
Board of Directors Meeting
January 10, 2013
Don Humphrey
Tim Roethler
Brenda Morelock
Jim Buford
Adam Lewis
Tim Schwierjohn
Shawn Prenger
Mike Null
Chad Carpenter
Paul Carlson
Rob Schaff
Khris Rickman
Rob Kick
Ed Eschbacher
Treasurer’s Report [Jim Buford]
Current balance reported: $10,866.69
Owe Chad Carpenter $400 for 2012 GIS Tourney expenses
Membership/GCSAA [Khris Rickman]
One new member approved: Bill Maynard – St. Albans – Class A (will send
invoice as no payment has been received to date)
Tim S presented results of member event survey that was handed out at shop tour.
Summary of results:
- Most members like the # of events currently held
- spring / fall events are better attended
- Opening event and annual tournament are best attended / favorite
- Main Reasons attend events is networking and golf
- Main reasons for not attending are too busy, distance and cost of events
- 75% said they would attend a social event with most indicating they wanted more
social type events. Ideas include Fast Eddies, Trivia Night, bowling, etc
- Popular days for events are Monday/Tuesday
- Most said anytime is fine for events, but most did prefer earlier start times to later
- Some sort of a volunteer event / day was very popular
Will consider resending the survey with membership renewals as return rate of the survey was
low. It was agreed that the education event is a great place to hand out the survey since it is so
well attended, but return rate was low so may consider in the future attaching receipt of
education points to receipt of the survey.
Monthly Meeting [Tim Schwierjohn / Rob Kick]
New committee members will work to get list of events as confirmed as possible
by March board meeting.
Green Cup [Rob Schaff]
Meadowbrook CC has indicated that they will host the 2013 Green Cup event.
Will work with Mike Carron to set a date for the event based on availability of club.
Gateway Green [Paul Hurst]
Nothing new to report
Research and Scholarship [Tim Roethler]
Nothing new to report
Ethics [Chad Carpenter]
No Report
Education [Mike Null]
Mike Null drafted thank you letters to each speaker and had all members sign
before sending
2012 Shop Tour at Norwood was the best attended event to date
Discussion was had regarding changing the date of the event (before
Thanksgiving or January), but after discussion it was decided to leave the date as is – beginning
of December
Member Outreach [Jim Buford]
Nothing new to report
Assistant Liason [Shawn Prenger / Adam Lewis]
Planning on having an Assistants Roundtable event January 24 th. Email has been
sent to assistant members. Motion was made and approved to donation $300 towards the bill
at the assistants rountable event.
Assistants Golf event was also discussed. Possibly location is Boone Valley –
waiting for confirmation. Ryan Jerome (Agrium) has said he will donate food. Will create a sub
committee to work out details.
Associate Director [Ed Eschbacher]
Asked opinion on current membership rate and options for sponsoring events.
Asked specifically if would like having the option to make one large donation rather than being
hit up for more frequent smaller donastions. Ed indicated that he likes the way things are now
with the ability to pick and choose individual sponsorships. Indicated that smaller donations,
more often and preferred over a one time larger donation.
Executive Director [Brenda Morelock]
Hospitality set for Wednesday, Feb 6th from 6:30-8:30 at The Hopping Pig.
Tim/Rob K will be contacts for the event while in San Diego and their contact info will be given
to the staff at the venue.
Roster books were handed out to members to hand out to other members who
they see frequently / work near. All others will be mailed (1 per member, 2 per associate)
Facility memberships were discussed again. GCSAA is working on something like this at
their level. This would be a non-voting member in our association. We woiuld need a
by-law change to add this member classification.
Need to find out the specifics of what is needed to make a change to the association bylaws.
Consider creating a small board/group with members from each state association to
consider possibility of creating one state organization. Doesn’t need to be anything
formal, but more of a way to bring people together to start discussions on pros/cons
Metropolitan Golf Assoc is hosting a happy hour for area superintendents. Rob Kick will
send ED an email that was received from Curt Rohe about the upcoming Happy Hour
and will forward that to all Superintendent members of the MVGCSA. Want to make
sure the event is well attended.
Keep it Green – plan on talking to Curt about involvement with Met Golf Assoc to help
with fund raising. Pomme Creek is also planning an event this summer and will share
proceeds from the event with the Keep it Green fund.
New Committee Assignments:
- Monthly Meetings
Rob Kick / Tim Schwierjohn
- Green Cup
Rob Schaff
- Education
Mike Null
- Scholarship/Researc h
Tim Roethler
- Membership
Khris Rickman
- Ethics/ByLaws/Nominating Chad Carpenter
Proposal was made to have each current committee head select 2 co-chairmen and 2
members to run ideas past, etc. This will help get the voice of the membership on
decisions being made and creates successors to fill seats on the board as members fulfill
their terms/resign from the board. This will also help to streamline board meetings as
major decisions can be hashed out by the committee and members and a report simply
given at the board meetings. Motion was made and approved to require each
committee head to choose a co-chair and 2 members
Don will vote for the MVGCSA at the national meeting in San Diego. Planning on voting
‘No’ to national dues increase.
Updating the website…employee at Old warson CC can work on updating the website.
Motion was made and approved to provide Tim Dahl $250 to look at website and make
recommendations for updating/improving, etc. He will set up an example of a new
layout for the website and will bring proposal to the March board meeting.
NEXT MEETING TBA (March – no meeting in Feb)