UConn Activity Preparticipation Screening Questionnaire


Name:_____________________________ PeopleSoft #:________________ Date:__________ 1

UConn Student Health Services Activity Preparticipation Screening Questionnaire

Answer the following as honestly as possible:

Assess your Health Status by marking all true statements:

History: You have had:

 Yes  No a heart attack  Yes  No heart valve disease

 Yes  No heart surgery

 Yes  No cardiac catherization

 Yes  No coronary angioplasty (PTCA)

 Yes  No pacemaker/implantable cardiac defib/rhythm disturbance

 Yes  No heart failure

 Yes  No heart transplantation

 Yes  No congenital heart disease


 Yes  No You experience chest discomfort with exertion

 Yes  No You experience unreasonable breathlessness

 Yes  No You experience dizziness, fainting, or blackouts

 Yes  No You experience ankle swelling

 Yes  No You experience unpleasant awareness of a forceful or rapid heart rate

 Yes  No You take heart medications

Other health issues:

 Yes  No You have diabetes

 Yes  No You have asthma or lung disease

 Yes  No You have burning or cramping sensation in your lower legs when walking short distances

 Yes  No You have musculoskeletal problems that limit your physical activity

 Yes  No You have concerns about the safety of exercise

 Yes  No You take prescription medications

 Yes  No You are pregnant




Name:_____________________________ PeopleSoft #:________________ Date:__________ 2

Cardiovascular risk factors

 Yes  No You are a man >45 years

 Yes  No You are a woman > 55 years

 Yes  No You smoke or quite smoking within the previous 6 months

 Yes  No Your blood pressure is > 140/90 mmHg OR You do not know your blood pressure OR You take blood pressure medication

 Yes  No Your blood cholesterol level is > 200 mg/dL (or LDL is > 130 mg/dL or HDL blood cholesterol is < 40 mg/dL) OR You do not know your cholesterol level

 Yes  No You have a close blood relative who died suddenly before the age of 50

 Yes  No You are physically inactive (i.e. you get < 30 min of moderate intensity physical activity on at least 3 days of week for past 3 months)[exercise at 40 – 60 % of your maximal intensity]

 Yes  No You have a body mass index > 30 kg/m 2

 Yes  No You have prediabetes (fasting blood glucose > 100 mg/dL on two different occasions) OR You do not know if you have prediabetes

 Yes  No Your HDL > 60 mg/dL (Subtract one risk factor)

 Yes  No Have you ever had an injury or pain that has interfered with your ability to exercise? Explain.



I have read, understood and completed this questionnaire as honestly as possible. Any questions I had were answered to my full satisfaction.

Date:________________________ Name:_______________________________________________


PAC Use Only


Total number of positive cardiovascular risk factors

PAC initials/date:

______ 0 - 1 indicates Low Risk: client can begin moderate or vigorous intensity exercise without consulting physician or other appropriate health care provider

______ > 2 indicates: Moderate Risk

______can begin low to moderate intensity exercise (40 – <60% VO


R; 3 - < 6 METs)

“An intensity that causes noticeable increases in HR and breathing.” i.e. walking at a moderate or brisk pace of 3 – 4.5 mph (15 – 20 minute/mile), level bicycling, yoga, weight training

______CANNOT begin vigorous intensity exercise (>60% VO


R; > 6 METs) without medical exam and clinician approval

“An intensity that causes substantial increases in HR and breathing” i.e. jogging or running, step aerobics, jumping rope, basketball game, soccer

* Modified from AHA/ACSM Health/Fitness Facility Preparticipation Screening Questionnaire. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing

and Prescription , 9 th Edition, 2014. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins http://www.lww.com.

Name:_____________________________ PeopleSoft #:________________ Date:__________ 3

Physical Activity Questionnaire


What physical activities do you engage in on a regular basis?




If you walk, run or jog, what is the average number of miles you cover each workout? _________miles


If you participate in resistance training, which type of exercises do you perform? (Check all that apply.)

Free weights



Calisthenics (push-ups, pull-ups, etc.)

Core training

Please provide specifics (crunches, sit-ups, planks, etc. and repetitions/time performed):




How many minutes, in average, is each or your exercise workouts?____________________minutes


How many workouts do you participate in on average each week?____________________ workouts


Check those activities that you would prefer in a regular exercise program for yourself:

Walking, running, jogging



Handball, racquet ball, squash

Stationary cycling




Aerobic dance/zumba


Resistance Training


Free weights

Other (Specify)_____________________________________




What are YOUR physical activity goals?

Improve Health

General Fitness

Lose weight

Build Muscle Mass

Aerobic Fitness


Strengthen Core

Improve Balance

Improve Flexibility

Improve fitness knowledge

Other (Specify)_______________________________________________

Improve Strength


What are YOUR greatest obstacles to regular exercise?






Lack of knowledge

Other (Specify)________________________________________________
