edited copy 2011 - Hands Around The World

The 13th Dream Warrior
A Contemporary Aboriginal Musical
Written for Stage/Adaptable for Film
By Lynne Sealotus Edmondson
ALL Inspired by the book, The 13 Original Clan
Mothers, by Jamie Sams. My Visionary Dreams,
Wisdom Keepers, a Sacred Walk and Ceremonies.
Copyright 2010 Lynne Sealotus Edmondson
Email; sealotus_e@hotmail.com
Firstly I would like to acknowledge the Creator.
My Mentors and Teachers of High Degree.
All Our Relations on the Earth Mother.
My Family and Friends most of all, for their
Patience and Understanding.
My Hope as a Writer and as an Artist, is that the
Messages in this Script will Inspire us all to make
a Change in our thinking to help us Walk
Together with Strength as One Human Family
into a Wonderful Future. Remembering Who We
Really are. Many of the Dream Visions I write
about I personally experienced on my Life’s
Scene 1
Opening; Music of the Spheres
Film [On Screen Back of Stage} the Earth
Spinning through space the music she makes as
she is spinning is heard, the other planets stars,
Moon, Sun are shown.
The Environmental Tragedy She the Earth is
Facing is written.
Fact: 2.8 Billion People Live in Poverty on Planet
Earth, there are 7 Billion People Who Reside here
as One Human Family with the Creatures that
are Struggling to Survive.
Film changes to scenes of disempowerment
destruction, war.
Kogi Indigenous Clan Film clip
Then changes to Earth revolving in space again
Centre Stage;
Tree of Life
Golden Flowers to the ground, Looks like a giant
Weeping Willow
Rock under the Tree
Earth Mother
Is inside a rock under the tree of life
Opening Welcome Ceremony
Is conducted by the Local Aboriginal Dancers not
actors, led by the Elder of the local land we are
performing on. They come onto stage from all the
doors east south north and west, gifts are
exchanged, go to centre stage, a smoking
ceremony is done for everyone including the
A Wind Dancer Dances to the Elders song
Audience feels the spirit of the wind
(Somehow a gentle wind is felt by the audience]
Song of the wind, fire, water and earth from the
They Weave a Rainbow Serpent Dance or their
choice of dance led by their Elder, around the
Tree of Life stopping at the rock.
They tap the Rock.
Earth mother comes out of the rock, earth
spinning in space on the Film backdrop
Film changes to war scenes etc
Turns to look at the Elder then film, at film she
begins to cry, then turns to look at the Elder and
Film changes back to earth revolving in space
The Dancers create fire on stage and light 3 fires
for earth mother.
“Earth mother, as you can see, we need your help.
We can no longer sing all of the earth’s healing
songs anymore. The balance on the earth has
tilted towards continual destructive thoughts
and beliefs. The People of Earth are The Asleep.
We need to awaken them soon or there will be
nothing left for the generations that are coming.
Our legacy to them will be such a burden. Take
this flame earthmother this flame of hope and
help us unite the people around the world.”
Earth Mother
The Dancers sit and listen by the 3 fires.
“Elder, I hear, feel and see everything that you
and your People have done for us. You have
worked tirelessly to keep the Sacred Dances and
Songs taught to you in the Aboriginal Dreamtime
Alive. The Sacred Sites are still alive, though
many have been destroyed by the Asleep ones,
your own People included who were put there to
co-exist with and protect them, not to destroy
“We are aware of our shortcomings through the
negative influences over the last 200 years Earth
mother. We are so happy that today our song has
found you Earth mother. Our future depends on
you. This was the last song we had to awaken
Earth Mother
“Did you doubt? It has been written in the Stars
that at this time I would awaken to help guide
the Planet through the perilous night.”
She begins to sing here
{Changing Woman Song}
There was a time before we were born
We were the calm in the eye of the storm
We held a memory oh so deep
About the Truth and the Beauty so sweet etc
Earth mother
“So, you are my children and Great Mystery has
not forgotten you, your faith has awakened me
from the Dreamtime. It is time to teach the new
generation, the young ones, what their role is to
be for the future. The old ones need to awaken
they have fallen asleep for too long now”
“How can we help you?”
Earth mother
“I have had three vision dreams of the changing
times to come .These dreams helped to awaken
me from the Dreamtime”
Film or lighting to create a Moon with a circle of
gold on backdrop appears slowly
A Golden/White Lotus Flower on Film with
Water Scenes
“We had the sign to sing for you”
Earth Mother
“Yes, the Circle of Gold around the Moon and the
Sacred White Lotus”
“Yes, but what of Your Vision Dreams Earth
mother, were they good ones? Do we have a
chance for a brighter future?”
Backdrop changes to film of icecaps and polar
bears, music of Native American bear song
Bear Actor enters via west door, listens then
sings with film then leaves after mother earth
speaks he bows and leaves via north door.
Earth Mother
“The first nation who came to speak to me was
The Polar Bear Dreaming Nation. The guardians
came from the Sacred North and South Polar
Icecaps. They showed me in their Dreams, that
their sleep is shorter due to the premature
melting of the polar icecaps. On their sacred land,
their food is harder to source, they are no longer
able to reproduce and survival is threatened due
to the misuse of the Sacred Fire by the Sacred
“So many of the animal nations are suffering
Changes film to whales and whale songs white
whale migaloo
bunnah lawrie steps out from south door, to sing
in front of backdrop, as mother earth is speaking
then leaves via south door after earth mother
talks, bows to earth mother.
Earth mother
“Yes you are right, they are suffering so much.
Then the Whale Nation came to petition me to
awaken. They are being hunted for food. The
noise in the Ocean is causing them to beach
themselves, as well as the shifting of the sacred
songlines , the magnetics of the Earths grid that
keep everything in its place. Their songs are
being badly affected. The recent oil spills are
creating mass pollution. The Whale songs are
like cries of help to me now, instead of songs of
freedom. Migaloo is their Peace Leader a White
Whale. Their Peacekeeper only shows himself to
the people, when the earth is in Jeopardy and
when it is time for you our Aboriginal Dreamtime
People to gather teach and unite All Peoples.”
“The Whales are no longer able to follow the true
Song lines, everything has shifted on the earth a
half degree off axis, due to the Tsunami of 2005.”
Earth mother
“Oh those beautiful creatures spinning and
weaving our hopes and dreams alive. Do the
Sacred Humans realize what they are doing to
“No, not yet, though a few of the Sacred Humans
are becoming aware. The White Whale
Aboriginal Law Man. He has been sent to show us
that it is time for major change on a positive
level. He is now attempting to awaken those
people the Asleep with his special rainbow
oneness song. He is a great Ambassador for
Peace. The ones who are aware and listening are
Bunnah Lawrie he is singing softly over the
words spoken leaves via south door
Film changes to other white creatures
Earth mother
“There are so many of the other creatures who
are choosing to show the white as a sign of Peace
and change. The White Buffalo Calf, the sign
forthe Red Nation to begin their Prayers around
the World at the Sacred Sites, Chief Arvol
Looking Horse heeded these signs and World
Peace and Prayer day began around the World.
White Ravens and even the white spirit
Kangaroos are being born at this time. It is time
to awaken the white race of peoples to their true
Film changes to rainforests and spiders weaving.
destruction of the rainforests by machines.
“Who else did you Dream of Earth mother?”
Spider Dancer Enters
Circus Performer Byron Bay on a wire weaving a
Earth mother
“Why it was the Spider Nation, earths breath of
life gatekeepers, who called to me from deep in
the rainforest. They came to tell me of the mass
destruction of the Lungs of the Earth the Giant
Rainforests, and the sacred people who live there.
Rainforests are places where clean fresh air is
created for life to exist. All are now in great
jeopardy. The Asleep ones are even trying to sell
Fresh Air to make a profit! How can you put a
price on the air that we breathe? It is madness!”
“Yes your words are true, this is why we have
sung you earth mother. It is time for action. Our
young ones are forgetting the true ways our
whole future is at great risk. There is disrespect
of our sacred places our ancestors burial places.
Disrespect of our Ancient Elders. Even our Elders
of today are losing their perspective.”
Lightning and thunder sounds and images on
film of tornadoes earthquakes fires volcanoes,
Thunder Being arrives, dances, then after bowing
to earth mother leaves by the east door
Earth mother
“The Powerful Eagle Nation called to me to tell
me of the earth changes too, from the home of
the mighty Thunder Beings, whose mighty wings
when they fly, help to create the Lightning, the
Rains that energize the Sacred Sites and keep the
planet on its axis. The Thunder Nation is
becoming powerless to control the weather
patterns, due to the earth being mined at the
sacred places, mined for its precious gold and
minerals. All the weather patterns are changing
now, so much erratic weather with tornadoes,
floods and droughts causing huge destruction on
earth and loss of life”
“We are to blame earth mother, us sacred
humans, we have failed you”
Earth Mother
“Take Heart Sacred Human, we can turn this
around, we need to awaken the Indigo and
Crystal children without delay”
“We don’t know if they will listen to us, they only
seem to listen to technology those indigo
children. They don’t even hear or connect to your
heartbeat within everything anymore”
Film changes to earth and her heartbeat
Earth Mother
“I will activate and call upon the 12 Sacred
Dream Warriors .They will awaken the 13th
Dream Warrior with the help of the Crystal
Children. The Dream Warriors know how to
contact the ones we seek, we will need the help of
the Eagle and Thunder Being Nations”
“Though many of the Sacred Humans on the
earth are beginning to awaken, we just need
more of them to listen. We will help you to call
the Dream Warriors earth mother. Please teach
us the Sacred Sounds Earth mother, our dancers
and singers, have ears to listen”
Earth Mother
“Very well, let’s begin, for the time of earth
stewardship for the sacred human’s
responsibility, is fast approaching. Soon they too
will be extinct like the animals and trees and
plant kingdoms they are so wantonly destroying”
Film changes to earth spinning in space and as
the sounds are heard rainbow colors appear red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.13 sacred
symbols appear as she sings
Elder gathers the dancers into a circle around
Earth mother by the sacred fires
Earth mother faces the east door
She sings as she turns in a circle her arms raised
up 13 times she sings out to each of the 13
directions, the dancers and the elder call out too
after her around her, beside her
Song here for the 13 Dream Warriors
She begins in the East Door
East sound
South east
South South east AH AAYYYYY
South west
North West
North North West
North North East
North East
Centre of circle
Film of Lightening, there is a loud thunder clap
lightening and clashing sounds
Suddenly appears into the circle a Thunder Being
Bows to the earth mother dances for her the
Thunder Being Dance the elder and dancers join
Song here for Thunder Being dancer
Film back to mother earth spinning in space
Thunder being
“Your Sacred Sounds called to us Earth Mother,
you are awake and alive!”
Earth mother
“You also Thunder Being are alive and thriving”
Thunder Being
“Yes Earth mother, as you are aware we are the
Gatekeepers of the Sacred Dream Warriors. We
were visited under the last full moon in our
sacred place by an emissary for you earth
mother. A young Rainbow Warrior from the
Aboriginal Nation in the Great Southern Land.
We initiated her in the Dreamtime many moons
ago. We walked and talked together in our
Sacred Forest. We were put on standby regarding
Earths Problems by this visit so we are not
surprised by your call for help to us. The signs
must be very bad on earth for you to be awake
and be calling to us at this time”
Earth mother
“Yes, they are very bad. It is Time to Teach the
New Ways to the children of Earth, Thunder
Thunder being
“We have struggled to contain the weather
patterns on earth due to the interference of the
Sacred Humans and their modern machines
earth mother. We can no longer do our jobs
balancing the elements for you, especially the
element of gold, which keeps the earth in correct
magnetic balance to our Sun, bringing the rain.
We can barely hear the Elders songs anymore to
help them when they sing to us for rain.”
Enter stage west. A very drunk elder on a mobile
phone talking lingo slurring etc
He is unaware of earth mother and thunderbeing
“Why are you drunk my brother what has
happened to you?”
Drunk Elder
“I have lost my way my brother, I am no good
anymore, it hurts too much to watch what is
happening, I am on the wrong path”
Spotlight goes to black
Lights up
Earth Mother
“So I see. We need your help Thunder Nation to
activate the Dream Warriors one by one for us.
As you are the Gatekeepers for them, ask them to
come to earth for a short time to teach the
Crystal and Indigo Children the Way”
Thunder Being
“We will do so at once earth mother. I can speak
for our council of elders as just recently they saw
in a vision the Dream Warriors awakening”
Earth Mother
“Good, then I can rely on you Thunder Nation. As
you go, please take a petition higher for me to
the Great Mystery Herself. She waits by the Great
Smoking Mirror for our call. Ask her to protect
the Sacred Humans gathered here at this time
from the 13 Wraiths that are surely listening in
on us now. You know Thunder Being those
wraiths are going to try and stop the Crystal and
Indigo Children from learning the Way”
Thunder Being
“We shall send Rainbow Eagle, she is the
strongest. We believe many of these 13 Wraiths
you speak of have been causing much strife
amongst the Sacred Humans.
Film changes to atomic tests
The Balance on earth has gone very bad
especially over the last 70 years. Those Wraiths
must have been activated due to the atomic
testing that the Humans have been doing”
Earth Mother
“Yes they escaped from many of the Sacred Sites
when the Sacred Humans tampered with them
for mining and building upon them. In the
Dreamtime stories the Elders were told never to
allow the wraiths to escape. The Earth changes
are affecting many humans. The Star our Sun is
pulsing differently, melting the icecaps
unbalancing me, creating too much heat and
cold on me. Oh our Beautiful life giving Sun. The
Sun will respond eventually with more Solar
Pulses, this is the time of great changes.”
Film goes to Sun pulsing
Thunder being
“So Great Mystery and the Dream warriors will
be able to help the sacred humans of earth
though these times of Earth Changes?”
Earth mother
“Yes, if the Sacred Humans observe and listen and
take appropriate action now. Of course if the
crystal children fail to find and awaken the 13th
Dream Warrior all will be lost”
Film returns to the Earth in Space
Thunder being
“The Wraith Leader is guarding the place where
the 13th Dream Warrior is sleeping he will never
leave that place”
Earth mother
“We must create a diversion, so the Crystal
Children get the chance they need to find and
awaken the 13th Dream warrior”
Thunder Being
“As you wish earth mother, as soon as the leader
of the Wraiths sees rainbow eagle and the crystal
children are on their journey, he will try and stop
rainbow eagle, maybe there will be enough time
then for the crystal children to awaken the 13th
Dream warrior. I will go without delay with your
Film changes to Lightening as he leaves
Then back to earth spinning
Thunder being Leaves by the north north west
Rainbow Eagle Enters and begins her dance
clockwise around the stone circle.
“We will go now earth mother, and help you also.
We will ask the sacred humans to gather at the
sacred sites to Learn, Sing, Dance and to Pray.”
Earth mother
“Yes go now and gather the sacred humans to
hear the teachings from the Dream Warriors on
the Sacred Sites around the Earth. Begin in the
Great Southern Land Australia. Thunder Being is
heading north, north west now to awaken Dream
Warrior Talks with Relatives, she will be here
with you all soon”
Bows and leads the dancers out to the south door
leaving the sacred fires burning
End scene one
Scene 2
Tree of Life
Film Backdrop of Trees
Beautiful Tree in Summer time flowering Earth
mother sits under her
In the centre of the stage
Earth mother is waiting
Tree of Life is alive and she speaks to Earth
Tree Of Life
“I dreamed of the earth full of White Trees of
Peace, especially in the Great Southern Land
Gondwana Land, Australia”
Film of Australia
Earth Mother
“It will come to pass this Great Tree of Peace
First in the Great Southern Land, where the
Elders there are still strong in their Ways. Then it
will spread with their help to all other lands
around the world, creating a Oneness Home. If
only the Children of the earth would listen and
observe and take responsibility for their actions.”
Trees on film
Tree of Life
“They are so misguided these sacred humans,
they have been searching and listening to the
Tree of Knowledge, they have forgotten about the
Tree of Life”
Earth mother
“The sacred humans are all given choices at
birth, freewill by the creator, we were never
supposed to interfere unless it was for their own
good. The sacred humans can follow the path of
truth in life towards Peace and Harmony or the
path of self destruction taken from the Tree of
Knowledge. Positive change in their lives is still
possible, yet so often they still choose to follow
their heads not their hearts, and their hearts
gentle messages in their lives go unheard”
Tree of Life
“True earth mother, we can hardly blame them
though, after they released by accident the 13
Wraiths upon themselves”
Earth Mother
“Yes, illusion is hard to withstand even by the
bravest Human”
Tree of Life
“We knew it would come to this grandmother, it
is such a huge test for the sacred humans to
awaken their hearts. The wraiths are very
powerful over the humans”
Earth Mother
“Well it is time to help them create a sense of
balance now. This Aboriginal Lawman and his
songs have awakened us to assist them. The
wraiths have had their fun reigning destruction
everywhere. Especially over the last 70 years the
earth humans have been grossly influenced even
attracting attention from our Star Nations, who
have been protecting the Sacred Sites from afar”
Tree of Life
“To help create a balance I will energize the
kingdom of the tree families all over the earth for
you grandmother. Each tree is connected by our
roots, the roots act in the same way as the sacred
human’s veins in their bodies. The birds act as
our messengers. Each Tree Person supports Life.
We need a song to awaken the sacred humans
Clouds and wind on film
Earth mother
“Let in the Light, will be the song that awakens
them. Brother Wind, be here now to help us sing.”
Brother wind enters by the North door Joins in
now with the tree of life and earth mother as
they sing he dances the song Let in the Light.
Let in the Light song
To the now silent Tree of Life who stays on stage.
Wind exits east.
Film ends
“I will place now the sacred stones to cast a circle
for the Dream Warriors to enter this world
She places 12 stones in a circle as she does this
she taps each stone together creating the sounds
of the stones.
Follow the Stones Song here
Then she moves to the centre of the circle.
Earth mother
“There now Tree, the circle is complete I will go
within now for my prayers to be answered and
await to see if the Dream Warriors can do their
jobs, I will pray for the Crystal and Indigo
children to find and awaken each other and the
13th Dream warrior”
Earth mother covers herself up and becomes a
rock that the children can sit upon under the
Tree Of Life
The Tree of Life is on stage and suddenly
appearing from behind the tree Two Children
Bunnah Lawries Song Black Boy White Girl
The children are a black boy and a white girl
they are holding hands
White Girl
“Hey dude, i heard a song calling me. How did we
arrive here in this forest?”
Song here Sri Chinmoys 10,000 flower Flames
Dancers appear around them Earth/west enter
Air/north enter Fire/east And Water/south
Dancers from The Forest too appear with them
they are the Nature Spirits of the Flowers Wattle
Tree Waratah Gum Trees Desert Rose and Desert
Koala and Kookaburra dancers Etc as many as
you choose to all in costumes that glow in the
dark and glitter in all rainbow colors under the
Black Boy
“Cool forest. I heard a song too. We must be in a
Dream together.”
White Girl
“Wow what a dream, and what a song,
everything here is so alive and sooo cool, check
out these creatures, they are so wild and wicked!
koala dancer touches her.Koala up the tree of
“I heard a voice talking, something about 13
Wraiths bad juju energy and a 13th Dream
warrior, I think it was an Earth mother or
something, did you hear a voice?”
Black Boy
“I’m not sure”
Enchanted by the dancers
Koala up the tree. Boy goes over and pats Koala
“Rose I’m guessing that the wraiths are very
uncool. That dude the 13th dream warrior knows
about them. Maybe we could find him and help
out somehow.”
