Day One India, South Asia Hindu extremists brutally attacked a large

Day One
India, South Asia
Hindu extremists brutally attacked a large Christian family in their home as they had their
devotions. The assailants wounded the entire family, injuring five of them critically. One of
the victims said, “When I asked them why they were beating us, they said that they didn’t
want us to pray and sing Christian hymns. According to them, it was not good for the
village community. The beating and abusing went on for nearly one hour.” Praise God for
sparing the lives of the Christian family. Pray for their physical and emotional recovery.
Pray that the Indian government prosecutes those responsible for the attack. Ask the Lord
to protect His Church in India from violence and persecution (The Bible, Jeremiah 20:11).
Mauritania, North Africa
Mauritania is one of the poorest countries in the world and it is plagued by endemic
slavery. About fifteen percent of the population is held in slavery. Pray for the victims who
are born slaves, property of their masters, working without salary, and sexually abused. Pray
for God's peace to be on them. Pray that the government will work to bring justice to those
suffering (The Bible, Colossians 4:1).
Day Two
Sudan, North Africa
The government of Sudan has done very little to protect the lives of the people living in
Darfur. Whole villages have been completely destroyed by government troops. Some towns
have been burned to the ground and villagers killed. Pray that the government of Sudan
will know their guilt and repent of the crimes committed against these people. Pray for the
villagers who live in fear to have peace and to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray
that life will be viewed as valuable (The Bible, Deuteronomy 30:19-20).
South Sudan, North Africa
South Sudan has been going through years of violence. There are still struggles with Sudan,
in the north, over oil and oil pipelines. Northeast of Juba, the capital of South Sudan, is a
state called Jonglei. Here, violence has increased and people had to flee their homes. Pray
for the end of violence. Pray for medical care, food, clean water, and farming supplies to
get into the hands of the people (The Bible, Matthew 5:38-39).
Afghanistan, South Asia
In the past two years, radicals beheaded dozens of people, claiming they were spies. Many
of the victims were children. Recently, Taliban fighters beheaded two boys, ages 10 and 16,
as they were returning home from a government checkpoint. The boys were at the
checkpoint “scrounging for food to bring to their families.” The chief of the Zhari district,
Jamal Agh, said, “Both of them were innocent children and had nothing to do with
government or foreigners.” Ask God to comfort the boys’ families as they grieve. Ask the
Lord to protect Afghani children from extremist violence. Pray for the attackers to be
brought to justice (The Bible, Proverbs 21:15).
Day Three
Kuwait, Arabian Peninsula
In Kuwait there are a group of people called Bidoon, or "without." They are treated as
second-class citizens. Even though most of them have lived in Kuwait for generations, the
government has not allowed them to have citizenship, passports, and other basic rights
offered to other Kuwaitis. Pray for the Bidoon who feel they are being treated unfairly. Pray
for peace to come on them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (The Bible, Isaiah 53:4-5).
Bangladesh, South Asia
A large mob of Muslim radicals attacked a seminary in Dinajpur, injuring the rector and
several students. The attackers blocked the exits and beat the students with “violence and
brutality.” Earlier, the same group of Muslim extremists raided a mostly Christian village
nearby. They stole livestock, food, and possessions while threatening to burn down homes.
Pray for the government to arrest and prosecute the Muslim radicals responsible for both
assaults. Ask the Lord to heal the rector and students from their injuries. Pray for
Bangladeshi Christian Believers to share the Gospel in their communities (The Bible,
Matthew 5:12).
Day Four
Japan, East Asia
According to a National Police Agency report, the number of human trafficking cases in
Japan rose dramatically last year. However, critics estimate the figures are higher because
the police did not include the many young girls forced to work in the adult industry.
Polaris Project Japan said the government makes “little or no effort to proactively identify
trafficking victims.” Pray for the Japanese government to enact tougher anti-trafficking
legislation. Pray for the freedom of the many young women trapped in the adult industry.
Pray for the Japanese Church to minister to these young girls and share the Gospel with
them (The Bible, Psalm 119:45).
Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
Education experts believe Guinea-Bissau’s children lack quality education because of the
nation’s political instability. The government spends only eleven percent of its budget on
education. In addition, teachers frequently go on strikes due to the government’s
unwillingness to pay them. Armando Correia Landim, leader of Guinea-Bissau’s parents’
association, said, “Schools are in a deplorable state; there are no desks; roofs are in
disrepair and children cannot learn during the rainy season.” Pray for political stability in
Guinea-Bissau. Pray for the government to increase its education budget. Pray for children
in Guinea-Bissau to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ (The Bible, John 3:16).
