine which friend you most agree with. Explain why you agree with that friend using evidence from class.
Albert: The moon creates light. The light from the moon comes to my eyes, so I see the light from the moon.
Sasha: The moon reflects sunlight directly. I can see the sun’s reflected image in the surface of the moon because sunlight is reflecting off of a smooth surface.
Mario: The moon is diffusely reflecting sunlight. I can see the moon because sunlight bounces off of the uneven surface.
CFS: I agree with Mario. I agree with Mario because the moon is not a light source. The moon’s surface is composed of rock. Rocks do not emit light. A rock is an uneven surface.
When light reaches uneven surfaces it diffusely reflects. The reflected light will travel to earth where it reaches my eyes.
Lesson #: 15
Phase: Evaluate
Lesson Title: Quiz 2 – Reflection
Main Lesson Resource: teacher made
Brief Lesson Summary:
Scholars are evaluated on key concepts and skills from learning goal 4 and two embedded learning goals.
Learning Goal 4 (reflection only):
The properties of matter determine how light interacts with that matter via:
- reflection
- transmission
- absorption
Embedded Learning Goals
Light spreads outward from a source in straight paths in all directions and is conserved.
Models can be used to communicate what and how we see.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Aim: SWBAT apply the light model and their knowledge of reflection to novel situations to explain why a clear image can or cannot be seen.
Assessment: Quiz 2 (Teacher Created) – question type suggestions below.
1. Difference between reflection and diffuse reflection.
2. Explain the law of reflection.
3. Types of surfaces that reflect and surfaces which reflect diffusely.
4. Given a sample surface; predict, explain, and/or model the interaction of light (reflect v. diffusely reflect).
5. Data tables to infer type of surface and interaction with light (reflection and diffuse reflection only).
Performance Task 2 – Comparing reflectivity of light
Students design and conduct experiments to see how smoothness of a surface affects reflection.
CFS: (Teacher Created)
Lesson #: 16
Phase: Engage + Explore
Lesson Title: Can light move through an
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST
Precursor, 7.1, and 7.2 data collection
Brief Lesson Summary: Students are given three dividers to look at as part of the engage (one each: translucent, transparent, and opaque). Scholars are asked the following
How do you think light is interacting with these objects?
Do you think that light is interacting in the same way with all these objects?
These same dividers are then used in the lesson in the light boxes. Scholars place each divider into light box one at a time and note whether or not they can see the figurine in
the box (with hand in lid to allow light to enter box). Scholars should also make any other applicable observations about the materials of the dividers as well. Scholars will then
measure the amount of light transmitted through each divider by using a light sensor and a flashlight. Scholars should record data for further discussion.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Teacher: Provide guided procedures and question.
Asking questions to assist students in
interpreting data.
Student: Explain how light interacts with different types
of matter (include transmission vs. reflection).
Crosscutting Concepts:
Student: Collect and analyze data to determine the
properties of objects (translucent, transparent, and
Aim: SWBAT explain that light can be transmitted through an object.
Assessment: Why can you see through a glass window but not a wall? Use evidence from the light box experiment to support your answer.
CFS: You can see through a window but not a wall because the light can transmit through a window. When light interacts with a wall, the light will diffusely reflect, allowing me
to see the wall. When light reaches a window, it will transmit going through the window.
(Students do not necessarily need to include the idea that light reflects/diffusely reflects off of objects that are past the window and then returns to your eyes. Additionally
scholars do not need to include the ideas of translucent, transparent, and opaque as those will be added on later in this learning progression).
Lesson #: 17
Phase: Explain
Lesson Title: How does the surface of an
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 7.2
object affect how light interacts with the discussion
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars engage in reading with teacher regarding different surface types and how light interacts with them. This lesson sets up for the three types of
surfaces; translucent, transparent, and opaque. Scholars also determine how light interacts with each surface (transmitting or reflecting) and the key difference between how
light transmits translucent and transparent objects.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Provide guided procedures and question.
Asking questions to assist students in
interpreting data.
Student: Collect and analyze data to determine the
properties of objects (translucent, transparent, and
Teacher: Define transmission.
Define translucent, transparent, opaque.
