Une visite à Paris Une visite à Paris nom : Answer all questions in full sentences. How many metro stops are there in Paris? What is the price of a ticket to get around on the Metro? (2) http://parisbytrain.com/paris-metro-maps/ Visit the Eiffel Tower site and take the 360 tour. How would you reserve a table in the restaurant? (1) http://www.tour-eiffel.fr/?br=true What is interesting about Père Lachaise Cemetery? Name three famous people you've heard of who are buried here. (4) http://goparis.about.com/od/sightsattractions/p/Pere _Lachaise.htm http://www.perelachaise.com/perelachaise.php?lang=en http://www.perelachaise.com/perelachaise.php?lang=en What is so special about Notre-Dame de Paris? Draw the front of the building here. (2) http://www.notredamedeparis.fr/spip.php?article380 The Bateau bus is a fun way to get around Paris. What does it offer tourists that the Métro doesn't? (2) http://www.batobus.com/english/ When were the Catacombes first built and why? How many people are buried down there? How many kilometres are there and how deep are they? (3) http://www.catacombes.paris.fr/en/catacomb s Les Deux Magots is a well-known café. Why is it called that name and when was this café was first established. How much is a cup of coffee and a croque-monsieur sandwich?(3) http://www.lesdeuxmagots.fr/en/ambiances. php#/prix-deux-magots.php This site has so much to offer. Click on three more attractions that would be interesting to visit and provide 3 details about each of them. (3) http://www.aviewoncities.com/paris/placedel abastille.htm The Louvre is an art museum that was established The musée d'Orsay is another famous during Napoleon's time. What are the opening museum. What did it used to be before it hours? What does a ticket cost? And what are 2 of was a museum. Name two of the famous the VERY famous painting you can find in there? (3) works of art in it. Can you use your Louvre http://www.louvre.fr/horaires-et-tarifs ticket to get in? (3) http://www.musee-orsay.fr/en/ Everyone thinks it is romantic to walk around Paris. Here are the Banks of the Seine where everyone wants to walk with their sweetheart. Provide four important facts about why this is an area that needs protecting for romantics! (4) http://whc