Day Five
Bhutan, South Asia
Although the Bhutanese government pursues “Gross National Happiness,” social worker
Jigme Wangchuk said, “We can see the people are not happy. We are facing so many
challenges, where many people are suffering.” Those “challenges” include drug abuse,
alcoholism, an increasing crime rate, and unemployment. Pray for the people of Bhutan to
find their happiness in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for an end to addiction
and unemployment. Pray for Bhutanese Christian Believers to boldly share their faith with
family, friends, and coworkers (The Bible, Psalm 34:8).
Saudi Arabia, Arabian Peninsula
Saudi Arabia has many Islamic tourists during Ramadan and the Hajj. These tourists visit
Mecca and Medina to see two of the most holy sites in Islam. But there is a new SARS-like
virus that has hit the Middle East and especially Saudi Arabia. Health officials fear the
spread of this lethal virus as people from around the world come to Saudi Arabia. Pray
against the spread of this virus, the "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus." Pray
for those in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to come to know the Deliverer and Healer of all
life, Jesus Christ (The Bible, Matthew 8:14-17).
Day Six
Guinea, West Africa
According to Said Djinnit, a United Nations special representative, Guinea’s opposition
party will consider participating in an election if certain requirements are met. The
opposition listed ten conditions, including an investigation into protestors’ deaths and the
compensation of their families. In addition, they requested the reopening of the electoral
list and the review of the list by two impartial authorities. Praise God for communication
between the government and Guinea’s opposition party. Pray for continued progress as the
nation moves toward election. Pray for Guinean Believers to proclaim the Gospel (The
Bible, Mark 16:15).
Thailand, Southeast Asia
According to a new report by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), the government
in Thailand is not doing enough to fight human trafficking. Traffickers sell numerous men
into the fishing industry, where they face hard labor, no pay, and severe abuse. Several men
claimed they saw “a fellow crewmember tortured and executed for trying to escape, as well
as witnessing the murder of at least five other individuals.” Another worker told the EJF
they “witnessed multiple murders and the victims’ bodies being thrown into the sea.” Pray
for the government to crack down on the human trafficking industry. Pray for the
traffickers to be brought to justice. Ask the Lord to rescue the men trafficked into the
fishing industry (The Bible, Psalm 82:3-4).
Day Seven
Niger, West Africa
Four recent attacks raise concern over the escalation of militant Islam in Niger. Growing
fear led authorities to increase security around the capital and Western embassies.
According to the Alliance of Missions and Evangelical Churches in Niger, “The militants’
activity is a global threat that goes beyond Niger. The Church must persevere in teaching
the Good News. It must preach peace and love of neighbor.” Pray for an end to radical
Islam in Niger. Ask the Lord to protect His Church during this time of violence and
upheaval. Pray for Nigerien Christian Believers to continue sharing their faith and
preaching the Gospel of Peace (The Bible, Ephesians 6:15).
Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia
In Naryn, police arrested three members of the Islamic radical group Hizb Ut-Tahrir.
Authorities believe one of the detainees is the leader of the cell. The government charged
them with “inciting religious hatred” and “illegal possession of extremist materials.” In the
past year, the police arrested a number of Hizb Ut-Tahrir members across Kyrgyzstan. Pray
that Islamic extremism does not grow in Kyrgyzstan. Pray for unity among Christian
Believers. Pray for the growth of the Church in Kyrgyzstan (The Bible, Philippians 2:2).
Day Eight
Iran, Middle East
After receiving 50.71% of the vote, cleric Hassan Rouhani won the Iranian presidential
election. In Tehran, crowds celebrated Rouhani’s victory. They chanted, “Long live reform!
Long live Rouhani!” According to the newly elected president, “This victory is a victory for
wisdom, moderation, and maturity over extremism.” Pray for a smooth transition as
Hassan Rouhani takes office. Pray for the new president to be sympathetic to Christian
Believers. Pray for the growth of the Iranian Church (The Bible, Acts 2:47).
Burkina Faso, West Africa
Opposition party members left a parliament meeting “in protest of the creation of a
Senate.” The government wants to establish a Senate with 81 members, 29 of which would
be appointed by President Blaise Compaore. The opposition sees the Senate as a
“backhanded” attempt to keep the ruling party in office. Ask God to give wisdom and
discernment to parliament members as they consider creating a Senate. Pray for peace
between the ruling party and the opposition party. Pray for Christian Believers to make
Jesus Christ known throughout Burkina Faso (The Bible, James 1:5).