Student: Explain how light interacts with different types
of matter (include transmission vs. reflection).
Aim: SWBAT identify how light will interact with a surface based on its properties (opaque, transparent, translucent).
Assessment: Given a set of objects, students will categorized the objects as opaque, transparent, or translucent and predict how those objects do/do not transmit light.
CFS: Correctly identifies each item as opaque, transparent, or translucent.
● Defines the property of each object
○ opaque objects allow no (or little) light transmission
○ translucent objects allow some light to transmit
○ transparent objects allow most/all light to transmit
Lesson #: 18
Phase: Explain
Lesson Title: How can I use my models to Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 7.3
explain the different ways light interacts
with matter?
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars revise their consensus models. Scholars revise models to include the types of surfaces with which light interacts. Scholars should be able to
model how light interacts with translucent, transparent, and opaque objects – incorporating information from the previous lesson’s reading into their models.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Present examples of student models/probing
Student: Revise models to include the properties of the
Student: Explain how light interacts with different types
questions to inclusion of various interactions of light
object (translucent, transparent, opaque) - multiple
of matter (include transmission vs. reflection).
with matter.
types of interactions occurring.
Student: model patterns of reflection and transmission
to demonstrate how an object can be seen.
Aim: SWBAT model and explain how light will interact with a surface based on its properties (opaque, transparent, translucent).
Assessment: Given a set of objects, students will model how light will interact with the objects. Students will explain how light is interacting in their models.
CFS: models
1. Transparent: light rays travel through object in an organized manner.
2. Translucent: light rays travel through object but some rays diffusely reflect.
3. Opaque: light rays reflect or diffusely reflect off of object.
Note: If students show absorption, that is acceptable but it is not expected at this point.
Transparent: Light transmits through this object. Light travels through the object in an organized manner.
Translucent: Light transmits through this object. Some light also diffusely reflects off of the object. (or is absorbed - higher level learners)
Opaque: Light reflects/diffusely reflects off of this object (or is absorbed - higher level learners).
Lesson #: 19
Phase: Elaborate
Lesson Title: Can light interact with a
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 7.4 optical
surface in more than one way at one
fibers reading + independent periscope
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars engage in reading with their teacher. The reading serves two purposes; it exposes students to an example of science and technology that
incorporates different types of light interaction and it also exposes scholars to examples in which light interacts in two ways with a surface/object.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Student: Explain how light interacts with different types
of matter (include transmission vs. reflection).
Student: identify and explain how properties of an
object (translucent/transparent) make the object useful.
reading - science and technology: optical fibers and how
they affect sight.
Aim: SWBAT to explain how a surface can interact with light in more than one way.
Assessment: How come you can see the bottom of a pool and your reflection in the water
CFS: I can see the bottom of the pool and my reflection in the water because light is transmitting and reflecting. Most of the light hitting the surface of the water is transmitting
through the water because water is transparent. The water then reflects off of the bottom of the pool and to my eyes. This lets me see the bottom of the pool. I can also see my
reflection because a little bit of light is reflecting off of the surface of the water. Light is traveling to me and then reflecting to the surface of the water. the light reflects off of the
surface of the water and then to my eyes. the reflected light brings my image (reflection) to my eyes.
Note: Ensure that students are being specific in terms of quantity of light. Reinforce that the light that is transmitting and reflecting is from the same source and that light is
conserved. No light is “disappearing” in this interaction. Steer students toward the phrase “most light is transmitted” vs. “the light is transmitted”.
Lesson #: 20
Phase: Evaluate
Lesson Title: Quiz 3 – Transmission
Main Lesson Resource: teacher made
Brief Lesson Summary:
Scholars are evaluated on key concepts and skills from learning goal 4 and two embedded learning goals.
Learning Goal 4 (focusing on transmission):
The properties of matter determine how light interacts with that matter via:
- reflection
- transmission
- absorption (covered in next learning progression)
Embedded Learning Goals
Light spreads outward from a source in straight paths in all directions and is conserved.
Models can be used to communicate what and how we see.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Aim: SWBAT to apply the model of light to novel situations to explain how light interacts with matter and how those interactions in turn affect what we see.
