Annual Course Review Handbook

Annual Course Review Handbook
Academic Development and Quality Enhancement Office
October 2015
Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 3
Purpose and aims of Annual Course Review .......................................................................... 4
Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 4
Aims........................................................................................................................................ 4
Changes for the review of 2014/15 taught provision .............................................................. 5
Overview ................................................................................................................................ 3
External environment ........................................................................................................... 3
Key contacts.......................................................................................................................... 3
Timing..................................................................................................................................... 5
Documentation ...................................................................................................................... 5
Guidance ............................................................................................................................... 5
Process .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Process overview ................................................................................................................. 5
Completing the paperwork .................................................................................................. 6
Data to consider ................................................................................................................... 7
Consideration of the theme................................................................................................. 8
Submission of the paperwork ............................................................................................. 8
5. The role of the Director of Teaching and Learning ................................................................. 8
6. Enhancement event ..................................................................................................................... 9
7. The role of UTLC ........................................................................................................................ 10
Appendix 1 – Availability of data for ACR ....................................................................................... 11
Annual Course Review (ACR) is a key element of the University’s quality framework.
Together with Periodic Review, ACR provides a mechanism by which the University
can be confident that its educational provision meets quality standards and that the
enhancement of learning opportunities is taking place at all levels of the institution.
ACR at the University of Sussex is aligned to Chapter B8: Programme monitoring
and review from the QAA’s Quality Code.
The handbook is of particular relevance to:
Directors of Teaching and Learning
Curriculum and Assessment officers
Heads of Department
Course Convenors
Module Convenors
Members of Teaching and Learning Committees
Professional Services staff who support teaching and learning
This handbook is maintained by the Academic Development and Quality Enhancement
Office (ADQE) and is sponsored by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning).
The guidance is provided for taught courses.
External environment
Higher education in the UK is in a state of change with the Higher Education Funding
Council for England (HEFCE) review of quality assessment and plans for introduction
of a Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) to assess the quality of teaching at
institutions. Whilst the details of these are still to be determined, what is clear at this
stage is that the new system will be more outcomes based and data driven. Therefore,
work is underway to develop central data sets and Schools are being asked to
clearly evidence the claims and observations they made in the ACR process with
data held both centrally and locally. The University will continue to take part in
consultation at a national level and will monitor developments in this area to ensure
processes are reconfigured accordingly.
Key contacts
Head of ADQE
ADQE Enhancement Team
ADQE Curriculum Team
Chris Wellings
01273 877468
Clare Wolstenholme and TBC
01273 678894
Damien Jarvis and TBC
01273 872775
ADQE Standards Team
ADQE Partnerships Team
Directors of Teaching and
Heads of Department and
Heads of School
Curriculum and Assessment
Course and Module
Carmel Oxley-King, Amy Horwood and Francis
01273 678130
01273 876683
01273 678134
Gavin Harrison and Jason Harrison
01273 877063
01273 877421
Please consult Sussex Direct
Please consult Sussex Direct
Please consult Sussex Direct
Please consult School Offices
Purpose and aims of Annual Course Review
As a critical part of the University’s quality assurance and enhancement framework,
the ACR is an opportunity for Schools to reflect on the teaching and learning activity
of the previous academic year for all undergraduate and postgraduate taught
provision. It encompasses celebration of successes, identifying addressed issues
and proposing a way forward for any areas which remain unresolved. The process
also highlights matters for consideration at institutional level by UTLC and provides
assurance that issues identified, both internally and externally, are acted upon and to
inform university level priorities for support and policy development.
It is important that the review does not replicate existing work; rather that it takes an
holistic review of provision, drawing on the review activities that take place in the
department during the year.
The key aims of the Annual Course Review are as follows:
To enable the University Teaching and Learning Committee (UTLC) to be
satisfied that all courses have appropriately engaged with the process of
annual monitoring and be confident that threshold academic standards have
been met.
To identify good practice and opportunities for enhancement and to share this
with the wider University community.
To provide an opportunity to reflect on the selected theme.
Changes for the review of 2014/15 taught provision
A number of suggestions were made in the report on the Annual Course Review of
2013/14 to the University’s Teaching and Learning Committee (UTLC) which was
considered at the March 2015 meeting.
The timing of the event was to be considered in relation to whether it should
take place later to allow more PGT data and external examiners reports to be
UTLC considered this and concluded that December was the correct point in the
cycle at which to hold the annual course review event in order that scrutiny of each
academic cycle could be completed by Christmas of the following academic year.
Review of documentation should be undertaken, seeking rationalisation and
reduction of administrative burden where possible.
New documentation has been created.
Improved guidance for student representatives in advance of the event should
be created.
ADQE will continue to meet student representatives in advance of the enhancement
event. Revised written guidance will be available for students and staff this year to
reflect amendments to the documentation. It is also envisaged that the rationalised
documentation will make the process simpler for students and less burdensome.