Song Ends spirits leave via the east door
Because suddenly they are hearing from the west
door a strange sound….. Sri Chinmoy Organ
Suddenly discordant music here and the 13
Wraiths appear doing staccato dance under a
strobbing sickly green purple, light. They are
strong and fast moving. The Leader is huge and
he represents fear. They are all dressed in
black/grey/purple business suits with black
Dance of the 13 wraiths and a chant Butoh Style
dance used here too.
Sri Chinmoy Organ Music/ Chant Song
“We are the wraiths of hatred, we are greedy and
war is our game, we are the ghosts of lies and
deceit, we are the wraiths of poison and power
we control the sacred humans thoughts, we are
the wraiths of racism disrespect addiction pain
chaos hatred confusion, destruction and Fear. We
poison the water they drink and the air that they
breath, keeping them the Asleep!”
The Children hide behind the Tree Of Life unseen
by the wraiths as they do their dance.
Leader of the Wraiths
To the 12 others he leads
“You awakened and heard the plans of the Earth
mother. We are now on a mission to stop that
Rainbow Eagle from taking the earth mothers
message to Great Mystery, at all costs we must
stop that meddling interfering thunder being
nation, who do they think they are, they don’t
stand a chance over us to do anything on planet
earth. The humans have fully fallen for the
Nightmare Dreams we have woven for them. I
am the Great Shadow Wraith of the Astral world,
the place of chaos and confusion the place of fear
and darkness.
They will never find and awaken the 13th Dream
warrior. Never! The Crystal children will never
succeed. We will stop them all!”
Does a dance
“Go now to the sacred gathering places and stop
the crystal and indigo children from hearing the
wisdom of the dream warriors. Go forth now my
wraiths to stop that rainbow eagle from reaching
the Great Mystery herself by the Great Smoking
Mirror. Go now my evil ones do your jobs well, for
if we fail in this we will be no more. I will go to
the place where the 13th Dream warrior sleeps
they will never ever get past me”
12 Wraith Dancers
In unison they bow to the Leader and disperse in
the 12 directions of the stone wheel, the leader
goes west and leaves the circle of stones.
White Girl
“Ethan we must warn the Thunder Beings, earth
mother and the dream warriors about the 13
wraiths and their plans straight away, they are
trying to stop us humans from learning at these
gathering places!”
Ethan Black
“Rose rainbow eagle’s in trouble too. That eagle
needs to reach some place called the Great
Mystery, but how are we to help them?”
Tree of Life
“Look to the circle of Stones little Ones they will
be your guides”
Koala in Tree
“Yes look to the circle of stones, they will guide
you true blue”
White Rose
“Cool a talking tree, and a talking koala, look
here is a fire flame Ethan. Look there are 12
coloured stones in a circle surrounding us”
They move around the circle clockwise looking at
the stones.
Ethan Black
Now they are in the North North West door He
picks up an orange amber stone
Orange Lighting on backdrop and sacred symbol
number one
Suddenly out of the mist a voice is heard
Then appears a Dream warrior
Accompanied by a thunder being dancer
She is dressed in Orange and carrying a sacred
drum and drumming as she enters the circle
singing eee ooo 3 times
She stands in the North North West Door of the
circle the Thunder being Dancer is with her
dancing the Thunder being Dance.
The children sit down in front of the sacred flame
the boy child is holding the amber sacred stone
Thunder being Dancer goes to Tree Of Life
Dream Warrior Who Talks with Relatives
“Who is bold enough to awaken me from the
Dreamtime? I heard the song of the dream
warriors earlier from earth mother, yet who now
holds my sacred stone?”
Ethan Black
“Hey Ethan is my name, my friend here is Rose.
We heard your song EEEOOOO, we are in this
strange dream together, and we don’t know how
we arrived here. The Tree and Koala there asked
us to look to the stones in this stone circle, so we
did that, here is the stone I picked up”
Dream warrior Who Talks with Relatives
“I am She who Talks with Relatives, a dream
warrior from the Mists of Time, Thunder being is
my power totem and earth mother has called me
to awaken here, it is time for you to learn from us
the keepers of the Sacred Flame and Circle of
White Rose
“We are feeling confused, we don’t know how we
arrived here, or why we have come. We are
worried about those uncool bad juju dudes. We
just saw them, they were dancing here and
singing a chant about who they are, they smell
like bad news man. The big leader wraith told the
others to stop some eagle from going to the Great
Mystery near the Smoking Mirror. Something
about protecting sacred humans from the
wraiths at some sacred gathering place”
Dream warrior who Talks with Relatives
“Do not fear all is well for now, yet a time is
coming on the earth that you need to prepare for.
That stone you are holding is Amber the stone of
the Sacred Tree of Life itself”
Ethan Black
Dream warrior Who Talks with Relatives
“Yes Amber, one of the sacred stones of the earth
mother, a warm stone, cried and created from
the Tree of Life and her tears she cries for the lost
children of the earth”
A wraith silently appears near the tree of life
White Rose
“So you are a dream warrior, what do you have
to teach us, we’ll listen to you, not sure if we’ll
remember all this though. Jeez I hope well be
able to get home from this strange place Ethan.”
Dream warrior Who Talks with Relatives
“Oh you will remember me little ones, for I come
in the time of summer at midnight guardian of
all January born people. I am awakened from the
crystal skulls, from the vastness of the stars and
from the earth herself. But first we must ask the
children who are here gathered together, they
are listening to us now, ask them to sing a little
song with us, Let in the Light”
Boy and Girl
“What children, we are here alone and we don’t
know this song Let in the Light”
Dream warrior Who Talks with Relatives
Sings with tree of life
“Let in the Light Were Alright Let in the Light”
Dream warrior Who Talks With Relatives
“My dears you are never alone, turn to the ones
over there, points to audience now, they are
listening, come on all you children here lets sing
together now”
Then the boy and girl children sing let in the light
3 times and encourage the audience to join in
with this song.
Crystal children
“Let in the Light Were Alright Light Let in the
Audience joins in Choir too
Dream Warrior Who Talks with Relatives
“See you are never alone, all the animals on the
earth can hear you singing ,all the trees and
flowers the stones and rivers, great oceans hear
your song they want to help you children of the
earth. Yet their homes are being destroyed and
polluted by your powerful leaders who seek to
destroy everything beautiful, guided by the
wraiths, who whisper to them. They are more
powerful than you can ever imagine”
Ethan Black
“Like how can we stop this from happening? We
don’t want the earth to be destroyed. What can
we do?'
Dream warrior who Talks with Relatives
“You must begin to make the changes firstly
within yourselves, choose healthier alternatives
in all you do. Then as you choose this Way others
will see the benefits and follow your example”
White Rose
“Like what about the damage we are doing to the
earth and her animals and forests”
Dream Warrior Who talks with Relatives
“We come to initiate the earth changes that are
needed to inspire within you all the balance that
has been propheysized by the esteemed elders of
years gone by, bringing in the Golden Age to all. A
Heart initiation is required by all Sacred Humans
on the Sacred Sites around the world”
Ethan Black
“Fully, so we…. humans are Sacred?”
Dream warrior Who Talks with Relatives
“Yes, you are all Sparks of the Divine. One Human
family together. It is up to you as in dividuals to
decide to walk together in Peace and Harmony,
without Fear. You must choose, time is short.”
Thunder Being
“The Stars and planets are in alignment the
vision dreams have come to earth mother, it is
time to begin the new earth stewardship of
caring and sharing.
There are 7.5 Billion sacred humans on the
planet today. 2.8 Billion of these sacred humans
are living in extreme poverty. The huge
conglomerates with the wraiths influences are
controlling the masses. They are the poverty
makers, of once great nations. You are all in
economic war. Crippling greedy alliances have
been made with multi-nationals, politicians and
the media. Many of these humans have had none
of the welfare of the sacred human’s interests at
heart. They are continuing to cripple whole
populations and resources throughout the world”
Ethan Black
“Like what happened to us sacred humans?”
Dream warrior who Talks with Relatives
“It was the 13 wraiths and their bad influences,
who were released from under the Sacred Sites
that were awakened from the atomic testing.
They were released by mistake onto humanity.”
Dream warrior who Talks with Relatives
“Great Mystery will help to protect us as soon as
Rainbow Eagle delivers her message she is soon
to begin her flight to her dreaming place the
Great Smoking Mirror”
White Rose
“We are just kids. We can’t help you. Man i feel
overwhelmed by all this!”
Eagle Dancer appears from the East
Music for Rainbow Eagle
Then Eagle goes to Dream warrior Who Talks
with Relatives
Dream warrior Who Talks With Relatives
“Don’t worry you have help children. Fly strong
and true now Rainbow Eagle. The Great Winds of
Change are now upon us. The four rainbow
thunder horses of the discordant winds are with
us. Yet will the sacred humans listen to the
teachings of the Dream warriors? are their
hearts and ears open?........ they are still asleep so
many of them”
Eagle bows begins flying strongly around the
outer circle
Four Horses appear and dance across the circle
A black horse a white horse a yellow horse and a
red horse
Dream warrior Who talks with Relatives
“We have a great big job to do and not long to do
it in. I call on the four elements now. Spirit
Helpers Come Forth!
Song for the Elements and Dance
Earth Air Fire Water Dancers here arrive from 4
Earth from West in dark Purple/Black
Fire from East in Oranges and Reds
Air from North in Blues and Whites
Water from South in Greens and Blues
The 4 Elements dance around the children, tree,
dream warrior and thunder being
Rainbow Thunder Horses of the Winds of SSW
NNE SSE NNW appear too and dance and prance
Leave via their directions
One of the 12 Wraiths appears near Tree
Runs towards children with a sword to kill them
“Urrrrr urrrrr urrrrr”
Ethan Black
“Noooo Nooooo Dude!”
Film Tornado seen
Element of Air
Turns into a tornado
Sweeps up the Wraith who turns into a stone
under the tree of life
[The Wraiths and others mentioned will
eventually one by one be turned into stones
under the tree of life. They make up a tableaux
pattern of the sacred site of a mountain, by shape
size and costume change. The Leader wraith is
the tallest part of the Mountain at end. The
Sacred Mountain is the shape of the land we are
performing upon Eg Uluru, Wilpena Pound, Mt
Color Orange back on film and sacred 1st symbol
White Rose
“Like that was too close for comfort man”
Dream warrior who Talks with Relatives
“Feel and see the magic children, you are to be
protected at all times from the wraiths for now
the elements are awakened and will always help
you to overcome any obstacle in your way, just
ask for them and call them by name and they will
appear anytime night or day”
Eagle Dancer Flies clockwise around the outer
The Elements then exit through their doorways
They entered by.
Dreamwarrior who Talks with Relatives
“Now I will awaken my brother of the Wild
Mountains. Child pick up that stone there in the
North, we need his guidance. Oh Dreamwarrior
of Wisdom, all of the Earths memories are held in
your stones, OOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO”
Gives Ethan a bag for the stones.
Dreamwarrior Who Talks with Relatives then
Turns into a Rock in the NNW door
Thunderbeing exits NNW door
Ethan Black
Puts her amber stone in a rainbow bag hanging
from his belt and all the other 12 stones to come
from the dreamwarriors
Light on film changes to Silver Grey and 2nd
sacred symbol
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
Singing oooooooo ooooooo ooooooo
Enters by the North Door
Has stones in hand to hit together for a song
creating sparks he comes dressed in grey silver
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“Children of earth help me. Sing the Awakening
song with me now
Let In the Light”
Boy and Girl child/ choirs
Sing with the Keeper of Wisdom
“Let in the Light Were Alright Light Let in the
To the children of the audience
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“Ah such wonderful voices so clear and strong
you fill me up inside, my heart feels so light and
full of joyfulness”
Children Boy and Girl {together}
“Yes those dudes can sing fully sick man!”
Film of Mountain Mt Beerwah or other local
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“I come as a friend to all, I am the record keeper
all earths memories. The memories are kept here
safe with me stored within the sacred stones they
are like the bones of our earthmother, your bones
carry wisdom too. The blue pool of ancient star
knowledge that is here within me, the sacred
mountain, is the place to come to, as the Artemis
moon arises. Come in your imaginations children,
you will be greeted by me the Ancient Wisdom
Keeper I will place the 7 crystal stones within
each of you and sing you awake. You will
remember who you are.
Owl will guide you. Bear will help you.”
Owl Dancers enter by the North door
Doonuch Owl Dancers
Bear enters
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“I come in the time of summer at 3 am in
February, this is how I serve you”
White Rose
“Keeper of Wisdom we will enter your sacred
blue pool and try and remember”
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“Then lie now still on the earthmother under the
tree of life and the new moon, close your eyes,
Owl will come for you, you will see a doorway
open in my mountain, the sacred blue pool
awaits you, you will float there on the warm
water as I place within you both the 7 crystals
that will help you to remember who you are. The
Sacred Flowers will seal your spirits with Love”
They lay down together
Owl Dancers Dance around the children
Wisdom Dreamwarrior places 7 crystals on their
Bear then comes forward and places flowers over
them gently
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“Bear, place over these children your gentleness,
give them your life’s breath.”
“As you wish Wisdom Keeper”
Breathes a breath over the children near their
Music Dance of the Bear
Then they awaken smiling they are changed New
Colors they are wearing
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“See you are changed, all is well, and you are now
Crystal Children, Crystal Rose and Crystal Fire
Warrior. You will see with new eyes.”
Crystal Rose
“I feel so full of energy, so connected, so unafraid,
so happy and free. I saw Owl flying into the huge
doorway of your Sacred Mountain. I felt Bears
breath on my face, why he smelled of fresh
flowers and herbs. I saw a Dreamtime Spirit
Woman in Rainbow Colors; she placed the crystal
stars inside of us, sweet as. ”
Crystal Fire Warrior
“I feel the same dude”
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“Good you are now prepared for the rest of your
journey together. Now listen please we are
running out of time Crystal Children”
Bear and Owl Leave together in North door
Air element enters by the north door
Clouds wind on film
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“My domain is Air. Air represents life’s breath,
for every breath we take is given freely to all
peoples and creatures. This breath is shared
eventually by all from brother winds path of
journeying around our beloved mother earth,
giving us good health and connecting our
thoughts, dreams and visions with others,
creating paths to freedom.”
Air Element dances to music
Element of Air
“When you poison your atmosphere with
fluorocarbons, chemtrails and other harmful
chemicals from your modern lifestyles you poison
yourselves and the children of the future will be
no more”
Crystal children hold air elements hand
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“When we breathe in, we are breathing in
together we are never separated. There is much
alternate energy available here on earth that do
not poison and destroy so many, it is time to put
these energies to good use before it’s too late.
Time to leave behind the old energies that
destroy so much, time to take action, stop
listening to the wraiths”
Crystal Fire Warrior
“How are we to convince the People in these new
ways of using energy wise one, please help us”
A Wraith appears behind the Tree of Life
Dances wraiths music/ towards the children
“You will never ever change the People’s minds
they are greedy for money and run around with
no time to change things HA HA you are wasting
your time!”
Wind on film tornado
Crystal Children
Run towards Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“Wraith you are not going to win, for change is
coming faster than you think. My prayers are
more powerful than you. My love is more
powerful than your bad influences over the
sacred humans, be gone now!”
Wraith disappears as the element of air sweeps
him up in another tornado of wind and he lays
turned into a stone under the tree of life
Film back to silver
Crystal Children together
“Fully dude, that was too close”
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“Hold that stone of simple beauty you carry from
me, close your eyes and listen to the still small
voice within your hearts. The 7 stones I have
given you in your new spirit hearts will give you
the wisdom and direction you seek”
Crystal Rose
“Thank you keeper of the Wisdom we will follow
our new Spirit hearts”
Song Close your Eyes sung by Crystal Rose
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“Remember children, you are most powerful in
this time of great change, all will be well, trust
yourselves on this journey, earthmother is
protecting you.”
Eagle dancer still dancing around the outer
circle is seen
Crystal Children
Dreamwarrior of Wisdom
“Yes, you see eagle is still soaring higher in the
Keeper of Wisdom moves towards the eagle
“The Sacred Mountains in the distance are
calling me home, my cave and fire where the
spirits of the ones who have passed visit with me,
are too long left untended. I must go now. I will
call to my sister for you in the North North East
pick up that golden stone there ……
Sings out like a Crow/Raven ………..”
Crow/Raven on film
Aaarkkk AAArkk ARKKK!
He Changes to a rock sitting in the north door
Just as a Large Black Crow/Raven appears in the
North North Eastern Door
Crow/Raven Dancer arrives
Singing Crow song
Crystal children move towards the Tree of Life
Tree of Life changes to Autumn Colors leaves
falling, holds children to her hugs them close
Film changes to Golden Brown and 3rd sacred
She Who Weighs Truth appears with scales of
justice in her hand and a large black crow
feather she is singing she is dressed in brown.
“Oooo ayyy ooooo ayyyy oooooo ayyyy”
Dreamwarrior of Truth
“My brother in the North has called to me I am
the Divine Truth Keeper of Justice and Balance. I
come at the time of the Autumn Equinox at 4am
in March, here is my Totem Crow by my side. He
is the Divine Law keeper. He advises me about
the Sacred Humans”
Crow turns to the audience
“Courage now little ones, to tell and live in truth
is to balance our earth and bring justice, now
sing together let in the light!”
Crystal children move toward Crow
Turn to audience with Crow
Sing Let in the Light 3 times the choir/ audience
joins in
Dreamwarrior of Truth
“So wonderful to hear your voices children of
earth, so powerful, when you sing like this my
scales of truth and justice begin to balance all
things on the earth for you creating harmony
Crystal Fire Warrior
“Your stone I have here looks like gold,
Dreamwarrior of truth and justice”
Dreamwarrior of Truth
“There in your hand, led by the greed of the
wraiths, is the reason for earths unbalance little
one, when you sacred humans allow the mining
for gold you upset the balance of magnetics of
the earthmother to our sun. Disaster waits.”
Crystal Rose
“Yo dude humans feel gold is most precious we
didn’t know it keeps the earth and sun in
Film of Mining
Dreamwarrior of Truth
“Well yes, all of the sacred sites around the earth
depend upon the magnetic being in harmony, do
not mine for gold, diamonds, iron, uranium or
copper, if you do you play with the weather
patterns, disrupting the earth and soon the earth
will need to bring great floods and hot dust
storms, hail and snowstorms to rebalance herself
again, she is alive remember”
Crystal Rose
“Mmmm so this is the reason the seasons are not
the same, why so many of us are being
challenged by bad weather”
Dreamwarrior of Truth
“Yes little ones, one of the reasons. Upset the
balance and all will pay dearly”
A Wraith appears near Tree
“You who know nothing, mine all you want take
whatever you wish, the earth is not alive, and the
earth is just a rock in space, ha ha ha!”
Dreamwarrior of Truth
“Wraith you have held these humans in untruth
for long enough, your time is drawing to a close,
soon the people on earth will listen no more to
your lies, they are gathered here to learn and to
awaken to their roles on earth as stewards and
protectors, no more will you wantonly take from
“You will never stop us, they do not want to
believe you or the earth’s helpers, humans still
sleep ha ah ah! We keep them busy surviving.
They don’t have time for your nonsense. We keep
them so busy running around buying things they
don’t need, and paying their huge debts that they
only care for themselves”
“I Raven as Divine Law keeper, tell you the Truth,
what Dreamwarrior says to you, is the Truth!”
Dreamwarrior of Truth
“Crow/Raven, sound the sacred sound, send this
Wraith away for good!”
Film to golden brown
“OOOO Aaahhhh OOOOO Aaahhhhh
Runs around crazy like with hands over his ears
then stops near tree of life and turns into a rock
as part of tableaux
Dreamwarrior of Truth
“Time is short, they are still strong these Wraiths,
remember true justice lies here in your hearts.