Assessment: Quiz 3 Transmission (Teacher Created) – question type suggestions below.
1. Define interactions
2. Identify interaction based on light paths
3. Identify interaction of light with surfaces when properties of that surface are given (opaque, transparent, translucent): reflect vs. transmit, diffusely reflect vs. transmit.
4. Predict how light will interact with different surfaces. AND/OR Draw a model to support your prediction.
5. Infer properties of surfaces that: reflect vs. transmit, diffusely reflect vs. transmit.
6. False models that students identify and correct to make accurate.
7. Data tables to infer type of surface and interaction with light.
8. Optional Inquiry Performance Task: Students are given 3+ new objects/ materials (steps numbered below 1-3).
1. Collect data re: interaction with light (lux)
2. Explain interaction with light in terms of data.
3. Identify type of material and interaction using evidence from data and class to defend identifications.
Performance Task 3 - Explaining what is happening at various stations – BSCS Light Unit Explore Activity: stations 1, 3, & 4 only
PDF shared on Google, pages 15-25.
Students apply their knowledge of light-matter interactions to novel situations and explain the phenomena they experience at each station.
CFS: see note on main lesson resource
Lesson #: 21
Phase: Engage + Explore
Lesson Title: Can light become “stuck” in Main Lesson Resource: Solar powered
an object?
calculators & IQWST 8.2
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars are observing objects such as a solar powered calculator that function due to the absorption of light energy. Scholars should be asked the
following questions upon viewing the solar powered calculator;
How does light affect the calculator?
How is light causing a change to the calculator?
Scholars begin explore with two containers of water; one clear and one dyed. Scholars’ measure various ways light could be interacting with the water; reflecting, transmitting,
and temperature/heat energy change. After scholars gather data, teacher assists in discussion in which scholars begin to interpret data to identify patterns between the two
types of water. Scholars should come to the conclusion by the end of class that the clear water transmitted and reflected more light than the dyed water but the dyed water
increased in temperature/heat energy more than the clear water.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Provide guided procedures and question.
Teacher: Define absorption.
Teacher: Probe accuracy of written explanation (in
conjunction with conservation and patterns).
Probe with questions to assist students in interpreting
the data.
Student: Explain that absorbed light remains within the
Student: Collect and analyze data.
Aim: SWBAT compare the effects of light energy on two substances.
Assessment: How did the light energy affect the two water samples in similar and different ways? Explain your answer using evidence from today’s test.
CFS: The light affected the two water samples in similar ways because both water samples increased in temperature. the water affected the samples differently because the
clear water sample transmitted more light and did not increase in temperature as much as the dyed water sample. the dyed water sample transmitted and reflected less light
but increased more in temperature.
Lesson #: 22
Phase: Explain
Lesson Title: What happens when objects Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 8.3
absorb light?
conservation equation
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars are introduced to the term absorption. This connects to the previous lesson in which scholars measured the amount of reflected and
transmitted light as well as the temperature of the water. Scholars should make a connection between temperature increase and the amount of light energy absorbed. Scholars
will come to this conclusion through the conservation equation (diffuse reflection/reflection + transmission + absorption). This will reinforce the idea that light cannot be lost but
it moves due to different interactions + energy transformations (students do not need to know the term energy transformations but they should know that light energy became
heat energy; evidence = temperature increase in water with more absorption).
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Probe accuracy of written explanation (in
Teacher: Define absorption.
conjunction with conservation and patterns).
Absorption results in heat change.
Student: Explain conservation of energy in terms of light
Student: Articulate that the more light that is absorbed
- total amount of emitted light is conserved through
by a sample of matter, the greater the heat energy of
different interactions (diffuse reflection/
that matter.
reflection + transmission + absorption).
Patterns: properties of the object determine
how much light it will absorb.
Properties affect how an object interacts with
Aim: SWBAT explain how absorption of light affects change in an object.
Assessment: Explain how light energy causes blacktop to be warm on a sunny day?
CFS: Light energy causes blacktop to be warm on a sunny day because light is being absorbed. When light is absorbed it remains in an object. When light absorbs in the blacktop
it remain in the blacktop. The absorbed light becomes heat energy. This makes the blacktop feel warmer.
