
Auxiliary Material for
The nexus between atmospheric rivers and extreme precipitation across Europe (MS#
David A. Lavers, IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa,
Gabriele Villarini, IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa,
Geophysical Research Letters, 2013
This data set contains two figures. Supplementary Figure 1 contains the composite mean AR
storm total precipitation in 5-degree latitude bins (Units are mm.) corresponding to the mean sea
level pressure (MSLP) patterns presented in Manuscript Figure 4. The data were daily observed
gauge-based precipitation produced by the ENSEMBLES project [Hewitt and Griggs, 2004;
Haylock et al., 2008] at a 0.25° × 0.25° resolution across Europe (E-OBS version 7.0 data set).
Supplementary Figure 2 contains the composite standard deviation of MSLP anomaly patterns
(for the lifetime of the ARs) presented in Manuscript Figure 4. (Units are hPa.). The MSLP data
were retrieved from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
ERA-Interim (ERAIN) reanalysis at a 0.7°×0.7° resolution over 1979–2011 [Dee et al., 2011].
The composite mean AR storm total precipitation in 5-degree latitude bins. (Units are
mm.) In 35°N–40°N there were 36 events, in 40°N–45°N 48 events, in 45°N–50°N 107 events,
in 50°N–55°N 89 events, in 55°N–60°N 66 events, in 60°N–65°N 53 events and in 65°N–70°N
33 events.
The composite standard deviation of MSLP anomaly patterns (for the lifetime of the
ARs) in 5-degree latitude bins. (Units are hPa.) In 35°N–40°N there were 36 events, in 40°N–
45°N 48 events, in 45°N–50°N 107 events, in 50°N–55°N 89 events, in 55°N–60°N 66 events, in
60°N–65°N 53 events and in 65°N–70°N 33 events.
Dee, D. P., et al., (2011), The ERA-Interim reanalysis: configuration and performance of the data
assimilation system, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 137(656), 553-597.
Haylock, M.R., et al., (2008), European daily high-resolution gridded dataset of surface
temperature and precipitation. J. Geophys. Res., 113, d20119, doi:10.1029/2008JD010201.
Hewitt, C. D. and D. J. Griggs (2004), Ensembles-based predictions of climate changes and their
impacts. Eos Trans. AGU, 85, doi:10.1029/2004EO520005.