Definition of key terms

7th committee of the General Assembly
Committee of the General Assembly
International Scientific Cooperation
Stem cell research
Before scientists learned how to remove stem cells from human embryos, scientists have been
performing bone marrow stem cells transplants for many decades. But in 1998, when
scientists found out how to remove stem cells from human embryos debate started.
With this find, a lot of excitement was raised. Due to the high potential these stem cells have
concerning the curing of medical conditions such as cancer. Argument however centered on
destroying human embryos.
Definition of key terms:
Stem cells: Stem cells are a class of undifferentiated cells of multicellular organisms. A stem
cell dividing has the potential to remain a stem cell or differentiate into another type of cell
with a specialized function, such as a red blood cell or a brain cell.
Also, in many tissues the stem cells serve as a sort of internal repair system. The cells divide
essentially without a limit in order to replenish other cells.
Stem cells can be categorized into two main categories:
Embryonic stem cells: As the name suggests, these stem cells are derived from embryos.
Mainly four- to five-day old human embryos. These embryos are not extracted from actual
women body’s but are usually extras that have been created in IVF (in vitro fertilization)
clinics, were eggs are fertilized in a test tube, of which only one is implemented in the body
of the woman.
Adult stem cells Non-embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells can be found after
embryonic development and are to be found inside different types of tissue. These
stem cells have been found in tissues such as the bone marrow, blood vessels, brain,
skin, the liver etc. The cells remain non-dividing until the differentiation is activated
because of disease or tissue injury. Adult stem cells have less potential than embryonic
stem cells. The adult stem cells can differentiate into a range of cell types of the
originating organ. So an adult stem cell in the blood can differentiate into a red blood
cell but can’t differentiate into a skin cell.
Committee of the General Assembly
International Scientific Cooperation
The potency of stem cells: Stem cells are categorized by their potential to differentiate
into other types of cells. The full classification includes:
o Totipotent - the ability to differentiate into all possible cell types. Examples are
the zygote formed at egg fertilization and the first few cells that result from the
division of the zygote.
o Pluripotent - the ability to differentiate into almost all cell types. Examples
include embryonic stem cells and cells that are derived from the mesoderm,
endoderm, and ectoderm germ layers that are formed in the beginning stages of
embryonic stem cell differentiation.
o Multipotent - the ability to differentiate into a closely related family of cells.
Examples include hematopoietic (adult) stem cells that can become red and
white blood cells or platelets.
o Oligopotent - the ability to differentiate into a few cells. Examples include
(adult) lymphoid or myeloid stem cells.
o Unipotent - the ability to only produce cells of their own type, but have the
property of self-renewal required to be labeled a stem cell. Examples include
(adult) muscle stem cells.
Embryonic stem cells are considered pluripotent instead of totipotent because they do not
have the ability to become part of the extra-embryonic membranes or the placenta.1
General overview
Stem cells show potential for many different areas of health and medical research, studying
these will help us understand how they transform in specialized cells that make the human
body. Cancer and birth defects are examples of serious medical conditions, which are caused
by problems in the process of the differentiation of stem cells. The understanding of the cell
development will help correct errors that cause these medical conditions.
Governments around the world have already passed the legislation to regulate the research
on stem cells. In the United States for example, the laws prohibit the creation of embryos for
research purposes. Instead the researchers receive embryos that are left over from IVF clinics.
They will only receive these embryos with the consent of donors.
Committee of the General Assembly
International Scientific Cooperation
However, a disagreement has arisen regarding the funding of stem cell research. Billions of
dollars are allocated by the federal government each year in order to fund biomedical
research. This money is also used for stem cells research, but is it right to fund embryonic
stem cell research with the money derived from taxpayers who might think that this research
is unethical.
Relevant UN treaties and events:
Central questions for debate:
Constructive debate is needed to solve the issue. You can form answers with good arguments
to the following ethical questions to make a good policy on the issue. You can also use this to
gain ideas for a resolution.
Does life begin at the fertilization of the egg or at birth?
Is a human embryo tantamount to a human child?
Does a human embryo have the same rights as a human child?
If the destruction of a human embryo can provide a cure for innumerable patients,
might it then be justified?
Seeing that embryonic stem cells have the ability to grow in a dish and can, so in theory
it could still grow into a human being, is the embryo really destroyed?
Online security
The Internet has grown so fast that it is hard to keep track of it. It is changing faster and faster.
Something containing so much important information needs to be secured. Since the
beginning of the Internet is has had security problems. Even today, after several years and
countless attempts of keeping the web secure, it still has security issues.