Process overview
The diagram below illustrates the key steps of the process and its outputs.
Annual Course Review process and outputs.
Board of Study
•SWOT analysis
•External Examiner
•Action Plan
School Teaching and
Learning Committee
•Endorse courselevel reports and
action plans
•School Reflective
UTLC Enhancement
compliance with
•Share good
•Report to
Teaching and
Review and reflection of teaching and learning and the student experience is a continual
process throughout the year working in partnership with Sussex students at all stages.
Completing the paperwork
The Board of Study is responsible for the review of all courses and modules in its
remit and for producing course level documentation for the ACR. Via the Board of
Study, a SWOT analysis and accompanying action plan must be completed for all
UG and PGT courses. The document template can be found on the ACR section of
the ADQE website.
To ensure that the process adopts a risk-based approach:
particular consideration must be given to any new modules or significantly
changed aspects of the course;
attention must be given to any modules scoring less than 3 on their Module
Evaluation Questionnaire (MEQ).
Also subject to focus are details of how students have been engaged with the
process of Annual Course Review to promote their significant role as partners in their
educational experience at Sussex. All staff and taught students should have the
opportunity to contribute to the ACR.
Cognate courses can be considered together on the same course report with the
exception of joint honours courses. Joint honours courses must have their own report
as they have a particular student experience and it is important to ensure that this is
given due consideration. The co-course convenors of joint degrees should produce a
report together with the owning School retaining ownership of the report.
Guidance for completing the SWOT analysis is in the table below. Commentary
should be assigned to one of the quadrants of the SWOT depending on whether it is
perceived to be a strength, weakness, opportunity or a threat.
Teaching and
Both locally and centrally generated data should be used and
figures quoted to support qualitative commentary.
Applications and intake data – are targets being met and is intake
quality improving or declining?
Retention, progression, non-completion and degree outcomes
Incidences of academic misconduct.
NSS and other survey results – are students satisfied with their
experience and is this improving or declining?
DLHE data
Feedback from the wider student population as well as elected
Student Representatives should be considered.
What matters have been raised by students over the course of the
year? Include positive and negative feedback.
Are there any issues relating to pastoral or welfare provision for
students that need consideration?
Note any innovative ways of gathering feedback.
This could include external examiners, PSRBs, franchise partners,
placement providers or graduate employers.
What feedback have external contacts given about the course
and/or particular elements of the course?
Are any
Consider inclusivity of teaching, learning and assessment.
Capture anything not relevant for the categories above.
Has there been peer observation of teaching?
Are there staff development issues to consider?
Resources including Library and IT.
Course convenors should undertake meaningful reflection with input from relevant
module convenors to understand what has worked well in the academic year under
scrutiny. Where things have not been as successful, possible reasons and remedies
should be considered and added to the action plan. The action plan will include
responses to the external examiner’s report and NSS results. Separate action plans
will not be necessary to reduce administrative burden and potential confusion for all
involved in the process. Actions should have clear ownership and be measurable.
Data to consider
A checklist of items to be considered when completing Annual Course Review
paperwork is included below:
Student performance data – progression and achievement
Student feedback including NSS results, and PTES and Student Barometer
results (where available as these are biennial surveys at Sussex). Also, MEQ
and other module feedback data as well as mid-term feedback gathered.
External Examiners reports and University overview where available
PSRB reports where applicable (copies are not required for the event)
Applications and admission data
DLHE data and general employability matters including any feedback from
Induction and re-induction opportunities
Previous year’s action plan
Recommendations from validations/accreditations/Periodic Review (where
these concern the year under review)
Franchise/collaborative agreements
Peer observation
Innovations and best practice
Staff development needs
Resource needs (e.g. Library, IT, Estates)
For details of when centrally provided data is available, please see appendix 1.
Consideration of the theme
Reflection on a theme is an integral part of the ACR process. Each year a theme will
be agreed by the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Learning (PVC T&L) on
behalf of the University’s Teaching and Learning Committee (UTLC).
For the review of academic year 2014/15 colleagues are asked to reflect on the
performance of international students in relation to home/EU students. In addition, it
would be useful for colleagues to reflect on the use of formative assessment within
courses and modules and how this can be expanded and communicated so that
students understand the importance and usefulness of assessment for learning.
Submission of the paperwork
The completed SWOT analysis should be submitted to the School Teaching and
Learning Committee (STLC). STLCs have ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the
ACR has been effectively conducted in the School. On behalf of the STLC, the
Director of Teaching and Learning (DTL) will produce a School level reflective report.
There will be no template for this report to allow DTLs to focus the report as they see
fit. For guidance of what to include in this report, please refer to the checklist above.
After consideration at the STLC the documentation will be reviewed at the
enhancement event. The following documentation must be submitted by the School
to ADQE three weeks before the enhancement event:
SWOT analysis for each course and accompanying action plans
External examiner reports and responses
School-level reflection
This documentation will be submitted online at the Annual Course Review webpages.
