Tuition Letter 3 - Silverline Private School

Dear Parents,
As part of our afterschool provision this year we will be offering guitar tuition. The tuition is suitable for
all ages and ability ranges as lessons will be tailored specifically to meet the needs and goals of the
student. The student can choose to follow a variety of styles to learn ranging from formal classical
training with music reading and theory to basic introductory lessons to help students discover their
desires and goals for their tuition.
Visit the school website for more information regarding the music tuition programs available and pricing
Tuition for Key Stage 1 students will take the form of 30 minute solo or group lessons at the student’s
preference and are priced at €10 for solo lessons and €6 for group lessons. Tuition for Key Stage 2 and
Senior School students will be delivered in 60 minute solo or group lessons again, at the student’s
preference and are priced at €20 for solo lessons and €11 for group lessons.
To begin the process of your child’s endeavor into music instrument education simply complete and
return the reply slip below ASAP to Mrs Donna at the school office.
Kind Regards,
Dean Thompson (Guitar Tutor)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guitar Tuition Application Form
Student’s Name: _____________________________________
Student’s Age: ____
Tuition Style:
Classical Guitar
Rock Guitar
Acoustic Guitar
Song Performance and Writing
Bass Guitar
Number of Lessons per week:
⃝ 1
⃝ 2
⃝ 3
Desired Lesson Start Times:
⃝ 14:00
⃝ 15:00
⃝ 16:00
⃝ 17:00
Desired Lesson Days: ⃝ Monday ⃝ Tuesday ⃝ Wednesday ⃝ Thursday ⃝ Friday
Parent’s Name: _____________________________________
Preferred Contact Details:
Email -
Telephone -