ICT 15F Functions addressed in Microsoft Excel (Up to December 11

Functions addressed in Microsoft Excel
(Up to December 11, 2013)
sum( )
Gives the total (sum) of every cell or value within the parentheses
=sum(A2:A9, B7)
=sum(A2:A9, B7:B12)
=sum(A2:A9, 4)
average( )
Gives the average value of all cells or values within the parentheses
=average(A2:A9, B7)
=average(A2:A9, B7:B12)
=average(A2:A9, 4)
median( )
Gives the median (middling, bisecting) value of all the cells or values within the
=median(A2:A9, B7)
=median(A2:A9, B7:B12)
=median(A2:A9, 4)
max( )
Gives the maximum value or all the cells or values within the parentheses
=max(A2:A9, B7)
=max(A2:A9, B7:B12)
=max(A2:A9, 4)
min( )
Gives the minimum value or all the cells or values within the parentheses
=min(A2:A9, B7)
=min(A2:A9, B7:B12)
=min(A2:A9, 4)
if(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)
Tests a condition (as a logical test), displays one thing if it is true, and something else if it is
false. Comparisons include:
= (equals)
< (less than)
<= (less than or equal to)
> (greater than)
>= (greater than or equal to)
<> (not equal to)
Note that in what to display for value_if_true and value_if_false, if you wish to display text,
place the text in quotation marks, otherwise just indicate the cell or value that should be
=if(A2>=50, “Pass”, “Fail”)
=if(B8>B9, B8, B9)
=if(A3-A4<5, A4, A4+10)
or( )
Allows multiple logical tests to be conducted at once. If at least one is true, then the result
of the overall logical test is also true (otherwise it will be false).
and( )
Allows multiple logical tests to be conducted at once. If at least one is false, then the result
of the overall logical test is also false (otherwise it will be true).
not( )
Returns the opposite of a logical test’s result. False turns into true, true turns into false.
mod( )
Returns the remainder that results from a division.
=mod(13, 4) (this would return 1, as that is the remainder when 13 is divided by 4)
=mod(A2, 3)
=mod(B2, C4)
count( )
From a provided range of cells, returns the number of those cells that contain only
=count(A2:A17, C2:C17)
counta( )
From a provided range of cells, returns the number of those cells that are not empty.
=counta(A2:A17, C2:C17)
countblank( )
From a provided range of cells, returns the number of those cells that are empty.
=countblank(A2:A17, C2:C17)
countif( )
Returns the number of cells in a range that meet one particular criterion.
=countif(A2:A17, “<20”)
=countif(C2:C17, “>=90”)
=countif(B2:Z2, “=”&“Y”)