Lesson #: 23
Phase: Explain
Lesson Title: How can I use my model to
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 8.3
explain absorption of light?
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars engage in further discussion through teacher probing as to the nature of absorption. Scholars then incorporate absorption in to their consensus
model. Consensus models should reflect a conservation of energy regardless of the amount of absorption occurring.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Student: Modeling to include absorption, also include
additional interactions of light with matter.
Teacher: Probe accuracy of models to the written
explanation (in conjunction with conservation and
Student: identify and explain patterns: properties of the
object determine how much light it will absorb.
Properties affect how an object interacts with light.
Aim: SWBAT model and explain the absorption of light.
Assessment: Use a model to explain how light energy causes blacktop to be warm on a sunny day.
CFS: Model shows light traveling from a source to the black top.
Explanation states
light energy is absorbed by the black top.
absorption of energy causes a change in an object as the light energy is absorbed, it changes to heat energy, causing the blacktop to warm up.
Lesson #: 24
Phase: Elaborate
Lesson Title: What are all the ways that
Main Lesson Resource: IQWST 8.4
light can interact with an object?
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars engage in a reading with their teacher. The reading serves two functions; scholars are exposed to examples of science and technology that
include absorption or light and scholars are exposed to objects/surfaces that interact with light in at least two ways.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Teacher: Probe consistency of models to the written
Teacher: State that light can have several interactions
explanation (in conjunction with conservation and
with a surface.
Student: Explain that based on an object’s properties
light can interact with an object in more than one way at
a time.
Student: identify and explain patterns: properties of the
object determine how much light it will absorb.
Properties affect how an object interacts with
science and tech:
solar power, seasons
Aim: SWBAT explain how a surface can interact with light in more than one way.
Assessment: Herald is sitting at the edge of the pool all afternoon. He notices he can see his reflection and the bottom of the pool. As he sits he also notices the temperature of
the pool getting slightly warmer throughout the day. Explain all the ways that light is interacting to cause the observations that Herald is making.
CFS: Herald can see the bottom of the pool and his reflection in the water because light is transmitting and reflecting. Most of the light hitting the surface of the water is
transmitting through the water because water is transparent. The water then reflects off of the bottom of the pool and Herald’s eyes. This lets him see the bottom of the pool.
He can also see his reflection because a little bit of light is reflecting off of the surface of the water. Light is traveling to Herald and then reflecting to the surface of the water.
The light reflects off of the surface of the water and then to Herald’s eyes. The reflected light brings Herald’s image (reflection) to his eyes.
Additionally, we know that light travels outward from a source in all directions; some light is going directly to the pool. Most of the light is transmitted through the water, but
some is absorbed. When light energy is absorbed by a material it changes to heat energy. This causes Herald to feel a temperature increase in the water over time.
Lesson #: 25
Phase: Evaluate
Lesson Title: Unit Test - Light
Main Lesson Resource: unit assessment
Brief Lesson Summary: Scholars will be assessed on the entirety of the light unit and its four learning goals. Teachers will be provided with the unit assessment (separate from
the IA); the unit assessment is provided later in this document.
Science and Engineering Practices:
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Crosscutting Concepts:
Aim: SWBAT apply their knowledge and models of light to novel situations to explain how we see, how shadows are created, and how light interacts with matter and thereby
affects sight.
Assessment: Unit 1 Light Assessment (attached)
CFS: see unit assessment KEY (attached)
Unit Calendar
1. Can I see in the
2. What do I need to
3. How can I show
what I need to see?
4. Are eyes like light
5. How does light
light boxes
IQWST 2-2.1
light boxes
No School
Labor Day
6. What are
7. How can I use my
light model to explain
light sensors
light sensors & boxes
IQWST 2.1 & 4
8. Quiz 1 – Sight &
9. How does light
interact with a
mirror and
reflection lab
IQWST 6.1-6.2
10. What does my
data mean?
11. How does the
type of surface affect
the way light
interacts with the
12. Can I predict
13. How can I use my
light model to explain
14. How can we see
the moon at night?
IQWST reading 6.3
16. Can light move
through an object?