Day Nine
Mali, West Africa
The Mali government signed a ceasefire agreement with Tuareg separatist insurgents. The
peace treaty will send government troops into Tuareg-held Kidal and release a large
international aid package. Mali Communication Minister Manga Dembele said, “This
agreement is very important for the future of Mali. It allows for the strengthening of the
Malian state and provides disarmament of rebel groups. This is in the best interest of the
nation.” Praise God for the ceasefire between the Mali government and Tuareg rebels. Pray
for the peace process to continue and for all grievances to be resolved. Pray for leaders of
both sides to believe in Jesus Christ (The Bible, Psalm 34:14).
Azerbaijan, Southwest Asia
Deputy Prime Minister Ali Hasanov said, “Every 8th citizen is a refugee and this is a very
complicated problem.” Azerbaijan has 1.2 million refugees, and the number increases by
10,000 every year. According to Hasanov, the government can “completely take care of” its
refugees. Yet, the displaced long for home and a resolution to the conflict with Armenia.
Praise God for the efforts of the government in Azerbaijan to care for the refugees. Pray for
peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Pray for the Church in Azerbaijan to share the
Gospel with the displaced (The Bible, Luke 10:2).
Day Ten
Benin, West Africa
In Benin City, clashes between rival cults resulted in the deaths of 20 people. Authorities
arrested ten members of the Eiye Confraternity and Black Axe cults. Folounsho Adebanjo,
Edo State Police Commissioner, said, “The killings will stop because our officers are all on
the alert now. All security agencies in the state are concerned.” Pray for an end to the cult
war between Eiye Confraternity and Black Axe. Pray for the government to find and
prosecute those responsible. Pray for the safety of Christian Believers in Benin City (The
Bible, Psalm 4:8).
Indonesia, Southeast Asia
The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a “fatwa” (an Islamic ruling) against
Christian schools in Tegal District. The ruling comes after a number of Muslim families
enrolled their children in the schools because of their high quality of education. The MUI
believes the schools are “morally unsound.” In addition, the government threatened to
close the schools because they don’t teach Islam. Ask the Lord to protect the schools from
attacks and closure. Pray for the Muslim children enrolled in these schools to believe in
Jesus Christ. Pray for Indonesia to become a Christian nation (The Bible, Isaiah 54:17).
Day Eleven
Laos, Southeast Asia
Although the Laos government claims there is freedom of religion, the constant
persecution of Christian Believers indicates there is not. Recently, two separate villages
asked all Believers in their communities to leave immediately and relocate elsewhere. If
they refused to leave, local authorities will threaten them with violence. Pray for village
leaders and government officials in Laos to believe in Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to provide
new homes for the displaced Believers. Pray for the Church in Laos to stand strong against
persecution (The Bible, James 1:12).
Western Sahara, North Africa
The country of Western Sahara has been without clear governmental leadership since
1976. Morocco claims this area as their own territory, while the Polisario Front says they
are the rightful government. The United Nations (UN) has been mediating for years with
very little movement in any direction. Pray for the UN to have wisdom in bringing about
reconciliation. Pray that the people of Western Sahara will have more freedom to know the
Lord Jesus Christ and to call on His Name for salvation (The Bible, Ephesians 2:8-9).
Day Twelve
Egypt, North Africa
Egypt is going through a new revolution. The people again took to the streets to remove
the elected president, Mohammed Morsi. Pray for those in Egypt who are suffering under
great economic hardships and those facing human right violations. Pray that the Egyptian
government would understand how to be trustworthy with the true riches of God's
Kingdom. Pray against an increase of sin and shedding of blood. Pray for peace and justice
in this land (The Bible, Isaiah 59:7-8).
Uzbekistan, Central Asia
Border authorities detained four Christian Believers as they returned home from
Kazakhstan. All four were from “officially registered” Churches. Customs officials seized a
Bible, Christian literature, hymnals, CDs and DVDs, and their personal notebooks. Police
sent the confiscated material to the Committee for Religious Affairs in Tashkent for
“expert analysis.” Pray for the government to stop harassing Christian Believers. Pray for
the “experts” that are “analyzing” the materials to learn about Jesus Christ and accept Him
into their lives. Pray for the Uzbek Church to courageously proclaim the Gospel (The
Bible, Deuteronomy 31:6).
