STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT No. 23 19th September, 2008 STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT to The Uganda Gazette No. 47 Volume CIdated 19th September, 2008 Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government. S T A T U T O R Y I N S T R U M E N T S 2008 No. 36. The Land Acquisition (Kampala Northern Bypass Road) Instrument, 2008. (Under section 3 of the Land Acquisition Act, Cap. 226). of the powers conferred upon the Minister responsible for lands, housing and urban development by Section 3 of the Land Acquisition Act, Cap. 226, this Instrument is made this 14th day of April, 2008. In exercise 1. Title. This Instrument may be cited as the Land Acquisition (Kampala Northern Bypass Road) Instrument, 2008. 2. Declaration of land required for public use. The final alignment of Kampala Northern Bypass Road is hereby declared to be land acquired by the Government for a public purpose. 3. Plan of land declared. The parcels of land set out in the Schedule to this instrument situated in the final alignment of Kampala Northern Bypass Road are hereby declared to be land required by the Government for a public purpose. 4. Inspection of plans of the declared land. Plans of the said land may be inspected at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, Entebbe during office hours. DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND TO BE ACQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE KAMPALA NORTHERN BYPASS ROAD 179 SCHEDULE. No. 1. Proprietor Plot Block SLP Civil Engineering 192 and Constructors Ltd Area(Ha) Location 234 0.237 Ntebetebe 232 1.925 Kireka 2. Hasbro Investment Ltd 1438 3. Sylvan Kakugu Tumwesigigyire 199 221 0.101 Naalya 4. Dr. Saul H. Nsubuga and 774 Mrs. Rebecca N. Nsubuga 220 0.625 Naalya 5. Dr. Stuart Kasozi and 239,1307,1590 Mrs. Miriam Kasozi and 1308 220 220 0.0037,0.0431, Naalya 0.0116 and 0.0083 4.450 Naalya 208 0.230 6. 7. M/s Cementers Ltd Sustain 373 and 488 267 Bwayise Kisenyi Zone DANIEL OMARA ATUBO, Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development. 180