15. Quiz 2 –
IQWST 6.2-6.3
17. How does the
surface of an object
affect how light
interacts with the
18. How can I use my
models to explain the
different ways light
interacts with matter?
19. Can light interact
with a surface in
more than one way
at one time?
IQWST reading 7.4
21. Can light become
“stuck” in an object?
22. What happens
when objects absorb
23. How can I use my
model to explain
absorption of light?
No Classes
Day of Practice #1
absorbency lab
24. What are all the
ways that light can
interact with an
20. Quiz 3 –
IQWST reading 6.4
transmission test
IQWST 7.1-7.2
discussion & equation
25. Unit Test –
IQWST reading 8.4
IA 1 Week
IA 1 Week
IA 1 Week
IA 1 Week
IA 1 Week
Page 38 of 57
Unit Materials
Sangari “Can I Believe My Eyes” starter kit
Sangari “Can I Believe My Eyes” refill kit
Pasco SPARK (PS-2008) probeware interface (Note: some schools have already purchased Xplorer Dataloggers or the
Xplorer GLX – these will both work with the following two probes.)
PASPORT Light sensor (Pasco probe attachment PS-2106A)
PASPORT Temperature probes (Pasco probe attachment PS-2125)
D-cell batteries
Light Boxes (shoe boxes can be used)
Light Unit Assessment
1. How would you expect most light to interact with a polished, metal object?
a. reflect
b. transmit
c. diffusely reflect
d. absorb
2. It is a sunny day and you are walking barefoot. You notice that the road is hotter than the
sidewalk. What is sunlight doing that would cause this?
a. Light is being transmitted by the sidewalk.
b. Light is being reflected by the sidewalk.
c. Light is being absorbed by the sidewalk.
d. Light is being emitted by the sidewalk.
3. How are you able to see your desk in a lighted room?
a. An image of the desk travels to our eyes.
b. Light travels to our eyes and then from your eyes to the desk.
c. Light travels to the desk and then to our eyes.
d. Light travels to my eyes and the desk.
4. When light interacts with opaque matter it…
a. stops moving.
b. disappears.
c. reflects.
d. makes the matter bright.
5. Which of the following best describes the movement of light?
a. Random without any pattern
b. In straight paths and continuously
c. In straight paths and randomly
d. Randomly and continuously
6. It is a rainy day and you use your umbrella for cover. You look down and notice that you can see
the reflection of your umbrella in a puddle. How does this happen?
a. Light from street lamps travel to the puddle and then to your eyes and the umbrella.
b. Light from street lamps travels to the umbrella. It reflects off the umbrella to the
puddle and then reflects to your eyes.
c. Light from street lamps reflect off of the water to the umbrella. Then the light travels to
your eyes.
d. Light travels from the street lamps to your eyes. It reflects off your eyes to the umbrella
and the puddle.
7. At night, some people wear reflective vests to help cars see them while they are walking.
Which statement best explains how reflective vests work?
a. They are covered with paint that glows in the dark.
b. The material they are made of gives off its own light.
c. Batteries are attached to them so that they produce their own light.
d. They bounce light back from other sources like car headlights.
8. Which of the following could be used as a model of the eye: a drawing, clay shaped like an eye,
or a computer image of an eye?
a. only the drawing of the eye
b. the drawing and the clay shaped like an eye
c. the computer image of the eye and the drawing
d. the drawing, the clay, and the computer image
9. When you turn on your bedroom light at night, you are able to see things in your room more
clearly. Why?
a. Light bouncing off things.
b. The light makes your room bright.
c. Light fills the room.
d. The light stays on the ceiling and walls.
10. The moon’s surface is visible to an observer on Earth because the moon…
a. emits its own light toward Earth.
b. reflects sunlight toward Earth.
c. transmits light from the stars behind it.
d. absorbs light from earth and glows.
11. A shadow is the…
a. reflection of black light to our eyes.
b. absence of light.
c. presence of dark light.
d. transmission of light.
12. Shania notices that she cannot see the ceiling lights through her IR book when she holds it up in
the air. Her IR book is an example of a(n) ________ material.
a. opaque
b. reflective
c. transparent
d. translucent
13. Which piece of data is the strongest evidence for absorption of light?
a. Amount of reflected light
b. Temperature change
c. Amount of transmitted light
d. Texture of surface
15. Look at the image below. Explain how this shadow formed. Turn the image into a model to
support your explanation.
