BIL108E –MATLAB GROUP PROJECT (Due Date: 23.04.2012 until 18.00) 1. Write a function m-file ‘prime.m’ which takes one argument and returns 1 if it is a prime number, returns 0 if it is not. Then write another function m-file which takes two inputs and calculates the number of prime numbers between them by calling the prime function above. 2. Create a “number guess game”. The program firstly generates a random number between 0 and 100. User will try to guess this random number. Program will guide the user by “enter a greater number” or “enter a smaller number”. Constrain the guess option as 6. At the end, give real result. 3. Select an engineering problem related to the subject of your department and solve it by using MATLAB. Report “what kinds of problems are solved by utilizing MATLAB in your department?”. Note: A group should include at most three members. It is enough to upload the file to Ninova system by a member of the groups. But “.rar” file should contain .doc file which includes names of group members. Document type: o Add m-files to “.rar file”. o Add .doc which includes names of group members to “.rar file”. o Insert the answer of question 3 (.doc) into this file. o Upload the “.rar” file to Ninova.