Orientation Handbook for New Teachers

Institute of Business Administration, Karachi
Table of contents
History of I BA ................................................................................................................................. 4
The IBA Philosophy ......................................................................................................................... 5
IBA Faculty ............................................................. ........................................................................ 6
Strategic Direction for I BA ............................................................................................................. 7
Programs of Study .............................. ............................................................................................. 8
Points of Contact .............................................................................................................................. 9
Chairpersons ................................................................................................................................. 9
Associate Deans & Registrar IBA ................................................................................................ 9
Other important points of Contacts............................................................................................... 9
Introduction Fascinator ..................................................................... ........................................ 10
Starting out ................................................................................................................................. .10
H R Procedures................................ .......................................................................................... 11
Library Account ........................................................................................................................ 11
M IS/CMS ................................................................................................................................ 11
Other Services ............................................................................................................................ .11
Things to Know for Teachers .......................................................................................... ............. .12
Strategic Vision of the I BA ......................... ................................................................................. 12
Core Values............................................................................................................................... 12
Teaching Load ............................................................................................................................ 12
Assisting Co-Teach i ng a course ............................................................................................... 12
Course Material and outlines ...................................................................................................... 12
Attendance Registers .................................................................................................................. 13
Students Grades ......................................................................................................................... .13
Campus Management System .................................................................................................... 13
Email .................................................................................................................................. ...... 14
Course Folders ........................................................................................................................... .14
Performance Management ......................................................................................................... .14
Leave Rules - Medical Facilities & Security Matters: ................................................................ 14
Research Career Development .................................................................................................. .14
Services for the Department and I BA ....................................................................................... .15
Meetings ................................................................................................................................... 15
Other Sources of Information ..................................................................................................... 15
Append ix...................................................................................................................................... 16
History of IBA
IBA is the oldest business school outside North America. It was established in 1955 with initial
technical support provided by the world famous Wharton School of Finance, University of
Pennsylvania; later, the University of Southern California set up various facilities at the Institute and
several prominent. American professors were assigned to the IBA. The course contents, the curriculum,
the pedagogical tools and the assessment and testing methods were developed under the guidance of
reputed scholars from these two institutions. IBA has jealously guarded the high standards and academic
traditions it had inherited from Wharton and USC while adapting and adjusting them with the passage of
time. A large number of Pakistani faculty members received advanced degrees from Wharton and the
University of Southern California.
Till 1994, the University of Karachi awarded degrees to the graduates. In that year the Sindh Assembly
elevated the Institute's status to that of a degree-awarding institution. In spite of a rapid increase in the
number of business schools, the IBA has maintained its position as the premier institution of higher
learning in the field of management and business administration.
The Center for Computer Studies was established in 1983 with the collaboration of IBM, Pakistan. It
initially offered a diploma in system analysis to overcome a shortage of software professionals in the
country. It now offers BBA (MIS), MBA (MIS) and BS (Computer Science, Software Engineering, and
Information Technology), MS (Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Information Technology)
and PhD programs. The .PhD degree is being offered in the areas of Computer Science and Engineering
(CSE), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Operations Research, Artificial Intelligence,
Cryptography, Numerical Analysis and Numerical Computing. In addition a PhD program in
MIS/Computer Science and Engineering/ICT has been launched from August 2005.
The Center for Executive Education offers Executive MBA programs for mid level public sector, nonprofit sector and private sector executives, organizes customized courses for the corporate clients and
holds short courses on emerging issues and themes for those engaged in business. A new Center for
Entrepreneurial Development is being established and will become fully functional in 2010.
The IBA Philosophy
The recurrent theme of the 50 years of IBA's existence is that business education should be rigorous but
also relevant and looking to the future. The IBA provides an enabling environment, conducive to
scholarship and research. The faculty, staff, students, alumni and members of the industry work together
to achieve learning goals. Students acquire knowledge and skills through constructive and distinctive
processes that encourage them to develop understanding of business concepts and issues, think
independently and to make rational choices. They are encouraged to take responsibility for their own
learning, to become active participants and leaders, and to apply their knowledge in real-world context.
The IBA programs are designed to provide world-class professional managers and entrepreneurs for the
business and industry in Pakistan.
IBA Faculty
IBA has 80 full time and 85 part time and visiting faculty members teaching courses in Management,
Marketing, HR, Strategy, Finance, Economics, Quantitative Methods, Organizational Behavior,
Computer Sciences, Ethics, Social Sciences, Chinese, Arabic. The faculty is drawn from two streams i.e.
academic and practice. Academic faculty mostly consists of those holding Doctorate or Master's degrees
from well reputed universities while the faculty in practice draws upon the large reservoirs of top
leaders, chief executives, senior managers who are and have been associated with the corporate sector.
