1103_013 RAR Compliance Services Sell Sheet.indd

PMS 288 Blue or CMYK = C100-M85-Y0-C43
PMS 1255 Ochre / Yellow or CMYK = C0-M35-Y85-C30
Revenue Agent’s Report (RAR)
Compliance Services
The Federal Revenue Agent’s Report (RAR) provides an excellent opportunity for
companies to evaluate their past state and local tax returns for overpayments and missed
credit opportunities. However, the administrative and compliance requirements for filing
amended returns can present a significant challenge for the tax department.
Ryan’s RAR Compliance Services help clients overcome the challenges of managing
increased compliance requirements and reduced resources. Our seasoned State Income
and Franchise Tax professionals accurately amend state and local income tax filings to
address jurisdictional requirements. We examine our clients’ federal audit reports to
proactively identify opportunities to minimize their tax liabilities. We ensure that all returns
are statutorily accurate and include the necessary forms and documentation required by
the taxing jurisdiction. And, we provide added value and expertise by sharing knowledge
and best practices for total tax performance.
Comprehensive RAR Review, Compliance, and Planning Services
Ryan will ensure that clients take full advantage of state and local tax savings
opportunities resulting from a federal income tax audit by providing a suite of RAR
compliance and planning services that include:
Review and strategic planning
Ryan’s RAR amended return and review process identifies refund opportunities and
areas of potential exposure. In many cases, the savings identified actually offset the
cost of Ryan’s compliance solutions. Throughout the entire review process, our clients
are informed of their eligibility for any state or local amnesty or voluntary compliance
initiatives that further reduce interest and/or penalties.
Compliance management, return preparation, and filing
We provide return preparation services that leverage state-of-the-art software to produce
thorough, timely, and accurate amended state and local filings, as well as a complete
compliance package for current and subsequent audit cycles. We substantiate all filing
positions and comprehensively manage the amended returns through the approval process.
Revenue Agent’s Report
State RAR
State Income
and Franchise
Tax Review and
Planning Strategies
Amended RAR Return
with Tax Savings
Ryan’s RAR Compliance Services are most
valuable if an engagement commences at least
90 days prior to closure of the RAR because of
time-sensitive statutory requirements.
Ryan delivers tremendous value
through an integrated approach that
combines RAR compliance and state
income and franchise tax reviews for
prior, current, and future periods to
ensure maximum savings.
Tax minimization strategies
We convey a strategic vision of how the RAR will impact our clients and identify
opportunities for future tax minimization. Our professionals provide innovative tax
planning strategies for reducing tax liabilities and identifying alternative filing positions
through a suite of custom solutions developed to address our client’s unique business
environment. Additionally, we can deliver even greater value when combining our RAR
review with a comprehensive state income and franchise tax review, ensuring that every
tax savings opportunity is identified and recovered.
For additional information,
please call 800.545.1856 or
visit us at www.ryan.com.
© 2011 Ryan, LLC. All rights reserved.