Physical Education Fitness Log NAME ______________________________________________ CLASS ____________________ Directions: You should log your physical activities that you participate in “outside” of school hours. Activities that you participate in after 2:10pm during the week and activities you do on the weekends are acceptable. The goal is to strengthen the heart and lungs. In order to do this, you will need to participate in “aerobic” activities such as running, power walking, jump roping, riding bikes, etc. Many sports include aerobic activities. For example, a soccer game requires lots of running. Therefore, if you have soccer practice or games you can write “soccer practice” or “soccer game” under the activity “T-type.” If you are not sure about the activity, then write the specific exercise that you participated in. It is suggested that children participate in aerobic exercise five to seven days a week for thirty minutes or more each time. By recording your exercises and activities during the first week you will be able to analyze the results and reflect on your lifestyle. You should be able to determine if you need to increase or maintain your activity level. After you have had some time to review the first week results, you should set a personal goal for yourself and explain how you plan to achieve this goal. During the second week, you should record your activities and attempt to meet your personal goal. Students should record the following on the fitness log provided: the date under “Frequency”; the intensity level under “Intensity”; the number of minutes/hours you did the exercise under “Time”; and the type of exercise or activity under “Type”. FIT FORMULA F = Frequency How Often 5-7 days a week I = Intensity How Hard Medium/high intensity T = Time How Long 30 minutes or more T = Type Type of Activity Aerobic Exercises SAMPLE F= Frequency Monday 10/7/12 I=Intensity High Intensity T=Time 1 hour (60 minutes) T=Type Running Name:____________________________________________ Class: _______________________ WEEK ONE F= Frequency I=Intensity T=Time T=Type Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Analyze and review your activity level from week one. Write your personal fitness goal that you want to accomplish next week. How do you plan to meet your goal? WEEK TWO F= Frequency I=Intensity T=Time T=Type Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Day: Date: Analyze and review the results from week two. Did you meet your personal fitness goal? What can you do to improve your health and fitness level in the future? Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________