Day Thirteen
Nepal, South Asia
Social workers believe approximately 200,000 Nepalese women and girls work in India’s
sex trade, while traffickers sell around 7,000 more to India each year. According to Rekha
Rana with the Family Planning Association of Nepal, traffickers are usually people whom
women know and trust. Pray for the government to diligently implement trafficking laws.
Ask God to free the hundreds of thousands of trafficked Nepalese women. Pray for the
Nepalese Church to be vocal on this issue. Pray for the Gospel to spread in Nepal (The
Bible, Isaiah 61:1).
United Arab Emirates, Arabian Peninsula
Overall, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a peaceful Islamic nation, a place to do
business, and to enjoy world class shopping. However, the Muslim Brotherhood has been
attempting to attract new members with their more conservative and fundamentalist form
of Islam. Pray against the spread of a more violent form of Islam in the UAE. Pray for the
government to have wisdom in dealing with this issue. Pray for the establishment of a
Church in the UAE (The Bible, Colossians 1:17-20).
Day Fourteen
Albania, Southeast Europe
On June 23rd, Albania held its parliamentary elections. Voters elected Edi Rama, the leader
of the opposition socialist party, as Prime Minister. Rama’s coalition also won a landslide
parliamentary victory, securing 84 out of 140 seats. As a result of the election, Albania has
a better chance of joining the European Union. Pray for a smooth transition of power in
Albania. Pray for Prime Minister Rama and socialist party leaders to believe in Jesus Christ.
Pray for Christian Believers to use the elections as an opportunity to share the Gospel (The
Bible, 1 Timothy 2:1-4).
Morocco, North Africa
The political battle in Morocco is taking a more Islamic stance. A new political party, the
Party of Renaissance and Virtue (PRV), is being formed. This is a Salafist Moroccan
political party. Salafism is known for taking a literal and strict approach to Islam and the
Quran, similar to Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia. Pray for the Church in Morocco to have
greater freedom to express who they are and to have greater influence in the government of
Morocco. Pray against any form of government that would increase persecution of
Christians. Pray for the Church to be the salt of the earth and a bright light for Jesus
Christ (The Bible, Matthew 5:13-16).
Day Fifteen
Iraq, Middle East
In Iraq, there has been an increase of bloodshed. In May, more than 1,000 people were
killed in attacks and that number increases each month. Attacks stem from both Shia and
Sunni Muslims who seek to disrupt each other’s prayer services. These strings of attacks
cause rippling fear across the country. Pray that people will stop this violence that causes
great fear and allow society to live in peace. Pray that the people of Iraq will see the
salvation of God (The Bible, Isaiah 52:10).
Sri Lanka, South Asia
Since January of 2013, there have been 30 attacks on Christian Churches. The National
Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka released a statement saying, “The violence
seems to be organized and orchestrated by two organizations. Hence the violence has
sustainability. Secondly, and most alarmingly, both the extremist violent organizations
seemingly have patronage and support from authorities.” Pray for an end to the violence
against religious minorities in Sri Lanka. Pray that the government will stop supporting
extremist groups. Ask the Lord to shield His Church in Sri Lanka from further violence
and persecution (The Bible, Psalm 3:3).
Day Sixteen
Israel, Middle East
Escalating tensions between Syria and Israel may end the longstanding truce between the
two nations. In order to prevent Hezbollah from acquiring Syrian weapons, Israel struck
Syrian arms convoys three times. After the attack in May, Syrian President Assad
threatened retaliation if it happened again. According to Alon Ben-David with Israel’s
Channel 10, “Assad could turn the civil war into an Arab-Israeli conflict. Both sides could
be dragged into a war they didn’t intend.” Pray for peace in the Middle East. Pray for the
delicate truce between Israel and Syria to stand. Pray for an end to the Syrian civil war (The
Bible, Matthew 5:9).
Tajikistan, Central Asia
According to Child labor expert Jamshed Quddusov, “Tajik law makes no mention of the
terms ‘child labor’ or ‘the worst forms of child labor.’ And since there isn’t the
terminology, there aren’t any approaches to resolving it or to shaping policy.” Pray for the
Tajik government to take the necessary steps to protect its children from harmful labor
practices. Ask the Lord to protect Tajik children from danger, accidents, and abuse. Pray
for the Gospel to spread throughout this Asian nation (The Bible, Matthew 18:10).
Day Seventeen
China, East Asia
Traffickers sell approximately 70,000 Chinese children each year into child labor, marriage,
or prostitution. Sometimes parents buy children if they are struggling with infertility or
wanting a second child. According to China National Radio, hospitals illegally advertise
abandoned babies for sale. Authorities do not investigate illegal trafficking because “some
families are willing to sell their children for money, and don’t report their children
missing.” Pray for Chinese parents to see their children as a blessing. Pray for an end to
child trafficking in China. Pray for the Chinese government to create strong anti-trafficking
legislation (The Bible, Psalm 127:3-5).
