والء مصطفى محمد مصطفى عيسى-1 دراسات وراثية و جزيئيه على المقاومه لمرض اللفحة فى األرز Walaa Moustafa Mohammed Moustafa Essa Genetic and molecular studies on blast resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) ABSTRACT Rice blast is one of the most important diseases, caused by the fungus (Pyricularia oryza), it consider one of the most serious constraints to rice production is not only in Egypt but in many rice growing countries. Five local rice (Oryza sativa L) varieties i.e. Giza 177, Sakha 105, Sakha 104, Sakha 101 and Sakha 103 as well as two introduced varieties Puebla and Hispgran in half diallel were used; therefore, twenty one F1 hybrids were obtained. Vegetative characters as well as, yield and its components for all genotypes under study were measured to estimate combining ability, heritability and heterosis in parents and their F1 hybrids. Also, study the relationship between some morphological characters and the yield and its components by estimating correlation coefficient among the mentioned characters. Moreover, study the genetic diversity among the used varieties using 20 RAPD primers and 12 SSR primers and determine the genetic differences among seven rice varieties using RAPD and SSR markers and assessment the genetic distance and relationships among these varieties which could help in the development of breeding programs. According to the results Sakha 101 × Hispgran was found to be the best cross followed by Giza 177 × Sakha 101. SSR and RAPD makers detected the genetic variability and it could be a great help to make finger print to the seven varieties. Two primers gave band in the resistance varieties and not in the susceptible so, in the future study by using F2, these bands could be used as a markers related to resistance gene for blast disease. Key words: Rice blast, Pyricularia oryza, Oryza satia, RAPD, SSR.