This blend of faculty ensures academic rigor as well as practical relevance in the design and delivery of
courses at the IBA. Academic faculty members are engaged in research and writing professional papers,
advising companies and organizing training courses for the industry, public sector etc. A variety of
pedagogical tools is deployed at the Institute ranging from lectures, class participation, case studies,
research reports, company visits to equip the students.
Strategic Direction for IBA
Having realized that it can no longer thrive on its past laurels and has to adapt itself to the changing
market demands IBA has embarked upon an ambitious five year strategic plan with the objective to
become one of the top 100 global business schools and one of the top 10 regional business schools. It
has benchmarked itself against a few chosen business schools in India, Singapore, China, Hong Kong
and Turkey. The four pillars of this strategy are
Investment in physical infrastructure Faculty Development
Technology up gradation
Community outreach and links to industry
IBA is exploring collaborative partnerships, alliances and exchange programs with the top business
schools. Generous financial supports from HEC, foundations, private sector have been obtained to
implement this plan in the next five years. IBA has recently become the first institution in Pakistan to
become partner of CFA Institute, SAP University alliance and other such ventures. Seeking
accreditation to the Asian, European and US bodies are part of the plan. The management is seeking
other avenues of collaboration with the Universities and B-schools in Asia.
Programs of Study
The IBA offers full-time business programs both at the Main and City Campus. It also offers a variety of
part-time programs at the City Campus in the evenings. It is not uncommon to find entrepreneurs,
practicing managers, government employees and technocrats all attending this programs. The diversity
in their work backgrounds makes interaction, inside as well as outside the class, a rich and educational
experience. Specialized executive education programs are conducted by the newly established Center for
Executive Education (IBACEE) for professionals from the corporate world.
The Master's Program offers specialization in the fields of Management, Human Resource Management,
Finance, Banking, Marketing and Management Information Systems.
The programs of the study are as follows:
Doctor of Philosophy - Ph.D
Master of Business Administration - MBA (Morning Program)
Master of Business Administration - MBA (Evening Program)
Executive MBA - Banking & Financial Services
Master of Science - MS (Computer Science. Information Technology. Software Engineering)
(Evening Programs)
Master of Science - MS - Economics Program (Evening Program)
Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA (Morning Program)
Bachelor of Science - BS (Computer Science. Information Technology. Software Engineering)
(Morning Programs)
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration - POD (Evening Program)
Certificate Courses (Evening Program)
Visiting Students Program (Evening Program)
Executive Education: including a wide variety of Master, Diploma and Certificate courses.
Points of Contact
After going through the Human Resource Department a meeting will be set with your concerned
chairpersons of the department. In this meeting you will be acquainted with the general practices of the
IBA and the courses that you are expected to teach. The following are the chairpersons of the different
academic departments of the IBA
Management: Dr. Shahid Mir
Marketing: Mr. Yasmeen Zafar
Economics and Finance: Dr. Naveed Ahmed
Accounting and Low: Mr. Rustam B. Kavasji
Social Sciences: Dr. Huma Baqai
Associate Dean Faculty of Computer Sciences: Sayeed Ghani
Associate Deans & Registrar IBA
You should also be in contact with the following:
Dr. M Nishat: Associate Dean Faculty of Business Administration
Dr. Saeed Ghani: Associate Dean Faculty of Computer Sciences
Capt. (Retired) P.N. Ahmed Zaheer Registrar IBA
Other Important Points of Contact
 Mr. Mobin Khalili ,Controller of Examination
Ms Ayesha Meenai, Director Human Resource
Mr Saleem Umar , Director Banking & Finance Program
Mr Shahid Zaki, Director Executive MBA Program
Mr. Izhar M Hussain Director CEE
Mr Aman U Saiyed, Director BBA Morning Program
Dr. Zaheeruddin Asif, Director Computer Sciences Programs
Mr. Abdul Wajid Khan, Director MBA Evening Program
Mr. Manoj Babulal, Program Manager Main Campus
Mr. Mirza Noman Shah, Program Manager City Campus
Mr. Akmal Program Manager, CCS City Campus
Mr. Shafi Program Manager, Evening Program
Mr. S.M. Saeed Students Counsellor
Mr. Ghufran, Chief Librarian
Dr. Waseem, Incharge Accretion
Induction Facilitator
This person is a full time faculty member (preferably from the same gender as that of new faculty)of the
same department which the Faculty has joined. Facilitator would be responsible to his/her Chairperson
and new teacher for satisfactory orientation of the new faculty. He/she will guide the inductee about the
Rules, Procedures, Work Ethics and Culture of the IBA.
The Chairperson of the Department will nominate the induction facilitator.