Djibouti, East Africa
Authorities raided a meeting of the opposition Union for National Salvation (USN). They
arrested 13 people, including USN President Ahmed Youssouf. The arrest came after
Hassan Omar Mohamed, the Interior Minister of Djibouti, said he wished to disband the
USN because of its anti-government activities. The USN has held protests every Friday
since the disputed parliamentary election. Pray that both parties settle their differences for
the good of Djibouti. Pray for parliament members and opposition members to believe in
Jesus Christ. Pray for the Gospel to spread in this African nation (The Bible, John 6:47).
Day Eighteen
Yemen, Arabian Peninsula
UNICEF, the UN Children's agency, is calling on the Yemeni government to take the
needs of children seriously as they craft laws for their nation. The children of Yemen face
issues of child marriage, underage labor, and lack of education. Pray for the children in
Yemen to be cared for by their families and the governmental structures. Pray for the
children to have their basic human rights met. Pray for the children to have more access to
the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ and come to know Him (The Bible, Matthew
Vietnam, Southeast Asia
In 2012, police rescued approximately 1,200 human trafficking victims. Recently,
authorities arrested six people as they attempted to traffic a woman to Hunan, China. They
received a total sentence of 39 years in prison. Last month, police arrested three people for
selling 11 young girls into Chinese prostitution. Pray for an end to human trafficking in
Vietnam. Pray for the government to tighten security at the Chinese border. Pray for the
freedom of the young women and girls trapped in a life of sexual bondage (The Bible, John
Day Nineteen
Taiwan, East Asia
According to a statement by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan’s “achievements
in preventing and combating human trafficking have been highly recognized by the
international community.” However, human trafficking still exists in Taiwan, mostly in
forced labor and prostitution. Praise God for Taiwan’s willingness to fight human
trafficking. Pray that the government will increase its efforts to completely eliminate
trafficking. Pray for Christian Believers to share the Gospel in their neighborhoods (The
Bible, Acts 4:12).
Bahrain, Arabian Peninsula
Bahrainis, mainly Shiite Muslims, continue to demand more rights. Anti-regime protests
continue despite crackdowns by forces loyal to the Al Khalifa family. Dozens of people
were killed in the crackdown, and the security forces arrested hundreds. Pray for this small
island nation. Pray of the Bahraini Church to shine the light of Jesus Christ even during
this tumultuous time (The Bible, Psalm 27:1).
Day Twenty
Brunei, Southeast Asia
In the past six months, authorities arrested 38 people for drug-related crimes. There were
only 30 total arrests in 2012. The majority of the crimes took place at border posts and
airports. According to the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), “This is a worrying situation
and to address it, border control has become a priority and focus for the NCB.” Pray for an
end to drug trafficking and abuse in Brunei. Pray for Brunei’s drug addicts to find freedom
in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for Christian Believers to minister to those
enslaved by addictions (The Bible, John 8:36).
Lebanon, Middle East
Violence in Lebanon is growing between Sunni and Shia powers. Hezbollah controlled
southern Lebanon for many years and is a Shia Islamic political group. More Sunni
Muslims continue to move into the southern city of Sidon and they are supporters of the
Islamic cleric Ahmad al-Assir. There are also outbreaks of violence between Lebanese
factions supporting opposing sides in the civil war in neighboring Syria. Pray for the
families, both Shia and Sunni, who are caught in the middle of this struggle. Pray for a
growing desire on both sides to follow the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ (The Bible, Isaiah
Day Twenty-one
Qatar, Arabian Peninsula
Qatar’s history is marked by successive (family) coups as one government replaces the one
before it. It is speculated that Prince Tamim bin Hamad might ascend to power without a
coup. The current Emir is looking to step down because of serious health concerns. There
are issues about first sons and sons of different wives that complicate who should be the
next Emir. Pray for the health of the current Emir, pray he should come to know the Lord
Jesus Christ. Pray for peace in the ruling family (The Bible, Matthew 5:9).
Turkmenistan, Central Asia
Although the Turkmenistan government modified some criminal legislation, much of it is
not implemented. In a statement, the United Nations said, “A lot more work is needed to
ensure practice is in line with international standards.” The United Nations remains
concerned about Turkmenistan’s stance on human rights issues, human trafficking,
counter-terrorism, enforced disappearances, and the “vulnerability” of refugees and the
disabled. Pray for the Turkmenistan government to implement current laws and improve
its human rights record. Ask the Lord to watch over those that are weak and defenseless.
