Study Guide - AIS/B Biology

IB Biology 11th Grade Study Guide
Intro to Cells
Syllabus Statements: 1.1U2, 1.1A2, 1.1S1, 1.1U1, 1.5U1, 1.1NOS, 1.1A1, 1.1U5, 1.1U6
Objectives to focus on:
 Determine drawing magnification
 Convert between cm, mm, and um
 List functions of life
 State the cell theory
 Explain evidence and exceptions to the cell theory
 Differences, similarities, and examples of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
 Define and provide an example of differentiation
 Outline of how and why differentiation occurs
Prokaryotic Cells
Syllabus Statements: 1.2U1, 1.2U3, 1.2A2, 1.2S1, 1.2NOS, 3.2U1, 3.2U2, 5.3U4, 6.3U7, 6.3U8, 6.3U9, 6.3A2,
Objectives to focus on:
 List the relative sizes of biological structures
 List and explain key distinguishing features of the three domains of life
 Draw, identify, and know the functions of the following structures in a prokaryotic cell: cell
membrane, nucleoid, plasmid, cytoplasm, 70S ribosome, cell wall, pili, capsule, flagella
 Describe, compare, and contrast prokaryotic & eukaryotic DNA
 Describe the process of binary fission
 Outline how antibiotics kill bacteria and why they are ineffective against viruses
 Explain methods and results of Florey and Chain’s experiments
 Compare allowable research protocols of the past with those of the present
Eukaryotic Cells
Syllabus Statements: 1.1U4, 1.2U2, 1.2A1, 1.2S2, 1.2S3, 1.5U3
Objectives to focus on:
 Define and give examples of emergent properties
 Describe the structure and function of the following: Cytoplasm, Nucleus, Mitochondria,
Chloroplasts, 80S ribosomes, vacuole, lysosomes, centrioles, extracellular components
 Identify the structures listed above in diagrams and electron micrographs of eukaryotic cells
 Describe how the organelles of the endomembrane system function together to produce and
secrete proteins: rough ER, smooth ER, Golgi, Vesicles
 Compare structures found in plant and animal cells
 Describe the endosymbiotic theory and give evidence for it
Origin of Cells
Syllabus Statements: 1.5U2, 1.5NOS, 1.5A1
Objectives to focus on:
 Define spontaneous generation
 Describe and explain the results of Pasteur’s experiments about spontaneous generation
 Outline the four processes needed for the spontaneous origin of cells on Earth
Carbon Compounds
Syllabus Statements: 2.1U1, 2.1U2, 2.1U3, 2.1A1, 2.1S2, 2.1NOS, 2.2A3
Objectives to focus on:
 Distinguish between organic and inorganic molecules
 Define metabolism
 Distinguish between condensation reactions and hydrolysis reactions
 State the number of bonds formed by a Carbon atom
 Give distinguishing characteristics of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
 Give examples of monomers and their polymers
 Identify carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
 Summarize how the artificial synthesis of urea helped to falsify vitalism
 Explain the transport of glucose, amino acids, cholesterol, fats, oxygen, and sodium in blood in
relation to their solubility in water
Syllabus Statements: 2.2U1, 2.2U2, 2.2U3, 2.2A1, 2.2A2
Objectives to focus on:
 Draw and label a diagrams of water molecules, showing polarity and hydrogen bonds
 Explain water’s cohesion, adhesion, high specific heat, high heat of vaporization, and versatility
 Compare the thermal properties of water with methane
 Distinguish between hydrophilic and hydrophobic
 Summarize the significance of water for living things
Carbohydrates and Lipids
Syllabus Statements: 2.3U1, 2.3U2, 2.3U4, 2.3A1, 2.3Q2, 2.3A3, 2.3A4, 2.3S1, S.3S2, 2.1S1, 2.3NOS
Objectives to focus on:
 Summarize how monosaccharides form polymers and vise-versa
 Summarize how trigylcerides are formed
 Draw and identify saturated, monounsatured, and polyunsaturated fatty acids
 Identify cis or trans isomers of fatty acids
 Identify the structure and function of cellulose in plants
 Identify the structure and function of glycogen in humans
 Compare the use of lipids and carbohydrates for energy storage in humans
 Summarize health risks of trans and saturated fats
 Evaluate the methods used to obtain that evidence
 Calculate body mass index
 Use nomogram to determine body mass index
 Draw glucose, ribose, a saturated fatty acid, and a generalized amino acid
 Identify correlative relationships
 State that correlation does not imply causation