Weigh each other’s hearts with compassion it is
not too late to change the past, children of earth,
please awaken or soon all will be lost”
Crystal Fire Warrior
“ We will never give it up”
Dreamwarrior of Truth
“You are our last chance, crystal children, now go
as your journey is not over yet, I will call my
brother Dreamwarrior of the Future to help you,
She turns to the North East Door
Then turns into a rock by the North North East
The crystal children move to the door the boy
child picks up a stone
Somewhere over the Rainbow song
Black Arm Band
Rainbows on film and 4th sacred symbol and a
white Dove
Dreamwarrior of the Future appears holding a
starry medicine bowl with water in it singing
Dreamwarrior of the Future
“I am come to you children of the light, sing for
Crystal Children
To audience/choir
“Let in the Light We’re Alright Let in the Light”
Dreamwarrior of the Future
“I am he Who Looks Far into the future. I come in
the time of Autumn in April in the red sky at 5am.
Please inspire me children of earth, call to me
little ones often with your prayers, especially
when you see the rainbow high in the sky father. I
will hear your petitions and with the help of the
white dove of Peace I shall send them to the
ancestors waiting with love for you all”
Crystal Rose
“We hear you, Dreamwarrior of the future, yet
are we ready to hear from one as wise as you
Dreamwarrior of the Future
“Oh yes, you are ready. I have indeed travelled to
the future with the help of my starry medicine
bowl. I will look for you now, into the future.
Before we begin, who has my stone to help me
Crystal Fire Warrior
“I have it here”
Dreamwarrior of the Future
“Place it here in my bowl it will activate the
water with spirit life and help me to see”
Crystal Boy Child puts stone into bowl
Elder Looks into the star bowl of blue light
Film has rainbow and a star flash
Suddenly a brilliant flash of rainbow light is seen
and a shooting star falls into the bowl with a
splash then a star child stands there
“I am star child sent from the possible future of
the earth and her children. I have sat and
listened with my six sisters of the Pleiades, and
the Star maidens Luffa Athena and Zeon of Sirius
B. We have sat at many of the ancestor’s fire’s,
they are very deeply concerned for the earth’s
welfare and future wellbeing”
Dreamwarrior of the Future
“Tell us star child what is it you have seen”
“The Golden door to the beyond is in danger of
closing for good. Many are hungry and in despair
on earth, including the creatures, the ancestors
hear their cries for help. I have travelled to the
future and helped the ancestors heal the air and
water that is so polluted. We are also at this time
protecting all of earth’s sacred sites. Yet we are
still in great need. The Wraiths are so strong on
the earth. There is some hope if the leaders of
nations and companies get together and decide
to give back to the earth’s future they are
wantonly destroying. Just a small percentage of
their annual profits given back will aide so many.
Restrictions need to be put in place now.
Replanting the Great Forests is the work of the
future. Now we must ask and summon many of
the star beings to pray for mother earth even
Dreamwarrior of the Future
“I see Star child, all is in chaos and confusion in
the near future. Yet what is this closer to home I
see, why it is Rainbow Eagle, and there are 3
wraiths closing in fast on her. We must help her
now star child, quickly children ask the earth
children to chant let in the light once again”
Crystal Children
“Let in the Light We’re Alright Let in the Light
Flies over Rainbow Eagle shines her light on her
and the 3 wraiths following her
The Three Wraiths
“We are the Wraiths of Chaos, hunger and
confusion. We reign strongly on earth now, you
will never stop us. The companies are too greedy
to give back let alone replant food and trees.
They cannot see the point. Profits are their
Backdrop film changes to lightening thunder
sounds star bright
The light of the Star gets brighter and flashes of
thunder appear as 3 Thunderbeing appear they
come to help eagle
then suddenly the 3 wraiths change into rocks 3
under tree of life tableaux.
Eagle is free once again to travel faster clockwise
around the outer circle on her journey to great
Thunderbeings disappear in a flash of lightening
Film Rainbow and 4th Sacred Symbol re appear
Dreamwarrior of the Future
“That was close, too close. If Rainbow eagle fails
to reach Great Mystery all will be doomed. The
Children gathered will be left unprotected”
Crystal Rose
Crying, kneels down boy child comforts her
“What are we doing here?”
“There is always hope. Your politicians need to
make big leaps in their thinking related to food
climate and earth related problems. We are here
to help awaken you all, don’t despair, just follow
the steps of the wise ones listen carefully ok, I will
go now to gather my star friends and ask them to
help the earth children”
Dreamwarrior of the Future
“Thank your people star child, we are so grateful
for your assistance at this time on planet earth”
Shooting star film backdrop
Star shoots off
Star in Purple and Green
Backdrop to Gold
Dreamwarrior of the Future
“Time for me to go, I shall return to the golden
door I guard for the children of the future to pass
through. Soon you will be with Dreamwarrior
Who Listens, who lives in a deep cave within the
crystal of the earth herself. I will call to him for
you now but you will only have a few minutes to
be with him as he only comes at the pink of dawn
Dreamwarrior of the Future turns into a rock in
north east door
End Scene
Scene 3
On film backdrop Midnight Blue Cave Paintings
5th sacred symbol
Slight pink glow of dawn and a half Moon
The Crystal children huddle beneath the Tree of
Life in autumn colors boy goes to east picks up a
black stone brings it back
Crystal Rose
“Yo dude I feel so lost. I feel so tired. This journey
Fire Warrior is so big. How are we to ever survive
all this and make a difference dude, we are just
Crystal Fire Warrior
“Crystal Rose look, there is a new dawn coming.
We just have to believe. We are in a strange
place, yet I feel good dude about this journey. We
have many friends amongst us Rose it’ll be sweet.
Look here is another stone to guide us”
Crystal Rose
“Ethan I can’t see a thing it’s so dark, I’m scared I
feel like we are falling fast”
They are being pulled into the earth
Suddenly they hear a sound in the dark
Then a small glimmer of firelight appears they
are in a Crystal Cave With Aboriginal Cave
paintings they come to life as the Dancers of the
Inner earth come with He Who Listens to the
fireside they glow in the dark He speaks quietly
to the children he is dressed in black
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“Welcome, be not afraid I am come with my
friends of the inner earth, I heard my brothers
and sisters sharing their wisdom and knowledge
with you up on top”
Dancers dance around the fire, then retreat to
the edges of the cave there is a sound of ah ah ah
and a steady heartbeat of a drum
Crystal Rose
“Where are we?”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“You are here inside a crystal cave not far from
the surface of the earth. You sit by my inner fire”
Crystal Fire Warrior
“This stone must have pulled us here like a
magnet, how cool.”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“All is well, the stone is magic. When you touched
it, the stone knew to transport you here to me”
Crystal Rose
“Excuse me please, but who are you”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“My name is Dreamwarrior Who Listens, Keeper
of the East Door of the Earths Protection Crystal”
Golden Mole
“Wise one, these children look afraid to be here
under the earth”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“Afraid! Of us! Ha Ha Ha, why we are the earth’s
true friends, I am the one who Listens, born in
May at Autumn. Dawn and the Moon are my
guides, though we only have a few moments here
together, for as soon as the sun appears the
creatures of the daytime will rule”
Dreamwarrior Song in Aboriginal Language
Crystal Rose
“That was so beautiful, it felt so good. I never
knew that people could live under the earth. It’s
so amazingly cool.”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“Thank you, you are correct in your observation,
we are very rarely seen”
Crystal Fire Warrior
“What is a Protection Crystal? Is it close by?”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“I was born blind so I hear very well , I have
learnt to feel my way, in life, feel the subtle
movements all around the earth, the protection
crystal gathers the light from the moon and the
sun and sends this light into the earth to feed the
roots of all of nature .When that is done any light
left over goes to the very centre of the earth to
heal her and keep her strong. The light also goes
to the Sacred Sites around the Planet. I guard
and protect this crystal along with my friends
here you see before you”
Crystal Rose
“What is that sound?”
Drumming sound 1:2 beat for the heartbeat of
the earth
Golden Mole
“It is the sound of the mother herself, we are here
inside her, in her womb”
Crystal Fire Warrior
“Then the earth really is alive yo!”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“Of course she is, did you doubt it? My concern is
the strange noises we have been listening to over
the last 7 decades. Explosions, drilling, even the
oceans are never quiet. The Night Sun, you know
him as the Man in the Moon, told me that the
sacred humans have forgotten that they are the
stewards of the earth, the caretakers on top.
They are asleep to all of these changes they are
making affecting the earth. Mother Earth’s
heartbeat has changed so much sometimes we
have trouble hearing her.”
Crystal Rose
“So our Moon is alive too?”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“Yes, he controls the tides, the ebb and flow of
life, especially among the women of the earth”
Moon Dancer arrives/ moon on film
Song Moon River
Crystal Fire Warrior
“What a beautiful dance. How can we help
strengthen mother earth’s heartbeat?”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“Take one moment each day to connect to the
very centre of the earthmother by closing your
eyes and shutting off all thoughts of the material
world of the wraiths that rule. Go within to your
imagination, see a beautiful rainbow crystal
streaming light out from the earth to all the
people’s hearts on the planet…….You can try it
Silence, lights out for a moment all that is heard
is the earth’s heartbeat getting stronger
Audience joins in the meditation on the earth’s
A Crystal Rainbow light is seen quickly then
return to cave backdrop
Crystal Fire Warrior
“That was so cool, what is another way we can
connect to help”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“Sing children, Sing and Dance children.
“Let in the Light We’re Alright Let in the Light”
Audience joins in/choir
Dreamwarrior Who Listens”
“Dance, create art children, musical arts
capes of great beauty, follow your talents. When
you celebrate life instead of creating wars and
judgments the earth sends her benevolent spirits
to balance herself. So all is well with the seasons,
the weather, the soul growth of the sacred
humans. For when you sing dance and create you
are in the time of the NOW! Creating a sense of
peace within yourselves and of course creating
your future experiences.”
Dancers from underground sing and dance
together Mole, Bat, Spider, Rabbit, Cave Painting
people come to life to dance too.
Song here in Aboriginal Language
Crystal Rose
“Ok that sounds like fully sick man, we can do
this, I can do this, those wraiths aren’t going to
stop us Ethan. I heard that many of us young
dudes gather now on the earth to dance and to
sing in the forests, under the stars, is must be
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“Yes as long as the sacred humans don’t forget to
keep themselves clear of the wraiths negative
influences of drugs, and alcohol that can lead to
suicidal thoughts, anger and depression. Listen to
music which inspires. Come together to dance on
the Earth, Dancing for Peace. That’s the spirit.
Plant Trees for food and organic gardens too. If
only earths children would decide to join in more
with this generous energy. As you are aware, the
wraiths have used the power of freedom of
choice, to confuse so many. The problem most of
the sacred humans face today is the problem of
Oka Dance music as creatures and children join
Earth Element arrives from east to join in
Crystal Children Dance
Crystal Fire Warrior
“Now that we understand the true power within
us and that our deeds carry chain reactions, we
will remember to choose wisely for the future
and with greater clarity. For now I believe that
humanity’s future depends on us choosing paths
that are healthy. For us all to survive, right?”
Element earth goes and whispers to
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“Yes this is a good start. Now the element of
earth has just reminded me that soon the pink of
dawn is fast approaching. My time with you is
almost up. You can connect with us at this time
each day. Sit under any tree, and we will hear
your prayers, remember now, children……
protect and live near the sacred places we can be
contacted there too. Take the black magic stone
now and return to the Tree Of Life and the land
above, go and Dance in Peace”
Crystal Rose
“Thank you all so much. I am no longer afraid of
the unseen dark places. I am so happy to know
you are here looking after the Protection Crystal
Dreamwarrior Who Listens
“From this day forward you will be known to us
as the Peace ambassador Crystal Blue Star Rose
in the spirit of true love and you…….
pointing to boy
You will be known as Crystal Star Fire Warrior.
You have both passed your inner guidance tests.
The more you use your new power names the
stronger you will become”
Dreamwarrior Who Listens turns into a rock in
the east door
Crystal children return to tree of life slowly
Element of earth goes over to rock taps it then
leaves east door
Earthmother awakens she is one of the stones
under the Tree of Life she has been listening as
the children have been learning says to the tree
of Life
Earth on film with 5th sacred symbol
“I am so proud of these children I feel we have
some hope left now to awaken the ones who still
sleep, yet they still have a long way to go on their
Tree of Life
“Yes Earthmother, they will be here soon.
Dreamwarrior Who Listens has given them new
names earthmother, the names will allow them
to become much stronger, and soon
Dreamwarrior Keeper of Stories has much to
share with them”
“The Blue Moon and the 13th Dreamwarrior will
shine forth soon. The timing has to be perfect”
Tree of Life
“Soon earthmother all will be revealed”
Sound of Kookburra
“My heartbeat grows weak still, I pray for their
success. Great Mystery can only be petitioned by
the Sacred Humans for help, it’s up to them now”
Returns to the shape of a stone under the tree of
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
Picks up a stone in the south south east
Holds Crystal Blue Star Rose hand
Then they go sit under the tree of Life on the big
stone there.
Kookaburra sings to them
Tree of Life
“Kookaburra told me that you are both back
from the inner realms, safe and ready to go forth
with new strength and vigor”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Yes we are, though it still feels strange to hear a
Tree talk, and all the creatures. Our inner ears
are awakened, yet I feel we are still in this
marvelous dream”
“A wonderful dream”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“That kookaburra is so cool Rose. This is no
dream, it is real. We have so much more to learn.
Look Rose, here is a red stone”
“Follow the stones follow the stones singing us
home singing us home”
Film changes to red and the 6th sacred symbol
There is a sound of singing AHHH AYYYY AHHH
Enter to sit in a circle in the south east are 7 Emu
Sisters of the Pleiades.
Storyteller with them telling a story she is
dressed in red
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“So the crystal boy child and girl child have just
been given by my brother Dreamwarrior Who
Listens their new spirit names, to keep them
strong. They are now known as, Crystal Blue Star
Rose and Crystal Star Fire Warrior. The
earthmother feels that there is still so much for
them to learn. Crystal Star Fire Warrior has
picked up the magic Redstone we use to pray
with at dawn in our sacred pipes and they have
both been returned from the inner crystal cave to
the foot of the Tree of Life.
The Tree of life is happy to see them both safe
and well. Crystal Star Fire Warrior is now ready
to pick up the thread of the red stone continuing
on the journey to learn from the dreamwarriors.
Look now,….. here they are Sisters!”
Crystal Blue Star Rose and Crystal Star Fire
Warrior stand before the 7 Sisters Emus and
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“Come join us crystal children, the 7 sisters
insisted on hearing the story that is taking place
now on the earthmother”
They both sit
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“You both look a little confused right now. I am
Storyteller, winter is my domain, at 10am.Today
is a special story as it is the winter solstice time, a
new day begins today, a new year in the month of
June. Know this, as the first snowflakes fall to
earth, each one of them contains a pattern of the
dreams of the sacred humans. They appear to me
as stories. I then begin to tell the story that is
unfolding on the earth. Most are good stories as
the young children’s dreams, love to inspire. Yet
so many for the last 7o years have been very
frightening stories, influenced by the wraiths and
the media they control. They are taking over
more and more, taking away the imaginations of
the sacred humans on the earthmother, keeping
them asleep to all the good in the world.”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“So you can see the story unfolding as each
snowflake falls?”
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“Yes of course child. I keep all the stories, so that
we know where we have come from. In doing this
we know perhaps where we are going to”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“We need the help of the earth’s kids to keep the
Wraiths away from rainbow eagle as she
journeys to the Great mystery, can we sing Let In
the Light please Keeper of Stories?”
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“Why of course, come on everyone lets sing
together Let in the Light Let We’re Alright Let in
The 7 sisters join in too
As they do this they see eagle in the south door
A wraith is following her as the children chant
the wraith falls down wearily
Eagle flies freer and is gone from sight
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“And as the children sing let in the light 3 times a
wraith is seen falling down unable to capture
eagle in the south, indeed the song is working
and the asleep ones are awakening now to the
power song.”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“This is so sweet, we could never do this alone,
the children’s songs are becoming so strong now.
The wraiths are so uncool though, may they be
gone from this world”
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“Here is another wraith”
Stands suddenly in front of Crystal Blue Star Rose
“We will never be gone from this world as long as
the idiot humans continue on their paths of
selfishness, you cannot stop us”
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“Maybe not, however we could convince you
perhaps to change your ways”
“Never, we never change, why should we, we’ve
been doing this for so long now we will never
Film from red to stars of Pleiades in Sky at night
7 sisters begin to sing and dance around the
Dance here of the 7 sisters
“Stop you are hurting my ears, stop stop!”
7 sisters continue to sing and dance around
Wraith changes into the 8th sister
7 sisters together form the pattern of the
Pleiades as they dance
“You are home now sister of ours returned from
the dark place that held you prisoner for so long.
Come lets fly home now to the Pleiades to help
guide the children on their journey home. The
wraiths that captured you so long ago, have no
power over you anymore, you are free”
8th Sister
“My sisters, how did you know where to find me?
I have been so confused and held prisoner for so
long by the darkness of the wraiths”
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“When the 7 sisters created much of the sacred
rivers, lands and creatures they put in place an
8th sister to awaken in the time of great change.
She, you, the 8th sister was hidden away within
the crystal cave of truth. But the leader of the
wraiths fell in love with you. He wanted to
possess you, stop your powers and knowledge. He
found your hiding place, captured you as you
slept and overpowered your memories of who
you are, until now. Our 7 sister song has
awakened you, you are free sister, free.”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“I’m so happy you are free, that you are no longer
a wraith”
8th Sister
“I remember now, my mission is to all of the
indigo children, the ones in positions of power. I
know how the wraiths think and how they
organize themselves. The Leader is guarding a
sacred place where the 13th Dreamwarrior
sleeps. He is very powerful. His main power is
Fear of the Unknown. He generates this fear all
around the world so humans won’t believe they
can change, come together and make a
difference. He keeps them very busy chasing after
material things they really don’t need. Then they
are Asleep and allow the wraiths to create chaos
and wars for greed.”
Imagine song here by John Lennon
Film to red again
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Where is this place, we will face this Fear and
find that dude the 13th Dreamwarrior”
8th Sister
“You cannot go there alone. You must wait until
the alignment is in place, when the Blue Moon
arises in the 13th Sign.”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“So we wait for a Blue Moon to rise in a 13th sign,
but where?”