16. Plants need light to grow. Many plants are grown in greenhouses to protect them from animals
and bad weather. If you were building a greenhouse would you want it to be made of glass or
bricks? Why? Complete parts A – C.
a. Which type of greenhouse would you build? ______________________
b. Draw and label a model for each type of greenhouse to support your answer.
c. Explain your answer in writing.
17. It is a sunny day outside and the girl is facing towards a brick wall. Behind the wall, there is a
book. Can she see this book? Circle one answer below.
a. YES
b. NO
Draw and label a model to explain whether or not the girl can see the book. Explain your model
18. Explain what processes are occurring to let you see buildings outside our classroom windows.
19. Tamara has three objects that she wants to test to find out how they interact with light; a can
of soda, a pair of eyeglasses, and a piece of paper towel. She collects data on the amount of
light that reflects and transmits off of the objects at different locations. Answer questions 1921 based on the Tamara’s data and your knowledge of science.
Object A
of Light
Object B
Amount of
7.1 lux
352.2 lux
2.4 lux
4.6 lux
410 lux
374.8 lux
Object C
of Light
Amount of
24.6 lux
0.0 lux
852.9 lux
16.2 lux
of Light
Amount of
14.3 lux
307.1 lux
12.8 lux
293.4 lux
17.4 lux
214.5 lux
0.0 lux
0.0 lux
19. Identify which data table represents each object Tamara is investigating.
Object A = ____________________
Object B = ____________________
Object C= ____________________
20. Explain how you were able to identify the data that corresponds with each of Tamara’s
objects. Make sure to include evidence and the properties of the objects in your response.
21. Tamara did not collect data on absorption. Based on your knowledge of science and
identification of the data for each object, which object would absorb the most light? Explain
your thinking below.
Light Unit Assessment Key
How would you expect most light to interact with a polished, metal object? (LG 4)
a. reflect
b. transmit
c. diffusely reflect
d. absorb
It is a sunny day and you are walking barefoot. You notice that the road is hotter than the sidewalk. What is
sunlight doing that would cause this? (LG4)
a. Light is being transmitted by the sidewalk.
b. Light is being reflected by the sidewalk.
c. Light is being absorbed by the sidewalk.
d. Light is being emitted by the sidewalk.
How are you able to see your desk in a lighted room? (LG1)
a. An image of the desk travels to our eyes.
b. Light travels to our eyes and then from your eyes to the desk.
c. Light travels to the desk and then to our eyes.
d. Light travels to my eyes and the desk.
When light interacts with opaque matter it… (LG 1/4)
a. stops moving.
b. disappears.
c. reflects.
d. makes the matter bright.
Which of the following best describes the movement of light? (LG 1)
a. Random without any pattern
b. In straight paths and continuously
c. In straight paths and randomly
d. Randomly and continuously
It is a rainy day and you use your umbrella for cover. You look down and notice that you can see the reflection of
your umbrella in a puddle. How does this happen? (LG 1/4)
a. Light from street lamps travel to the puddle and then to your eyes and the umbrella.
b. Light from street lamps travels to the umbrella. It reflects off the umbrella to the puddle and then
reflects to your eyes.
c. Light from street lamps reflect off of the water to the umbrella. Then the light travels to your eyes.
d. Light travels from the street lamps to your eyes. It reflects off your eyes to the umbrella and the puddle.
At night, some people wear reflective vests to help cars see them while they are walking. Which statement best
explains how reflective vests work? (LG 4)
a. They are covered with paint that glows in the dark.
b. The material they are made of gives off its own light.
c. Batteries are attached to them so that they produce their own light.
d. They bounce light back from other sources like car headlights.
Which of the following could be used as a model of the eye: a drawing, clay shaped like an eye, or a computer
image of an eye? (LG 3)
a. only the drawing of the eye
b. the drawing and the clay shaped like an eye
c. the computer image of the eye and the drawing
d. the drawing, the clay, and the computer image
When you turn on your bedroom light at night, you are able to see things in your room more clearly. Why? (LG 1)
a. Light bouncing off things.
b. The light makes your room bright.
c. Light fills the room.
d. The light stays on the ceiling and walls.