Pray for Turkmenistan authorities to believe in Jesus Christ (The Bible, Psalm 121:5-8).
Day Twenty-two
Ethiopia, East Africa
At a meeting of the National Council against Human Trafficking, Prime Minister
Hailemariam Desalegn asked the Council members, Regional Heads of States, and
religious leaders present to work harder at fighting human trafficking. The Prime Minister
said it is “becoming difficult to control” the trafficking issue and emphasized the need to
take stronger legal action. Praise God for the willingness of the Ethiopian government to
fight human trafficking. Pray for an end to human trafficking in Ethiopia and around the
world. Pray for the arrest and prosecution of traffickers (The Bible, Amos 5:24).
Myanmar (Burma), Southeast Asia
According to a new report by the Kachin Women’s Association of Thailand (KWAT),
thousands of displaced Kachin women are in danger of exploitation and human
trafficking. The report highlights the cases of 24 Kachin women who were “tricked,
drugged, raped, and sold to their Chinese husbands as brides for sums that exceeded
40,000 Yuan ($6,500 USD).” Pray for the safe return of trafficked Kachin women. Ask the
Lord to put a hedge of protection around Kachin women and girls. Pray for an end to the
conflict in Myanmar (The Bible, Psalm 34:7).
Day Twenty-three
Chad, Central Africa
Recently, the Chadian government arrested a number of journalists and opposition party
members. Authorities accused the detainees of “conspiracy against the government” and
“endangering constitutional order.” President Idriss Deby, however, denies critics’ claims
that “he is conducting a witch hunt against the opposition.” Pray for the journalists and
opposition members to receive justice and a fair trial. Pray for peace between the
government and the opposition party. Pray for the Gospel to spread in Chad (The Bible,
Psalm 106:3).
Algeria, North Africa
President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria suffered a stroke on April 27th of this year and
has been in France for treatment and rehabilitation ever since. Algerian opposition parties
went so far as to call for enforcing Article 88 of the Constitution, which provides for the
transfer of power if the head of state is incapacitated. Pray for the health of President
Bouteflika. Pray for the stability of the country, since the opposition would like to make
the country more Islamic (The Bible, Daniel 2:21).
Day Twenty-four
Libya, North Africa
Two years after the ouster of Muammar al-Qadhafi, Libyans feel it will take Libya years to
recover from the 40 years of authoritarian rule. Pray for those seeking to reform the
country's security and political issues. Pray for an increase in human rights, border security,
and the general safety of society. Pray that the people of Libya will know Jesus Christ bore
their sins. Pray they will come to salvation (The Bible, Isaiah 53:12).
Malaysia, Southeast Asia
Since May 30th, there have been seven clashes between Myanmar nationals. The fighting is
connected to the violence in Myanmar between Buddhists and Muslims. According to the
Burma Campaign Malaysia, “Myanmar nationals generally want peace and they should
work together to ensure tensions in their home country are not allowed to infringe on the
harmony they have found in the safe haven of Malaysia.” Pray for peace between Myanmar
nationals in Malaysia. Pray for Christian Believers to communicate their faith with the
Myanmar nationals. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Malaysia (The Bible, 2
Thessalonians 3:16).
Day Twenty-five
Oman, Arabian Peninsula
In Oman, infrastructure investment funded by oil revenue is not sustainable. During the
Arab Spring the government created more jobs partly to help keep peace after street
protests. Steep rises in government hiring and a rise in the minimum wages of Omani
citizens in the private sector are putting stress on the financial situation. Pray for the
creation of jobs and pray against corruption. Pray for the Church in Oman to come
together in more unity and with a greater desire to see all Omanis come to know the Lord
Jesus Christ (The Bible, 1 Peter 2:9-10).
Kazakhstan, Central Asia
The Kazakhstan government drafted new anti-terrorism guidelines to decrease extremist
activity. However, the expensive, five-year program is detrimental to Christian Believers in
the nation. According to International Christian Concern, it will “bolster existing policies,
such as restrictions on religious literature and close monitoring of religious groups and
missionary activity. It also outlines expansive new policies, including installing video
surveillance in places of worship and monitoring students studying theology abroad.” Pray
for the government to repeal this new program and replace it with one that does not
threaten Christians. Pray for an end to terrorism in Kazakhstan. Ask the Lord to protect
His Followers as they face tighter restrictions and scrutiny (The Bible, John 16:33).