8th Sister
“The Aboriginal Elders the Leaders of the Great
Southern Land know where and when. But first
you must complete your mission, learning from
the Dreamwarriors in this circle of truth. I thank
you both for helping me to be free again. Your
courage and belief in the Dream of Oneness has
set me free.”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Mmmmm that’s ok its algood we will continue
on, we will not stop until we have found and
awoken the 13th Dreamwarrior”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“I am not afraid”
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“It is hard to believe sometimes in what you
cannot see. Our earth is indeed sentient, alive. Yet
I have faith in you children of the crystal and I
will continue to tell the story that unfolds for us
all. I pray that the story I share will be one to
truly inspire the heart awakening, so desperately
needed on our earth right now”
Song here of Heart Awakening
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“I am beginning to see the Way”
As he puts the Redstone in his rainbow pouch
Dreamwarrior of the Stories
“Good, now I shall continue to inspire the writers,
movie maker’s musicians and storytellers on
earth from the good dreams of the earth’s
children. I will call to She Who Loves All things in
the South South East for you
Storyteller turns into a stone in the South East
Film to night sky for stars to leave by
The Seven Sisters with the 8th Sister altogether
“We must fly to our home the Pleiades. We will
watch out for you on your journey. Look to the
northern sky in the night and we will smile down
on you. Protecting you both, you are never
Then they disappear up into the northern sky
where they twinkle brightly down as the Pleiades
The Crystal Children wave goodbye then head for
the south south east
A golden Yellow Light appears backdrop 7th
sacred symbol appears
in the South South East a yellow citrine stone
begins to glow golden
Crystal Blue star Rose picks up this stone
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Hey check out this stone, it’s so very warm”
She turns to the south south eastern door just as
Dreamwarrior Who Loves appears singing
Love is Why We Came Here Love is Why we Stay
Love is the Path that is showing us the Way”
7 times she sings she is dressed in golden yellow
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“Are the Sacred Humans Listening to us do you
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Yes I think so, let’s test them to see, ok?”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Ok dudes let’s do the song earthmother taught
us to sing ok……. altogether now 1… 2… 3
Let in the Light We’re Alright Let in the Light”
Choir sings/Crystal children audience
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“Awesome sound everyone, your song sent a
shiver down my spine, so powerful, you are
becoming as one song now”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“That is the best I’ve heard so far, and I didn’t
even have to say the words!”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Sing this song dudes its so cool. Sing it when you
feel overwhelmed or alone sad bad or scared”
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“I am sure they will never forget this song. I do
Love a good song. I am She Who Loves all things I
come in the time of July in Winter, midday is my
power time, and I send the tingle down your
spine when you have a moment of remembering
who you are. I come in the golden rays of the sun
as they touch your eyes in the noon light. You are
awakened and energized with the power of the of
the Sun our Creators love”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
‘I love the feel of the sun on my skin. I guess it’s
like a warm kiss really. When my eyes look to the
sun the light is so strong, I close my eyes and I
can see all sorts of weird light flashing colours
and patterns. I feel energized from the Sun.”
song here for Crystal Star Fire Warrior
Here comes the Sun Beatles
Sun Dancer Dancer
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Yes it is a kiss, a kiss of light to help us all grow
strong, including the plants and animals.Our Sun
is so good for all of us, bringing light and heat to
help us stay out of the Darkness”
Tree of Life is in Winter now
Tree of Life
“I am so happy you have remembered us crystal
rose, look to my leaves they are changing colors
with the seasons, I have flowers and fruit, then
the seeds form for the new beginnings of life. Life
is Sacred, the Circle of Life continues on and on
spiraling into never ending circles”
Circus People in the tree of life. Shows the cycle
of the seasons as they dance in the tree, song here
for their dance.
Song here as they change the tree then back to
winter look for tree
Backdrop film of seasons changing end at winter
Then film back to gold and sacred 7th symbol
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“Tree of Life, you are my elder in all ways, when
the sacred humans observe you in the seasons of
change, they then learn how to relate in healthy
ways to each other and the land.”
Tree Of Life
“Good relationships between sacred humans are
deteriorating fast thanks to the wraiths hold over
their commitments. Love is the most powerful
force in the universe. Love is the key. Love is Who
we really are. You are all born from Love. Made
from the circle of Love out of the zero.”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“How can we love those super uncool wraiths
man, those bad jujus”
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“If you can only learn to love the wraiths and not
feed them with your fears, then they will have no
power over you ever.’’
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“I cannot love the wraiths that are killing the
earth exploiting her and the future and
innocence of us children. Dreamwarrior, this is
impossible to ask of me, I am very angry with
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“Anger is good if it energizes you into action to
create a better world. Anger and hate only feed
more anger and hate on the planet. The wraiths
use it emotionally, from you all, to create more
anger and hate amongst yourselves”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“So they can take our negative emotions and use
them against us?”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“That’s how they can control us by separation
and division even in our own families?”
Tree Of Life
“Yes, exactly so, this is why they call you the
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“Feel the power of Love. What is the power of
Love? It is the times when people are threatened
and yet they find it within themselves to stand
strong together and help each other. It is respect
for us and for all living things, gentleness and
right action is love, and of course it is love which
heals. You need to learn to love and forgive
yourselves; no problem in this world is so big that
enough love cannot heal it. Enough Love will heal
everything. Come together in circles of Love,
focus this Love to our Planet, Love will empower
so many to make the right choices based on Love
not Fear.”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“So the power of Love is accepting each other’s
differences without judgment”
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“Yes and the wraiths need our love. If we could
just love enough, they would change and so
would so many other bad things on mother
All you need is Love by Beatles
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“I wonder how rainbow eagle is going on her
journey? The wraiths are being very quiet”
Leader Wraith
From his hiding place beside the 13th Warrior
“All this talk of love HA! Control is power not
Love. Love is for the weak. Quiet! Quiet! You are
hurting my ears! I’ll show them what love is all
Backdrop changes from gold to volcano spewing
forth lava
Suddenly a huge explosive sound happens
A shudder is felt around the earth
A wraith appears behind eagle tries to grab her,
eagle flies faster just out of reach
Crystal children fall over
Dreamwarrior puts hands to her ears
A second wraith appears near tree
Tree of Life
Leaves fall down
“That Leader Wraith Fear has heard us
Dreamwarrior Who Loves. He is very angry with
our talk of Love. He and his anger has made a
volcano erupt in the great ocean causing another
tidal wave to wreak havoc on the Sacred
Second Wraith
“I have heard your talk of love. I want to change,
I am not happy doing what the Fear Wraith
wants, all these hurtful things, all the time. I
want to be free, to walk in the sun, please love me
I know I can change, I want to change.”
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“So be it wraith, your chance is here.”
Music as he changes
She touches the ugly wraith, he smiles at her and
suddenly he changes into a small child in pink
Goes to the tree of life, climbs up it and becomes a
pink blossom.
Climbs down tree and kisses crystal children at
end scene
Backdrop to Golden again
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“See the power of Love is real”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“How can we help them all to change?”
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“You can only help them to change when they are
ready. They must want it. Pray for Peace now in
your own way, imagine quickly the great ocean
becoming calm, send love and aide to those in
need. The rogue wave is beginning to swell from
the Leader Wraiths Fear and anger. Do it now”
Crystal Children begin to Pray
“Let in the Light x3”
Backdrop changes to dolphins swimming in the
ocean and dolphin sounds
Coming in from the south door
A beautiful Pink Dolphin Appears with her pod
The crystal children go to the south, pick up a
lapis lazuri blue stone
Dreamwarrior Who Loves
“Go now to the south children where my sister
awaits you. She Who Heals, these are her totems
the pink dolphins, they will guide you, she will
pray with you. The ocean is her domain, the fish
the mermaids the creator spirit lives in the
watery kingdoms where all life began.”
Dreamwarrior Who Loves hugs the children
Then turns into a rock in the south south east
The children follow the dolphins as the dolphins
The water element comes forward from the south
joining in the dance.
She who heals is dressed in midnight blues
turquoises ocean colors.
Dolphins on backdrop and ocean and 8th Sacred
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
“I am come the one who Heals. I am born in
August in Winter, early afternoon is my power
My sister has sent you to me crystal children. My
Power totems and friends to all, the dolphins of
joy, guided and protected you both”
Bows to dolphins …..AYYY and here is the element
of water”
Water Song and dance with dolphins and
Element of Water
“We are in trouble Mother Ocean Who Heals, the
Wraith Leader has unleashed another volcano
under the ocean to create another wave of chaos
and destruction among the Sacred Humans”
Backdrop film of a huge wave
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
“Let us sing together the healing song Let In the
Light children and hold hands now together for
strength, this is most powerful and will stop this
path of water”
Dolphins sing too
Crystal Blue star Rose
“Ok, everyone altogether now, everyone sing Let
in the Light We’re Alright Let In the Light”
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
“I can see the water slowing down now, all is
well, you have stopped the chaos the wave of
fear, see how powerful you are as one family
focusing and singing a prayer together”
Backdrop to Ocean calm
Element of water, She Who Heals and dolphins
gather now around a pool of water, she who
heals dips a silver cup into it and offers it to the
crystal children
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
“Come forth together little ones for here is the
healing waters from deep within the earth
mothers well of love for all of the children of
She hands them the cups
They drink
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
“Drink of this purified water, in it is the respect
that earthmother holds for all her children. When
you swallow this water you will help us clean
away all of the pollution caused from oil spills
and chemicals released into all the rivers,
streams and oceans that have been disrespected
from the wraiths and the Asleep ones. You are
magic now.”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Thank you Mother Ocean for this opportunity to
be of service. Where would we be if all the living
waters on earth were to be polluted? We need to
drink clean fresh water to be healthy and make
sure we have plenty of it for the future. We
cannot standby and watch any longer the
manufacturers polluting anymore water”
Backdrop film of water crystals Dr Emoto
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
“ I will now place in the water from the elements
of nature, patterns of crystalline goodness to
affect your very DNA. You are also made from
water remember. Homeopathy is very good for
you all, the medicines of the future are from
nature. Now also remember these simple truths.
Eat and plant only organic foods and seeds. Use
herbs to heal yourselves, plant seeds that are not
chemically dependent to grow, but are self
seeding. Empower your women and their
birthing ways and the divine feminine on the
earth will thrive. For anger issues use physical
exercise. For good mental health read only
positive magazines and see only positive films,
and listen to music that uplifts you. Turn off your
TVs from fear mongering reports. For boredom
and depression go and volunteer your help, as so
many are in need”.
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“These are healthy laws to live by Dreamwarrior
Who Heals we will do our best to change our
current lifestyles and think before we act, so we
do no more harm to this planet”
Backdrop to Ocean again
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“So we as consumers can choose to ask for
alternative choices to live by. If we demand
healthier alternatives then the manufacturers
will need to rethink and provide these things for
us, for them to create more profits. We as people
power have huge buying power, powerful
together as one people united. We can change
things and make a difference, we are the
majority not the minority after all”
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
“Yes exactly, use wind, solar, geo thermal and
other alternative power energies. The cures for
your diseases lie within the power of the
rainforest and other plant kingdoms. Natural
science must be given the resources to find these
cures. The best cure of all is to sleep on the
earthmother in pristine places under the stars to
heal and energize yourselves and to reconnect
the disconnected asleep ones to what is real.
Suicide, sadness and pain must cease now”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“So camping out is a good thing and all pursuits
in nature”
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
“Yes, especially camp on the solstices and
equinoxes on the Sacred Sites. The Earthmother
is stronger at these times. So simple really, watch
and listen in nature the keys are there in front of
you all to good health. Trust you intuition more
on an individual basis. All else will follow.”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“I love watching a good fire at night under the
stars I feel so good after spending time beside a
fire. Fire energy is so cool”
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
“A good fire cleanses the mind from negative
thoughts and warms the soul. So does a swim in
the pristine creation places of the lakes rivers
and oceans that cleanse away weary minds and
strengthen your bodies. Please know this you are
all born of the earth, the 4 elements are within
yourselves, when they are out of balance within
you they are reflected in nature. Nature asks for
nothing, nature gives to you all with
unconditional love. Remember these simple
truths and learn to live by them.”
Crystal Children hug dolphins
In the West door
Wraith Leader
“What is happening, I have sent a wave to
destroy and to flood the stupid humans, yet it has
been stopped, how can this be?”
Says this to himself
Wraith Leader
“How can this one be stirring the Blue Moon is
not due yet, I must see where the others are they
should have stopped that eagle by now and those
meddling crystal children”
Leaves the place of the 13th Dreamwarrior
Enters by the south door
“Dreamwarrior Who Heals we have been
watching from a distance over the Leader Wraith
Fear, he is coming soon himself to try and stop
the Eagle and these children from hearing the
dreamwarriors messages, he can’t believe the
wave was stopped. We need your assistance now”
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
Looks into the water
“I see him coming. I will send a storm with your
help thunder nation in his direction to slow him
“As you speak so it shall be!”
Flaps his mighty wings heads west
Thunder and Lightening on backdrop
Then to ocean scene again
Dreamwarrior Who Heals
“Go quickly now Crystal Children to the door of
Setting Sun Man my brother in the South South
West door. Here is a greenstone and clap sticks to
summon him, think of the green grass as the hair
of the mother as you hold it and soon he will
come to help you. Play the clap sticks like this,
soon you will understand more of our simple
truths on this Wheel of Life. The 13th
Dreamwarrior will awaken. The Blue Moon is
Crystal Children hold the greenstone to
themselves and close their eyes to imagine the
Crystal Blue star plays clap sticks
Dreamwarrior who heals changes to a rock in
the south
Dolphins exit south with element of water End
Scene 3
Scene 4
Tree Of Life
Flowering golden buds now
“Oh I feel spring is so close now my flowers want
to come out of bud and send their heavenly
scents to the children of earthmother”
Flowers opening
Song here by circus people in the Tree Of Life
Kookaburra calls
Circus performers in the tree opening flowers
A Green Light appears on backdrop and a setting
sun 9th Sacred Symbol appears
in the south west door Dreamwarrior of the Sun
is dressed in green.
Sound of a didgeridoo is heard Dreamwarrior of
the Sun appears in south south west door playing
AAAAYYYEEEE come on children sing together
Sing Let In the Light We’re Alright Let in the
Choir sings
Dreamwarrior of the Sun
“Who calls to me from the dreamtime with the
sounds of mother earth the didgeridoo, clap
sticks and the ancient greenstone. I am the
Dreamwarrior of the Sun, born on the Spring
Equinox in September in late afternoon”
Backdrop changes to dancers playing didgeridoo
clap sticks
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“It is us the crystal Children from Grandmother
Earth, we need your help and guidance.
Dreamwarrior Who Heals asked us to hold your
sacred greenstone and imagine the hair of the
mother earth as the grass and to play the clap
sticks to help awaken you.”
Dreamwarrior of the Sun
“I see you now, the greenstone is as a river of
light and love which speaks to my heart. It
creates a bridge between the worlds. The sounds
of the didgeridoo and the clapsticks are the
Sacred Humans. The Wise Aboriginal Nations Of
the Great Southern Land. Down under as you
know it. When they call to me I cannot resist
these sacred sounds. They help seed and create
life on mother earth.”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“So the sounds of the didgeridoo and clap sticks
help create life?”
Dreamwarrior of the Sun
“Of course Fire Star Warrior, they represent the
male and female energy and the sound they make
is a creation sound. Come I will paint your bodies
to summon the good spirits of the land to help
you both”
Setting Sun Man paints them up as he paints
them they continue talking didgeridoo is still
heard in the background
Backdrop to Green grass and setting sun
Kookaburra enters laughs at paint job and goes
Crystal Blue star Rose
“Do you look after the dreams of the children on
Dreamwarrior of the Sun
“Yes I do, all the good dreams I keep safe in the
Dreamtime and the bad ones I send to the
creator to heal. I am earth keeper of the great
grasslands of earth. They are like a blanket
wrapping her up safe to keep her protected from
damage, so the soil, trees creatures are safe from
damage of floods and other disasters. The
grasslands of the earth were never fenced off
from the animals, the grasslands are given to all
animals for food and water.”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“So this blanket of grass will help keep earth safe,
and feed the animals. When floods come and too
many trees are cut down by the humans, will
grass survive?”
Dreamwarrior of the Sun
“Yes, now there is so much damage from the
sacred humans who don’t realize what they are
doing. The 4 legged ones are feeling it, the wild
places on earth are few and far between now
where life can grow strong and thrive.”
Crystal Blue star Rose
“What can we do to help?”
Dreamwarrior of the Sun
“Put aside and protect all sacred sites on the
earth including the deserts, rainforests,
mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans.”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“We are doing this around the world already
except the mining and other companies come
along and try to take many of them over, to
create jobs and profits we see this in the news”
Dreamwarrior of the Sun
“Your job is to be earth stewards, you are the
earth’s caretakers, you are her voice. Live lightly
on the Earth she is a precious jewel in the
universe, your home.”
Film images of the recent crop circles in england
Crystal rose body paint finished
Walks to tree of life chooses a flower there and
smells it
Crystal Blue star Rose
“The Jasmine flowers scent reminds me of our
mission to help eagle who is going to Great
Mystery to ask for protection and balance on the
earth from the 13 wraiths who wish to stop the
children learning about how powerful they are”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Do you see eagle Dreamwarrior of the Sun?”
Kookaburra comes
Kookaburra Laughing
“I see eagle there are two very bad smells after
her, the paint will protect you both , there all is
finished now”
Kookaburra touches them both with his wings
Dreamwarrior of the Sun Sounds the didgeridoo
and sings a law song to help eagle
Music of Wraiths Sri Chimney organ music
Wraiths appear in the east
Backdrop goes darker as sun begins to set
Go over to the Dreamwarrior and children
“You will never stop us on our mission to destroy
eagle, or our mission to keep the stupid humans
the Asleep”
Leader Wraith
He appears with others behind them
“You stupid humans, come here to me wraiths of
destruction, get them!”
They do a dance off here around the children and
Dreamwarrior and kookaburra as he plays the
didgeridoo at them, crystal rose plays the clap
sticks, then they have a huge dance off R&B style
and Butoh style contemporary aboriginal way.
More wraiths join in dance from the east Butoh
Then Goanna, Kangaroo, Emu come to help out
with the dance off.
They enter from the south west.
Wraiths lose this dance off and Dreamwarrior of
the Sun wraps them all up in a green mist and
sends them to Tree of Life changed to rocks as
part of the Tableaux
All except the Leader Wraith he escapes. Goes
The Sun Sets on backdrop
Kookaburra Laughs
Leader Wraith
“You think you can outsmart me never! I will
return, watch your back for next time I come I
come with a vengeance”
Dreamwarrior of the Sun
“Go now quickly children to our Sister Weaves
the Web, over there is her stone”
Points to the stone in the south west door
“Tell her I have the wraiths captured in the Light
Of the sun as stones under the tree of life, they
will never escape to harm anyone. Hurry you will
find her in the pink twilight weaving her web, I
will return to the dreamtime and keep the
Dreams Alive!”
Dreamwarrior turns into a rock with green moss
in the South West Door
Backdrop film a Blue Moon nearly full starts to
Crystal Star Fire Warrior picks up the stone a
rose quartz. South West door.
Pink on backdrop and the10th Sacred Symbol
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“These Dreamwarriors are so amazing we are so
lucky to have them, and even though that was a
close call I know eagle is being protected”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Look the moon is coming up, is it the Blue
Tree Of Life
“Yes you are being very brave too sacred ones,
your dance was magnificent. Look here is the
Dreamwarrior of the Web herself”
Dreamwarrior of the web is hiding in the
branches of the tree of life
She has a thread attached to the Tree of Life a
silver thread that she now climbs onto and heads
to the south south west door to greet the Crystal
Children. She is a circus performer.
EEEEEEEEEE” she sings as she walks the thread.
The crystal children watch her overhead
Backdrop has pink sky evening and Moon Rising
10th Sacred Symbol appears in pink
Dreamwarrior of the web climbs down onto her
giant web she has in the south west door.
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“HHEEE HHEEEE HHEEEE laughing, hello there”
She spins around
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“I am Dreamwarrior of the web here in the
southwest door. I am born in springtime in
October, my friends are the trees, fairies and
Crystal Blue star Rose
“You are so happy and carefree; I wish I could be
like you”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“Why you are child, we are all connected in the
Web of life, never forget to laugh and smile, play
and keep your inner child wild and freeeeeeee!”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“There is no such thing as fairies.”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“Oh dear me, it’s the fairies who sing all day who
create the flowers, no singing no flowers, just
because they choose for you not to see them
doesn’t mean they aren’t real”
Flower Fairies Dance here
Crystal Blue star Rose
“I believe you”
Tree of Life
“Oh there are many nature kingdoms that live
among you, and in all living things, why even in
yourselves there is a spirit a higher power that
leaves when you sleep, you can’t see that either”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“I need to take action to be of help on earth what
can I do”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“Ok here is a suggestion, you have a machine
called the internet I believe. Use this wisely. The
Indigo children built this machine to aide each
other in connecting and communicating in these
changing times.”
Crystal Blue star Rose
“Yes we know this machine, they call it the
internet the web”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“After me no doubt. This is a great tool for
communication between children of all nations.
