
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________ Hour: __________
Chapter 1, Section 3 Notes
1. What is a limiting factor?
2. The largest population that an environment can support at
A limiting factor is a resource
any given time is called the carrying capacity.
that is so scarce it limits the size of a
3. Describe the four main ways that organisms affect one another:
1) Competition:
2) Predators and Prey:
Competition occurs when two or
Predators eat the prey.
more individuals or
populations try to use the same
resource (food, water, shelter, space, or sunlight).
3) Symbiosis:
Symbiosis is a close, long-term
4) Coevolution:
Coevolution occurs when a long-term
association between two or more species.
change takes place in two species because of their
close interactions with one another.
4. How can competition occur? (2 situations)
a) Between individuals
5. How is the use of resources related to competition?
If resources are in limited supply,
within a population
an individual or population using it can
decrease the amount available
b) Between populations
to other organisms.
6. How do adaptations help predators?
7. How do adaptations help prey?
Adaptations help predators to catch
their prey.
Adaptations help prey to escape/avoid being
8. Describe and list an example for each of the following predator-prey adaptations.
a) camouflage
b) defensive chemicals
Blending in with the background
Chemicals used to defend a prey from a predator
Example: Walking stick insect
Example: Bees put powerful acid into attackers.
9. Describe the three main types of symbiotic relationships.
a) Mutualism:( + / + )
b) Commensalism:( + / 0 )
Both organisms benefit.
c) warning coloration
Coloration that warns
Example: Yellow jacket
c) Parasitism:( + / - )
One organism benefits
One organism benefits
one organism is not affected.
One organism is harmed
10. Circle the type of symbiotic relationship the following examples represent.
a. A bee pollinating a flower
mutualism / commensalism / parasitism
b. Human head lice
mutualism / commensalism / parasitism
c. Cattle egrets and livestock
mutualism / commensalism / parasitism
Mr. Lee’s Symbiosis Rap
1. What example of mutualism does Mr. Lee give in his rap?
A hippo with a birdie on its back.
2. What does the bird gets from the hippo? 3. What does the hippo get from the bird?
A free ride and food
The bird eats the parasites, so he
is free from parasites.
4. What three types of symbiosis does Mr. Lee discuss?
mutualism, commensalism, parasitism
5. What example of commensalism does Mr. Lee give in his rap?
A snake and a tree
6. What happens to the tree because
7. What does the snake get from the tree?
the snake is there?
The snake is able to camouflage
itself with the tree for safety.
8. What example of parasitism does Mr. Lee give in his rap?
Leeches, fleas, and ticks
9. What happens in a parasitic relationship?
A parasite hurts (but usually does not kill) its host by living off of it.