Day Twenty-six
Tunisia, North Africa
In Tunisia, the government faces political struggles between Islamic fundamentalism and
the tolerant, Mediterranean-style Islam that Tunisia has known since independence. Pray
for leaders in Tunisia to have wisdom. Pray against the increase of Islamic fundamentalism.
Pray for the growth and the maturity of the Church. Pray that they would know the
fullness of the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ and be kept firm until the end (The Bible, 1
Corinthians 1:4-8).
Cambodia, Southeast Asia
The Cambodian government passed a law criminalizing the denial of atrocities committed
by the Khmer Rouge. The punishment for violating the new law is a two-year prison term.
Detractors believe the bill could potentially be used against political opponents of Prime
Minister Hun Sen. Pray for peace between the government and the opposition party. Pray
for the Cambodian Church to passionately advance the Gospel. Pray for a large harvest of
souls in Cambodia (The Bible, Galatians 6:9).
Day Twenty-seven
Turkey, SE Europe & SW Asia
After protests left four dead and over 8,000 injured, critics are questioning Prime Minister
Erdogan’s future. The Prime Minister believes there is a “global conspiracy against him,”
while a Kurdish PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) commander suggests, “Turkey is preparing
for war.” Pray for a peaceful end to the conflicts between the Turkish government and
protestors. Pray for the nation as it prepares for national elections next year. Ask the Lord
to shield Christian Believers from the rage and violence that surrounds them (The Bible,
Psalm 28:7).
North Korea, East Asia
At the ASEAN (Association of South-east Asian Nations) summit in Brunei, North Korean
Foreign Minister Pak Ui-chun made a surprising move by suggesting his government is
ready to move forward with nuclear disarmament talks. However, despite Pak’s “goodwill
gesture,” North Korea still plans on increasing its nuclear capabilities. According to Pak, “It
is a touch-and-go situation in which a war can break out any time.” Pray for peace in the
Korean Peninsula. Pray for North Korea to dismantle its nuclear weapons. Pray for
government leaders to believe in Jesus Christ (The Bible, Psalm 34:14).
Day Twenty-eight
Somalia, East Africa
In Somalia, even as piracy has decreased, al-Qaida linked activists attacked one of the main
UN buildings. The UN compound is used by agencies like UNICEF, WHO, and UNDP.
Pray that the government of Somalia will continue to work to bring greater peace to this
nation. Pray for organizations like the UN to continue to move forward ministry to the
poor and suffering (The Bible, Matthew 28:16-20).
Pakistan, South Asia
In Pakistan, school textbooks portray Christian Believers as enemies of Islam. Teachers also
force non-Muslim pupils to study Islam. As a result, Muslim students often harass their
Christian classmates. The anti-Christian teachings violate Pakistan’s Constitution and
discriminate against religious minorities. Pray for the government to change its educational
guidelines on religious discrimination. Pray that teachers would not force Christian
students to study Islam. Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage Christian
schoolchildren (The Bible, Deuteronomy 31:6).
Day Twenty-nine
Nigeria, West Africa
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan officially called Boko Haram and Ansaru terrorist
groups. In a statement, the president said, “Any person who knowingly, in any manner,
directly or indirectly, offers support to Boko Haram and Ansaru will be jailed for not less
than 20 years.” Since 2009, both groups killed approximately 2,000 people. Pray for peace
in Nigeria. Pray for Boko Haram and Ansaru to cease their attacks, repent of their actions,
and turn to belief in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Gospel to spread in Nigeria (The Bible,
Psalm 29:11).
Maldives, South Asia
In Male, traffickers bring in women and girls from numerous countries for sex trafficking.
In addition, a person marrying a child under Sharia law is protected, and it is not
considered a crime. Pray for the government in Maldives to create and enact legislation
criminalizing all forms of trafficking. Pray for authorities to protect trafficking victims by
providing housing and medical care. Pray for the rescue of trafficked women and girls in
Male (The Bible, Psalm 121:7-8).
Jordan, Middle East
In Jordan, King Abdullah II understands that the power struggle in Syria next door could
easily spill into Jordan. He said, "If this matter forms a danger to our country, we are able
at any moment to take measures that will protect our land and the interests of our people.”
Pray for the needs of the many Syrian refugees in Jordan to be met. Pray that the Jordanian
government will have wisdom as they seek to keep the peace in Jordan. Pray the Jordanian
people will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ (The Bible, Isaiah 53:3).