IBA is moving very fast to a paperless Organization. It has placed all vital Information on IBA Portal
which is kept updated by competent staff. Facilitator should have tour of IBA Portal with new Faculty
and advise him/her to navigate through contents of portal on his/her own.
After navigating process is completed by the Inductee his/her Facilitator will take him/her on a tour of
both the campuses and introduce him/her to the various concerned persons with whom he/ she has to
liaise regularly in connection with Professional Obligations. Since IBA functions from two campuses it
is important, for the Inductee to know his/her driving routes to both campuses and while at campus
identify the location of the library photocopiers, faculty room, computers labs, Canteen and rest rooms.
The Chairperson of the Department will nominate an induction facilitator.
Starting out
Please Contact the following persons for understanding of Relevant Rules & Procedures
Room Allocation/Business Cards/Telephone Extension/Stationary/Attendance Procedure/Security
Ms. Ghulam Fatima, Faculty Coordinator Main Campus
Captain Ahmed Zaheer, Registrar or his nominee
HR Procedures
The remaining steps related to joining procedures will be handled by the HR Department. Contact Ms
Ayesha Meenai, Director HR or her nominee for the purpose.
Library Account
Mr. Ghufran, Librarian or Ms Sumaria Gul Deputy Librarian. (LMS form Appendix l) at Main Campus
Mr Abrar Ahmad Deputy Librarian City Campus Library
The MIS Department will activate your email account as well as the Campus Management System
Account. The Campus Management Systems is used to upload course outlines maintain student records.
They are also responsible for issuance of laptop
(Appendix 2 for Details)
Incharge Helpdesk Main Campus
Incharge Help Desk City Campus
Mr. Faisal Zia Networks Manager
Mr. Imran Batada, Manager MIS
Dr. Arshad Siddiqui, Director IT
Other Services
A detailed contact list for Main & City Campus is attached as appendix (Appendix 3)
Things to Know for Teachers
Strategic Vision of the IBA
The vision of Dean and Director is that IBA becomes a top 100 Business School in the world and top 10
in the region. All members of the IBA are playing their part in realizing this vision. All non PhD
teachers are fully funded for their PhD if they are able to get admission in the top 50 business schools or
computer science program IBA of the world. Please see the Strategy Paper (Appendix 4)
Core Values
IBA is known for its Core Values of Merit, Discipline, Integrity, Humility, Creativity, Truth and
Tolerance. These are cherished assets of IBA. All Students and Staff Members of IBA are expected to
adhere to these Core Values.
Teaching Load
At the Institute of Business Administration Karachi as a full time Faculty Member your core
responsibility is teaching. All Regular Teachers are required to teach 4 courses. One course exemption is
given to faculty members who are carrying out research or some administrative work however this is
with the permission of the Director
Each regular class is of 75 minutes twice a week. You may be allocated a course at both campuses.
Other than the classes hours all faculty members are required to put in as many hours of counseling as
the teaching hours. The students should be informed of the timings and the faculty members are
supposed to be physically present in the campus that they are conducting the course. A faculty member
may also be assigned evening classes in any semester.
Assisting / Co-Teaching a course
This is a form of on the job training especially for young teachers who do not have any teaching
experience at University level. They are attached with a senior faculty member for a period of 6 months
- one year in which they learn pedagogical tools, methods of handling the class and hone their skills in
other areas. Periodically teachers are assigned to co-teach a course similar to the seminar format.
Course Material and Outlines
All the teachers teaching the same course to different sections are required to make a common course
outline and regularly meet before each term exam to discuss the progress. All Teachers may to submit
questions to a common database from which teachers may to make their term and final exams. 70% of
the exam may to be made from this data bank which is maintained by the chairperson of the department.
Each course will have a course lead assigned by the Chairperson to facilitate coordination amongst
Attendance Registers
Punctuality and Regularity are a hallmark of spirit of IBA. In case of a regular session of 28 classes only
4 absences are allowed. In case of a 5th absence the student automatically gets an F in the course.
Attendance exemptions up to 7 absences are allowed only by the approval of the director if the student is
representing the IBA at some national or international event. Attendance has to be taken at the beginning
of the class and a student is deemed absent event if he/she is late by a minute after the bell. A students'
presence is marked by a dot (.) and absence by an "A". Attendance registers are provided by the
concerned program offices
Students Grades
IBA follows the semester system of evaluating students which means that the student’s final grade does
not depend on one final exam. It is a continuous process of evaluation which takes into account the
students performance in mid terms finals, assignments, quizzes, presentation, class participation and
research projects.
The typical grading scheme is as follow
Midterm 40% (2 mid-terms)
Quizzes/Assignments/Class Participation 20%
Final 40 %
However the faculty is allowed to make changes in above if required.