Definition of key terms
Internet: The Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers. More than 100
countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. According to Internet World
Stats, as of December 31, 2011 there was an estimated 2,267,233,742 Internet users
Committee of the General Assembly
International Scientific Cooperation
worldwide. This represents 32.7% of the world's population. Keep in mind that these
statistics are taken two years ago, meaning it has grown tremendously since then.
Unlike online services, which are centrally controlled, the Internet is decentralized by design.
Each Internet computer, called a host, is independent. Its operators can choose which Internet
services to use and which local services to make available to the global Internet community.
Remarkably, this anarchy by design works exceedingly well. 2
General overview:
The World Wide Web is the single largest, most ubiquitous source of information in the world,
and it sprang up spontaneously. People use interactive Web pages to obtain stock quotes,
receive tax information from the Internal Revenue Service, check the local weather, conduct
election polls, register for a conference, search for old friends, and the list goes on.
The Web took on a life of its own from the very beginning. The introduction of a common
protocol and a friendly graphical user interface was all that was needed to ignite the Internet
explosion. The Web’s virtues are extolled without end, but its rapid growth and universal
adoption have not been without cost. In particular, security was added as an
New capabilities were added to satisfy the growing demand for features
without carefully considering the impact on security.
It did not take long for the Web to move from the scientific community to the commercial
world. For then the dangers of accidental and malicious abuse grew. At this point, the security
threats became much more serious. The incentive for malicious attackers to exploit
vulnerabilities in the underlying technologies is at an all-time high. Basically, when it comes
down to the significant importance of Web security it affects us all.
There are simple and advanced methods for ensuring browser security and protecting user
privacy. The more simple techniques are user certification schemes, which rely on digital IDs.
Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer allow users to obtain and use personal
certificates. Currently, a certification company called Verisign offers digital Ids that consist of
a certificate of a user’s identity. The Digital IDs are divided into different types of classes of
digital Ids, each represents a different level of assurance in the identity, and each comes at an
increasingly higher cost. The assurance is determined by the effort that goes into identifying
Committee of the General Assembly
International Scientific Cooperation
the person requesting the certificate.3
So computer security is a serious issue and has grave implications such as unauthorized
access to the system, destruction of information and damages in monetary terms. Security
vulnerability is subject to how weak the network is and how sensitive it is to security needs. A
corporate intranet is vulnerable to the external environment, as it has to be connected to
partner or customers to complete transactions. Security vulnerabilities arise when the weak
link result in problems and extensive damages to the users.
Security vulnerability is basically a flaw in the computer system that can result in security
breaches. Vulnerabilities can arise from encryption, policy oversight, logic error and internal
spying etc. Others include deficient passwords, sabotage, theft, network protocol design and
eavesdropping. Unauthorized access may result from application or operating system code
theft. This is usually the case when there is an architectural problem or deficient security
design. Specified action must be formulated for each vulnerability and security features to
ensure that attackers do not alter it.4
Relevant UN treaties and events:
Financially supporting sustainable technological
development projects
In 1993 the United Nations created Millennium Development Goals (MDG). The MDG was a
list created to encourage sustainable economic and social development in all countries by the
year 20155. These goals were especially aimed towards LEDC’s (Lest economically developed
counties). Through the use of the MDG’s the economic and social difference between MEDC’s
(Most economically developed) and LEDC’S would be lessened and the global disparities
would diminish. Below is the complete list of the eight goals.
1.) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Committee of the General Assembly
International Scientific Cooperation
2.) Achieve universal primary education
3.) Promote gender equality and empower women
4.) Reduce child mortality
5.) Improve maternal health
6.) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
7.) Ensure environmental sustainability
8.) Global partnership for development
Despite the global progress towards MDG 1, many countries and regions are falling behind
and social and economic inequalities are growing almost everywhere6. With the recognition of
this a key success factor to acquiring sustainable development is through the use of
Use of Technology:
Due to the improvement in technology sustainable development projects such as low carbon
housing and transportation are being made possible for many countries. Through this process
the ability for countries to support sustainable development and reach goals within the MDG
are being made possible. In recognition of this, many developing countries are drafting and
investing in programs for improvement in technology and innovation by establishing
Ministries of Science and Technologies, to invest more resources within targeted scientific
development programs8. In relation to these efforts, many additional nations are in need of
assistance to grow their ability to support and finance their national innovation within the
science of technology.
Future projection:
The United Nations currently is in the progress of establishing an intergovernmental process
to develop a set of "action-oriented, concise and easy to communicate" sustainable
development goals (SDGs) to help drive the implementation of sustainable development.9 In
Committee of the General Assembly
International Scientific Cooperation
order to accomplish this projects are needed to not only financial support a country but
provide sustainable technological support in order for a country to meet development goals.
Helpful links: