Reader Promotion Criteria Matrix

Promotions Criteria Matrix for Reader: staff are required to demonstrate they have met the senior lectureship criteria plus the
additional research criteria shown below in bold
Staff Number: Click here to enter text.
☐ i) A growing record of high-level
output in the form of
monographs, articles in refereed
or peer-reviewed journals,
chapters in books, and (in
appropriate areas only) peerreviewed conference
proceedings, exhibitions,
performances, or other
discipline-specific outputs.
Department: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter a date.
External Engagement/Impact
Judgement of the Teaching
element will require evidence of
sustained and high performance
under a number of the following
Judgement of the External Engagement
and Impact element will require evidence
of a number of the following:
The Research element will also
include at least some of the
☐ i) Success in teaching as
evidenced by for example peer
review, student
response, external examiners’
☐ ii) Successful collaborations with
other research teams/institutions
☐ ii) Demonstrable strengthening
of the links between cuttingedge research
and teaching
☐ i) Application of knowledge benefiting,
inter alia, the spheres of industry
including the creative or heritage
industries, commerce, or society more
generally through such activities as
consultancy, invention disclosures,
assertion of intellectual property
(patents licensed, or granted), advice to
industry, licensing of intellectual
property, directorship of spin-out
companies of benefit to the College,
performances, representation and public
engagement through the media
☐ ii) Activities and modes of research
dissemination that increase public
understanding of the discipline
Leadership and Enhancement
☐ i) A significant contribution to the
management or administration of a
department / unit which enhances
the effective working of the group
☐ ii) Faculty or College-level activities
on behalf of the academic
community, such as the chairing or
active membership of key
committees, review groups, working
parties and the like
☐ iii) An appropriate record of
external grants for research;
□iv) Membership of multi-centre,
multi-disciplinary and/or
multinational research teams
☐ iii) Enhancement of teaching
and learning within the
candidate’s department or
☐ iv) Established record of
supervision of research students
☐ iv) Design or active
development of innovative
programmes within the
candidate’s department/ school
☐ v) Invitations to give seminars
and keynote/named lectures
☐ v) Active development of
innovative activities within the
candidate’s department or
College, which adds value to
the student experience or
☐ vi) visiting appointments;
☐ vii) Editorships and advisory roles
/ refereeing for international or
nationally eminent presses and
☐ vi) Receipt of an internal or
external teaching award
☐ vii) External examining,
participation in reviews of
teaching provision held in
other institutions, or the
enhancement of teaching more
☐ viii) Significant contributions to a
supportive research environment
at RHUL, involving for example
mentoring, study groups, peer
☐ viii) Practice placements
(though significant
administration or the setting up
of such programmes should be
entered under Leadership)
☐ iii) Application of knowledge to improve
the performance of public sector
organisations by informing public policy,
government, or the culture and heritage
sector. This may include, for example,
information technologies, artistic
standards, or new procedures not
otherwise protectable as intellectual
☐ iv) Innovation that enables transfer and
application of knowledge to the benefit
of society through industry-sponsored
contract research, schemes for
employing students, Knowledge
Transfer Partnerships, industrial
secondments or comparable training
☐ v) Generation of Third Stream income
where this is of tangible benefit to the
College as well as the individual
☐ iii) Significant participation in
Learned Societies, Research
Councils, and other relevant external
☐ iv) Activities whose outcomes have
had demonstrably positive effects on
the reputation or enhanced
functioning of department/ unit and
hence the
☐ ix) In the case of the Creative or
Performing Arts, evidence of
growing reputation in the field.
☐ ix) Significant contributions to
the discipline or curriculum
through the
development of successful
teaching and/or learning aids in
the form of
books, e-learning and use of
new technologies; publications
in the areas
of pedagogical theory, new
technology, learning or
assessment theory.
☐ x) In the case of the relevant
scientific or non-scientific
disciplines, evidence
of research which supports
industrial or other commercial
☐ x) Possession of a recognised
teaching qualification
appropriate to the scope of the
role,(eg HEA Fellow, PGCE etc).
☐ xi) High-impact, prizewinning,
or frequently cited publication
☐ xii) Success in grant capture,
project leadership
☐ xiii) Giving of high-profile
papers and presentations
nationally and internationally
☐ xiv) High standing within the
international academic
community as appropriate to
the discipline or sub-discipline