Freedom of speech is very important. You can
petition your leaders as one together, when the
Laws of the sacred humans are no longer
working for the good of all. Remember People
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Many people are already doing this weaves the
web. The whales are being saved, sustainable
housing is being built. The hungry are being fed.
Wells are being dug for clean water, native foods
are being planted. Alternate energy for power,
wind generators, are being built, wind farming is
happening. Cars are being made that are burning
alternative recycled fuels. The forests are being
saved, and replanting is happening. The people
are doing their best to overcome drug and
alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and sexual
abuse issues. Programs are being implemented to
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“Mmmm yes, this is great that some sacred
humans are aware, but many still sleep. There is
still much to do. Hear this message of truth
please. There is a magnetic pulse coming to earth
from the centre of your mighty yellow sun. It is
going to get very hot or very cold. The weather
patterns are changing because of this. Some of
the elders believe that when it comes, this pulse
from the sun, the earth will be in darkness for a
few days. They remember this from the past
times on earth, when she shifted before. You must
go to the sacred sites, and remember not to panic
earth will rebalance herself. The Sacred sites are
designed to protect you all from the worst of the
Suns pulse.”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“No one will believe this message Dreamwarrior
of the Web, they will call us liars”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“This message will be heard by the ones whose
ears are open to listen. The fate of the earth is
predestined. So many sacred humans need to
listen, the earth, she is struggling to sustain them
all without damage to herself in certain areas.
Over population is a myth and a myth that the
Wraiths use to lie to the Sacred humans. There is
plenty for us all, we just need to come into
balance and share.”
Crystal Starfire Warrior
“I see now”
Weaves the Web
“The earth is part of the yellow Suns solar system,
she must preserve her sense of balance, when she
spins out of sync with the rest of the planets, then
they too will be at risk.”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“So this overpopulation is an issue, a lie, what is
really happening is the complete rape of land and
trees, and a mismanagement of our resources
and populations. How do we resolve this, how do
we recognize the sacred sites?”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“Look to the creatures they are showing you
what will happen soon to you, if you don’t stop
overpopulating certain areas. If you don’t stop
taking away the trees and Forests. There are
ways to stop overpopulation that doesn’t risk
human life. The sacred sites are the great
meeting places of waters, the mountains and
lakes, the Dreamtime stories of the Indigenous
Peoples. The Sacred Sites will guide and teach
Crystal Blue star Rose
“How long do we have before things change?”
Dreamwarrior the Web
“In earth time, within the next 4 years”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Is this why many of the Indigenous peoples are
gathering together at these sacred places and
petitioning our governments not to mine them?”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“Yes the Elders know that time is short, a
warning sign will be when your satellites in the
sky father fail and your modern communications
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“This news is very depressing for us children of
earth, we will be afraid of these changes to come”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“There are people who have been guided and
have been listening to earth mothers heartbeat.
They have been guided to go to certain areas to
set up sustainable camps ready for the earth
changes, you yourselves have heard this message,
go forward and do the same. There are others
who are attempting to re educate the general
populations regarding earth stewardship and
taking responsible steps towards a more
sustainable future”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“The Leader of the Wraiths is he really an angel
of death, control and destruction?”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“Yes, he feeds on fear and emotions of chaos
amongst the sacred humans. He is doing his best
to take over, to stop eagle from delivering this
message to the Great Mystery for your
protection. You are the children of the future.
You are the ones you have been waiting for. You
are listening to the Sacred Earth Laws. When the
time comes for change you will know who you
are, where to go, and what to do.”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“We trust your message Dreamwarrior of the
Web. I also trust that we will come to terms with
this message of the suns pulse in time somehow”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“I know that you are all capable of greatness
especially in times of need, be not afraid you will
be protected from the forces of darkness, that
keep you from the truth”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“We heard about the 13th Dreamwarrior who is
sleeping somewhere, that the Leader of the
Wraiths has been keeping guard over the 13th
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“No longer is that wraith there. We have
distracted him. He has left for a while, he is trying
to stop rainbow eagle’s message. The time is soon
coming for the 13th Dreamwarrior to awaken. Look to
the Blue Moon that is rising, be close by, so you
can help the 13th awaken”
Rainbow Eagle has been travelling in and out of
the outer circle of the dreamwarriors throughout
the script
Crystal Blue star Rose
“How can we help the 13th Dreamwarrior
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“Sing and gather together, pray, dance. Let in the
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Ok we can do this together, everyone sing Let in
the Light, We’re Alright, Let in the Light”
Choir and children sing
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“Wonderful, already the 13th Dreamwarrior is
stirring, but I must go now. There are many who
are watching over your journey in the other
realms. They are praying for your success”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Then we will continue on our journey of
learning together, thank you for your words of
warning and for your wisdom Dreamwarrior of
the Web”
Film Backdrop changes to a huge dewdrop and a
full spider web in pink
Dreamwarrior of the Web
“Remember you are powerful as one working
together. You will see me in the springtime
weaving the webs of love and truth, webs full of
early morning dew, sparkling in the sun as
diamonds of truth”
Dreamwarrior of the Web
Turns into a stone in the south west door
Children to centre stage
Tree Of Life
“I can see that you are both afraid of the
messages that have been given to you. I say all is
well, you will be protected, have faith”
Song here
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Tree of Life, it is true we are afraid, but I feel if
we follow our hearts and have faith all will come
to pass in good ways, you are wise, we trust your
words of wisdom.”
Tree Of Life
“I will call on the Dreamwarrior of the west, he
will guide you safely home. Now pick up that
white stone over there, it is your new guide.”
Crystal Fire Warrior picks up the white stone
A very bright white light appears on backdrop
and in the west 11th Sacred Symbol appears on
A massive White Panther from the west, with
brilliant blue eyes stalks majestically into the
circle of stones
Sits and stares at the Crystal children.
Then gets up and goes over to them smelling
them then licks them
White Panther
“I am one of the Power Totems of the West door,
guardian spirit of the Dreamwarrior Walking
Tall, I can feel that you are no longer afraid of
the future that is coming, well done”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“We carry the flame of peace now in our hearts,
we are to be the new peacemakers uniting the
children of earth. We seek with this stone the
wise counsel of your leader the Dreamwarrior
Walking Tall”
White Panther
“GGRR GRRRRMM I can see your hearts are
telling me the truth, not many dare to come this
way, you have courage and truth in your eyes,
you have ears that are open and have listened to
the elders that have come before you on this
Great Wheel Of Sacred Law.PURRRPURRR”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“How do we call to your elder?”
White Panther
“I have heard you many times singing the
Way on your journey here, Let in the Light will
be sufficient”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Ok then altogether as loud as we can please
Let in the Light, We’re Alright, Let in the Light”
Panther roars Choir audience sing let in the light
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall
Appears with another totem crocodile in white
body paint in west door
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall
“I am come. I come at the call of my brothers and
sisters in this hour of great need. I am called only
at the time of the 11th hour of need, when all are
afraid of death and change. Eagle came to see me
on her way to Great Mystery. All is well. The
mighty Thunder Nation also came to see me, all
is well.”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“We heard news from Dreamwarrior of the Web
of the changing times to come, we are afraid.
Even though your Elders of the Great Southern
Land know that our mother the Earth has
changed her robe many times in the past.”
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall
“I am not afraid of the changes to come. All is as
it should be, in perfect harmony”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“How can we believe this when we know what is
to come will destroy so many”
“This is the Way of your world, it has always been
this way, the old ways are strong yet change
must come, the new ways of being and doing will
come to pass, with the wisdom from the past as
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“We believe what we have been told, yet we are
still afraid”
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall
“It is time for you to rest little ones, take the little
death for a while and sleep, much has been asked
of you. In the resting time as you sleep on the
earthmother you will gather new strength to face
your future. Be not afraid of the animal nations
as you sleep under the Tree Of Life they will
guard and protect you. The secrets that you have
heard are truths to live good lives by, be
discerning with them, and share them with
others who feel the truth from you. Be not
Tree of Life Fruits Golden Glows
Backdrop changes to Star lit night sky
Crystal Blue star Rose
“Then we shall rest here a while as you suggest to
renew ourselves, and fill up with new energy”
The crystal children go to rest and to sleep under
the tree of life that is now fruiting stars in sky
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall places a blanket of
stars over them as they sleep.
A Song here
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall to Panther and
crocodile who lie beside the sleeping children
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall
“Soon Great Mystery and the 13th Dreamwarrior
will awaken for the changing times to come on
earthmother and help and protect these little
courageous ones.”
Panther growls in acknowledgment
“They will awaken full of new energy and
innovative ideas to share with the children of
earth. They will have the courage to endure and
face their fear of the unknown when the
earthmother changes her blanket. They will have
grown older by the magic of the Tree of Life as
the Tree fruits above them. Panther and
crocodile watch over them, guide them, and help
them to have faith in themselves. May they leap
into the future without fear .Teach them to share
and to care for one another.”
White Panther
“As you request oh wise one, it shall be done”
Dream Warrior Walking Tall
“Awaken now it is a new day! Time to move on
refreshed and renewed. My sister in the North
West door awaits you. Eagle’s journey is almost
over. The Panther and crocodile nation will go
with you both, to guide you, send them home to
me when you are ready”
White Panther stands next to girl
Crocodile next to boy
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“I dreamed of you crocodile. You are an ancient
ancestor from the stars full of wisdom and
knowledge, though you appear tough your heart
is so soft and very patient with us”
“The 7 sisters sent me to your side to teach you
the path of no fear. I am indeed connected to the
ouancestors. Eat now from the Tree of Life, it is
good food for you”
Crystal Children Eat Golden Fruit
Backdrop changes to white light
Small Costume change for children here
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“I feel different now, I am taller, I have no fear,
and look at these totem animals beside us they
are so beautiful.”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“I feel so good, so strong now, and taller too, we
shall travel well now with your power totems
beside us, thank you for everything”
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall
“You are both ahead now in the game of life. You
are running fast together. If only the others
would catch up. The big corporations and
governments need to give back now to the land
and the people they are manipulating, they must
stop listening to the greed and power mongering
of the wraiths influences.”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Will we survive these earth changes?”
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall
“They must choose. May they choose right action
now. May the scientists choose to invent devices
that heal your world, and may the media choose
to respond to the empowering of the people not
the fear. Become the innovators of change, co
creators, not destroyers”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“I don’t know if the Indigo children, the leaders in
technology are listening, they are trying to clone
us humans to create soulless armies.”
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall
“This is against Natural Law, the wraiths feed on
these technologies, that is why we have come to
teach and remind you all of the right way to live”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Well I hope they the Indigo children, the ones in
positions of power choose wisely from this day
Dreamwarrior Walking Tall turns into a rock in
the west door
Crystal Children to Tree of Life and Power totems
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“I wonder what that Leader Wraith is up to
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Up to no good I bet.”
Power Totems together agree
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Come on, with our newfound strength we need
to get going north west, here is a purple stone”
Hands it to crystal rose.
They leave stage west door together with
panther and crocodile
Now on stage is the Leader Wraith
Leader Wraith
To audience other wraiths join him from the
“I heard all that crap. Do you people really think
that they, two insignificant children can awaken
you stupid humans from our fear and control
over you .Never! It’s too late. You are happy to
stay blinded. It’s easier that way after all, isn’t it?
Stay asleep, someone else will come along and fix
the problem right? You are not powerful, we are,
leave it to us, we will get rid of these meddling
insignificants. The 13th Dreamwarrior will
remain asleep.”
He leaves the stage by stepping into the audience
Other wraiths follow him they sneer and laugh at
people in the audience .On their way out of the
Music of the wraiths follows them out
End Scene 4
Scene 5
Tree of Life
Is now changed to seeds falling and spinning in
the wind
“Oh I do so hope that my star seeds of truth will
find fertile soil to grow strong and that the fruit
the children ate helped them to grow wiser and
more peaceful of mind and body.”
Song of the Star Seeds and Dancers
One star seed turns purple in the North West
Crystal Rose and panther enter by the east door
Crystal Fire Warrior and crocodile enters by the
north door
His costume changed.
Her costume changed
Meet under the Tree of life
Koala In tree
Tree of Life
“There you both are, you look so strong and look
at your new companions. The Crocodile Nation,
the ancient one, whose memories of earth is
indeed so vast. And look there the Panther
Nation, who helps us to take the leap of faith into
the unknown wild and dark places.”
White Panther
“Thank you, wise one”
Tree of Life
“Are you following the purple stones light?”
“Indeed we are it’s been quite a journey so far”
Tree Of Life
“Look there”
As a purple light appears on the backdrop and
the 12th Sacred Symbol
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“We nearly got lost, those weird wraiths tried to
follow us, but our friends here helped us to return
to the circle. Your fruit helped us to stay strong,
thank you”
Tree of Life
“Yes, those wraiths were here earlier, they talked
to the sacred humans, they are so bad. The fruit
you ate together is full of goodness”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“They will not stop us, ever”
Tree of Life
“Go now quickly, the Dreamwarrior Gives Praise
has arrived, the spinning wind star seeds of truth
have spoken to her”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Lets go, the Blue Moon will soon be upon us”
They go towards the north west door
Singing dressed in purple arrives in the north
west door
12th Sacred Symbol on backdrop
Dreamwarrior Gives Praise
“My young Star Seed friend here and the tree of
life summoned me.”
Star Seed
“The star seeds of truth have fallen on the earth
in a very fertile place from the Tree of Life
Grandmother. The children of the future are
listening well to the dreamwarriors words of
wisdom. The seeds of truth are being sown in the
dance and the songs of the young people. I
believe these Seeds of truth will guide the youth
of tomorrow, into a place of joy and celebration
of life. No longer will depression and heartache
ruin them Gives Praise”
Dreamwarrior Gives Praise
“I am so happy to hear this from you star seed of
the future, may all you star seeds grow strong in
your hearts and minds, following the path to
Star Seed bows and leaves
Great Smoking mirror arrives mysteriously in
the south
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Oh what a beautiful sweet star seed she is Gives
Praise, you are the 12th Dreamwarrior to help us
on our learning journey. We have come a long
way since we were called here in the dreamtime.”
Dreamwarrior Gives Praise
“Indeed you both have, we are so proud of you. I
have good news for you. Eagle has made it safely
to Great mystery and the great smoking mirror.
Look, they are sharing now as we speak.”
Gives praise hands crystal rose and fire warrior a
small mirror to look in
Then go to eagle dancer in the south dancing in
front of a great smoking mirror.
Mist around her and her reflection too in the
great mirror.
Dreamwarrior Gives Praise
“Great Mystery can only be called to help by the
sacred human’s songs and prayers. You have
done very well. Great Mystery will now decide on
the fate of the earth. If all goes well she will call
on the other Earth Mysteries to protect the
sacred humans as they gather at the Sacred
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“When will we know we are safe?”
Dreamwarrior Gives Praise
“First we must awaken the 13th Warrior from
sleep, close your eyes and say a prayer with me
They close their eyes
Panther and crocodile too
Dreamwarrior Gives Praise
“I am She Who Gives Praise, I come only at the
Summer Solstice time in December at Dawn. You
are the true Peace Keepers who have travelled
this ancient path. Many eons have passed since
we the Dreamwarriors have spoken to the sacred
Panther growls in acknowledgement
“I have heard your voices raised in praise to the
powers of light, we pray together now to help
awaken the 13th Dreamwarrior, pray in your own
ways it matters not what you believe in. For it is
the feeling alone that will awaken the 13th
Dreamwarrior, the feeling of Love.”
Moments of complete silence then
Lights down for fire dancers
Fire Dancers and Song
Then a violet light beam appears and a lone fire
dancer appears flashing violet and red sparks
then other fire dancers appear in the violet light
with real fire twirlers
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Wow what is this wonderful light fully sick
Dreamwarrior Gives Praise
“This is the violet heart light fire dancers created
from the sacred human’s prayers.”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“We need the Thunderbeings and the Star Beings
help too Gives Praise”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Like wow man after that dance I can feel the
power of the elements too”
Backdrop Volcano erupts
Suddenly a huge explosion of volcanic and
crashing happens the Leader Wraith appears
with 3 of his followers
Leader Wraith
“You will never succeed in awakening the 13th
Dreamwarrior, we will fight you and your pitiful
prayers and songs let in the light! HA!. We have
captured these sacred humans’ families, they are
lost in materialism forever”
Dreamwarrior Gives Praise
“You have broken the Law of Balance Wraith, the
Blue Moon will rise and the 13th Dreamwarrior
will awaken, eagle was successful, great mystery
is watching now, the great smoking mirror will
swallow you all.”
Leader Wraith
“Panther and crocodile do not scare us, nor does
this great smoking mirror, your prayers are
nothing to us they do not work”
The Tree of life gets a little darker
Backdrop the Full Blue Moon begins to rise
Dreamwarrior Gives Praise
“Sing everyone sing now together
Let in the Light We’re Alright Let in the Light”
Leader Wraith goes to great smoking mirror in
front centre stage
Leader Wraith
“What is this?”
Goes to mirror and hits it the 3 other wraiths
follow him they look into it. The mirror shows
pictures and memories of destruction war etc on
earth, in their deeds and reflections.
Leader Wraith
“See what you have created with our assistance
humans, awaken now my wraith army, it is time
to end this useless try by the humans at
controlling us”
Song and Dance here of the wraiths that awaken
and gather around the mirror in colors of sickly
green and purple
Leader Wraith
Grabs at Crystal Rose passes her to the others run
She calls out
Backdrop cityscape burning as moon rise greens
and purples and blue with strobing lights
Blue moon arises fully now, back drop as the
wraiths dance the tree of life gets darker
Gives Praise
“Hurry we must act now, they have crystal rose,
call again to the humans sing again Let in the
Crystal Fire Warrior
“Come on everyone as loud as you can, Let in the
Light let We’re Alright Let in the Light”
This song fades but continues on with the choir
singing softly
Smoking mirror still has war, people images in it
Mist starts to appear at base as let in light song
Crystal Rose with wraiths
All others gone from stage
In a Crystal Cave
Leader Wraith
“See I have her, your little stupid rose, your song
is not working, she will be bound, so she can no
longer cause us anymore trouble”
Crystal Rose on her own with wraith he binds her
with ropes
Leader Wraith
“No one will ever find you here in the dark crystal
cave. There is no use in calling out or struggling.
I will return when I have gotten rid of your
precious friends. You will be here with me
Solo song here sing crystal rose
The Light is Gone
Backdrop cityscape burning lights out over other
actors just wraith and crystal rose
Tree of Life looks dark and dead
Then the children/choir sing let in the light
loudly suddenly a rainbow of 12 beams of light in
sequence from the heart of the Tree of Life
The Burning city backdrop fades a little at a time
as each Dreamwarrior appears
The Wraiths stop to see the tree light up and
gather in a circle bunched up in front of the
Leader Wraith
“Where did that Rose go to? You will never find
her. Time for you all to join us in our quest for
power over the stupid humans”
Panther and crocodile move to behind smoking
mirror looking for Crystal Rose with the eagle
dancer holding the mirror with her rainbow
wings they too watch the circle light up
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Are you mad we will never join with you, where
have you taken her?”
Threatens wraith
The Light from the Tree of Life goes to each rock
in the Sacred Circle. The Dreamwarriors awaken
from the light reflecting on their faces. They look
as crystal skulls. {masks}
The Tree of Life awakens too
Tree of Life
“Crystal Star Fire Warrior, violence is never the
answer, love is. Feel your love for Crystal Bluestar
Rose, feel it now”
Leader Wraith
“He cannot feel anything but hate, he has failed
soon all will be mine”
Tree of Life
“Dreamwarriors it is time, awaken!”
