Classification Target #1- I can explain how binomial nomenclature is

Target #1- I can explain how binomial nomenclature is used to organize species
 Binomial Nomenclature
 A ____________________________________________________________ created by Carolus Linnaeus
 Each organism is assigned a ________________________________________________ that identifies
them apart from other organisms
 Ex: ________________________________________________________  polar bear
 Always written in ______________________ and in ______________________
 Name consists of the organisms __________________________ and ________________________
 Genus:
 Ursus groups several species of bear
 Species:
 Maritimus identifies the polar bear as a specific type (species) of bear
 In addition to naming organisms, biologists also try to organize, or classify, living and fossil species into larger
groups that have biological meaning
 If a group is placed correctly, then all the members of a group will be ____________________________
_________________________________________ than to other groups
Target #2- I can state the goal of systematics
 Systematics: the science of naming and grouping organisms
 Goal:
 These groups are called ______________________
 Share similar features
 When discovering new organisms, it is easier to place these new organisms into taxa by
comparing them to previously identified organisms
Target #3- I can identify the different nested groups, in order, used by Linnaeus to classify organisms
 Linnaeus also invented a classification system using _________________________________________________
 The taxa he used included
 ______________________________________- largest and most inclusive group
 Ex: Animalia, Plantae, Eubacteria, Archea, Fungi
 ___________________________________- groups organisms according to major characteristics
 Ex: Chordata  all animals with a spinal chord
 __________________________________
 __________________________________
 __________________________________
 __________________________________
 __________________________________- smallest and least inclusive group
Example: Bald Eagle
 Kingdom: Animalia
 Phylum: Chordata
 Sub-phylum; vertebrata
 Class: Reptilia
 Sub-class: Aves
 Order: Accipitriformes
 Family:Accipitridae
 Genus: Haliaetus
 Species: leucocephalus
Target #4- I can identify the problem with traditional classification methods
 Linnaeus classified organisms according to visible similarities and differences
 Example
 Barnacles, limpets, and crabs
 Which animals seem most alike? Why?
 Does not always connect organisms correctly
 Modern systematics apply Darwin’s ideas to classification and try to look beyond simple similarities and
differences to establish _____________________________________________________________
Modern Evolutionary Classification
Target #5- I can state the goal of phylogenetic systematics
 A more accurate way to organize species is the use of _____________________________________________, or
phylogenetic systematics
 The study of the _______________________________________________________ between organisms
 Application of the concept of _____________________________________________________________
 Goal
 Used to group species into larger categories that reflect lines of evolutionary descent, rather
than __________________________________________________________________________
 Phylogenetic systematics _______________________________________________________________________
whose members are ______________________________________________________________ to one another
than they are to members of any other group
 The ________________________________________________________________________, the farther
back in time all of its members ___________________________________________________________
Target #6- I can describe a clade
 Clades
 A clade is a __________________________________________________ that includes a single common
ancestor and all descendants of that ancestor
 Living and extinct
 Different from Linnaean classification because all the member of a clade must be a _________________
 Includes a single common ancestor and all of its descendants
Target #7- I can summarize the purpose of a cladogram
 Modern evolutionary classification uses a method called _____________________________________________
 Compares carefully selected traits to determine the ____________________________ in which groups
of organisms branched off from their common ancestors
 Illustrated in a diagram called a _________________________________________
 Cladograms link groups of organisms by showing how __________________________________,
or lineages, branched off from common ancestors
 Illustrates _____________________________________________________ between organisms
Target #8- I can identify the different components of a cladogram
 When one builds a cladogram, one must consider _____________________________________, or the evolution
of new species
 Occurs when one ancestral species diverges into two new species
 A ______________________ represent the point of this ________________________________
 Each “node” also represents the last point at which species in a lineage
 The bottom, or the “___________________”, represents the ____________________________
shared by all organisms in the cladogram
 The organism that is least related to all the other organisms is the “_______________________”
Activity- Order of Evolutionary Relationships
*draw your cladogram here
Target #9- I can explain how derived and lost characters are used to determine evolutionary relatedness between
 Unlike Linnaean classification, cladistics analysis focuses on certain kinds of characters, called derived
characters, when assigning organisms to a clade
 Derived character:
 Derived characters depends upon the level at which you are grouping organisms
 The trait must be ______________________________ to that grouping
 Example
 hair is a derived character of mammals, but 4 limbs is not a derived character because
mammals are not the only group of organisms that have 4 limbs
 Traits that have been ______________________________________________ can also be considered
 Example
 snakes are reptiles a part of a group of organisms known as tetrapods, or 4 limbed
 Snakes do not have 4 working limbs anymore, but show evidence that they once did
through vestigial structures
 This loss must be considered when including organisms like snakes in cladograms
Target #10- I can interpret a cladogram
 Let’s Chart the Derived Characters in the previous Cladogram
Derived Character
Target #10- I can draw a cladogram
Target #11- I can explain how scientists use the DNA sequences of species to determine how closely two species are
 ________________________________________________________ can also be used to determine evolutionary
 Because all genes _____________________________ over time, shared genes contain differences that
can be ________________________________________________________
 In general, the ________________________________________________________________________,
the more recently they ___________________________________________________________ and the
____________________________________________________________ they are in evolutionary terms