Schools will confirm earlier in the autumn term the list of course reports that
they will be submitting to enable ADQE to check that all relevant
documentation has arrived on time. A speedy turnaround of paperwork is required
to enable those attending the enhancement event have sufficient time to scrutinise
the paperwork.
The role of the Director of Teaching and Learning
As the Chair of the School teaching and Learning Committee, the DTL will lead on
confirming that the process of Annual Course Review has been conducted
appropriately in the School and the production of the School-level reflective report.
Directors of Teaching and Learning must be in attendance at the enhancement event
and will also select another member of faculty to represent the School at this event.
In preparation for the enhancement event they will be allocated the paperwork for
their own School and one other. Following preparatory reading of the additional
school’s paperwork the DTL should confirm compliance with Annual Course Review
for that school by emailing Clare Wolstenholme in ADQE. DTLs should also contact
Clare Wolstenholme outlining why compliance cannot be confirmed and detailing any
concerns that they have.
In the event that a DTL is unable to confirm compliance, the School under scrutiny
will be contacted by ADQE and required to provide additional
documentation/information for referral to the PVC Teaching and Learning.
Enhancement event
The enhancement event will consider both UG and PGT courses over the course of a
half-day session in week 12 of the autumn term. A sample agenda is below:
Outline agenda for December 2015
Registration and lunch
1300 - 1345
Introduction from the PVC (Teaching and Learning)
1345 - 1350
ADQE short enhancement presentation including an introduction
and guidance for the enhancement session
Enhancement session: Undergraduate and Taught postgraduate
courses (approx. 45 minutes per School)
Refreshment break
1350 - 1400
Feedback of at least two examples of best practice followed by
discussion (approx. 10 minutes per group)
Comments from the PVC (Teaching and Learning) and close
1545 - 1645
1400 - 1530
1530 - 1545
1645 - 1650
There will be six groups of two schools (SCLS will be considered as a School for
the purpose of ACR). Groups will be made up of academic and professional
services staff and members will be required to review the documentation for both
Each group will assign a member to report back in the feedback session (this
should not be a member of ADQE).
Each group will have an ADQE representative present whose role is to ensure
that discussions focus on enhancement and best practice, and to take notes of
the discussion to feed into the overall report to UTLC.
Directors of Teaching and Learning will be assigned to the group charged with
scrutinising their School’s documentation. This will enable an informed
discussion and the opportunity fill in any gaps in knowledge. They will also act as
scrutinisers of other Schools’ documentation.
Student representatives will be assigned to the group charged with scrutinising
their owning school’s documentation, to ensure that the student voice is heard
and incorporated into the output from the event.
Invited members of faculty will sit with groups scrutinising schools other than
their own. This will provide an effective peer review function.
The role of University Teaching and Learning Committee
Each year, the PVC Teaching and Learning as the Chair of UTLC will agree a
thematic strand for consideration as part of the Annual Course Review. The theme
may be selected to test the embedding of a new policy or initiative or to gather
feedback on a specific topic of interest to the UTLC for policy development and
enhancement purposes.
Following the enhancement event in December, a report will be made to the spring
meeting of UTLC to confirm the compliance status of each school, good practice to
be noted and shared, and areas recommended for improvement. There will also be a
summary of institutional matters arising the Annual Course Review process for UTLC
to consider and respond to.
Appendix 1 – Availability of central data for ACR
January 2015
February 2015
March 2015
April 2015
May 2015
June 2015
July 2015
August 2015
September 2015
October 2015
November 2015
December 2015
January 2016
February 2016
May 2016
Data ready
PG External Examiner Summary report for 13/14 and
individual PG external examiner reports (by mid-January)
from ADQE/Schools
Student Barometer: Asia/Americas/Europe/UK (note
that SB is biennial) from International Student support
Progression rates and degree outcomes (internal and
sector benchmarked) from Student Systems and Records
MEQ results for T1
Appeals annual report (for 2013/14) to UTLC from
Michael Moon
MEQ results for T2
PTES results for 2014/15 (note that PTES is biennial)
from ADQE
Individual UG external examiner reports from
Individual UG external examiner reports from
UG External Examiner Summary report and individual
UG external examiner reports ADQE/Schools
NSS data for 2014/15 (internal and sector benchmarked)
from Planning
UG and PG Applications by course within school (early
October) from Admissions
Progression data and degree outcomes (internal data
by mid-November) from Student Systems and Records
Misconduct data (including PG dissertations) from SPA
Individual PG external examiner reports from
Individual PG external examiner reports from
PG External Examiner Summary report for 14/15 and
individual PG external examiner reports (by mid-January)
from ADQE/Schools
Student Barometer: Asia/Americas/Europe/UK (note
that SB is biennial) from International Student support
Appeals annual report (for 2014/15) To UTLC from
Michael Moon