The Dreamwarriors awaken singing their song in
unison after they are all lit up
First to light up is She Who Talks with Relatives
in the North north west in ORANGE
Second is Wisdom Keeper in the North in GREY
Silver light and the elementals of trees flowers
appear and Air Element
Third is Weighs the Truth in the North North
East in BROWN with Crow
Fourth is He Who Looks Far in the North East
door with Star in pastel rainbow and a white
Fifth is He who Listens in East door in dark
Purple with the Earth element and golden mole
Sixth is Storyteller in South East door in red with
7 sisters in shape of the Pleiades
Seventh is She who Loves all Things in golden
yellow with pink dolphins
Eighth is She Who Heals in south door in
midnight blue with water element
Ninth is Setting Sun Man in South South West
door in green with Kangaroo Goanna Emu
dancers and didgeridoo sounds clap sticks sounds
Tenth is Weaves the Web in South West door in
pink with Spider
Eleventh door is Walks Tall Man in white/pale
blue with fire element
Twelfth Door is Gives Praise with purple light
and star seed dancer
Crystal Fire Warrior lights up beside Gives Praise
in red purple orange
Cityscape fading backdrop
Dreamwarriors chant their sacred sounds one by
Cityscape fading more
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“ I love her, sweet Rose, she is my heart”
She Who Gives Praise
“Rainbow Serpent is here! The Dreamwarriors
awakened him with their song, he will find
Crystal Star Fire Rose”
Back of audience Elder and Dancers sound of
didgeridoo, song clap sticks
Elder leads dancers and Rainbow serpent into
centre aisle back of the audience
Serpent and dancers and elder aim now for the
front centre stage where the wraiths are now
attacking eagle behind mirror
Panther growls at Wraiths
Wraiths see serpent coming run forward towards
Dreamwarriors and crystal child sing with elder
and dancers
Wraiths and elder and all other dancers do a
dance off fight
Elements join in
Totems join in Panther growls at leader and
crocodile threaten other wraiths
Song gets louder serpent winds its way around
the circle elder leading it
Seven sisters and elementals follow serpent left
and right at front
8th Sister comes forward with clap sticks to
serpents mouth sings
Serpent led by elder opens its mouth very wide
and wraiths who are being held in a circle by the
elements and totems etc are swallowed whole by
the serpent
Dancers and totems and elements stars and
elementals rejoice
Stars go backstage and 8th sister
Wraiths change costumes inside serpent into
rocks to become a sacred site together {See
costume change for wraiths}
Serpent winds its way to Tree of Life the tail end
points to audience now under tree
Tree of Life lights up
Rock who is grandmother earth awakens
grandmother earth hides behind tree of life
3 Thunder beings arrive with lightning and
thunder as serpent lays eggs under tree of Life
Serpent lays 8 eggs that are the remaining
wraiths now changed into sacred site rock
formation the Leader wraith is to be a balancing
rock the highest part of the site, alongside other
wraiths making up the tableaux of the sacred site
All is very very quiet
Smoking Mirror has serpent in it
Then sacred site in mirror
Dreamwarriors stand in their directions
Totems and Elements return to their respective
Elder and dancers look at tree of life and the new
rock formation standing in a circle around it
Suddenly Crystal Rose appears with Leader
Earth Mother
“Wraith be gone now to rest as a balancing stone
within the Sacred Mountain. You are a reminder
to us all that this earth is now in Balance and
Harmony. You no longer have any Powers over
the innocence and love of the Sacred Humans.
You are powerless.”
The Totems Crocodile and Panther take the
Leader Wraith and place him on the Sacred Site
as a balancing stone.
“I shall join you soon here on this sacred
mountain, to have my eye forever resting on you
guarding against your unbalance and
Wraith is escorted by crocodile earthmother and
panther he becomes the Balancing Stone on the
Sacred Site Tablleaux.
Serpent then becomes part of the tableaux as the
river and sleeps now
Goanna Creeps and Crawls on top of rocks then
he climbs the Tree of Life. Watching.
Blue Moon still high in the sky
Cityscape gone from backdrop
Tree Of Life
“Children of the dreamtime you have captured
the wraiths and sent them back to where they
came from safe from doing any more harm here”
“Great Mystery came to me in a dream with this
song to awaken the Rainbow Serpent. My
dancers helped me. I am so happy that we made
it in time before the wraiths did anymore harm”
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“What just happened here, I don’t understand? I
was in the dark crystal cave bound with ropes,
that leader wraith said I would never escape, yet
here I am.”
Crystal Starfire Warrior moves to Roses side and
holds her hand
“Crystal Bluestar Rose, you are the most powerful
singer of us all. You awoke the love inside the
Rainbow Serpent. Freeing you. Crystal Star Fire
Warriors heart opened too and his love for you
called to the Thunderbeings to help you”
Crystal Bluestar Rose
“Rainbow Serpent swallowed the wraiths and
changed them into rocks to sleep here at this
sacred place, never to awaken again. We are safe
now. As long as people keep this place sacred”
Earth Mother
“The Leader Wraiths evil ways are safely now put
to sleep. As a reminder of balance he is now a
standing stone, here placed within the Sacred
Site. Rainbow Serpent and Others will keep a
constant watch over him now”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“Will the Rainbow Serpent awaken again?”
“Who can say, Rainbow Serpent will sleep now
until called to help us again. This place is
powerful place again. We will look after this
place so this will never happen again. We are the
traditional owners here. We keep this snake
Crystal Blue Star Rose
“Are you the 13th Dreamwarrior?”
Grandmother earth walks to elder’s side
Crystal children there too
Music for white whale begins and film of white
whale spinning in cosmos to earth falls into
Points to backdrop
“Ask those who are coming”
Goes to black
Scene 6
White whale appears in cosmos on backdrop
opens her mouth in song out pop the wandjinas
Music of the Tall 7 Wandjinas appear now as
very tall puppets backstage shadow dancers at
back of backdrop
Seven sisters reappear too again and 8th sister
with them all are Emu dancers now. They dance
in the shape of the Pleiades in front of backdrop
Dreamwarriors still in circle standing with their
totems and elements
Tree of Life is lit up
Crystal Children with totems near tree of Life
Grandmother Earth near tree of Life
Elder and dancers near tree of Life
“Thunder beings, we ask that you Dance for us to
welcome the Sacred Wanjinas send us your
healing rains, and the spirit of the rainbow
Thunder beings
Dance in front of wandjinas lightening and
thunder is heard Rainbow appears
White Whale fades
Wandjinas 7 tall ones with see through white
costumes with rainbow lights as halos around
their heads and down their arms and legs 8
rainbow chakras inside them are lit up
Do Wandjina Song and dances here as crystal
children elder and dancers and grandmother
earth and all others watch
The Seven Wandjinas Speak in turn elders voice
over’s for the Wandjinas
Wandjina Leader
Female Voice
“We have come in your hour of greatest need.
Grandmother Earth, your Tree of Life has been
threatened, and all your relatives. Your very
existence has always been to keep the balance in
your universe. You give the sacred humans the
opportunity to gain wisdom and knowledge from
their short time living on you Earthmother.I hope
that they are still listening ”
Earth Mother
“I hope also my Elder from the Stars that they are
listening for the sake of us all”
Male Voice
“Elder, you have heard our song because you
have listened well and believed in your stories
handed down for the generations through the
voices of the Old Ones.Thankyou for listening for
all the others who have forgotten the Sacred
truths. You will continue to keep these sacred
stories alive in your stories songs and dances.
Here is a new story to tell. We thank you. Know
this, we were and are always listening. Go
forward and create new songs to guide the
Sacred Humans, keeping the DreamTime Alive
for all the generations to come.”
Elder bows
Female Voice
“We come to show all beings on mother earth
that you are never alone. Your earth is alive.
It is time for the Peacemakers and the rainbow
warriors the indigo children, to awaken to lead
mother earth into a new direction for life to
thrive and be at one. They must begin to decide
new ways now of uniting the people”
Elder and Mother Earth bow to the Wandjinas
Male Voice
“Dreamwarriors you have done your jobs very
well teaching the Sacred Ways. You alone have
inspired many of the Sacred humans to show how
to truly care for one another. By teaching them
on the Sacred Circle of Life how to rethink and
become our new Peace Leaders and Ambassadors
of Peace in Governments, attending Peace Walks,
Organising Peace Protests, Creating Places and
Planting Trees for Peace and writing Peaceful
Music and Films. Protesting the wrong ways of
doing and thinking among the Sacred Humans.
Walking into their Roles as our New Earth
Stewards. For this achievement we thank you
Dreamwarriors bow to wandjinas
Female Voice
“All Star nations and Thunder Nations you too
have done your jobs well, bringing in the lifegiving rain and protecting and inspiring the
sacred humans”
They bow to the Wandjinas
Male Voice
“Elementals and all creatures you too have done
your jobs very well, cleansing the earth of disease
and keeping the sacred humans company on
their journeys of Peace, guiding and protecting
They bow to the Wandjinas
Female Voice
“Sacred Crystal Children, come forward, be not
afraid, hear our message please and never forget
who you truly are. The 13 th Dreamwarrior is
awake, awake in your hearts and minds now. The
Sacred Humans who are here now are also
awake, they too are the 13th Dreamwarrior
Crystal Children bow
Wandjina Leader
In centre stage
Female Voice
“We watch from far away, yet with your songs
and prayers we remain strong, believe in us we
are real. We helped Great Mystery to create this
planet and all here upon her. We created with
love and joy in our hearts. We love you still.
Balance in life is the key to greatness. Go forward
and create balance, harmony will return here.
We have a gift for you. Come forward little ones.”
Crystal Children holding hands come forward
“Here is the gift of Grace. Awaken now you people
in positions of power use your power very
The Wandjinas Blow their breath and a wind
picks up surrounding everyone including the
A Rainbow light appears over everyone
Wandjinas all together as one voice
“When you feel this gentle wind know that we are
listening and filling up all life on grandmother
earth with our loving thoughts. You will feel this
wind each new dawn as the sun arises, you will
feel us in the wind when your songs and prayers
are heard. Every Sacred Site on Earth is a place
of life giving power. When you gather there it is
like plugging into the life-force of the cosmos,
filling you up with our love and energy. This
energy is to be used to bring forth more life force
connecting you all in peace and joy. This is where
we focus our love to you all. So gather together
often and we will sing and dance with you. Listen
to the wind. We will be there. You are all the 13th
Dreamwarriors Earth Stewards together now,
Rainbow Warriors Peacemakers as one together
now. Be good”
Disappear high in the sky
13 Symbols appear on backdrop {see design}
Rainbow Lights on backdrop
TO audience
Grandmother Earth
“Thank you everyone for being brave enough to
feel the truth in your hearts of the Wandjinas,
they rarely come to earth. It is time for change.
I hope that you go forward now in beauty into a
new dawn together as one people. Are you awake
yet, are you listening?”
“Thank you grandmother for this chance to guide
learn and to be heard, may our quiet voices of
truth be kept strong among us now.”
To Audience
“Please All Peoples in our Aboriginal Nations
awaken now, you are our new Leaders to guide
our Mother Earth, Unite and Be Strong for
together as One Voice we are Stronger.”
Grandmother Earth
“Thank you Thankyou Thankyou ”
Crystal Children
“Let in the Light Let We’re alright Let in the
Their costumes change to rainbow colors
Grandmother Earth
“I hear your prayers and songs always, never
doubt this. I go now to sleep in my crystal cave at
peace. May my heartbeat be heard in your
heartbeats each moment this is where you
connect to me. May our heartbeat remain strong”
“Our hearts are yours grandmother”
“Grandmother may we take our leave now”
“Thank you all Dreamwarriors of wisdom, return
now to your sacred sites and directions
protecting the earth”
Dreamwarriors and totems leave bowing except
panther and crocodile
“May I take my leave?”
“You may, keep the stories alive, for the sacred
children need to be reminded often. Gather often
at the sacred sites to teach the Way”
“Yes grandmother, we will continue to teach the
“Tree of Life, may you remain strong in your
roots, connecting all sacred humans and places”
Tree Of Life
“As you speak so it shall be grandmother”
Crystal Star Fire Warrior
“What of the Wraiths grandmother?”
Bear and Spider come forward to stand beside
grandmother Earth
Grandmother Earth
“The Wraiths are asleep for now. May they
remain this way. Be at Peace Now. Know that I
love you all. It is time for me to leave. I go to the
Tree Of Life now and rest awhile there, deep in
the crystal cave beneath her. Awaken now, as the
13th Dreamwarriors” Earth Stewards, leading us
towards a new beginning!”
Crystal BlueStar Rose
“Grandmother what of the suns pulse will we be
Grandmother Earth
“Gather at the sacred places. Build homes of
natural beauty. Place the 13 stones in a sacred
circle on your land. Pray there often. Listen for
my heartbeat and guidance. Love One another.
You will then be safe from harm.”
Grandmother Earth
Leaves and turns into a rock under the Tree of
Bear and Spider Leave and become part of
Crystal Children bow to her and go to the Tree of
Life where the sacred rocks are and lay down
together holding hands panther and crocodile
too. They go to sleep.
Tree of Life
“Thank you earth stewards for saving our lives
the tree people of the earth say thank you. Rest
now awhile beneath my branches I will keep the
shade upon you both as you rest”
“We have done our best to aide these little ones
“We have, I hope that they call to us for help in
their prayers to guide and protect them in the
Tree of Life
“Yes they will call upon you both”
“When they believe in us we can help them more”
“They will never forget us, time for us to go to
sleep here at this sacred place for now”
“We shall sleep, yet I will keep my one eye open,
watching the balancing stone here, just in case
we are needed again my brother”
“I will keep my ears open ready to awaken when
their sacred songs are sung”
They become stones and crocodiles eye becomes
a cave in and part of the tableaux
Then all goes to black
Butterflies arrive at the Tree of Life they touch
the Tree and each Blossom Opens big and Wide
There are 13 Blossoms
Tree of Life
Lights up one by one rainbow flower blossoms
over the children as they sleep
A Special Pink Child blossom climbs out of the
tree of Life and kisses the children as they sleep
leaves by the south door
Lights down
Scene 7
Lights up
Setting Sun Time, sound of insects
Children asleep under the Tree of Life. Tree, rocks
all look normal, boy crystal child awakens girl
still sleeps they are both in normal clothes
“Wow, I had the sickest dream and there was a
crocodile sleeping next to me!”
Still Asleep
Shakes girl
“Wake up Rosie, I can’t believe this place.”
Girl Child Still asleep
Leans over girl looks into her face as she sleeps
Kisses her gently on her forhead
She stirs
“Rosie, wake up”
“MMMMM I had the most amazing dream Ethan,
I had a beautiful white panther sleeping next to
me. I can’t believe it.”
Suddenly a wind springs up and a piece of paper
lands near them
“Rosie did you feel that wind?”
“The spirit wind, it was in my dream. Look it’s a
poster of some sort, nice designs, see”
“What does it say Rosie, let me see?”
“It’s about a gathering that is going to happen
here soon. It’s an invitation from the aboriginal
people here. They are asking for us all to come to
this homeland of theirs, to their sacred site to
share stories and songs”
“That’s what I was dreaming about Rosie, you
were in my dream too. You look so different
Rosie, as sweet as a rose. Rose, you have an eagle
feather in your hair”
“Ethan, oh ahh thanks.….how strange, I mean we
came here to find some peace in nature. We
found this beautiful tree and we must have fallen
asleep under her. Ethan you were in my dream
too. We must have dreamed the same dream
together. Eagle must have been here with us too”
“Well I don’t know about you but this poster is a
sign. I’m going. Will you come with me Rosie? It
should be fun. When is it?”
“Tomorrow, it starts at 10am with an opening
smoking ceremony with the local elders”
“Look Rosie, here in my pocket”
“Yo dude, you have the 13 sacred stones from the
Dreamwarriors in our Dream. How can that be? I
wonder if the Elders at this gathering would like
to see them”
“I don’t know but I’m going to share that dream
with them, I hope one of the Elders there can
explain to us what happened here.”
“Like ok and ill show them the eagle feather too,
it’s rainbow coloured, so soft wow! I’m sure one
of the Elders will believe our dreams Ethan”
They both smile
They get up and leave together holding hands
“Tell me what else you dreamed about Rosie.”
“I feel great.”
The wind is picking up.
“Well I dreamed about these really bad ju ju
spirits…..and a little child kissed me on the
cheek………was that you kissing me as I woke
Music wind in tree and a light flashes thunder
rolls shooting star behind them. They leave by
the North door hand in hand
Curtain call
Let in the Light
God’s Creation Song
End Scene
Environmental Scenes on backdrop
We encourage local environmental
issues/humanitarian flyers to be at each
Sales of Posters, Hats, T-shirts, stickers etc
Suggested Song list
Bunnah Lawrie
Jidera /Whale Song
scene one
Fire Song /Fire scene 4
Black Boy White Girl scene one Crystal Children
Beautiful World for Mother Earth
River Of Love A Water Element Song
God’s Creation End Song
Buck McKenzie
The Land that We Love
Choir song at end of show
Wilpena Pound {When Performing in SA} for
scene 4
Joe McKenzie
No Deeds upon this Land
Weighs the Truth scene one
Xavier Rudd
Mother Earth Garden
I other from artist to fit script for Panther
She Who Heals Section
Liz Conner/Rhoda Roberts
Whale and Dolphin Totem scene 2
Heal My People Heal us scene 2 she who heals
Emma Donovan
Water Song
1 other to be selected from artist
Guramyill Yunipingu
Listening Man 2 Songs to be selected
Christine Annu
Natural Woman
Love is why we came here
Moon River Song for Moon Dancer
Black Arm Band
Somewhere over the Rainbow for Looks Far Man
Rainbow Serpent
2 Others to be selected by artist
Street Warriors
Standing on Solid Rock {When Performing NT}
Yothu Yindi
3 songs to be selected with artists
That fit with script
Daddy Cool
Eagle Rock for Eagle/ On the wings of an eagle
Lez Beckett
Rap Song for dance off
Overall music score
Fitzroy Express
Bunaba Girl {when performing in WA}
Fitzroy Crossing Traditional Dancers
Thunder Song Traditional for Thunder beings
Cameron Mercer Percussion Thunder drums and
Rose Quinlan
Plays Gum Leaf for Tree of Life
Singer/Dancer/Bangarra Dance Company
Ruby Neale
2 songs to be selected by artist
Jimmy Little
2 Songs to be selected by artist
Paul Kelly
From Little Things Big Things Grow
2 songs to be selected from artists
Re dancing on earth section then a duff earth
dance group dances to okas original music scene
Flute Great Mystery and the Smoking Mirror
scene one and scene 4 and whenever mentioned
Drums/ didgeridoo Setting Sun Man scene 3
Bennelong Rainbow Serpent and Elders scene
4/Louis Walker/SI Wild Marmalade
Clap sticks
Elder’s scene 3 and 4
Chezeze and Husband, Big Day Family in overall
music score
Pete Collins
Talks with Relatives
Big Day Family
Drums and Sacred Songs to be chosen to fit with
script totems Crow and Bear
Kay Peet
Alaskan Grandmother Drum and Song
Close your Eyes Weighs the Truth scene one
Changing Woman Grandmother Earth
Woman is Maturing Tree of Life
Wandjila Wakinyan Wanblee Eagle Song
Dreamwarriors Chant Scene One Grandmother
Julian Lennon
It’s in everyone of us to be wise scene one
She’s So Beautiful scene end
John Lennon
Let it be scene 3 She who heals
All you need is love
Michael Jackson
What about us? Scene one
We are the World
Hermansburg/ Adnamathana Nambucca Choirs
Let in Light
The Land that We Love
Let it be
It’s in everyone of us
She’s so Beautiful
Rainbow Serpent song
Backup singers for all other songs
Jessica Malboy
One song to be chosen by artist Seed scene 4
She’s So Beautiful
Fire Song
Christine Annu
One Song to be chosen by artist Scene 2 loves all
It’s in every one of us to be wise
Herb Armstrong
Wonderful World
Ash Grunewald
2 songs to be selected by artist
Sri Chinmoy
Ten Thousand Flower Flames
Elementals song scene one
Organ Music for the Wraiths Dance scene one
and whenever they appear theme song for the
Lynne has these songs.