10. The moon’s surface is visible to an observer on Earth because the moon… (LG 4)
a. emits its own light toward Earth.
b. reflects sunlight toward Earth.
c. transmits light from the stars behind it.
d. absorbs light from earth and glows.
11. A shadow is the… (LG 4)
a. reflection of black light to our eyes.
b. absence of light.
c. presence of dark light.
d. transmission of light.
12. Shania notices that she cannot see the ceiling lights through her IR book when she holds it up in the air. Her IR
book is an example of a(n) ________ material. (LG 4)
a. opaque
b. reflective
c. transparent
d. translucent
13. Which piece of data is the strongest evidence for absorption of light? (LG 4)
a. Amount of reflected light
b. Temperature change
c. Amount of transmitted light
d. Texture of surface
14. (LG 3 & 4)
CFS for models
I. Light reflects off of mirror – should have four rays of light, should reflect with equal angles of incidence and reflection.
II. Translucent glass – should have four rays of light, should include transmission in a less organized manner.
III. Transparent glass- should have four rays of light, should include transmission that is organized.
IV. Piece of wood – should have four rays of light, should show diffuse reflection with light moving in different directions off
of wood (could include some absorption).
15. Look at the image below. Explain how this shadow formed. Turn the image into a model to support your
explanation. (LG 1/3)
Exemplar: This shadow is formed by a light source, screen, and object (the boy). Light from the source travels to the boy,
the boy blocks light from reaching the screen. This area where the boy blocks the screen is where the shadow forms (a
shadow is an absence of light). We perceive the shadow because in the areas where the boy does not block the screen light
reflects to our eyes.
CFS for model:
1. Light emitting from a light source.
2. Light reflecting/absorbing into boy.
3. Light reflecting off of part of screen boy does not reach.
4. Light from the screen reflecting to eyes.
16. Plants need light to grow. Many plants are grown in greenhouses to protect them from animals and bad weather. If
you were building a greenhouse would you want it to be made of glass or bricks? Why? Complete parts A – C. (LG 3/4)
Which type of greenhouse would you build? ______________________
Draw and label a model for each type of greenhouse to support your answer.
Explain your answer in writing.
a. glass
b. CFS model
1. Scholar has light source and two greenhouses – one labeled glass and the other cardboard.
2. Scholar shows light emitting from the light source.
3. Scholar shows light transmitting through the glass greenhouse and diffusely reflecting off of the cardboard greenhouse.
c. Exemplar
Greenhouses are usually built out of glass and not cardboard so that light can reach the plants inside. Glass is transparent
so light will transmit the glass. This means that light travels through the glass and can reach the plants. Cardboard is
opaque and an uneven surface so light will diffusely reflect off of the cardboard. This means that light travels off of the
surface in many directions – little light would reach the plants if the greenhouse was made out of cardboard.
17. It is a sunny day outside and the girl is facing towards a brick wall. Behind the wall, there is a book. Can she see this
book? Circle one answer below. (LG 1 & 3)
Draw and label a model to explain whether or not the girl can see the book. Explain your model below.
CFS for model
1. Student includes person, light source, and book behind wall.
2. Student draws rays of light emitting from light source.
3. Student draws rays of light interacting with wall (reflecting, absorbing but NOT transmitting)
**may show light from wall reflecting to the girl’s eyes but not necessary
18. Explain what processes are occurring to let you see buildings outside our classroom windows (LG 1 & 4).
We are able to see buildings outside our classroom windows due to the interaction of light with the building and our eyes.
Light from the sun reflects off of the building. The reflected light transmits through the classroom windows. Light can
transmit through the classroom windows because they are transparent and allow light to travel through them. The
transmitted light then travels to our eyes allowing us to see the building.
19. Tamara has three objects that she wants to test to find out how they interact with light; a can of soda, a pair of
eyeglasses, and a piece of paper towel. She collects data on the amount of light that reflects and transmits off of the
objects at different locations. Answer questions 19-21 based on the Tamara’s data and your knowledge of science.