All teachers teaching the same course may to have a uniform marking scheme
The exam papers have to be submitted to the controller of Examinations two working days in advance.
The marked copies of all exams have to be shown to the students however the showing the script of
Final exams is optional. The time limits for the submissions of results to the concerned program offices
are intimidated to teacher but usually it is 1 week- 10 days. All teachers should develop a solution and
marking scheme as this is a requirement of the Course Folder which is discussed later.
The grades have to be maintained regularly on the CMS Campus Management System.
The grading scheme of the IBA is also very different from other universities. Please see page 58 of the
program announcement for details.
Campus Management System
This portal is for teachers to upload their course outlines, maintain marks and complete record of
students' grades. You may keep a manual register for your own convenience but all official grades of
students have to enter through the CMS which the student can see. Please read CMS instructions for
further details CMS has now been replaced by ERP system, and further more the instructions need to be
put here or attached as an appendix
After obtaining the IBA email ID it is very important to regularly use this email as all departmental or
institutional communication is primarily sent through email
Course Folders
Teachers have to maintain a course folder for each section that he or she teaches. This course folder
among other things contain the course outlines, class notes etc ( see the Appendix 5 course folder
instructions) Make sure that three quizzes, assignments and exams are photocopied and attached in the
file. (One best one worst and one average)HEC Prof Dr. Waseem or his nominee would explain the
Process of Course Audit.
Performance Management
IBA has a formal performance management system and it becomes applicable to a new faculty member
after a year. The performance management is based on Instructional development, research work and
services to the department and IBA (Please see Appendix 6 performance Management form). It is
advised that the new inductee go through this form so he or she has a clear idea about what is expected
of a teacher at the IBA.H. R. Dept would explain the process.
Leave Rules - Medical Facilities & Security Matters:
Faculty members are entitled to 30 days of earned leaves however there are no casual leaves. If a teacher
is not able to take a class due to any emergency he/she is required to inform the concerned program
officer, Chairperson/ Asst. to Chairperson, as early as possible and arrange for makeup.
IBA has standing Panel Hospitals for attending to emergencies at campus and for indoor treatment of
Staff after they have completed certain procedural requirements.
Irrespective of the status of employees, IBA attaches great importance to personal security of its staff
and assets made available to them for optimizing their performance. IBA has framed Security
Procedures for that purpose which needs to be fully understood and diligently followed.
Registrar IBA or his nominee would explain the process under this topic. The Faculty Hand book is to
contain all relevant details, so as to act as a complete reference to the faculty members, therefore the
procedures should be put in the document
(For leave rules see Appendix 7 for details)
Research & Career Development
Faculty members are encouraged to participate in writing research papers and case studies. They are also
encouraged to conduct workshops through the Centre for Executive Education and undertake projects
through the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development. The follow are the contact persons to the above
mentioned activities
Dr. Qazi Masood Ahmed, Director for Research in Business and Economics
Mr Mirza Izhar Hussain, Director Centre for Executive Education
Mr. Zafar Ahmed Siddiqi, Director Centre for Entrepreneurship Development.
Services for the Department and IBA
Since faculty is the core departments of the IBA faculty members are encouraged to volunteer their
services for the department and the IBA. Many faculty members are Patrons of Student societies.
Faculty members serve as members of various committees such as the library committee, the scholarship
committee, program announcement committee etc. They are also expected to be Mentors of a certain
number of students assigned to them. This needs to be further explained
Faculty members are required to attend various meetings throughout the semester. These may be faculty
meetings, Departmental meetings or a meeting called by the chair of the committee you are serving in as
well as meetings with Dean and Director IBA.
Other Sources of Information
Please go through the IBA portal (http://iba/) which is available at the two campuses only this has links
to the email, cms and online databases. It also has all relevant form and announcements regarding
activities at the IBA.
Also be acquainted with the IBA website www.iba.edu.pk
A copy of the program announcement is also provided with this handbook which will further give the
new faculty member the idea about values and practices at the IBA.
Appendix 1 Campus Management System (CMS ) Details and Instructions MIS forms
Appendix 2 Library Management System(LMS) Form
Appendix 3 Detailed Telephone Directory
Appendix 4 Strategic Vision of the IBA
Appendix 5 Course Folder Instructions
Appendix 6 Performance Management Form
Appendix 7 Leave Rules
Appendix 8 Program Announcement
Additional comments
The objective of the faculty handbook is to act as a single source reference for all matters relating to the
members of the faculty
The orientation booklet is a kind of an introductory document and therefore can be made in the form of a
short concise booklet, the faculty handbook is to contain all relevan details
The following material and items should also be included which are present in the IBA staff and faculty
handbook( given on IBA portal)