The Centre for Arts, Media & Technology @ St. Patrick Catholic


The Centre for Arts, Media & Technology

@ St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School

Important Dates:

 Applications Due: December 5,2012.

 Dance Workshops: Monday, January 28, 2013.

 Drama Workshops: Thursday, January 31, 2013.

 Visual Arts Workshop: Wednesday, January 30, 2013.

 Instrumental Music Auditions: Tuesday, January 29, 2013.

 Guitar Auditions: Tuesday, January 29, 2013.

 Acceptance Letters Mailed: Friday, February 8, 2013.

 Registration Packages Mailed: February 19-22, 2013.

 Registration Evening: Tuesday, March 5, 2013. (5:30-8:00)

Contacts: Marketing and Promotions- Mr. Jeffrey Mayne

Telephone: 416-393-5546 Voice mail: 81234 e-mail:

Head of Arts - Mr. Vaughn Perusse

Telephone: 416-393-5546 Voice mail: 81243 e-mail:

Guidance Counsellor - Ms. Susan Kacala-Blinco

Telephone: 416-393-5546 Voice mail: 81227 e-mail:


The Centre for Arts, Media & Technology

@ St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School


Dance, Drama and Visual Arts

Each student interested in attending the Arts Program at St. Patrick Catholic Secondary

School is required to attend a workshop in January, 2013. Each workshop consists of a group activity and a short interview.


Instrumental Music and Guitar

Instrumental Music and Guitar will hold individual auditions January, 2013. Each student will be required to play scales on their instrument, play a prepared music piece (student’s choice) and play an unprepared (sight reading) music piece provided by the music teachers.

Workshop Registration Form

Please complete the information below and return this form with your Centre for the Arts Application. Place the number 1 next to your first choice and number 2 next to your second choice. Applicants need only to audition for their first choice.

Name of Student: ____________________________________

Telephone Number: __________________________________

 Dance Workshop

 Drama Workshop

 Visual Arts Workshop

 Instrumental Music

 Guitar


The Centre for Arts, Media & Technology

@ St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School

Application for Audition - 2013

Program Selection *Please select Two areas. Use the #1 for first choice and #2 for second choice.

 Dance

 Music Guitar

 Drama

 Music Band

 Visual Art

Indicate Instrument: ________________________

Surname: __________________________ First Name: __________________________

Home Address: __________________________________________ Apt. # ________________

City: __________________________ Province: _________ Postal Code: ____________

Home Telephone: _________________________ Present Grade: _________

Date of Birth: __________________  Female  Male

Month Day Year

Current School: _________________________ School Phone: _______________

Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________________________

Parent Work # ___________________ Parent Cell# ________________________

Parent/Guardian e-mail address ________________________________________

__________________________________ _______________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature


The Centre for Arts, Media & Technology

@ St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School

Student Questionnaire


Why do you want to attend the Centre for Arts?










Have you taken private lessons in your area of interest? 


no a.

If yes, list the dates and names of the schools or studios where you have taken formal private lessons.








____________________________________________________________________ b.

If no, list the activities in which you have been involved that pertain to your area of interest.








Continued on reverse ……….



Describe the public performances or art exhibitions in which you have participated.










How will you contribute to the school life at St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School?










Student Signature




All of the above information must be received in order for the audition appointment to be scheduled. All application material becomes the property of The Centre for Arts, Media and

Technology @ St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School. The decision of the adjudicating panel is final.


The Centre for Arts, Media & Technology

@ St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School

School Referral Form

Your classroom teacher is requested to complete and forward this form in a sealed envelope directly to:

The Application and Audition Committee

The Centre for Arts, Media and Technology @

St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School c/o Jeffrey Mayne

Applicant’s Surname: ________________________ First Name: ____________

Current School: ___________________________ School Phone #: _____________

Completed by: __________________________ Position: ___________________

The student is applying to: (please check two)

 Dance  Dramatic Arts  Visual Art  Music Band  Guitar

Attribute Low Average High

Attendance and punctuality

Academic ability

Academic Effort

Attitude toward school

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Adaptability to change in situations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Leadership Potential 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Degree of Commitment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ability to accept constructive criticism 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Continued on reverse …



Please indicate why you feel this candidate should be considered for the

Centre for Arts at St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School?










Describe any concerns (academic, emotional, physical or medical) that you have for this student.










What support would you anticipate this student may require as an Arts student?









Thank you for your assistance with our application process.


The Centre for Arts, Media & Technology

@ St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School


Include this checklist (page 8) with your application.

Please verify that the following information is enclosed:

Completed Workshop Registration Form (page 2)

Completed Application for Audition Form (page 3)

Completed Student Questionnaire (pages 4-5)

Completed School Referral Form (pages 6-7)

- Enclosed

- Mailed Under Separate Cover


Additional Arts Reference Letter

Photocopy of grade 8 Progress Report

All of the above information must be received in order for an audition appointment to be scheduled. All application material becomes the property of

The Centre for Arts, Media & Technology @ St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School.

The decision of the adjudicating panel is final.