Di Di Dickson
Bedarra Rose/Crystal Rose
The Light is Gone
The Voice
Let in the Light
Aboriginal Boy Child
Let in the Light
2 other songs
Aboriginal Dance Companies
Bangarra NSW
Woka Woka Dancers QLD
Doonooch Dancers NSW
Fitzroy Crossing Dancers
Tom Lawford Dancers KALACC WA
Bennelong NSW
Dinawan and The Deadly Dancers Mullumbimby
Ernie Dingo
David Gulpilil Fire Ceremony
Aunty Barbara/ Dorathea Randall Mutitjulu NT
Ray Buchanan NSW/WA/Choreographer
Rhoda Roberts dance choreographer
Byron Bay Circus Performers
Costumes Designs/Hire
NORPA NSW and Dancers Elementals Costumes
Lanterns Stage Lighting Sets
Sealotus 13 Sacred Symbols Designs/costume
and dance choreography, sets.
Amber Edmondson Costumes Design/Make up
James Zippy Dixon Costume Design
Kirrayili, Mankajar Arts, Kalacc
Aboriginal Bodypaint Designers/Make Up
Set Designers
Chris Goddard
Lighting /Sound/Music Production CD
Jason Fielding
Cameron Mercer/Jason Fielding/Amber
Edmondson/Krystal Fisher
Production Costs
NSW Arts
Vic Arts Councils
Redhot Arts NT
Jane Campion
George Negus
Christi Thompson Management
Ernie Dingo
Yothu Yindi Foundation
Jimmy Little Foundation
Channel Seven
Morningstar Foundation USA
Hands Around The World
Jack Thompson
Russell Crowe
Lez Beckett
Adam Harvy
Troy Casser –Daley
David Suzuki
Charles and Lady Fairfax
Crow Nation big Day Family
Lakota Nation Whiteeagle
Cherokee Nation Earththunder
Alaskan Nation Kay Peet
Kym Kimbersly
Oprah Winfrey
Julia Roberts
Jack Thompson
Russel Crowe
Richard Branson
Theatre Producers Australia/Overseas
Film Editor/Filming
In Your Face Productions
Andy Bambach
Dale Keogh
Krystal Fisher
Suggested Actors
Chezeze African
Mother Earth
Sealotus English
Talks With Relatives Earththunder Cherokee
Native American/Crow Big Day Grandmother
Wisdom Keeper
Joe McKenzie Adnamathana
Weighs The Truth
Kay Peet Alaskan
He Who Looks Far
Ernie Dingo/Louis Walker
Listening Man
Guramyil Yunipingu
Ruby Neale/Yolmay
She Who Loves Things Emma Donovan/
Gumbangarri/ Christine Annu
She Who Heals
Liz Conner
Gomiloroi/Dorathea Randall
Setting Sun Man
Davidson /David Gulpilil
Weaves the Web
A female circus performer
Walks Tall Man
Bennelong/Tom E
Gives Praise
Rose Quinlon Gumbangarri
Crystal Boy
Aboriginal Boy age 12- 14
Crystal Girl
Bedarra Rose
Totems and Dancers to be picked out from
dancers in Dance Company’s Mole, Crocodile,
Spider Butterflies, Kangaroo, Emu,Rainbow
Eagle,Koala,Horses etc
Tree and Flower Dancers to be chosen from
aboriginal Dancers and includes
Jayarny Rose, Cassie Adams, Krystal Fisher
4 Elementals
Earth Air Fire Water NORPA
4 Rainbow Thunder Horses American Indian
Wraith Male Leader
Dancer Singer
Herb Armstrong African/American
Wraiths 12
Bangarra Dance Group
Aboriginal assorted dancers and singers male
and female all nations
Rap Dancers
Bangarra Dance Company
Pink flower child Girl aged 6-8yrs
White Whale
Bunnah Lawrie Mirning
Seven Sisters Aboriginal female dancers and
singers from Palm Island Qld
8th Sister
Gollumbu Yunipingu
Kalacc WA
Design Donny Aboriginal Elder and Artist Derby
Voice over’s for the Wandjina puppets
3 aboriginal male voices
4 aboriginal female voices
4 Thunder Beings
Male Aboriginal Dancers/Native American
Stan Walker/Temo Ponga
Leader of Thunder Beings
An Aboriginal Male Dancer/ Native
American/Maori Stan Walker/Temo
Ponga/Santana Ponga
Star Seed
Purple Fire Dancer
Jessica Malboy
Bangarra Dance Company
Aboriginal Female Dancer
Ray Buchanan NSW/WA
Louis Walker
Dinawan NSW
Dancer Bangarra Dance
Company Or Deadly Dancers and Dinawan
Owl Dancers
Doonuch NSW
Lakota Native American
Crow Dancer
Big Day Family Crow Prior
Pink Dolphin
Jayarny Rose and Deadly
Rainbow Serpent
Elder of Place where we perform and their local
dancers, plus Ray Buchanan, Doonuch Dancers,
Wocka Wocka, Dinawan, Louis Walker
Xavier Rudd
Native American Crow Elder Derek Big
Aboriginal dancer
Moon dancer
Krystal Fisher
Tom Lawford
Pod Dolphins
Bangarra Dance Group/Deadly
Up to 5 people all different ages from 12yrs up
male and female Leader Jayarny Rose
Ash Grunwald
Artists Song choice to suit script
Choirs Aboriginal
Buck McKenzie
The Land That we Love
Joe McKenzie
No Deeds upon this Land
Bunnah Lawrie
Mother Earth
Beautiful World
Black Boy White Girl
Bedarra Rose
The Light is Gone
Xavier Rudd
Artists song choice to suit script
Christine Annu
Artists Song choice to suit script
Guramyil Yunipingu
Artists Song Choice to suit Script
Liz Conner
The Eagle and the Dolphin Are Your Totems
Oka Band
For the Duff Dance Music
Artists Song Choice to Suit Script
Drops of Jupiter
Black Arm Band
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Street Warriors
Standing on Solid Rock
Artists choice to suit script/Didgeridoo
Lez Beckett
Rap Song for WRAITHS R&B Style/Mullumbimby
R&B Dancers
Work with Bangarra Dance Company and
NORPA for Dance Segments
Overall Music Score for Production
Paul Kelly
From Little Things Big Things Grow
Jimmy Little
Artists song choice to suit script
Lynne Edmondson/Sealotus
Changing Woman
4 Other Songs to Suit Script
Herb Armstrong
Wonderful World
Moon River
Jessica Malboy
Artists song choice to suit script
Aunty Rose Quinlon
Singer/Choir Nambucca Mob
Gumleaf Song
Other To Suit Script
Emma Donovan
Artists Song Choice to suit Script
Gollumbu Yunipingu
Artists Song Choice to suit Script
Tom E Lewis
Artists Song Choice to suit Script
Yothu Yindi Band
Artists Song Choice to suit Script
Ernie Dingo
Dancer Singer
Artists Song Choice to suit Script
David Gulpilil
Singer Dancer Fire ceremony
Artists Song Choice to suit Script
Ruby Neale
Artists Song Choice to suit Script
Kay Peet
Artists Song Choice to suit Script
Big Day Family
Derek, mum and dad
Artists Choice to suit script
Julian Lennon
She’s so Beautiful
Micheal Jackson/ clip
What about Us
Stevie Wonder
We Are The World
Elton John
Artists Song Choice
Star song Looks Far
Drops of Jupiter
Jimmy Barnes
Artists Song Choice
Stan Walker
Artists Song Choice
Thunder Drums and Lightning
Cameron Mercer
Bennelong/Gumballa/Si Wild Marmalade
Ray Buchanan/Rhoda Roberts/Bangarra Dance
Norpa/Deadly Dancers/Doonuch
Sound Lighting Production
The Sound Campaign
Jason Fielding
In Your Face Productions
Andy Bambach
Kim Kimbersly Film Material
Destruction, white animals
Sealotus Film Material
Dale Keogh
Theatre Producer
To be nominated
Costume Designers
Kalacc/ Kirrayilli Tafe/Womens Centre Fitzroy
Crossing WA
NORPA Northern NSW
Lynne Edmondson
Set Designers
Mankajar Arts Fitzroy Crossing WA
Assistant Directors
Lynne Edmondson
Joe McKenzie
Director Theatre
Aboriginal To be Nominated
Aboriginal Assistant Directors
To advise on correct aboriginal protocols needed
for opening and closing ceremonies to the
director for each place we perform on
Lynne Edmondson
Joe Mckenzie/Buck McKenzie Wilpena
Colin Jarrett Nambucca
Bob Randall Uluru
Tom Lawford Kimberly
David Gulpilil Arnham Land
And others
Australia Wide Aboriginal Art Grants
Channel Seven Sydney
Private Individuals/ Jimmy Barnes/George Negas
Qld Events
Local Councils
Private Companies
Local Aboriginal Land Councils
Theatre Companies Australia Wide
Crow Reservation Artists Grants
Lakota Reservation Art Grants
Cherokee Nation Art Grants
Morningstar Foundation LA
Louis Armstrong Foundation
Apollo Theatre New York
Artists Notes for Director
Costume Designs
Will have 13 Sacred symbols on each of the
Dreamwarriors/ colours to suit script
Eg Orange for Relatives
Red Storyteller etc
Will have business suits and black wings for the
13 Wraiths
Earth Air Fire Water colours to the 4 directions
Earth Black/blue west
Fire Orange/Red east
Water Blues/Greens south
Air Blues purples north
Lighting Design
Use Lighting in the shape of a rainbow tepee
whenever possible above and over the entire
audience when earth mother speaks and when
appropriate to her script
Use same affect but pure white when Tree of Life
Use a Violet Column of light when the Peace
Prayer goes out in script Scene 4.
Use Lights for Colours of DreamWarriors
Eg Greys and Whites for Wisdom Keeper go with
costume colours
As well as for staccato dance of wraiths butoh
Rainbow create
Moon Feel etcs.
All Aboriginal Choirs
To be nominated for each place we perform in.
Aboriginal Elders
For Opening and closing ceremonies
To be Aboriginal male or Female to be selected
from each place we perform at.
Eg Aunty Mary Aiken Kimberly Fitzroy Crossing
Uncle Colin Jarrett NSW Nambucca
Joe McKenzie SA Wilpena Pound
Plus the Aboriginal Assistant Directors
Tree of Life
Must have strength to have performers sitting,
resting, moving up and down it, and along a wire
for circus performer.
For film to be shown on, as well as see through
enough to see the Wandjinas as shadow dancers
Stage set up
Can be Looking down on the performance in
tiered seating or other
Low at front high at back
To be Played on stage with audience sitting in
each direction as a cross shape east, south, west
and backdrop north.
Aisle in south is open for the wraiths to exit by
{scene 3} and for the Rainbow Serpent to enter
by opening and closing ceremony elders to enter
South Door Front of Stage
Website Designer
Same As Joe and Buck Mckenzie website for The
Flag Album
Ticket Selling
To be nominated
13% of all ticket sales goes to the Hands Around
the World Non Profit YES programme. Youth
Earth Stewardships Education through the Arts.
Plus 13% of all profits at venues to the local
communities for Aboriginal Youth Arts Projects
or Earth Stewardship Projects eg; Planting Bush
Sell Tickets for each direction and colour code
West Black, South White, East Yellow, North Red
As audience enters to sit Start of Show
Smudging/Music of Drums to earth heartbeat
and didgeridoos.
Audience Leaves to songs
We are the World
Gods Creation
4 Rainbow Thunder Horses help to seat people in
On Programme
Let in the Light Song Lyrics
Ticket Design/ Posters
4 Colours south white, black west, yellow east,
north red
Animals, Wandjinas, Dreamwarriors Wraiths,
Crystal Children
13 Stones of the Medicine Wheel
Sacred Sites
Set up same way as posters and tickets
Plus Images of Actors/Musicians/Medicine
Wheel/Sacred Sites.
Musical Director
To be nominated
Music Producer
Jason Fielding
Sound Technicians
Sound Campaign
Jason Fielding
Dale Keogh
A Committee to be invited and formed and to be
asked to be mentors.
The YEES Programme
Y = Youth
E= Education
E= Earth
S= Stewardship
Is to be initiated from 13% of profits from the
13th Dreamwarrior Production.
Hands Around the World and a worldwide group
of Elders are the ideas people behind this
Each person evolves individually. Each person
has their own Points of View. Each person has
their own set of issues to address for balance and
harmony in mind body spirit. This very personal
one on one mentoring programme is designed to
aide and assist in this Way of balance respecting
all aspects of the individuals beliefs and cultural
background. Caring and Sharing. Mentors pass
on knowledge and wisdom, empowering youth
through mutual respect.
A Youth will be mentored for 13 months by an
elder and through the Arts.
13 Young People will be mentored to begin with
the first year
Each Year the 13 young People entering the
following year will help to mentor the new
incoming youth
13 Young People each year for 5 years
13 Mentors for 5 years
130 people Employed and Educated.
The First Year/ Eagle One
Physical Healing Year
Cooking for Health and Nutrition Traditional
Medicines.Organic Gardening.Animal and Poultry
Husbandry. Steiner Water Colour Painting.
Dance and Movement. Sweatlodge.Personal
Health, Detox.Fire Ceremony.
The Second Year/ Eagle Two
The Mental Healing Year
Positive Thinking. Meditation. Sacred Space. Self
Respect.Coping with Stress. Medicine Wheel.
Focusing the Mind. Goalsetting 8 step
programme. Imagination.Reading and Writing.
Dreamtime Stories. Drawing.Story and Song
The Third Year/Eagle Three
The Emotional Healing Year
Laughter the Best Medicine. Reworking Old Self
Abusive Patterns.Swimming.Walking.Trust
Issues. Abuse Issues.Anger Fire in the Liver,
Water Colour Painting. Understanding Cycles of
Abuse.Theatre.Acting.Playback Theatre.
The Fourth Year/Eagle Four
The Spiritual Healing Year
Balance.Listening to the Spirit within and
Taking Action. Inspiration.Sacred Sites. Sacred
Musical instrument/ body percussion/ singing
Animal, Mineral, Earth Air Fire And Water
Studies. Dreamwork, Dreamtime Stories.
The Fifth Year/White Eagle
Grounding Your Chosen Earth Project.
Eg; Save the Rare Rainforest Plant through a
music concert for youth drug and alcohol free
Plant Trees of Peace.
Funding Locally and Internationally
Computer Studies
Leadership Skills
Business Studies/Cert IV or higher.
This is the Year that we help initiate a project
that is the idea of the Youth who has completed
the YEES Programme to year 4 Level
Youth who has completed the YEES Programme.
Will be invited onto the YESS committee.
Welcome to the Script “The 13th Dreamwarrior”
by Lynne Sealotus Edmondson Copyright 2010.
We hope you enjoyed the read through.
The 13th Dreamwarrior is a very inspiring,
contemporary musical. Which addresses
creatively many issues that our youth of today
are facing. The 13th Dreamwarrior allows us to
be educated, empowered and entertained
Our bottom line is to employ as many Aboriginal
People and Communities, as is possible from
Australia, in all aspects of its production. As well
as Indigenous people from around the World.
Where we perform the Local People will be
involved in the Script eg as local directors
advising us, as dancers and singers, as well as
costume and stage design to respect where
possible the Protocols of their Land and Country.
Assistant Aboriginal Directors/Advisors will be
employed for protocols in each different
aboriginal country we perform in.
We then aspire to after the success of the
Dreamwarriors to implement a 5 year YESS non
profit mentoring program for Aboriginal youth
within the areas of Art, Dance, Theatre, Acting,
Music and Education. This will happen initially
with 13 per cent of our net profits from the
production of the Dreamwarriors.
As well, we shall donate 13 percent of
performance profits on the night, to youth
projects in the places we perform on.
The Dreamwarriors will be performed on Sacred
Sites throughout Australia and at Indigenous and
Festival Events. We observe and respect all
protocols to do this in good ways on the advice of
our Aboriginal Elders and Leaders. ie The
Dreaming Festival. Then go forward to include
the rest of the World Stage.ie The Glastonbury
Festival England.
For the Success of the The 13th Dreamwarrior
production we will need to source funding and
Aboriginal Producers.
Both here and Overseas.
Engine Room/ Jessica Malboy
We are currently sourcing our funding through
the Australian Government in the areas of Arts
and Events sectors as well as from Foundations
in Australia and Overseas. Theatre Companies
will be approached. Festivals will be approached.
Deadly Awards. Private Individuals are very
welcome to invest.
A 2 week pre production is needed to meet the
actors, musicians, dancers and production teams
invited to be a part of the Dreamwarriors
During this time the Director and all pre
production team members are to meet and
Brainstorm The 13th Dreamwarrior Script with
everyone. This will be filmed by Andy Bambach of
In your Face Productions.
As private investors our lawyers will help you to
sign our contracts so your monies will be repaid
in full with a small profit margin of 13 per cent.
As investors you are invited to add your profit
from The 13th Dreamwarrior to the non -profit
YESS program for youth.
Currently we are sourcing special skilled people
in and as Theatre Producers, Pre Production
Crew, and Contractual Lawyers to bring this
Dreamwarrior Production to the Stage.
We have had talks with many Artists who have
shown interest in being invited to participate
together in the Dreamwarriors Production.
Here is a list of interested People.