Object A
Position of
Object B
Amount of
Amount of
7.1 lux
352.2 lux
2.4 lux
410 lux
4.6 lux
374.8 lux
of Light
Object C
Amount of
24.6 lux
0.0 lux
852.9 lux
0.0 lux
16.2 lux
0.0 lux
of Light
Amount of
14.3 lux
307.1 lux
12.8 lux
293.4 lux
17.4 lux
214.5 lux
19. Identify which data table represents each object Tamara is investigating.
Object A = pair of eyeglasses
Object B = soda can
Object C= paper towel
20. Explain how you were able to identify the data that corresponds with each object. Make sure in your response to
include evidence and the properties of the objects.
Object A is a pair of eyeglasses. The data showed that object A is a pair of eyeglasses because the data showed that this
object transmitted the most light. The lens of an eyeglass is transparent. Transparent objects allow most of the light to
transmit through the object.
Object B is a soda can. The data showed that zero light transmitted the object and at one position there was a large
amount of reflected light. The fact that zero light transmitted shows that the object is opaque. Opaque objects do not have
light transmit off of them – the light reflects off of opaque objects. Even surfaces reflect light largely in one position. The
even and opaque surface is only found in the soda can.
Object C is a piece of paper towel. The data showed some light transmitting and some light reflecting off of the object. The
light that was reflecting was reflecting diffusely, as the light seems to be moving in many directions. The data shows this
because the amount of light reflected is roughly the same at all positions. This suggests an uneven surface such as paper
towel. The transmitting light also supports that it is a piece of paper towel because paper towel is translucent meaning
that some light diffusely reflects off of it and some light transmits the object.
21. Tamara did not collect data on absorption. Based on your knowledge of science and identification of the data for each
object, which object would absorb the most light? Explain your thinking below.
The soda can would absorb the most light. Absorption is when light remains inside of an object. Higher amounts of
absorption occur in opaque objects as the light does not transmit through them. The paper towel and eyeglasses are
translucent/transparent objects which show higher amounts of transmission. The soda can is opaque and will absorb the
most light.
Unit Performance Task
Question: What material will allow me to read the secret message?
Guidelines: In the box below, there is a secret message. Your job is to decode the message in the
best way possible. You must test all of the items on the desk – wood block, wax block, glass,
and mirror. Your group decides how to use the items and where to place them; but
remember, you must test each item the same way. To build a body of evidence for your claim,
you may also test each item on the law of reflection template and measure the lux of reflected
light at various locations.
Secret Message:
Unit Performance Task Key
Whiteboard/poster board exemplar:
The goal: To test how all given materials will interact with light so that the secret message
may be read.
Observations and data: Students should include a data table of qualitative (if message could be
read or not) and quantitative (lux reflecting off of surface) data.
Claim: Using the mirror, we were able to read the message. The wood block and wax
block did not help us to read the message at all. If we looked at the glass carefully, we
could read the message, but it was not as clear as the glass.
Evidence/Reasoning: The message is written backwards. In class we learned that when light
bounces off of a reflective surface, the reflection leaves the surface opposite to the way
it entered. This law of reflection is what caused the letters to flip around so that we
could read the message. The light in the room traveled to the message, reflected off of
the message to the mirror and then reflected off of the mirror to our eyes, so that we
could see and read the message.
The other objects, specifically the wood and wax blocks did not help us to read the
message because they created diffuse reflection. In other words, they did not reflect an
organized image, so we could not read the words. When we tested the lux of reflected
light on these materials, we found that light was reflecting in many directions with
lower intensity than it reflected from the mirror. (Students should provide specific
numerical comparisons here)
Note on glass: This object is debatable. Some groups may notice that they can read
the message, though it is faint. The key with this object is for students to recognize that
it is not reflecting as much light as the mirror or the blocks of wax and wood. Instead it
is transmitting the light.
includes and has labeled: light source, clear paths, message/object, mirror, eye
shows light traveling to the message
shows light traveling from the message to the mirror.
shows light traveling from the mirror to our eyes.
if students choose to also model wax or wood blocks, their models should show light
scattering from those objects.
if students chose to also model glass, their models should show most light transmitting
through the glass, and only a small amount reflecting to our eyes.