Senegal, West Africa
In anticipation of “reprisal” attacks by Islamic terrorists, the government of Senegal is
recruiting 10,000 new police officers. Authorities say the officers’ presence will “protect
particular zones, persons, and property” and “intensify national security.” Pray for the
dismantling of terrorist groups in Senegal. Pray the feared “reprisal” attacks do not occur.
Ask the Lord to protect the new police officers as they fight terrorism. Pray for the growth
of the Senegalese Church (The Bible, 2 Samuel 22:3-4).
Day Thirty
Eritrea, East Africa
Human Rights Watch described Eritrea as "a giant prison." Reporters without Borders
called it "the most repressive nation on earth." Up to 3,000 Christians are imprisoned in
Eritrea without charge or trial. Pray for the Church in Eritrea to stay strong in the face of
governmental persecution. Pray that President Afewerki will come to know the Lord Jesus
Christ. Pray that peoples of all faiths would worship the One True God, Jesus Christ (The
Bible, John 4:23).
Tibet, South Asia
The Chinese government announced its telephone and Internet monitoring program in
Tibet is completed. All landline, cell phone, and Internet users must register using their
real names. The government said the program protects “citizens’ personal information”
and will help “resolve” the social issues of “online rumors, pornography, and spam
messages.” Pray for peace between Tibet and China. Pray for the Chinese government to
stop oppressing Tibetans. Pray for the proclamation of the Gospel throughout Tibet (The
Bible, Psalm 72:4).
Syria, Middle East
The war in Syria and the ensuing refugee crisis continues to cause international concern.
The Assad government has continued to stand, partly due to the fact that rebel forces are
not a unified front. There are some rebels that want a free Syria, less Islamic and less
government controlled. Others are seeking a hardline Islamic state. These groups are
fighting each other. Pray for an end to all the violence in Syria. Pray for the Good News of
the Lord Jesus Christ to spread even in the face of great hardships (The Bible, 2 Timothy
Mongolia, North Asia
Mongolians voted to re-elect President Tsakhia Elbegdorj to a second four-year term.
Under President Elbegdorj’s leadership, Mongolia became one of the world’s top growing
economies. However, some Mongolians believe the economy grew too fast, causing
pollution and poor distribution of wealth. Praise God for a peaceful election. Pray for the
government to be fair and judicious during this time of prosperity. Pray for the Gospel to
spread throughout Mongolia (The Bible, Luke 12:15).
Day Thirty-one
East Timor, Southeast Asia
Sydney University scientists are trying to eliminate two common parasitic diseases that
affect children in East Timor. The two illnesses are hookworm and filariasis, which causes
permanent limb swelling. For five years, the researchers at Sydney University will treat the
population with anti-parasitic drugs. The challenge will be in reaching rural villages, where
approximately thirty percent of the population lives. Pray for the eradication of all parasitic
diseases in East Timor. Ask the Lord to heal the children with swollen limbs. Pray for the
advancement of the Gospel in East Timor (The Bible, James 5:14).
The Gambia, West Africa
A forum conducted by the Child Protection Alliance (CPA) focused on “child sex tourism”
and the exploitation of children. Njundu Drammeh, CPA Coordinator, said, “The
Gambian media mainly focuses its attention on Western offenders while children are
subjected to abuse by people known to them or close relatives.” Pray for an end to
pedophilia and sex trafficking in The Gambia. Pray for sex offenders and sex traffickers to
repent of their evil deeds and turn to a saving belief in Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to shield
Gambian children from exploitation and abuse (The Bible, 1 John 1:9).
Gaza Strip, Middle East
Every summer, Islamic Jihad, a Gaza-based terror group, sponsors free military training
camps for children between the ages of six and sixteen. The children wear Islamic slogans,
paint their faces, carry rifles, guns, and whatever else portrays fighting. Many of them love
it, and this is summer camp. Pray for this next generation in the Gaza Strip to have
compassion on people and learn to respect life and to desire peace. Pray for the little
children to be drawn to Jesus Christ (The Bible, John 12:32).
West Bank, Middle East
In the West Bank, newly elected Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah seeks a government and
Cabinet that will bring unity between Fatah and Hamas (in Gaza). The Cabinet is
composed of 24 members. Hamdallah said, "Let's be optimists and hope that we can
achieve a united government on August 14, and I will do everything in my power to do so."
Pray for the leadership and government of the West Bank to fully understand the
sovereignty of the Lord God Almighty (The Bible, Isaiah 52:15).