At Uluru NT
Uncle Bob Randall
Dorathea Randall
And Aunty Barbara Uncle Reggie Uluru and
As part of Rock The Rock Production
Hermansburg AREYONGA Womens Choir
Nyangatjatjari Aboriginal Corp Yulara Robyn
Alice Springs Redust Theatre
Centre for Aboriginal Indigenous Education
Womens group Led by Fiona Stokes Senior
Woman Alice Springs NT
Robbie Benson
Aboriginal Employment Jet/Owner
Administrator Alice Springs Nt
At Wilpena Pound SA
Uncle Buck McKenzie
Uncle Joe McKenzie
And Elders
Adnyamathana Choir
Adelaide Festival
Uncle Bunnah Lawrie
Mirning Whale Dreamer Elder
Tamara Lawrie SA Arts Counsel
At Kimberly WA
Kalacc and Elders Aunty Mary Aiken
Uncle Dillon Andrews and Aunty Justine Andrews
Tom Lawford/ William
Karryilli Adult Education Centre
Mankajar Artists
Manager Fitzroy Express Jeremy Hart/Danny
Thunder Dancers Group Fitzroy Crossing WA
Wonky Radio
Robyn/ Marrissa Maher
Aboriginal Housing Perth
Aunty Dorathea Forest
Fitzroy Crossing
In Arnamland
Gurymyill Yuninpingu
Gollumbu Yunipingu
My adopted Grandmother
And Elders
Uncle Ray Buchanan
Doonuch Owl Dancers
Uncle Bobby McCloud People
Uncle Colin Jarrett
Nambucca Elders Choir
Emma Donavan and Donavan Family
Aunty Rose Quinlan
Bundjulung People
Dinawan and the Deadly Dancers
Narralyngii Land Council Aunty Sandra Morris
Louise Walker
Gumballa Blue Mtns
Charles Fairfax
Jason Fielding
In Qld
Aunty Liz Conner
My Grandughters mob, Stradbroke Island People
Noonuccal and Elders
Palm Island 7 Sisters Dancers
Dreaming Festival
Wocca Wocca Dancers
Woodford Folk Festival
Jason Fielding
Music Production
The Sound Campaign Sydney
Dale Keogh
Xavier Rudd
Christi Thompson Manager
Cameron Mercer Sound lighting
Si From Wild Marmalade
Jimmy Barnes
Lisa at Premier Artists contact
Gumballa Blue MTNS/Cherburg
Didge Player
Lisa Tait
ABC Accounting Brisbane
Lois Walker
Dancer/ Didge player
Dhinawan/Dancer/Choreographer rainbow
Temo Ponga
Maori Elder
Santana Ponga
Ash Grunwald
John Butler
Rose Neale
Songwriter/ Musician
Lez Beckett
Music Score/Rap musician
Trevor Jamieson
Kim Kimbersly
Film Maker
Andy Bambach
In Your Face productions
Pete Collins
Robyn Maher
Senior Woman Noongar People Perth
Channel Seven Sydney
Lez Beckett contact
Morningstar Foundation
Rachelle Figueroa Founder
Los Angeles
American Indian Grandmothers All nations
Lakota Elders
South Dakota USA
White Eagle and Elders
Crow Elders
Big Day Family
Derek and Family
Jah Marley Dawson
Young Aboriginal Actor Musician
Bedarra Rose Edmondson Kordas
Young Singer/Actor/Dancer
Jayarny Rose Edmondson
Young Dancer
Krystal Fisher
Amber Edmondson and James Dickson
Artists/Costume Designers
Tree of life
Jess McKenzie
Young Aboriginal Singer
Micheal Taras Kordas
Sculptor/Pre production Team Leader
Dance Company/Costumes
Boonah Artists Co –Op
Artists/Costume design QLD
Grandmother Kay Peet
Ceremonial Indigenous Artist Hawaii
Artist/Poet Hawaii
Young Hawaian Musician
Hawaiian Centre for the Arts
Uncle Bunnah Lawrie
Camilla Nova
Musician/Crystal Bowls
Anna Parker
Dancer/Musician/Leader Dances of Universal
Troy Dann
Kirk/ K-Tron
Website Designer Adelaide
Ernie Dingo
Herb Armstrong
Jazz Musician/Actor
Cameron Mercer
Pre Production/Music/Sound
We are continuing to contact other relevant
people to invite into the Dreamwarrior
Among these are
Tom E Lewis, Bangarra Dance Company, Redust
Theatre Production Team. Paul Kelly,Elton John,
Gumballa,Yolmay, Yothu Yindi, Troy Casser
Daley, Jimmy Little, Christina Annu, Jessica
Malboy, and many more.
The Overall Music Original Score is to be created
by Aboriginal International Rap Artist Lez
Beckett who writes music for film.
R&B Dancers are from Mullumbimby NSW
Indigenous group and Maori
Original Music Score to go with the Script By
Uncle Bunnah Lawrie, Oka, Banuwurun, Street
Warriors, Lynne Sealotus Edmondson, Buck and
Joe McKenzie and many more. Alongside will be
many favourites of the Beatles, Micheal Jackson
Louis Armstrong
CD to be produced and sold along with t-shirts
hats, stickers etc to generate further sales at the
Uncle Ray Buchanan
Rhoda Roberts {If Available}
Lewis Walker
Investors and Financial Goals
Financials handled by
Lisa Tait (B.Bus.GCPA.PNA.NTAA}
Australian Business Solutions
PO Box 5177
West End QLD 4101
Unit 6 /414 Upper Roma St, Brisbane Qld 4000
Email; reception@absolutebusiness.com.au
PH INT 61 732115522 Fax INT 61 732115722
ABN 41081288379
Hands Around the World non profit
ABN 15121149086
Lynne Edmondson
Joe Mckenzie
And Team of Elders from around the World.
Creating Understanding between People through
Art and Education.
Premier Artists/ Lisa
Our Funding Goals
Our First Goal 14 days Pre Production is
Most people invited will be asked to find their
own way to the pre production all food and
accommodation at Mt Hyland Retreat Centre at
Dorrigo will be paid for.
Accom/Food for 40 People for 2 weeks
Transport Costs
Administration Costs
Wages Staff/ Directors/Writer
$15,000- $20,000
Our Second Goal
Is for all pre production website, contracts, set
designs, costumes, advertising, ticket sales, pre
production wages etc
Our Third Goal
Is for Pre Production/Production wages of all
actors, dancers, production teams, lighting and
sound hire, stage hire, music transport cd
compilation, filming, musicians advertising sales
$ 1.2 million
Total Approx
$1.75 million
The Dreamwarriors is a Family PG rating
Approx Income generated per performance
First performance
Sydney Opera House Stage
This is a Sacred Site according to the Aboriginal
Elders/ people of Sydney.
$127,500 per performance based on:
3 weeks booking 12 performances for night and
12 matinees. Total 24 performances.
Seats approx 2,000 people @ $65 per person
400 @concession $50 each
and 400 children@ $25 each
Total Income generated for 24 performances
$3.6 million
$1.2 million based on one third as profit
after costs.
2nd Production Brisbane
After this production all our pre production set
up costs will have been covered and our first
performance costs.
Then onto Melbourne and other major capital
Then to the Regional Sacred Places in Australia.
Alice Springs, Uluru, Fitzroy Crossing, Woodford,
Orange, Lakes Entrance etc
School Performances
Schools Special Rates to Performances. $20 per
child plus 20 free tickets to low income earners
children per school. {Can be a competition}
Then onto World Stage in USA Los Angeles,
Apollo Theatre New York, Canada, England
London, Paris, Stockholm, Germany, Africa,
Japan, New Zealand etc
All private companies and investors such as
Virgin Blue and Vodaphone will receive after
performances have ended and a profit has been
shown and all contracts signed have been
adhered to.
Their original money invested back in full, plus
13 percent on top of original money invested.
Private Investors
Of $5,000 up to $10,OOO - will receive 5 Free
Theatre tickets to the first show in Sydney. Plus
various items t-shirts, hats stickers etc Plus free
entry for 5 people to the after party in Sydney.
Of $10,000 To $15,000 will receive 10 Free
Theatre tickets to the first show in Sydney. Plus
various items, t-shirts, hats stickers etc. Plus Free
entry for 10 people to the after party in Sydney.
Of $15,000 To $20,000 will receive 15 Free
Theatre tickets to the first show in Sydney and
front row seats. Plus Free t-shirts, hats stickers
etc. plus Free after party tickets for 15 people.
Seated with Major Artists.
Of $20,000 or more you will receive 20 Free
Theatre tickets to first Sydney Show, with front
row seating. Plus Free various T-shirts and hats
and stickers. Plus 20 Free after party tickets. Plus
Seating with your favourite Artists.A Photo Shoot
with your favourite Artists. Lifetime Free Entry to
all Shows.
For Private Investors over $50,000
A Private Dinner with Major Artists, a photo
shoot and advertising opportunities. Plus Free
front row seats and after party free tickets. With
free t shirts stickers and hats. Life time free entry
into all shows.
Special investment arrangements can be made
with ABS and Our Contract Lawyers.
Contact Lisa Tait Australian Business Solutions
Brisbane Qld 61 732115522
Email; reception@absolutebusiness.com.au
We hope this inspires our valued private
We welcome all “ethical” advertisers and
sponsors to invest with us. Great opportunities
exist among our special artists. You are on the
ground level. Please contact ABS for more
So there we have it in a nutshell. We hope that
you are as excited as we are about the
production of the Dreamwarriors, so much so
that you want to be involved as our valued
investors, advertisers, as artists with skills to
share, or as our production people.
We welcome your energy and commitment to
education, and to making a difference.
Welcome aboard.
Please contact
Lynne Sealotus Edmondson
Uncle Joe McKenzie
For the Earth and the Generations to Come.
A Sacred Peace Walk
A Possible Film/Stage Play
By Lynne Sealotus Edmondson
For Funding Said Scripts
A Long Pitch for a Film/Doco
Plus more Pitches to follow this one.
It was July 7th 2007 I got the call on the 27th June,
I had 10 days to get to Adelaide.
Elders Ceremony to begin a Sacred Peace Walk
from Adelaide to Uluru
A Protest For the Northern Territory
A Basic Indigenous Human Rights Issue
On July 7th 2007 the Australian Government
decided to Intervene on behalf of the All Children
are Sacred Issue throughout the Indigenous
communities in the Northern Territory of
This Intervention however had an alterior
motive. Land grab.
Land in the Northern Territory of Australia is
very rich in many Natural Resources. Gold Iron
Ore Uranium Copper Silver and Zinc.
Under the Australian Law, many leases of a
ninety nine year duration were up for renewal on
indigenous owned and run communities. In the
Lease agreements if less than 100 indigenous
People lived and worked in these remote
communities the Australian government had the
right to intervene and take over the land.
These ninety nine year leases signed by the
indigenous elders of the day were written in
English language. Most of the leases were signed
by Elders with no knowledge or education of the
agreements they were signing or their
ramifications of their actions for the future.
The Sacred Children, are children who were
being abused sexually or otherwise on Aboriginal
Communities, a paper written by the Australian
Govt and its appointed officials.
What about ordinary Australians, they are also
able to abuse children. Why target an indigenous
population, a minority of people.
Upon july 7th the military were involved in going
into remote communites to take over the original
land council operations of the indigenous elders.
Government officials also arrived to count heads.
To offer deals to community leaders.
To search and find evidence of abuse, doctors and
nurses were employed some at triple their
original paychecks to help find this evidence and
present it to the government.
What they did find was a 3 rd World Country and
all the issues that go with this on their doorstep.
Pure neglect on the part of government policies
towards indigenous communities at a grassroots
Health, Housing, Water, Education and a lack of
transparency amongst certain aboriginal
government appointed leaders as to where funds
were to be spent and distributed. Leaving many
indigenous communites in abject poverty.
Alcohol and domestic violence issues ran riot due
to lack of any prospects of work and training.
Shame on the Australian Government. Shame too
on corrupt Indigenous elders and leaders.
Today we still have the same problems but now
an even greater threat to indigenous owned
lands. The great Australian Governments land
The actions of the government scared many of
the indigenous people to leave their homelands
fearing once again the Stolen Generation issues.
A whole Indigenous population was now on the
move, with their children to lands unknown to
cities and towns where many had no way of
supporting themselves. Amongst themselves
family helped support each other now it was a
whole new ball game.
New government ways of spending the
unemployment benefits and single parent
benefits came into play confusing many. Long
lines at Centrelink offices grew by the day.The
government did not anticipate this and there was
no infracstructure to help the people to
understand the changes thrust upon them.
Alcohol was banned in clubs and pubs to
indigenous people the government stating that
this was a major issue. People became homeless
lost and confused almost overnight.
Children were put into more volatile family
domestic disputes as a result. Many young people
just gave up and killed themselves.
I was asked as a hands around the world Peace
keeper to walk alongside a lady from Victoria
Aunty Sue Rankin. I secured for her a film deal
for her memoirs and I was to help film the Peace
walk to uluru. A Peace protest for the start of the
NT Intervention.
I lasted 7 weeks on the road with her.We camped
every day 25-30kms from our starting points. I
walked side by side with her and other like
minded souls including 2 young refugees or Boat
People from Papua and New Guinea, then living
and studying in Melbourne,an American young
university student, a state school teacher, and
various other groups for 860km to Cober Pedy. I
walked sang danced filmed met elders and
discussed around many council fires the issues of
the Intervention.
On completion of my 7 weeks on the Peace Walk I
was then asked by an Elder from Uluru to stay
and help with the intervention that was
occurring on their land. I arrived at Uluru on
Sept the 4th to the mutijulu community and
stayed on that community for 3 months.
I welcomed Aunty Sue Rankin along with many
other elders at the end of her walk on October
24th 2007.
On the day I arrived at mutitjulu a government
official and the local police held a barbeque for
the people at mutijulu. I saw this government
official counting heads. We had 114 people left
instead of over 400 most had taken off scared. I
also witnessed govt centrelink people on that day
with no translaters attempting to inform the
local people regarding the new govt issue basic
card. Most were taken off govt benefits due to
lack of evidence of birth certificates or drivers
liscences. This still goes on today. Also many had
to work at the minimum 15 hrs pw to qualify
now. There is 100 per cent unemployment on
most remote aboriginal communities. So many
failed to do so in this community. Many began to
starve. Many People were displaced eg more
homeless arriving into regional centres with no
funding for infracstructure or affordable housing
or jobs such as Alice Springs, Katherine, Darwin.
Most believed that once again their children
were to be taken away a sad memory of the
Stolen Generations.
Young males most often than not ended up being
imprisoned for petty thefts, etc
Policing was overbearing in Alice Springs, no ID
you got arrested thanks to the 9 11 USA security
terrorist law. Many people were singled out and
bullied by this law and still do today.
Is this right. More restrictions on an already very
neglected people.
I also witnessed the govt officials attempting to
help out by implementing people to start youth
projects in gardening etc to help with the 15hrs
pw criteria to qualify for the $280 PW centrelink
paycheck. Much has failed due to lack of
education and commitment to work ethics on a
people who were barely able to survive.
Healing the people I feel was the first priority not
invading them even more.
Much money was made and wasted by the govt
due to the lack of being in real touch grassroots
with each communities individual issues.
Remember though why they were there, to take
control of aboriginal land and resources. What I
experienced was a political nightmare affecting
so many innocent people. Language was a huge
barrier and the lack of govt people
understanding the local aboriginal protocols.
Did they find any evidence of sexual abuse.
No. They found neglect due to poverty and lack of
basic education. They found diseases never seen
since the early nineteen hundreds. They found
domestic violence due to lack of work and
frustration. They found alcohol and drug abuse
due to boredom. They found houses in disrepair
and maintenance.
They also found some indigenous people who
were educated and could help lead the way. Did
they help these leaders no. They instead
employed people with some knowledge of how
community worked and ignored these new
leaders. Even paying these people double and
sometimes triple their wages do this. Most were
Who made money from the Intervention.
Doctors, Lawyers, Nurses, Police, Courts, Political
Leaders, Administrators, Educators etc
In November the new Australian prime minister
Kevin Rudd did a Sorry to the indigenous People
of Australia. It was welcomed and they had hope
at last. Only to find that the govt sorry was on
paper only with no funds to help indigenous
people to heal the last 2 generations of neglect.
In fact govt indigenous projects that were
working were left to disband. To start anew they
told them. More added confusion.
The New leaders decided to take on the govt
They began a Peace protest in Alice Springs. A
town now full of indigenous people from all over
the northern territory many homeless.
I saw no church groups feeding these homeless.
In fact one church group in Alice Springs had
invested monies given to them to help indigenous
issues, in the stock exchange which failed losing
all their funding and causing a home for them to
close. Where is the transparency.
Another church group was preying on the
disadvantaged of Alice Springs for an audience
congregation by holding a sausage sizzle to gain
a way to preach.
The new Leaders decided to begin to help
themselves as individual communities. They
began to petition for private companies and
investors to create incomes from their own ideas.
Government blocked this idea, due to high taxes
being imposed upon the prospective private
One private ex bendigo bank group found that
with a 100,000 investment and a website
promoting tourism on their community they
were successful in employing over 50 families on
their community and raising a profit after
operating for18 months at a third capacity. For
international tourists in five star tents.
This model should have been encouraged and
adopted for the communites able to also promote
this sort of business.
What about Camel farming.
$4,000-6000 is earned for the live camel trade.
Camel is good eating.
Over a million live in the territory.
Was it, NO.
Remember what I said to you in the first place
the intervention was to disrupt and take over the
indigenous lands for resources. Standing over
many Elders and refusing govt assistance
existing funding to communities who resisted
this. They did not want private enterprise to
So we still have a huge problem. However the
indigenous people of Australia for the first time
met as one huge community last june 2010 in
Alice Springs Showground as a ongoing protest
by local people started in 2008. To sit down and
talk together and to devise a unified plan to help
each other. The local land councils of Alice
Springs were threatened of being closed and
taken over by govt leaders. The Local land
They weren’t going to take that sitting down.
Many indigenous leaders who had done the
wrong thing by their own people were exposed.
I have original film footage of my journey in the
NT during the intervention. Including Mutitjulu.
Uncle Bob Randall.
The funding would meet the costs of this edit.
This footage would then be ready to market
exposure on SBS. NITV etc
I have eleven hours of film to edit at $50 per hour
plus admin costs.
I support these new leaders on their journey to
self supporting communites and education of the
young people coming up.
Next Pitch
Also I feel it imperative to write a stage drama
script about the personal journey I experienced
and place it onto the national stage and
international stages to help educate the People,
from a totally unbiased perspective.
For this to happen initially I would require a 6
month funding contract as a writer at $33
dollars per hour for a 20 hour week.
So $17,160 would make this possible.
Next Pitch
I have 50 hours of film regarding a 4 month
journey into and with Native
American/Canadian reservations, leaders, chiefs
educators, writers, sacred ceremonies, eg
Sundance Porcupine Pine Ridge Sth Dakota.
Tribal peace police, A Canoe Peace River Journey,
Music Dance and Sacred Sites.
Incorporating/ Cree/Crow/Lakota/Cherokee
Arapaho and many Peace World Peace Keepers.
To do this journey I studied with Native
American and Indigenous Aboriginal Elders for
over 8 years. I earned their total trust. What I
want to do with this film/series is to show the
beauty, issues, reality of the Land and its people.
I need to edit the 50 hours of film I have.
An extra 10 hours of film I also have is available
of 12 hours of non stop music by Indigenous
musicians with their own personal messages for
This extra 10 hours of film also needs to be
Next Pitch
I also have 1 hour of film of my partner
Adnaymathana Senior, Songman and soon to be
Elder, known as the “King” of his people in SA. I
have discussed with him a possibility to do more
stories and filming he is ready and willing to do a
documentary film in an 8 part series each lasting
25mins or more.
This series would incorporate, Stories and Songs
of his people, his land, his music today, his
journey into the far corners of Australia building
roads, his birth place and his family history
recorded by the SA Historical Society, his family,
friends and his ideas and visions for the future.
For now I am withholding his name for his
This pitch would require more film and funding
to complete.
Next Original Pitch
At present I have just completed writing a 2 hour
Aboriginal Musical Script for the World Stage. It
was written to help showcase our amazing
Indigenous talent here in Australia. To employ
Aboriginal People and Communities and
implement Aboriginal youth programs, in the
We are currently looking for Producers for this
Script called The 13th Dreamwarrior.
This original script is supported by and
showcases many of our Indigenous Leaders.
Please ask for the Synopsis and Script if you are
interested in investing or Producing this Script.
I especially encourage Aboriginal Producers,
Dancers, Artists to get on board.
Our Funding for this is Total funding required for
this is
First Round of funding is $44,750
To pay for 40 invited People to read script and
brainstorm at a retreat centre in Dorrigo NSW
for 8 days.
Second Round is for $350,000
To begin All Set, Costume Designs, Websites and
Advertising, as well as Script Offers, Artists,
musicians, contracts etc
Third Round Funding for the use of 10 weeks of
rehersals and all the rest of pre production and
production costs.
$1.350 Million
Please be advised by our accountants of offers
and contracts available for investors and
Last Pitch
A short modern contemporary stage play/film
drama based in the Kimberly.
A love story, a triangle, between a White Woman
and an Aboriginal man.
3 months full time to write this play/film script
Funding for this
If any of the above Stage Plays/Film Pitches
interest you please don’t hesitate to call Deb
Hilton of Community Solutions Hervey Bay.
Thank you all for your time and interest.
Yours Faithfully
Lynne Sealotus Edmondson
Artist/ Healer/Writer/Teacher/Peace Keeper
Ph 0427248242
Deb Hilton
Community Solutions
Job Network
Hervey Bay Qld.